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Which career is The Most Suitable for me?

YunWei Li

EE Practice

Changjun Bilingual school of ChangSha

October 8, 2022

A career is important for everyone since it can affect their whole life deeply. It can decide the

environment for a person directly.

To figure out my ideal career, I have taken diverse tests related to personality and ability such as

the MRTI test, memory test, and so on. The result displayed that digital market manager is the

most suitable job for me because it suits my personality and interests. Furthermore, the financial

treatment is also attractive to me.

The digital market manager suits my personality. The job requires a person to be creative, good at

communication, and active. My personality meets these requirements. I am a typical ENFP, and

my personal features are active and outgoing which means it is not hard for me to communicate

with others. In addition, I am rich in the ability to imagine which can help me create content and

projects. The MBTI test also shows that I prefer freedom and flexibility rather than organization

and planning. I love a diverse and flexible environment without the limitation of tradition. I need

enough chances to perform my imagination. I have the capability of considering and

understanding others’ demands and thoughts. I can get a sense of achievement from content

editing and I have a tendency to solve problems with creative concepts. For example, when my

planning cases are agreed upon and employed, it will give me a strong sense of satisfaction and

achievement because I think it is the praise of my capability. I enjoy this process. So, the fast

rhythm and variability in advertising are attractive to me.

Second, the job responsibility of a digital market manager suits my abilities. As a digital market

manager, it is needed to design the content and projects, set up enough communications with

consumers, and consider and analyze the demand of the market. An important part is designing the

advertisement depends on the popular demand of the target population relying on diverse

platforms and ways in order to expand the influence of brands or products. Also, the occupation

requires workers have the ability to make suitable plans for development in the future. Editing

content also is required and I can do it well because according to the MRIT test, I am not only

greatly interested in it but also have enough patience. In terms of making plans, I believe that I am

good at it because of my imagination ability.

Last, the salary of this job is satisfactory. My dream city for the job is Guangzhou since there are a

lot of companies related to media, the internet, and the digital market so there are many chances

and occupations. At first, as one of the most advanced economic cities in China, Guangzhou can

offer diverse choices. However, at the same time, the cost of living in Guangzhou is as well very

high. According to the data from which is a website that records and calculates the

data about the cost of living and covers most countries and areas, the average cost of living for one

person, there is about 5936 CNY (with rent), and the average salary after graduation is about 6000

CNY. I think I can over the average salary since as I know, the job in China is popular with

students who have experienced studying abroad. In addition, in my plan, I will finish my master’s

degree before working. The average salary can cover the average cost of living. Additionally, the

salary will go up with the time of working longer. For example, the average salary for people who

have worked for 5 years is more than ten thousand (I am not sure if it is accurate). Anyway,

although it is hard for me to save money so the initial wages may not cover my cost, the increasing

salary with increasing work time actually attracts me and meets my financial demands.

In conclusion, I choose digital market manager because it not only suits my personality and

interests but also the salary of it can cover the cost of living in general.

1 career explorer. “Login ‐ CareerExplorer.”,
Spencer Thompson Retrieved October 23, 2022

“ENFP Test.” Https://,

3 Retrieved October 23, 2022

“Cost of Living & Prices in Changsha: Rent, Food, Transport.”, 27

July 2020, Accessed October 23, 2022

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