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Chest X-ray questions

25 Question


Q1 Which lobe of the following is not shown in the PA view of the x-ray?
A. Middle lobe
B. Upper lobe
C. Lower lobe
D. Lingula

Q2 Increased density on X-ray film denotes

A. A black shadow
B. White shadow
C. Increased radiolucency
D. None of the above

Q3 The Right border of the heart is formed by all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Right atrium
B. Aorta

Q4 In X-ray imaging, what appears white on the radiograph?

A. Air-filled spaces
B. Fats
C. Soft tissues
D. Metal objects

Q5 What is the primary use of X-rays in medicine?

A. Killing cancer cells
B. Destroying bacteria
C. Creating images of the inside of the body
D. Stimulating bone growth

Q6 What minimum ribs should be seen in an upright chest radiograph DORSALLY?

A. 6
B. 7
C. 10
D. 12
Q7 In a patient with ATELECTASIS, would the trachea deviate?
A. Away from the affected lung
B. Toward from the affected lung
C. Stay normal
D. None of the above

Q8 In a patient with TENSION PNEUMOTHORAX, would the trachea deviate?

A. Away from the affected lung
B. Toward from the affected lung
C. Stay normal
D. None of the above

Q9 A RT (radiotherapist) reviews a chest radiograph in which clavicles are

asymmetrically spaced around the sternum. The therapist should immediately consider:
A. Body rotation
B. A pleural effusion
C. A tension pneumothorax
D. An overexposed radiograph

Q10 Normally the cardiophrenic angles on frontal view chest X-ray are:
A. Right angle
B. Obtuse angle
C. Acute angle
D. Zero angle

Q1 The cause of homogenous opacity on X-ray is all EXCEPT:

A. Massive consolidation
B. Pneumothorax
C. Pleural effusion
D. Diaphragmatic hernia

Q2 The best position for chest X-ray to detect LEFT Pleural effusion is:
A. Supine
B. Prone
C. Right lateral decubitus
D. Left lateral decubitus

Q3 Which thoracic structures are of primary interest with the left lateral projection?
A. Heart shadow and lungs
B. Only lungs
C. Vertebral column
D. Trachea

Q4 Which of the following is NOT a cause of diaphragmatic elevation?

A. Lobectomy
B. Pneumothorax
C. Phrenic nerve palsy
D. Atelectasis

Q5 Which of the following will provide the most accurate measurement of the
cardiothoracic ratio?
A. Inspiratory AP chest x-ray
B. Expiratory AP chest x-ray
C. Inspiratory PA chest x-ray
D. Expiratory PA chest x-ray

Q6 A patient’s chest radiograph reveals diffusely BLACK lung parenchyma without

evidence of blood vessels. The therapist should interpret this as a:
A. Normal finding
B. Consolidation
C. Pleural effusion
D. Pneumothorax
Q7 Aspirated foreign bodies in older children and adults are most likely to lodge in the
A. Right main bronchus stem
B. Left main bronchus stem
C. Esophagus
D. Proximal stomach

Q8 Which of the following is an effective way to detect rotation of the patient with the PA
projection radiograph of the chest?
A. The number of ribs to demonstrate above the diaphragm
B. The asymmetrical appearance of the sternoclavicular joints
C. The amount of apical area demonstrated above the clavicles
D. The appearance of the lateral border of the scapulae outside of the lung fields

Q9 The second rib indicates which lung zone?

A. Upper zone
B. Middle zone
C. Lower zone
D. Posterior zone

Q10 Cardiomegaly is represented in chest X-ray as an increased cardiothoracic ratio

greater than?
A. 20%
B. 30%
C. 50%
D. 80%

Q1 Why does the radiologist prefer the PA view instead of the AP view?
A. Increase magnification of the heart.
B. Reduce the magnification of the heart.
C. Increase radiation dose to sensitive organs.
D. Unclear visualize maximum areas of the lung.

Q2 Which of the following is NOT a sign of emphysema on chest x-ray?

A. Hyperinflation
B. Bullae
C. Lung scarring
D. Raised hemi diaphragm

Q3 In lobar pneumonia, consolidation of the middle lobe will result in loss of which
silhouette on a chest x-ray?
A. Left paravertebral stripe
B. Left heart border
C. Right heart border
D. Right hemidiaphragm

Q4 During the radiographic assessment, the RT determines that there is increased

density and consolidation in the left upper lobe with air bronchograms. The surgical
resident asks the therapist to interpret these findings. The therapist should respond that
the patient has:
A. Emphysema
B. Asthma
C. Extra-pulmonary air
D. Pneumonia

Q5 The Lt atrium is seen best in ...view while the Lt ventricle is seen best in...view
A. Lat view...PA view
B. PA view...AP view
C. Lat view...AP view
D. Both are best seen in the same view

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