For Skill Acquisition

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For Skill Acquisition


4 First Quarter
Topic Importance of Healthy Eating During Adolescence
Grade Level Grade 7
Time Allotment 40 minutes
Teacher Earl Jireh Josh F. Belonio
Content Standard
Learning The student should be able to:
Competencies a.) explain the importance of healthy eating during adolescence. (Cognitive)
b.) create a diet plan for themselves(Psychomotor)
c) recognize the importance of proper diet and exercise during adolescence(Affective)

Values Self-Control, Responsible and Healthy Life

References Child and Adolescent Health and Development. 3rd edition.(
Clinical Nutrition (
Healthy Eating During Adolescence (
Time allotment 40 minutes
Materials PPT and other instructional materials


5 minutes Laptop, Instructional
Teacher Activities Student Response
1. Prayer
Before we start our class JM, please lead us a prayer. God thank you for this day and guide us for us to learn
a new lesson for today. Amen
Thank you JM
2. Greetings
Good morning class Good morning Sir Belonio, good morning classmate,
it’s nice to see you. Mabuhay!
It’s nice to see you all. Mabuhay!

3. Checking of Attendance
Mark is there any absent today?
Sir, no one is absent today.
Wow that is great, I am glad that everyone is motivated to attend
in school
4. Energizer – “Agadoo”
Okay class, Please stand up, we will dance first to energize

Okay let’s dance “Agadoo”

(Music starts)
(The student is performing)
(Music Ends)

Very good everyone, you may now take your sit.

Did you enjoy the dance class? (The students sit)

Very Good!
Yes sir!
Settle down now, we are going to talk about the classroom rules.
5. Establishing Class Rules
• Be on time.
• Be attentive
• Be active
• Be respectful to one another.

Class, I hope that we can apply this classroom rules in my class.

Are we okay with that?
Yes sir
6 minutes PPT/Other IM’s
A. Review
So today, is our first discussion. Everyone listens carefully
because we will be going to start this academic year with full of
learning and energy.

Are you all ready?

Yes sir!
Very good!

The teacher will present the motivation

B. Motivation
Activity 1: Charades

Okay class, we are going to play a game.

Are you familiar with the game “charades”? Yes sir!

Okay. So today before we start our lesson I am going to group

you into 2 groups,

This is group 1 (the teacher points at a column A)

This is group 2 (the teacher points at column B)

Instruction: The teacher will act and the students will guess what
it is.

Are you ready class? Yes sir!

First item.

Drinking water sir!

(The teacher acts)

Very good Group A! Okay 1-0, next.

Eating healthy food sir!

(The teacher acts)

Very good! Group 2, now the score is even, we will have a Yes sir!
tiebreaker question. Are you all ready?

Okay Next! Exercise sir!

Very good! Group A wins!

Okay class settle down now

(The students sit down)

Guide Questions
1. Did you enjoy our activity?
2. Did find difficulty while performing the activity?
3. Do you think our activity is relevant to our topic for today?

Did you enjoy our activity? Yes teacher

In which part of the activity Dave? We were able to guess each items correctly sir.

Very good Dave.

Did find difficulty while performing the activity and why? Yes sir, because some of the actions were hard to

Do you think our activity is relevant to our topic for today? Yes sir!

What do you think our topic for today? I think our topic will be about how to be healthy sir.

Very good class.

15 minutes PPT/OTHER IM’s
Topic: Personal Hygiene and Practices

Our topic for today is all about the importance of healthy eating
during adolescence but before we continue to our proper
discussion everyone read our learning outcomes.

The student should be able to: OBJECTIVES:
a.) explain the importance of healthy eating during adolescence The student should be able to:
(Cognitive) a.) explain the importance of healthy eating during
b.) create a diet plan for themselves (Psychomotor) adolescence (Cognitive)
c) recognize the importance of proper diet and exercise during b.) create a diet plan for themselves (Psychomotor)
adolescence (Affective) c) recognize the importance of proper diet and exercise
during adolescence (Affective)
Very good class, at the end of the lesson we will be going to
achieve that learning objectives.

Now the teacher will be going to discuss about the Importance of

Healthy Eating During Adolescence.

Class, do you have any idea how do we remain healthy?

(Th teacher will call a student to share their ideas) Yes sir, by eating nutritious food

After sharing thoughts, the teacher will present the meaning of (The students will share their thoughts)
personal hygiene practices.)

Who want to read Sir!

Adolescence is a critical period of growth and development, Adolescence is a critical period of growth and
marked by rapid physical, emotional, and cognitive changes. development, marked by rapid physical, emotional, and
During this time, the bodies nutritional needs increase cognitive changes. During this time, the bodies
significantly to support these changes and ensure optimal health. nutritional needs increase significantly to support these
A well-balanced and nutritious diet is essential to meet these changes and ensure optimal health. A well-balanced
needs and lay a strong foundation for lifelong health. and nutritious diet is essential to meet these needs and
lay a strong foundation for lifelong health.
Thank you.
(The students listening to the teacher)
You are now teenagers right?
Yes sir!
At this point of our lives class, we need to be more cautious
about what we do, and what we eat.

What are the 3 food groups? Go, Grow, Glow

Very good!

It is very important to have a proper diet plan, especially in our

teenage years or adolescence

Meeting dietary needs for Growth and Development

Adolescents require a higher intake of essential nutrients

compared to younger children to support their accelerated growth
and development. These nutrients include: Protein, Iron,
Calcium, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Folic Acid
It repairs our muscle tissues sir.
What does protein do to our body?

Very Good!
Helps our blood to move oxygen sir.
How about iron?

Very Good! Iron is necessary for carrying oxygen throughout the

body and supporting cognitive function. It is very important to
make the body feel alive.

Next is Calcium, everybody knows what does calcium do to our Calcium strengthens our bones sir.
body right?

Yes, Very good! Calcium is essential for bone growth and


It is use for absorbing calcium, and bone health sir.

How about Vitamin D?

Very Good! Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and it helps
bone health.
It improves our immune system sir.
This is a familiar one. How can vitamin C help us?

Very good! Vitamin C plays a huge role in collagen production,

tissue repair, and immune function.

Next is folic acid, this is important for preventing any neural tubes
defect in developing babies.
Chickens, and eggs sir.
What foods should we eat to gain protein?
Milk, sir.
Very Good! What do we need to gain calcium?

Very good! Milk is very high on calcium and also vitamin D

Orange sir, Apple, Horse, and horseradish
What about vitamin C?
Very Good! You know the saying “kumain ka ng gulay para di

For folic acid, we need to eat vegetables such as broccoli

cabbage, kale, spring greens, and spinach peas.

It’s very important for us to be aware of our weight. Maintaining a

healthy weight during adolescence is crucial for overall well-being
and reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, heart
disease, and type 2 diabetes. A balanced diet combined with
regular physical activity is essential for achieving and maintaining
a healthy weight.
(students shares their thoughts)
What kind of snacks do you guys eat?

Thank you. It is very important to be attentive when it comes to

our eating habits. Some foods are good for you, some are don’t.
some leads to fatness and skinny.
(The student’s imitating the video that they can learn
the proper way of washing hands)

Very good.

The teacher will present the exact important of personal hygiene

and expound it that the student can understand the lesson

Why is personal hygiene important?

Good personal hygiene is vital because it helps stop you from
getting sick. It also helps stop you from spreading germs
and infectious diseases.

Now, the teacher will let the student’s share their idea how
diseases can pass.

The germs that cause many diseases can be passed on by:

 touching other people

 getting faces (poo) or other body fluids on your hands
 handling contaminated food
 coming into contact with dirty surfaces or objects

Then the teacher will present the way how diseases can pass.
And explain it properly and presenting examples that the student
can understand it properly.

Class, are you still with me?

Did you understand our topic?

Okay let’s continue to our topic. Class, do you think we can

develop diseases if we have poor personal hygiene?

Exactly! Here is the condition that we can develop if we have

poor personal hygiene.

Everyone read.

Conditions that you can develop if you have poor

personal hygiene include:

 COVID-19 and other infectious diseases

 diarrhea, especially gastroenteritis
 respiratory infections, including colds and flu Yes sir
 scabies
 staph infections (the student’s will share their idea)
 tinea or athlete's foot
 tooth decay
 trachoma, an eye infection which can lead to blindness
 threadworms and other worms (The student’s will share their idea)

The teacher will let the students first explain every condition that
person can develop if they have poor personal hygiene.

(Then the teacher will expound their idea)

Class, when should we wash our hands?

Okay that is right and here is the time when we should wash our

When should I wash my hands?

Washing your hands often is a good way to stop the germs
on your hands from making you sick.

It is important to wash your hands after going to the toilet.

Also, wash your hands:

 when they are obviously dirty

 after touching rubbish, dirty surfaces or objects
 before and after preparing or eating food
 after blowing your nose
 after handling pets or animals
 after changing a baby's nappy
 before and after visiting someone, who is sick
 after cleaning up vomit or body fluids
 before and after treating cuts or wounds

The teacher will explain it and give a real-life scenario that the
student can understand the topic properly

The teacher will present a video presentation about how to was

our hand properly.

And let the students simulate the video that they can learn how to
wash the hand properly.

How do I wash my hands?

To avoid getting sick, wash your hands properly.

 Wet your hands with clean water.

 Apply enough soap to cover all surfaces of your
 Rub your hands together for at least 20 seconds.
 Clean between your fingers and the backs of your
 Clean dirty fingernails with a nail brush.
 Rinse both sides of your hands with clean water.
 Dry off your hands with a clean towel.
 If you're in a public bathroom, use paper towel to
turn off the tap.

If soap and water are not available, you can use hand
sanitizer. The hand sanitizer should contain at least 60%

Rub the sanitizer over your palms, the backs of the hands
and in between your fingers. Keep rubbing until it is dry.

This is the proper way how to wash our hand and it is always
necessary to use hand soap or any another soap that can help
us clean our hand. Additionally, if we have sanitizer in our home,
it is better that we can assure that we are clean enough. Because
sanitizer can help us to lessen the bacteria in our body.
This is the end of our proper discussion

Did you understand our topic?

Do you think it important to learn? and why?

Do you think we can apply this in our daily living? How?


5 minutes PPT

1. Since the number of student’s is 40. The class will be First

divided into 5 groups.
2. Every group is consisting of 8 members.
3. Every group will perform the 8 steps how to wash our
4. Every member of the group will assign to perform one of
the steps how to wash our hands.
5. The group with lesser number of mistakes how to perform
the 8 steps how to wash our hand will be declare as

Class, did you understand our instruction?

Okay Hannie can you explain it again.

Yes Sir!

Okay let’s start the game. group will perform first. (Hannie will explain the instruction again that everyone
can understand the instruction)
Very good group one you got perfect score

(The rest of the group will perform the 8 steps how to wash our
hands properly) The first group practicing the 8 steps of proper way of
washing hands.
After the performance of all group the winner will be declare.
Congratulation kids. Our Lesson for today can really help to be
healthy and free from diseases. (The remaining group will perform)

Guide Question
1. Did you enjoy our activity?
2. Do you think we can apply this in our daily living? In what
3. Do you want to share your learnings today to your family
4. How can we apply this learning in time of situation such as
Yes sir.
(The students will answer the question)

Yes sir (The students will answer the question)

(The students will answer the question)


9 minutes PPT
Performance Task
Ready, Set, Go! Go!

So now, we will have a performance

Instruction: The teacher will divide the class into four groups and
each group will be given a task. The students will be given 2
minutes to prepare.

Group 1: The Poets!

The students will compose a 2-stanza poem about the
importance of personal proper hygiene. Then, present it (Perform within 2 minutes)
in the class.

Group 2: The Dancers!

The students will do a dance routine using the 8 ways
how to wash our hand properly. Then, present it in the
(Perform within 2 minutes)
Group 3: The Writers!
The students will make a two-paragraph essay about how
personal proper hygiene can make us free from diseases.

Group 4: The Actors!

The students will make a role play that show how can we (Perform within 2 minutes)
develop diseases through poor personal hygiene.

This is the rubrics as basis of your performance. Do your best

and enjoy and learn with thus activity.
(Perform within 2 minutes)
Excellent Satisfactor Needs
(10) y (5) Improvement
Content The output The output The output
includes all includes the does not
the important include the
important details and important
details and some ideas details and
the ideas are aligned the ideas are
are aligned to the topic. not aligned to
to the topic. the topic.
Creativity/ The output The output The output
Originality displays lacks lacks
creativity creativity creativity and
and free and free it is being
from from copied from
plagiarism. plagiarism. the internet.
Performanc The The The
e performance performance performance
is excellent is excellent is not
and but does not excellent and
mastered master the does not
the concept concept of master the
of their the output. concept of
output. the output.
Teamwork The The The members
members members do not
contributed contributed contribute
their ideas their ideas their ideas
and but merely and not
participated participated participated in
in making in making making the
the output. the output. output.
Total: 40pts

After all the presentation the teacher will announce who will be
the winner.

Since, we already done with our performance. Prepare ¼ sheet

paper for our quiz.

The teacher will present the quiz.

Now, you can start answering.

True or False
Instruction: Write T if the stamen is correct and F if the
statement is false.

_____1. Good personal hygiene is vital because it helps stop you

from getting sick.

_____2. Through handling contaminated food can transfer


_____3. You can develop COVID-19 and other infectious

diseases if you have poor personal hygiene.

_____4. Cleaning your body every day is one of the ways of

personal proper hygiene.

_____5. Coming into contact with dirty surfaces or objects can

transfer diseases.

_____6 You can develop respiratory infections, including colds

and flu if you do personal proper hygiene.

_____7. Washing your hands with soap and water after going to
the toilet is one of the ways personal proper hygiene.

______.8 Use hand soap if you are washing hand.

_____9. Using Sanitizer can help us lessen the bacteria of our


_____10. Knowing personal proper hygiene can lead us to a

healthy living.

Class, are Done?

Okay pass your paper forward.

Before we end our class, this is our assignment for the next

Direction: In a short bond paper, make a hand written reflection
paper about how personal proper hygiene can improve our life
maximum of 100 words only.

This is the rubrics as basis of your assignment.

Yes sir!
I hope you learn something for today’s discussion.

Excellent Satisfactory Needs

(8) (5) Improvement
Content/ The The The
Accuracy reflection reflection reflection
paper paper paper does
includes all includes the not follow
the aspects aspects of the proper
of the proper the proper writing and
writing and writing and the ideas
the ideas some ideas are not
are aligned are aligned aligned to
to the topic. to the topic. the topic.
Creativity/ The The The
Originality reflection reflection reflection
paper paper lacks paper lacks
displays creativity in creativity
creativity in writing and and it is
writing and free from being copied
free from plagiarism. from the
plagiarism. internet.
Neatness The The The
reflection reflection reflection
paper is paper has paper is not
clean and few clean and
no erasures. erasures there are
Total: 24pts

Goodbye class

Goodbye sir, goodbye classmate see you tomorrow.


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