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I doubt that… (functional language)

1. Think of alternative ways to say the sentences below.

• I don’t think he has the book.
• She’s probably busy.
• I’m sure the dinner is ready.

2. Watch the first video [] and choose the

words you hear to complete the sentences.
a) I’m now rather sure/not so sure I’d get an answer.
b) Somehow, I doubt/’ve done that this will be the last ship to carry the name
c) Jim, it doesn’t look the way/look like we have any real choice.
d) Still, I suppose/will pose the view would be quite nice from up there.
e) Quietly. There might be/maybe more of them out there.
f) You know, it screams/seems to me like you would be really good at the
g) It has mass. It could/would be a moon or a large asteroid.
h) Perhaps/Personally she’s angry with me.

3. Use the phrases you chose in ex. 2 to rewrite the statements below in three
different ways.
a) I don’t think he has the book.
b) She’s probably busy.

4. Read the situations and complete the sentences with your own ideas.
EXAMPLE: Amina wants to go running but it’s raining.
I’m not so sure if… running in the rain is a good idea.
I doubt that… Amina will leave the house.

Copyrights by ESL Brains

I doubt that… (functional language)

a) Priya is calling her friend but he isn’t answering.

I suppose…
b) Mateo has been studying all day for his test tomorrow.
It seems to me that…
I’m not so sure if…
c) Charlotte came back home and heard a noise in the living
It could be…
I doubt that it’s…
d) Jay wanted to ask his boss for a raise. But now he’s very nervous.
It doesn’t look like…
It seems to me that…
e) Abdul has found a mysterious box outside his flat.
There might be…
I suppose…
f) Lucia saw a house for sale that she likes but it’s really expensive.
I doubt that…
Perhaps she…
g) Jamal wants to go to sleep but his son is still crying.
It doesn’t look like…
His son might…

5. Say what the things in the pictures might be. Think of as many ideas for
each picture as possible. Use the language in the box.

Perhaps it’s…
It might be…
It could be…
I suppose it’s…
It seems to me that it’s…

Copyrights by ESL Brains

I doubt that… (functional language)

6. Listen to the statements from a second video [

spSxwI] and complete the gaps with one word each.
a) And ……………….. me, you don’t want any part of that.
b) ……………….., I made a mistake. Sam, I was wrong.
c) Kevin, if Uncle Frank says no… then it ……………….. be really bad.
d) You know, whoever the hell you are, you ……………….. grew up rich.
e) Andy, there is no ……………….. that he’s their child. Look at the photographs.

7. Watch the second video and say what you think made the characters say
the sentences in ex. 6.
EXAMPLE: a) It seems to me that someone made the woman angry.
I suppose someone said something she didn’t like. Or perhaps
she asked for help but didn’t get it.

8. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets.

EXAMPLE: I don’t think they did the dishes. (sure)
I’m not so sure they did the dishes.

a) They’re definitely in the park. (must)

b) I’m sure she forgot about my birthday! (obviously)
c) We know they stole the money but we can’t arrest them yet. (doubt)
d) He must have the flu. (clearly)
e) Don’t worry about this strange sound, it’s nothing serious. You know I used to
be a pilot, right? (trust)

Copyrights by ESL Brains

I doubt that… (functional language)

9. Student A talks about one of the photos. Student B has to agree or

disagree. Then, Student B chooses another photo and talks about it. Use
the language in the boxes.
Student A: The girl is obviously on a
train. She could be 14 years old. I
suppose she is doing her homework but
it’s boring because she is looking out of
the window. Or she might be interested
in what is going on outside.
Student B: Clearly, she’s a student because she’s very young but it doesn’t look
like she’s doing her homework. It seems to me that she is writing or drawing
something but I doubt that it’s homework. She looks like a quiet person who likes
activities like writing or drawing.


Clearly,… Perhaps…
I’m not so sure…
There is no doubt that… …might be…
I doubt that…
…must be… …could be…
It doesn’t look like…
…obviously… I suppose…
Trust me,… It seems to me that…

Copyrights by ESL Brains

I doubt that… (functional language)

Copyrights by ESL Brains

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