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Republic of the Philippines

• To cause the preparation and execution of a Training Needs Program of the Mouontain Province Satte Polytechnic College
faculty and staff;
Bontoc, Mountain Province
• To cause the preparation of the Staff Development Program vis-à-vis the Training
Needs Program designed to meet the needs and demands of universityhood; and,

• To re-invent the system to effect provision of expanded welfare and benefits for
both non-teaching staff and faculty.

G- Gainful Resource Generation and Enterprise Development Program

• To create the Office of the Vice President for Resource Generation and Linkages
to lead the way to attaining gradual fiscal autonomy and flexibility;

• To rationalize the income generating prospects of the institution to limit on

enterprises that can substantially contribute to capital accumulation; and,


To embark on business ventures that fosters public-private partnership.

Excellent Researches and Relevant Extension Programs

To cause the overhaul of the whole research and extension units;

• To set the tone and structural direction of the institution’s Research Agenda,
reflective of the development needs of the province, the region as well as the whole

• To man the research and extension units with personnel who are resilient,
dynamic, innovative and imbibing of the tradition of excellence;

• To intensify the conduct of relevant researches worthy of technology transfer;

• To encourage the forging of ties and linkages with institutions and individuals
who may be able to fund research and extension activities, and who could be tapped for
improving research and extension capability of the College.

I should say it was not easy to do all what I promised to do. I was [and am still]
privileged to have men and women who share my vision for the College. A shared vision
makes all the work possible and done with much ease. If I surrounded myself with
men and women who do and did not share my vision, I could only accomplish less.
With them I am able to give more time “dreaming”. With them, I am given more self-
assurance. With them, I was confident that my program will not be high jacked, so to
speak, but will be implemented and ultimately bear fruit.

Have you noted that the Vision, Mission, Goals, and Thrusts statements [VMGT]
of your agency are placed in the limelight? Why do you think is that so? If you have gone • To continue step up accreditation of programs.
to other agencies and offices, the VMGT statements are displayed prominently? Why?
What do you feel if you recite your agency’s VMGT? Do you feel one with the R- Relevant Student Services, Development, and Welfare Program
others in your agency?
Many people dismiss the vision and mission statements of organizations, • To expand existing scholarship and other grant and subsidy programs;
including their goals and thrusts as empty and corporate illusions. Some think that • To embolden self-governance among students for them to showcase their
these are not important and do not really serve a purpose. Contrary to what others brand of leadership and creativity, to a certain extent resolve conflicts and to learn
quarters think, the VMGT statements are quite important to the organization. It is how to live effectively as members of their community; and,
important to the people and systems in the organization. It is also important to the • To motivate student governments to transcend common and ordinary activities
leadership and management of the organization. and develop new programs and projects that will support their intellectual and social
What is the vision statement? It is the picture of the organization in the future, growth and welfare.
stated succinctly. In the vision statement, you find the point of focus which the
organization is trying to build and serves as a touchstone for its future actions. It is
I- International and Local Linkages
where and what the organization wants to be and to have within a certain timeframe.
How about the mission statement? It is a brief statement which communicates
• To forge alliances in the local, national and international communities for
the organization’s purpose, package of services, product/s, primary market, philosophy/
the institution to become a collaborative partner in achieving shared visions in the
ies, and place of operation.
preparation of leaders to lead in a global environment; and,
Organizational goals refer to the strategic objectives that an organization’s
• To foster linkages with legislators and other national and private sectors for
management establishes in order to outline expected outcomes and guide employees’
the provision of scholarships and for funding support.
efforts. The goals define performance standards and may also provide control over the
pursuit of unnecessary activities and objectives.
T- Technology, Facilities, and Assets Enhancement Program
The thrust is a list of priority activities and initiatives which operationalize the
vision and mission of the organization.
The College, as the only State institution for tertiary education in
Mountain Province, should not afford to be left behind as far as technology and
The VMGT of the College
facilities are concerned. As a future university, it must gain the distinction of
Vision Mission Goals Thrusts
becoming a leader in computer technology and office automation. As a school
A preferred MPSPC shall 1. Attain H- Hearty Approach to which aims to be a partner in development, the College should harbor the
university of produce globally and sustain Management & Governance, & latest and the best technologies so that it could get the confidence, not only of
developmental competitive quality and Transformational Leadership the students and the communities, but the targets of extension efforts as well.
culture and leaders molded competitiveness; E- Enriched Academic • To upgrade existing instructional and communication technologies and
inclusive from a tradition 2. Promote Programs facilities in the College;
growth of excellence relevance and R- Relevant Student • To cause for the provision of relevant facilities;
in instruction, responsiveness; Services, Development, and • To establish and delineate all College landholdings, properties and equipment
research, effective 3. Broaden Welfare Program for maximum utilization; and,
governance, access and I- International and • To cause the inventory of all properties and equipment of the College and
and sustainable equity; and, Local Linkages dispense off non-performing and unserviceable assets.
entrepreneurship. 4. Ensure good T- Technology, Facilities,
It shall share governance and and Assets Enhancement A- Aggressive Staff Development and Welfare Program
responsibility in organizational Program
ensuring cultural development. A- Aggressive Staff When the College performs well, it is primarily owed to the motivation, skills
vitality and Development and Welfare and integrity of the human capital. In other words, the faculty and staff are the
well-being of the Program twin pillars of the College and the main source of its vitality and strength. Thus,
community. G- Gainful Resource an aggressive strengthening of capacity for tasks and functions is one of the best
Generation and Enterprise measures I will undertake to realize effective and effective performance, and for the
Development Program faculty and staff to be retooled with new work values, required skills, and forthcoming
E- Excellent Researches trends. This will ultimately prepare them for the university status of the College.
and Relevant Extension
3. Broaden access and equity. It is the goal of the College to The VMGT of the College was re-crafted in 2014 with the coming in of the new
make education and acquisition of skills and learning accessible to everyone. I College President and was enhanced in 2016.
hope you can see the tie-up between this and inclusive growth. We believe everyone
must have a fair share of an excellent education. We believe everyone has the equal Vision. The vision encapsulates the dream of the College to be converted into
opportunity to access the services of the College, especially that of instruction. a state university. The efforts began in 2008 and until now the dream lives on. The
If everyone is given the same opportunities, everyone grows. If everyone grows, College is still trying to comply with the myriad of requirements for conversion into
everyone contributes, If everyone contributes to community development, everyone a university. The political leaders of Mountain Province galvanized and echoed such
finds a better reason for being. dream, starting from then Congressmen Victor S. Dominguez and then Congressman
4. Ensure good governance and organizational development. Maximo B. Dalog, Sr. This dream is still being pursued by the present representative
It is also of utmost necessity that the College improve its management and to Congress, Atty. Maximo Y. Dalog, Jr. With their efforts, the College management
governance systems. This is the reason why we improved all our codes, manuals, and leadership followed and are following their lead.
and [policies. We tried to supply all policies that were found wanting. We tried to The vision is not an empty dream. Conversion into a state university means a
enhance organizational climate which we believed to be an impetus to developmental lot to a people who have pinned their hopes and dreams to the only state institution
culture. We tried to ease unnecessary animosities and divisions in the College. We of higher learning in Mountain Province. It is the people’s and the leaders’ hope that
tried everything possible to make the management and administration of the affairs conversion into a state university will render the institution at par with other state
of the College smooth and efficient so as to contribute to developmental culture. institutions of higher learning which are contributing greatly to the development of
Thrusts. The thrusts of the College are the strategic agenda which will accomplish the areas where they are situated, and nationally as well.
the vision, mission, and goals of the college. These thrusts were what I presented A “preferred university” means it is where the young men and women of Mountain
when I ran as President of the Mountain Province State Polytechnic College in 2014. Province will immediately want to study, notwithstanding the presence of bigger and
more established universities nearby and elsewhere. A “preferred university” caters to the
learning and mental development of the immediate constituents and nearby provinces. A
H- Hearty Approach to Management & Governance, & Transformational ‘preferred university” means the students are confident they are getting the well-rounded
Leadership education that will readily make them attain their personal aspirations and professional
ambitions. The term “developmental culture” shows how serious and adamant
The following are the specific strategies to attain such thrust: the College wants to pursue its dream of conversion into a state university.
• To institute a genuine mechanism aimed to guarantee peaceful co- existence The word “developmental” implies an “expansion,” “enhancement,” and even
within the institution without challenging established rules and procedures; “enlargement.” The College is willing and prepared to transform itself if only to be aligned
• To revisit codes and manuals to reflect the changes in the organization as with the requirements for conversion, and to have what it takes to be called a university.
dictated by the requirements of the time and of oversight agencies; A developmental culture is an organizational conviction that gives succinct emphasis
• To rationalize and remodel the MPSPC Development Plan; on learning and personal growth, invests heavily in human capital development,
• To expedite the conceptualization of, and vigorous execution of critical and builds the working environment to support the said conviction.
development programs and projects to comply with university requirements; and, An organization imbued with a strong developmental culture propels an open,
• To improve organizational culture and institute effective governance and sound honest, accepting, and psychologically safe environment for learning and growth,
fiscal management founded on the principles of moral uprightness, accountability where employees feel regarded, respected, and recognized, and the people thrive
and transparency. alongside the purpose of the organization [Kegan et al., 2016].
Moreover, a developmental culture is characterized by entrepreneurship,
E- Enriched Academic Programs innovation, and risk-taking. The environment of organizations, this College,
particularly, is increasingly becoming complex and volatile.
• To trailblaze in alternative modes of programs, curricula, and methods of There is a fashionable managerial acronym, VUCA which stands for volatility,
teaching and learning; uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity—which describe our environment. These
• To underpin the course programs in Agriculture and Forestry and provide gives the impetus for public organizations to innovate so it can withstand the assault
farm laboratories to showcase its lucrative prospects and as the same time as an from its environment, thrive in that environment, and improve on its performance.
integrated backdoor for resource generation; In so doing, the public organizations transform their “culture” and
• To cause the review of its academic programs, the curricula, syllabi, and transform the whole organization in the process. A developmental culture
delivery in its entirety; places premium on transformation and change. [This is why this course is
• To enhance the review facilities and collaborative efforts to assure quality leadership and organizational change. If there has to be an organizational change
delivery for programs which require a licensure examination; and,
or transformation, it has to be championed by the leader/s]. Its focus is on
how well the organization can manage its environment and meet new demands. 3. The Value of Authenticity. Authenticity means “being true to
The emergent “culture” must be organizational. This means that the “culture” has oneself.” In an organization which values authenticity, mistakes and limitations are
to be imbibed by all, not just by management, not only the Governing Board, and not only acknowledged, which, in the ultimate analysis, creates prospects for self-improvement
by the faculty and staff, nor should it be imposed on the students only. It should be the and learning.
whole College possessing the “culture”, practicing the “culture”, and promoting such “culture.” 4. The Value of Community. People have an interest in improving
What is developmental culture in practice? What are the variables of developmental culture? themselves while nurturing others in the organization. Learning, improvement, and
1. Feedback Orientation. The feedback mechanism in any organization can growth is not limited to a section of the organization.
never be questioned and regarded as simply just one of the variables in an organization. It
is in this system where we come to know ourselves better, how others perceive us and how While individuals in the organization need to grow and become more productive,
we perform, and how we stand vis-à-vis the whole organization. It is also a way by which it should never be lost in the minds of everyone to nurture others for the ultimate
colleagues give support to others. In essence, it presents a great opportunity to learn. growth of the organization. [Woh & Goh, 2015]. The concept of “inclusive growth” is
must own the developmental culture, the benefits and advantages that it brings must
2. Coaching and Mentoring. An organization that values and engages in coaching be felt, must be enjoyed, and must benefit everyone within the organization.
and mentoring give due worth to the growth of the human capital. Even the practice of
peer and informal coaching within and across divisions and sections are encouraged. It further means that the students stand to benefit from the excellent teaching
The organization that practices coaching and mentoring is of the firm belief that every and learning systems of the College, benefitting their own families and communities as
person has something of importance and of substance for the development of others. a whole. It means the faculty and staff may reap the fruits of their labors, individually
and professionally, as a result of the developmental culture nurtured within MPSPC.
3. Learning Communities/Groups/Sets. The effectiveness of a learning
organization depends on the effectiveness of the learning groups and sets within. The Mission. “MPSPC shall produce globally competitive leaders molded from a
sustainability of the learning groups depends much on the motivation and volition tradition of excellence in instruction, research, effective governance, and sustainable
of the employees to learn. Their motivation and volition to learn depend on their entrepreneurship. It shall share responsibility in ensuring cultural vitality and well-
social interactions within their informal groups. It is in informal communities where being of the community.”
employees feel psychologically safe and where they find support. [Woh & Goh, 2015]. MPSPC describes its products—its graduates as “leaders.”
This means that wherever they are and whatever they may become, the MPSPC
According to Shein, [2010, as cited by Wong & Goh, 2015], the following are graduate has the potentials to become a leader because he had been molded within the
the guiding principles in developing a developmental culture: purview of excellent instruction, research, effective governance, and entrepreneurship.
1. People are intrinsically motivated to grow; The MPSPC graduate does not only excel locally but globally as well.
2. People development and business success are mutually inclusive;
3. Mistakes are opportunities to learn; limitations are opportunities to Goals. The College has four goals. These are:
4. Everyone and everything around you can be your teacher; 1. Attain and sustain quality and competitiveness. Every
5. People development is a shared responsibility; organization strives to do the best in order to harvest and attain the best.When it has
achieved the best, it has to do every step possible to maintain what it had achieved.
The sustainability of the developmental culture is of utmost necessity. It is Excellence and competitiveness promote a developmental culture. Developmental
therefore important that the following underlying values are part of the principles: culture, in turn, brings about quality and competitiveness.
1. The Value of Learning. The dynamism in the environment brings 2. Promote relevance and responsiveness. The enhancement
about continuous learning and the drive to adapt and innovate. Any leader will clearly and updating of the variables in the teaching-learning process are what could make the
see that as people carry out their functions, they learn and acquire new skills. This College a “preferred” institution of higher learning. The data, information, skills, and
should inspire intentional investment for the pursuit of knowledge, skills, and growth. lessons which the students take and learn from the College are what it takes for the
2. The Value of Humility. Humility is an acknowledgment of one’s graduates to be competitive in this VUCA world. When the skills and lessons learned
limitations and imperfections; an understanding that he is never an expert in are up-to-date, the graduates of the College can readily take their places under the
everything, and that there is always room for improvement. Humility prompts sun, so to speak.
growth and the drive to educate and improve oneself. Humility maintains a Their skills and know-how can respond to emergent issues and can readily fill
sense that there is much yet to learn. As such, he regards all in the organization any void in development of communities.
with respect and esteem irrespective of who they are and what they are.

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