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operations located
in more than one

larger customer base
brand recognition increase
technological progress facilitates growth
tax incentives: low taxes to attract MNCs
avoiding trade barriers: they won’t pay border fees if
their operations are already in that country
lower cost of production such as labour cost
lack of labour and environmental regulation
spreading risks in case they fail in one country

Positive impact on host country

employment opportunities: their wages go to economy
transfer of skills and technology to local economy
local businesses become direct suppliers of input
infrastructure created can benefit community
more product choice if sold in host country
taxes on exported goods

Negative impact on host country

jobs created may not be safe, permanent or well paid
company might exploit workers
damage environment if regulations are weak
demand increase can drive up prices
local businesses don’t have as much access to finance so
they could disappear and create a monopoly.
shift towards international products might harm culture

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