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(a) Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in the brackets. Do not
copy the passage but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space.
Example: (0) spending

A team from Cornell University, US, has found that ______(0)(spend) 15-20 minutes in natural space
every day can reduce stress. A stroll in the park, gardening or a leisurely _________(1)(walk) around
trees or lakes can help the students feel happier and __________(2)(less) the impact of both physical
and emotional stress. It is ____________(3)(suggest) that while in open space, one can attend to
potted plants or even sit at a park bench.
With _____________(4)(increase) competition, students are impacted by the stress of
_______________(5)(perform) well. High levels of stress, anxiety, depression and other mental issues
____________(6)(be) major challenges to overcome for anybody. Every student aged between 15 and
30 years, no matter what subject or how high their workload, has enough time _____________(7)
(build) this into daily or weekly routine. Being in the lap of nature ________(8)(have) a positive
impact on the heart rate and blood pressure. Under no circumstances should the youngsters have a
smartphone during this break.

(b) Fill in each blank with an appropriate word. (4)

1. Bassanio succeeded ______ getting what he wanted.
2. No one wanted to help Maggie _________ Joe Thompson.
3. The Native Americans were systematically pushed ____________ of their lands.
4. The greedy man insisted _________ the fulfilment of his demands.
5. Most roads in India are named __________ Gandhiji.
6. The two brothers have fallen _______ over property.
7. This old statue has been handed ________ for the last few generations in my family.
8. Learn to decide ________ yourself.

(c) Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and but or so. Choose
the correct option. (4)
1. The boys were not playing. The girls were not playing.
a. Neither the boys and nor the girls were playing.
b. Neither the boys were not playing nor the girls were not playing.
c. Neither the boys were playing nor the girls were playing.
d. Neither the boys nor the girls were playing.
2. Sunny practiced harder and harder. His performance became better and better.
a. The harder sunny practiced, the better his performance became.
b. Sunny practised harder, his performance became better.
c. Sunny had practiced harder to make his performance better.
d. As Sunny practiced harder and harder, his performance became better and better.

3. There was a loud wailing. It came from the street corner.

a. There was a street corner from where the wailing came.
b. There was a wailing which came from the street corner.
c. There was a loud wailing which came from the street corner.
d. The loud wailing there, came from the street corner.

4. I bought a scooter. I gave it to my sister.

a. I bought a scooter and gave it to my sister.
b. I bought a scooter to give it to my sister.
c. I gave away the scooter I bought to my sister.
d. I bought a scooter which I gave to my sister.

(d) Re-write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make other
changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of each sentence. Choose the correct
option. (8)
1. As soon as the sales began, we bought our Diwali presents. (Begin: No sooner......)
a. No sooner had the sales began than we bought our Diwali presents.
b. No sooner did the sales begin than we bought our Diwali presents.
c. No sooner did the sales began, than we bought our Diwali presents.
d. No sooner the sales began, that we bought our Diwali presents.

2. She said to me, ‘’Lend me your book for few days.’’ (Begin: She requested me….)
a. She requested me that I lent her my book for a few days.
b. She requested me to lend her your book for a few days.
c. She requested me to lend her my book for a few days.
d. She requested me to lend her the book for few days.

3. Radium is one of the most valuable metals. (Rewrite the sentence using ‘more’)
a. Other metals are not more valuable than radium.
b. Radium is more valuable than most other metals.
c. No other metal is more valuable than Radium.
d. Radium is more valuable than any other metal.

4. Man cannot remain immortal. (Begin: How......)

a. How can man remain immortal.
b. How man can remain immortal?
c. How can man remain immortal?
d. How can man remain mortal?

5. It is too hot to go out without an umbrella. (Rewrite the sentence using ‘so’)
a. It is so hot that one cannot go out without an umbrella.
b. It is hot so we cannot go out without an umbrella.
c. It is so hot that we could go out without an umbrella.
d. It is so hot that anyone can go out without umbrella.

6. My grandmother say, ‘’ God help those who help themselves.’’

(Rewrite in reported speech)
a. My grandmother says that those who help themselves are helped by God.
b. My grandmother says that God helps those who help themselves.
c. My grandmother said that God helped those who helped themselves.
d. My grandmother said that those who help themselves, God helps them.

7. Not only is Maggie very friendly, but also a cheerful girl. (Begin: Besides.........)
a. Besides being very friendly, Maggie is a cheerful girl.
b. Besides being a very friendly girl, Maggie is always cheerful.
c. Besides Maggie is a very friendly girl, she is always cheerful.
d. Besides being a very friendly girl, Maggie is also cheerful.

8. I will permit you to go out if you return my 9 p.m. (Rewrite using ‘Unless’)
a. I will not permit you to go out unless you return by 9 p.m.
b. Unless you do not return by 9 p.m. I will permit you to go out.
c. Unless you return by 9 p.m., I will permit you to go out.
d. Unless you return by 9 p.m., I will not permit you to go out.

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