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MATRIC NO : EX2310004

TYPE OF STAFF HIRING……………………………………………………6
TESLA INVENTORY SYSTEM………………………………………….7-10

Tesla is a US company involved in car manufacturing
and energy, best known for its electric cars. The
company is also known for specialising in solar panels
and Lithium-ion battery energy storage.
The company was first founded in 2003 by Martin
Eberhand and Marc Tarpenning, who had the vision of
starting both a motoring and tech firm. The company is
named after famed physicist Nikola Tesla, with the
Roadster model actually using an AC motor which was
directly descended from the scientist’s original 1882
The company first gained attention following the 2008
release of the Tesla Roadster, the very first electric
sports car. Following the Roadster was the Model S, a
sedan, which has since become one of the world’s best-
selling plug-in electric cars. As of 2021, the Model 3 is
now the best selling plug-in electric car in the world,
followed by the Wuling HongGuang Mini EV and the
Tesla Model Y.
In 2010, the company was the first automaker to go
public since Ford in 1956. Listing on the NASDAQ, the
company raised $226 million.

Vision: To create the most compelling car company

of the 21st century by driving the world's transition to
electric vehicles.

Mission: To accelerate the advent of sustainable

transport by bringing compelling mass-market electric
cars to market as soon as possible.
Motto : They don't have a motto but their slogan
is: To accelerate the advent of sustainable transport.
Their motto may be what their cars automatically name
themselves if you enter 42 into the name field on the
touch screen: Life, the Universe and Everything.

Tesla's strategic plan :

Tesla's strategy focuses on innovation, sustainability,
and customer-centricity, which can provide significant
value to organizations in terms of competitive
advantage, brand image, and long-term success.

Organizational :
As a leading international manufacturer of one of the
world’s most highly desired vehicles, Tesla has had to
adapt to balance marketing and sales against its
production capacity and the need to continually
innovate. The company is organized in a functional
or U-formed structure with global functional centers
covering all business activities.
These functional centers include design, technology,
engineering, finance, sales, and marketing, and of
course the offices of the chief executive officer
(Musk) and the chairman (Larry Ellison). All use a
hierarchical structure with reporting lines stemming
from Managers through to assistants.
The functional centers support the divisions of the
company, the two key ones being Automotive and
Energy Generation with a subset of geographical
divisions in the likes of the U.S., China, and other key
All areas of the business ultimately report to and are
directed from the centralized US-based headquarters
in Palo Alto, California. Using this corporate business
structure managerial control is maintained across the
business globally. This also allows processes to be
streamlined and strategic direction provided by the
top tier of management and filtered down through
the organizational structure.

Type Of Staff Tesla Hiring :

Tesla, Inc. wants their employees to be innovative,
collaborative, motivated, and reliable. Depending on
what role you're aiming for, you should also have
technical expertise, great problem-solving skills, and
the ability to work in a fast-paced environment.

Tesla, Inc. is an American electric car manufacturer

which as of January 2023 employs over
127,000 workers across its global operations, none of
which are unionized.

Tesla Inventory System :

1.Just-in-Time (JIT) System:

 Tesla has been known to follow a Just-in-
Time inventory system. JIT is a philosophy
that emphasizes producing and receiving
goods only as they are needed in the
production process. This approach helps
minimize excess inventory and associated
carrying costs.
2.Vertical Integration:
 Tesla practices vertical integration by
manufacturing a significant portion of its
components in-house. This includes the
production of batteries, electric motors,
and other critical components. Vertical
integration allows for better control over
the supply chain and reduces dependence
on external suppliers.

3.Direct-to-Consumer Sales:
 Tesla's direct-to-consumer sales model
plays a role in inventory management. By
selling vehicles directly to consumers,
Tesla can better control the flow of
inventory and respond more directly to
customer demand.

4.Real-Time Data and Analytics:

 Tesla employs advanced data analytics
and real-time monitoring to assess
inventory levels, track production
progress, and respond dynamically to
changes in demand. This data-driven
approach helps in optimizing inventory
levels and reducing waste.

5.Build-to-Order Model:
 Tesla often operates on a build-to-order
model, meaning that vehicles are
manufactured based on customer orders.
This minimizes the need for a large
inventory of pre-built cars, reducing the
risk of overstock.
6.Gigafactories and Production Efficiency:
 Tesla's Gigafactories, which are large-
scale manufacturing facilities, are
designed for high efficiency and
economies of scale. Streamlined
production processes contribute to
minimizing inventory holding costs.

7.Automation and Robotics:

 Tesla employs a significant amount of
automation and robotics in its
manufacturing processes. This not only
enhances efficiency but also allows for
precise control over the production
schedule and inventory levels.
8.Supercharger Network Planning:
 In the context of Tesla's energy products,
such as Supercharger stations, the
company strategically plans the placement
and expansion of its charging
infrastructure. This involves considerations
of regional demand, growth projections,
and the need to support the increasing
number of Tesla vehicles on the road.

How Tesla Control Their Company :

Tesla is controlled and managed by its CEO, Elon
Musk, and its executive team. Here are some key
aspects of how Tesla controls its company:
1. Leadership:
 Elon Musk is the co-founder and CEO of
Tesla, and he plays a central role in the
company's leadership. Musk is known for his
hands-on approach to leadership and is deeply
involved in various aspects of the company's
operations, including product development,
engineering, and strategic decision-making.
2. Board of Directors:
 Tesla has a board of directors that provides
oversight and governance. The board is
responsible for major decisions, including the
appointment of key executives and setting the
strategic direction of the company. Elon Musk
is also a member of the board.

3. Shareholder Influence:
 Tesla is a publicly traded company, and its
shareholders have a say in the company's
direction. Major shareholders, including
institutional investors, can influence decisions
through voting on matters such as the election
of directors and other important corporate

4. Corporate Governance Policies:

 Like any publicly traded company, Tesla
adheres to corporate governance policies and
practices. These policies are designed to ensure
transparency, accountability, and fairness in
the company's operations.

5. Management Team:
 Tesla has a team of executives and managers
who oversee various departments and
functions within the company. The
management team, led by Elon Musk, is
responsible for day-to-day operations,
implementing strategies, and achieving the
company's goals.

6. Innovation and Product Focus:

 Tesla's success is also attributed to its focus on
innovation and product development. The
company's emphasis on creating cutting-edge
electric vehicles, energy storage solutions, and
other products has contributed to its market
7. Market Positioning and Brand:
 Tesla has positioned itself as a leader in
electric vehicles and sustainable energy. The
strong brand image and market positioning
contribute to the company's ability to attract
customers, investors, and talent.

Type Of Challenge Tesla Faces :

1. Operational Challenges:
 Ensuring smooth and efficient production
processes, addressing manufacturing
bottlenecks, and meeting the demand for Tesla
vehicles while maintaining quality standards
are operational challenges.
2. Supply Chain Challenges:
 Tesla, like many other companies, faces
challenges related to the global supply chain,
including securing a stable supply of raw
materials, managing component shortages, and
dealing with logistics issues.
3. Technological Challenges:
 Developing and refining cutting-edge
technologies, particularly in areas like electric
vehicles, autonomous driving, and energy
storage, poses ongoing technological
4. Regulatory and Compliance Challenges:
 Navigating and complying with diverse
regulatory environments globally, including
safety standards, emissions regulations, and
autonomous driving regulations, presents
challenges for Tesla.
5. Market Competition:
 The electric vehicle market is becoming
increasingly competitive. Tesla faces
challenges in maintaining its market share and
staying ahead of traditional automakers and
new entrants in the electric vehicle space.
6. Financial Challenges:
 Managing finances and balancing the need for
continued investment in research,
development, and infrastructure with
profitability is an ongoing challenge.
7. Autonomous Driving Challenges:
 Achieving full autonomy and addressing the
technical and regulatory challenges associated
with autonomous driving is a complex task for

8. Infrastructure Challenges:
 Expanding the charging infrastructure for
electric vehicles is crucial for widespread
adoption. Tesla's Supercharger network
requires continuous expansion to meet
growing demand.

9. Environmental and Sustainability Challenges:

 Addressing concerns related to the
environmental impact of manufacturing
processes, sourcing sustainable materials, and
ensuring the recyclability of products are
sustainability challenges for Tesla.

10. Market Perception and Brand

 Maintaining a positive market perception and
managing the Tesla brand in the face of media
scrutiny, public expectations, and occasional
controversies is a challenge.

11. Talent Acquisition and Retention:

 Attracting and retaining top talent, especially
in specialized areas like artificial intelligence,
battery technology, and software development,
is crucial for innovation and growth.
12. Global Economic Conditions:
 Economic uncertainties and fluctuations in
global economic conditions can impact
consumer spending, which in turn affects
demand for Tesla's products.
13. Energy Sector Challenges:
 In the energy sector, Tesla faces challenges
related to market competition, policy changes,
and the integration of renewable energy
solutions into existing power grids.
14. Health and Safety Concerns:
 Ensuring the health and safety of employees,
especially in manufacturing facilities, is a
challenge that companies like Tesla must

Conclusion :
In conclusion, Tesla has emerged as a transformative
force in the automotive and energy industries. Founded
by Elon Musk and others, the company has been at the
forefront of electric vehicle innovation, clean energy
solutions, and advancements in autonomous driving
technology. Here are some key points to summarize
1. Innovation and Leadership:
 Tesla is known for its commitment to
innovation and pushing the boundaries of
technology. Elon Musk's visionary leadership
has played a significant role in the company's
2. Electric Vehicles:
 Tesla has been a pioneer in the electric vehicle
market, producing high-performance electric
cars that have captured the attention of
consumers and reshaped perceptions of electric
3. Energy Products:
 Beyond electric vehicles, Tesla has expanded
into the energy sector with products such as
solar panels and energy storage solutions. The
company aims to contribute to a sustainable
energy future.
4. Autonomous Driving:
 Tesla has invested heavily in autonomous
driving technology, aiming to achieve full self-
driving capabilities. The development of
Autopilot and other features reflects the
company's ambitions in this area.

5. Market Impact:
 Tesla's success has had a profound impact on
the automotive industry, prompting other
automakers to accelerate their efforts in
electric vehicle development. The company's
market value and stock performance have been
subjects of significant attention.
6. Challenges:
 Tesla faces various challenges, including
production scalability, supply chain issues,
regulatory complexities, competition, and the
need to continually innovate. Navigating these
challenges is essential for sustained growth.

7. Global Presence:
 Tesla has a global presence, with
manufacturing facilities, Gigafactories, and
Supercharger networks spanning multiple
continents. The company's expansion has
contributed to its ability to serve a diverse and
growing customer base.
8. Environmental Focus:
 Tesla emphasizes environmental sustainability,
promoting the transition to clean energy and
reducing dependence on fossil fuels. This
commitment aligns with growing concerns
about climate change.
9. Cultural Impact:
 Tesla's success has not only shaped the
automotive industry but has also influenced
popular culture. The brand has become
synonymous with cutting-edge technology,
innovation, and a commitment to a sustainable
10. Investor and Public Interest:
 Tesla's stock has been subject to significant
market interest and volatility. Elon Musk's
communication style and frequent use of social
media have added to the company's visibility.
Reference :

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