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Lesson 1 Mga wala sa Reviewer

 Family: types of Family
 Classification of families
 Types of separation

Patriarchal Family - family structure in which authority, decision-making power, and social dominance
are primarily held by the male head of the household.
Matriarchal Family - A family structure in which authority, decision-making power, and social dominance
are primarily held by the female head of the household, often the mother or the eldest female.
Conjugal Family - unit consisting of a married or cohabiting couple and their dependent children.
Monogamous Family - A family structure in which an individual has only one spouse or partner at a
Polyandrous Family - A family structure in which a woman is married to multiple husbands
Personality describes the unique patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that distinguish a person
from others..
Choice of mate - Is the process of choosing a partner based on how desirable each of their
characteristics is.
Trial Separation - Couples use this approach when they aren't entirely certain about the separation and
want to test whether or not a separation is right for them.
Legal Separation - Separation requires going through formal steps with the court, including meeting
certain requirements, filing legal papers, and getting final court orders.
Marriage Impediments - Factors or circumstances that can prevent or hinder a marriage from taking
place legally or morally.
Consanguity - Laws often prohibit marriage between close blood relatives, such as siblings or first
cousins, due to concerns about genetic disorders.
The word 'development' is widely used to refer to a specified state of advancement or growth.
Nature-refers largely to our genetics.
The psychoanalytic theory says that our childhood experiences and unconscious desires influence
Humanistic Theory states that people are intrinsically good, with an innate drive to make themselves
Trait Theory people differ from one another based on the strength and intensity of basic trait
Social Cognitive Theory emphasizes the dynamic interaction between people (personal factors), their
behavior, and their environments.
Biological theories suggest those abilities, behaviors, and personality of children may all be influenced
by levels of hormones, especially those that are present during prenatal development.
Behaviorist Theory focuses on the idea that all behaviors are learned through interaction with the
Theories of Personality are systematic frameworks and conceptual models that attempt to explain,
describe, and predict the patterns of thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and characteristics that make up an
individual's unique and enduring personality.
Collective Behavior is a collectivist society, in which the needs of the family are prioritized over the
needs of the individual.
Biological Factors: These are aspects of personality influenced by genetics and the
physical attributes of an individual.
Social Factors: These factors encompass upbringing, family
dynamics, peer relationships, and social experiences that shape one’s personality.
Cultural Factors: Cultural factors refer to the influence of the culture or society in which
a person is raised.
Physical Environment: The physical environment includes the surroundings and
conditions in which a person grows up and lives.
Situational Factors: Situational factors are temporary and context-specific influences on
behavior and personality.
Family is the first agent of socialization.
Schools are agents of socialization that not only teach us subject knowledge and life skills but also social
skills through our interactions with teachers, staff, and other students.
Religion is an important avenue of socialization for many people.
Government It enacts laws that uphold social norms and values, and it also provides institutions and
services that support citizens.
A peer group is made up of people who are similar in age and social status and who share interests.
Mass media means of communication that reach large numbers of people in a short time, such as
television, newspapers, magazines, and radio.
Social Change changes in human interactions and relationships that transform cultural and social
Social Problems is usually taken to refer to social conditions that disrupt or damage society—crime,
racism, and the like.
Material culture refers to the physical objects, resources, and spaces that people use to define their
culture and tradition.
Non‐material culture refers to the nonphysical ideas that people have about their culture, including
beliefs, values, rules, norms, morals, language, organizations, and institutions.
Behavioral Component Way in which people behave or act as per their attitude towards something.
Cognitive component Refers to the mental and symbol elements of culture, such as norms, expectations,
beliefs about reality, and how reality is framed through a cultural lens.
Filipino hospitality Guests can be expected to extend a warm welcome to their guests regardless of
where they come from, how well they know their host, and why they’re visiting someone’s home.
Respect for elderly Filipinos have high regard for their elderly, including their parents.
Filipino Diapora Many Filipinos become ashamed of being Filipinos and tend to think thatthe culture of
foreigners is more superiorto their own".
Overpopulation Traced back to the elite lack of economic planning and political foresight.
Poverty in the Philippines has been linked to bad governance, corruption and a political system
dominated by political dynasties
COLONOZATION - Spaniards and Americans greatly influenced the current character of our country's
MEDIA - Because of media, so many Western ideas have infiltrated the Filipino culture.
COLONOZATION - Technology has made interaction with other countries easier; and hence,the mix
oftheir culture with ours

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