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1 VOCABULARY money a Do The money quiz in teams. a b d ‘The money quiz Q@ Truc or false? Match the coins to eight of the countries below. What currency are they? What currency do the other two countries use? Brazil Mexico China Poland France Russia Hungary ‘The first coins were made by the Romans. ‘The largest English note is worth £50. Bank notes arc always made of paper. Alll the countries in the BU have the euro as their currency ‘The British pound is the work's oldest currency still in use Spending money PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING 0 and or Can you think of three words that rhyme with money? 1, The weekend is going to be hot and s__ 2 Somebody who makes you laugh is f_— j 3. Would you like jam orh_____.0” your toast rds with the letter o. Put them in the Look at some wor correct column. borrow clothes cost dollar done honest loan money note nothing owe promise shopping rae [Boru a a | @2.5 Listen and check. | Look at some words with the letters or. How is or normally pronounced when it's stressed? Which two words are different? afford mortgag © 2.6 Listen and check, 2,7 Listen and write six sentences. Practise sayi them. @ Communication Money Q&A A p.106 B p.111 Ask and answer about your spending habits. READING Read the title of the article. Why do you think someone might decide to have a ‘no-spend year’? Read the article and match paragraphs A-G to topics 1-7. Use the words in bold to help you. 1. Hl where she went on holiday why she decided to save money how often she saw her friends what she achieved her advice for other people how she saved money at home what she discovered One woman's ‘no-spend Mela and how she survived RN >| elle McGagh, a 34-year-old journalist, had a mortgage of. £230,000 which she wanted to reduce. Last November, she looked father finances and she discovered that evry year she spent of money unnecessarily - for example, £.570n the pub, £1.10 in ts and £400 on coffees. So she made aradical plan - to stop ding money fora year She continued to pay her brosaband, 92s, and ils, and allowed herself £30 a week to buy food and household as But she couldn't spend money on anything else ~no clothes, no buses orfghts, no meals out, no drinks, and no cosmetics. hheraweek,and which she ate with rice or pasta It was cheap and healthy, ‘but als 'eally boring’. She also experimented with home-made clearing products and beauty treatments ike using vinegar for cleaning or olive ol as moisturiser, but she decided that most of them didn't really work A is, she tried to see her friends as often as before. She cycled 120 miles tobe at friend's wedding, and camped in their garden to avoid paying for modaton. The following weekend, she rode 60 miles to Brighton friends. But she couldn jon them for dinnerin a restaurant, and went to the pub, she drank tap water. Inthe end, she simply went Urse, she couldrit afford to go abroad, so she missed a trip to Ibiza ds Her only holiday was a cycling trip to East Anglia, where again, amped. Here, forthe firstand only time in the year, she bought food had not cooked herself - a bag of chips for £1.85. he end ofthe year, she had saved £23,000. She was much simmer and [over the year, she had cycled 6,500 miles. She says she now fee's, because she appreciates the simple thins in life. She also Iconfidence and a sense of adventure, F Butshe learned the hard way that you can't really socialize if you don't want “spemeny The ewig re rier chal enone bought ah friends a drinkin the pub. But she has not gone back to her "Pistspending habits. She occasionally ays to socialize an go on holiday. "She has even taken a taxi But after buying afew new clothes and some | Perfume, she insists, have absolutely no interest in buying anything else! 'G Sowhat’sher key tip for those who want to save? Whenever you open your ‘wallet. think about whether what you are buying is something you need __®F Something you want. We all say, I need to buy this’ Most of the time, "we want to buy it, Maybe we don't know the difference between needing "Something and wanting something any more! Read the article again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Michelle could use public transport during her 'no-spend year: 2. She was often hungry because she couldn't afford to buy food 3. Ather friend's wedding, she slept in a tent. 4 She never had ready-made food or takeaways 5. She didn't [ose any weight during the year 6 Nowadays, she spends less than she Used to 7. She thinks that when we buy something, we should ask ourselves why. Do you agree with the last sentence of the article? Why (not)? Read the information about compound nouns. Then search the text. Underline six compound nouns olive that begin with electricit the words inthe a circle cleaning cycling beauty tap Compound nouns are two nouns together, where the first noun describes the second one, 8.9, cash machine. The stress is usually on the first noun. | 2 Could you do what Michelle did? What would you spend less on? What would you eat? How would you get around? How would you socialize cheaply? PD would for imaginary situations We use would to talk about imaginary situations, e.g. To save money, Id spend less on clothes and I'd cook for | myself at home. EAKING 4 GRAMMAR present perfect and past simple 5. SP TE conn the Have you ever...? a Read the conversation, What are they arguing about? a pe eatetienivaitithe pest participle of the bold verbs. saved for something for a long time? save () money to somebody who didn’t pay you back? Pana fiaven'ts2en (see) those shoes before. Are they new? eae Gust buy) them. Do you ike them? Pee Howmuch® they (cosy? Beiymetmich. They! tbe) a bargain Under £100. D You mean £9999, That isn't cheap for a pair of shoes, Anyway, we can't afford to buy new clothes at the moment. money on something you've never used? Tae rie ea he waste pees, K No. What is it? regretted it? Dourhenebih ns a KWelimoradoutheodyecs tay mevnoton To lstweit : : D What about it? inherit ec scov ome Tn ceo ae (work) perfectly well. Speen SF inced) the new model, ge vee (need) some new shoes, b b Pairs, interview each other with he questions, Ask fo, » Ask for more information b 2.8 Read the conversation again and put the verbs in the je Informatior Hove you ever save fy ) present perfect or the past simple. Then listen and check ca ete someting for along tine? Yes | saved for six months’ PY the deposit ony cme How much was the a) Have you ever lent money to fomebody Who did't pay you las ay you back? @ p.134 Gra ¢ or € Do we use the present perfect (PP) or past simple (PS)...? 1 for a completed action inthe past 2 for recent actions when we don't ask say exactly when _ 3 in sentences with just, yet, and already _ 6 LISTENING Read the definition of a scam. What kind o| heard of? f scams have you Seam ski! n. adishonest and ilegal way of making money By treking people, eg. selling a product online that doesn exist bb Read the email. What would you do if you got an email like this? Why? Business opportunity Saeed sh | Dear Friend, | : know this message willbe a surprise. 'am Naomi Cooper and! work | | atthe international Bank in Lagos, Nigeria. My parents have'died last | sonth and left 4 6 milion US dolars in there account. ! would like (0 | B your wallet or purse? ttansfer this money out of Nigeria and Vamineeding your help. ose keep 20% of the money for yourself (920,000 US dolars) and transfer Fenn eke aU | Naomi Cooper Emails like this often have lots of mistakes, especially c grammar and spelling. Correct the ten highlighted mistakes. | Bess your d @2:2 Listen to a radio programme about scams. How | PIN for a credit or much money did Heather, Carl, and Paul each lose? What's debit card? the most important advice the programme gives? | forget e _Listen again. Complete the gaps in the summary of each scam with one or two words. Heather got an '_ ___from a friend who was | in Berlin. He said he'd lost his * and needed money to get home. He asked her to send him her Sm details. Carl got an email which said he'd won alot of *_ inthe Spanish lottery. He _______it because he had been on holiday in Spain, They told him to send his 6 details so they could send him the money. Paul got a? from a woman who said she was from his ® She said there was a problem with his? She told him to transfer his money into a Have you, or has anybody you know, ever been the victim of a scam? Explain what happened Ge online to review the lesson = Money 4 VERBS a Complete the sentences with a verb from the lis beworth biwsil) borrow “bora can’t afford /kurn invest tnvest lend lend owe on! raise ‘teiz/ say VOCABULARY BANK t in the correct form. b @2.1 Listen and check, afoul’ charge fasts) cost /kost/ earn /uzn! inherit in’hervt ve civ! waste /werst 1, My uncle is going to leave me £2,000 when he dies I'm going to inherit £2,000. 2 | put some money aside every week for a holiday. ' _ money every week 3. Andy has promised to give me €50 until next week He has promised to__ me €50. 4 [need to ask my mum to give me £20 until Friday. Ineed to £20 from my mum 5 loften spend money on stupid things. loften ___ money. 6 | don't have enough money to buy that car. I 10 buy that car. 7 usually have to pay the mechanic £100 to service my car. The mechanic__ me £100. 8 These shoes are quite expensive. They are $200. They — $200. 9 Jim gave me £100. | haven't paid it back yet. 1___ dim £100. 10 " 12 I could sell my house for about €200,000. 13 We need to get people to give money to build a new hospital PREPOSITIONS. Complete the Preposition column with a word from the list. 3 by for(x2) from in into 1. Would you like to pay cash or. credit card? paid the dinner last night. It was my birthday. spent £50. books yesterday. My uncle invested all his money property. | don't like lending money friends. | borrowed a lot of money the bank, They charged us €60 bottle of wine. 2 Inever get debt. | hate owing people money. b @2.2 Listen and check. ACTIVATION Cover the Preposition column. Say the sentences with the correct Preposition(s). | want to buy some shares in a company because | want to make a profit work in a supermarket. They pay me £1,000 a month, want to some money. 1 £1,000 a month. My house ____ about €200,000. We want to money for the new hospital NOUNS Match the nouns and definitions. bill bu budget loads! insurance finJoorans! contactless payment (kontstkil>s peimon loan /Isun! mortgage 'm>:a1d5 tax ftks ‘a piece of paper that shows how much money you have to pay for something the money you get for the work you do money that you pay to the government money that somebody (or a bank) lends you money that you have available and a plan of how to spend it, e.g. a holiday ~ money that you borrow from a bank to buy a house 2 fast way of paying where you hold your card or phone over a reader and don't use your PIN money that you pay to a company and then they pay if you are ill, orf you lose or break something 2.3 Listen and check. PHRASAL VERBS Complete the phrasal verbs with a word from the list, back off on out 1 Nook 2 Can! pay you 3 Ihave to live _ €200 from a cash machine, the money you lent me next week? ‘my parents while I'm at university 4 I's difficult for me and my wife to live @2.4 Listen and check. only one salary. 16 Go online to 2A GRAMMAR BANK present perfect and past simple present perfect simple: have / has + past participle (worked, seen, etc.) 1 past experiences Fve inherited some money but | haven't spent it. Sally has never met Bills ex-wife. Have you ever lost your credit card? 2 recent past actions Ive cut my finger! ‘Too late! Our train has just left! 3 with yet and already (for emphasis) Ive already seen this fl twice. Can't we watch another one? My brother hasn't found a new job yet. He's stil looking. "Have you finished your homework yet?” ‘No, not yet @ 1 We use the present perfect for past experiences when we don't say ‘exactly when they happened. + We often use ever and never when we talk or ask about past experiences, They go before the main verb. 2 We use the present perfect for recent past actions when we focus on the present result In this context we often use just before the main verb, We use already in [3] sentences. It goes before the main verb. We use yet with ] sentences and [2] It goes at the end of the phrase. * For irregular past participles, see Irregular verbs p 165. 3 We also use the present perfect with yet and already. ‘Complete the conversations with the present perfect form of the verb in brackets and an adverb from the list. You can use the adverbs more than once. already ever just never yet ‘A Why are you smiling? B Ive just found a €50 note! (find) TA you __ flight online? (book) B Yes, of course. 've done it loads of times 2. A When are you going to buy a motorbike? B Soon. | nearly €1,000. (save) 3a you __the phone bil__? (pay) B No, sorry. | forgot 4A yourparents you money? (lend) B Yes, but! paid it back as soon as | could 5 A How does eBay work? B I don'tknow. | it (se) 6 A What are you celebrating’ B We = the lottery! (win) 7A Why haven't you got any money? BI my salary. | Bought a new phone last week. (spend) 8 A Would you like a coffee? B No, thanks. | one. (have) past simple (worked, stopped, went, had, etc) ‘They got married last year, @210 | didn’t have time to do my homework. What time did you wake up this morning? + We use the past simple for finished past actions (when we say, ask, or know when they happened). present perfect or past simple? "ve been to Madrid twice. Oan in my life up to now) I went there in 1998 and 2002. (= on two specific occasions) I"ve bought» new computer. (= I don't say exactly when, where, etc) {bought it last Saturday. say when) + We use the present perfect (NOT the past simple) to talk about past experiences and recent past actions when we don't specify a time. ‘+ We use the past simple (NOT the present perfect) to ask or talk about finished actions in the past, when the time is mentioned of understood. We often use 2 past time expression, e.g. yesterday, last week, etc. b Are the bold phrases right or wrong? Tick (V) oF cross (x) them. Correct the wrong phrases. We never been in debt. /) How much has your new camera cost? (X) How much did your new camera cost? 1 Dean has just inherited €5,000 from a relative 2. Did your sister pay you back yet? 3 We booked our holiday online a month ago. 4 When have you bought that leather jacket? 5. They've finished paying back the loan last month, 6 We haven't paid the gas bill yet. 7 Have you ever wasted alot of money on something? 8 I'm sure I haven't borrowed any money from you last week. 9 I spent my salary really quickly last month, Have you seen the Batman film on TV yesterday? Ore © 60 online to review the grammar for each lesson

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