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Cambodia Australia Partnership for Resilient Economic Development (CAPRED) Program

RFP Number RFP23-021
Project Name Digital Transformation for SMEs & Handicraft and Industry Registration
and Licensing Services
Domain Name Agriculture and SMEs
Application Closing Date 5 pm (Phnom Penh Time), 31 December 2023
Assignment Duration February to April 2024
Location Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology, and Innovation (MISTI)

1. Background

The CAPRED Facility is Australia’s flagship bilateral economic development program in Cambodia, focusing
on economic recovery and resilience over the next four years, with a possible three-year extension.
The Facility supports Cambodia in implementing a range of necessary economic interventions and reforms
to maintain the country’s economic transition. These interventions and reforms are primarily aimed at
encouraging more productive and inclusive public and private investment, which promotes resilient,
inclusive, and sustainable growth (RISE).
CAPRED interventions fall under three technical components including: Agriculture and Agro-processing;
Trade, Investment and Enterprise Development and Infrastructure Development; and one Cross-Cutting
component comprising: Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI); Climate Resilient initiatives,
and policy support. GEDSI is at the heart of all that CAPRED does.
1.2 Digitalisation
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of the Cambodian economy, accounting for 70% of
employment, 99.8% of companies, and 58% of GDP. However, SMEs account for a mere 10% of Cambodia's
Women-owned businesses in Cambodia largely remain at the micro level and are informal, with women
entrepreneurs accounting for 62% of microbusinesses and a notable 26% of SMEs. About 5% of Cambodian
SMEs have been properly registered, meaning that they have been registered and have obtained the licenses
required by their type of business. The informality of SMEs is a binding challenge that undermines their growth.
Specifically, SMEs face challenges concerning access to finance, technical skill and knowledge, insufficient
facilitation and support, and competition in national and global markets. The Royal Government of Cambodia
has been promoting digitalisation to enhance the support for SMEs in the Post Covid-19 recovery, and the Prime
Minister has specifically instructed that all relevant ministries work together to ensure all SMEs register with
the national single service registration and connect to the Cambodian Data Exchange (CamDX) platform to
hasten all relevant approval processes. The Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology, and Innovation (MISTI)
has been one of other ministries putting registration services in the system in CamDX.

MISTI launched the first stage of its "SMEs & Handicraft Establishment Service" in September 2021 as part of
CamDX Phase 2. Committed to promoting SME registration, particularly for those under its direct management,
MISTI has been partnering with CAPRED on this project. Together, the ministry aims to achieve full digital
registration for all manufacturing SMEs & Handicraft and Industry. This collaboration will transform

Address:17th, GIA Tower, Sopheak Mongkol Rd, Koh Pich, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Email:
CAPRED is funded by the Australian Government and implemented by Cowater International Website:
manufacturing SMEs and Handicraft Industry registration and licensing into a single portal tailored to different
types of businesses.
Additionally, the project works on:
• Building capacity for MISTI’s male and female personnels at both national and provincial levels to manage
the new online registration portal.
• Promoting SME formalisation through the portal especially for those led by women.
• Inclusively assessing and addressing challenges faced by SMEs during formalisation to further increase
their participation.

MISTI developed the SMEs and Handicraft Establishment Service (SMEHES) platform, including CamDigiKey
integration, to streamline SME services. Launched in September 2021 during the Online Business Registration
(OBR) phase 2, SMEHES is now integrated into OBR1, simplifying SME and Handicraft establishment
applications. Previously, new SMEs enterprises faced a prolonged process with registration required with three
ministries as follows:
• Ministry of Commerce (MOC): Company registration
• General Department of Taxation (GDT): Tax ID registration
• Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training (MLVT): Employee declaration
• After completing the 3 steps, if their enterprises are under the manufacturing sector, they will have to
apply for enterprise establishment with MISTI.

Integrating SMEHES facilitates data exchange with MOC, GDT, and MLVT, streamlining the process. It's the
central entry point for all MISTI services, but as more services are digitised, the system will evolve to include
more services. The existing framework can be improved, and customisation is complex. To achieve MISTI's
digital goals, SMEHES will be restructured/renovated to overcome technical hurdles and meet present and
future needs.
Additional services for digitalisation include the Industry Establishment Service (IES) and Certificate of
Operation on SME and Handicraft Service (COSMEH). IES is similar to SMEHES, requiring licenses for new
enterprises. Manufacturing businesses with investments exceeding USD1 million (excluding land) need IES.
Currently, applications go directly to the General Department of Industry (GDI), who is responsible for
COSMEH, however, is vital for manufacturing SMEs and Handicrafts. This certificate, required after obtaining
the approval from 'SMEs & Handicraft Establishment Service', ensures their production complies with
Cambodian law, particularly in technical aspects. Obtaining it involves several steps:
• Application: Enterprise owners submit their details and production process information at MISTI.
• Inspection: MISTI officers conduct a physical inspection of the production line to ensure compliance.
• Evaluation: Upon passing the inspection, the owner receives the certificate, allowing them to legally
operate. Failing requires re-inspection before operations can begin.
• Renewal: The certificate is valid for 3 years and must be renewed for continued operation.

CAPRED would like to support MISTI’s efforts to promote SME formalisation and digitalisation all relevant
registration and licensing services for manufacturing SMEs, handicrafts, and other industries into a single portal
tailored to different types of businesses. This development of the online registration system has been divided
into separate stages.

2. Purpose

CAPRED seeks to engage a consulting firm or consortium to provide Stage-1 technical services for developing
MISTI’s public service portal, formalisation and digitalisation of relevant registration and licensing services for
manufacturing SMEs, handicrafts, and other industries into a single portal.

Address:17th, GIA Tower, Sopheak Mongkol Rd, Koh Pich, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Email:
CAPRED is funded by the Australian Government and implemented by Cowater International Website:
3. Scope of Work
3.1 Key Objectives
The scope of work falls under Stage-1 has the following objectives:
a. Develop the MISTI Public Service Portal: This portal will consolidate all public service platforms under
MSITI, including:
• MISTI Single Identification System: manages user access across all platforms.
• SME & Handicraft Establishment Service platform
• Industry Establishment Service platform
• Certificate of Operation on SME & Handicraft Service platform
• Additional public service platforms (possible future integration)

b. Design and build the MISTI Single Identification System: This system will manage and oversee user
access for top leadership, staff, and enterprise owners. It will connect them to all platforms, enabling
seamless data exchange. For global accessibility, it will integrate with CamDigiKey for streamlined
application processes with relevant ministries.
c. Renovate and expand SMEHES:
• Revamping the SME & Handicraft Establishment Service and integrating it into the Public Service
• Developing web and mobile apps for back-office review and approval of establishment
• Integrating an API with Online Business Registration phase 1 (OBR1).
• Authenticating users through the MISTI Single Identification System.

d. Develop the Industry Establishment Service (IES):

• Creating a web portal for applying for the service and placing it under the Public Service Portal.
• Building web and mobile apps for officer review and approval of applications.
• Integrating an API with OBR1.
• Implementing MISTI Single Identification System for user authentication.

e. Develop the Certificate of Operation on SME & Handicraft Service (COSMEH):

• Creating a web-based platform for SMEs/handicrafts to apply for new and renewal
certificates. Integrating it into the Public Service Portal.
• Building web-based and mobile apps for officers to review and approve certificate applications and
• Implementing a mobile app for offline/online inspections of production and environmental
• Using MISTI Single Identification System for user authentication.

f. Develop the Troubleshooting and Heartbeat system:

• Creating a web-based platform for system administrator to oversee all log activities from all related
• Creating an automated scheduling request for monitoring of system downtime.
• Creating an automated notification or alert to system administrator.

Address:17th, GIA Tower, Sopheak Mongkol Rd, Koh Pich, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Email:
CAPRED is funded by the Australian Government and implemented by Cowater International Website:
3.2 Key Tasks and Activities

The selected consulting firm is expected to perform the following key tasks and activities adhering to the
above key objectives.

Key Tasks Key Ac�vi�es

Task 1: Design and • Design the UX/UI to ensure user-friendly of the developed system.
develop the web • Develop the “MISTI Public Service Portal” pla�orm to accommodate all the
portal of “MISTI public service pla�orms under MISTI.
Public Service
Portal” pla�orm

Task 2: Design and • Design the UX/UI to ensure user-friendly of the developed system.
develop the web • Develop the “MISTI Single Iden�fica�on System” to accommodate all users of
portal of “MISTI the “MISTI Public Service Portal” and other pla�orms under MISTI.
Single Iden�fica�on • Develop API to be integrated with CamDigiKey to globalize the user
System” pla�orm
management and to streamline the process with relevant ministries in the
CamDX ecosystem in terms of data exchange and user log in.
Task 3.1: Review • In-depth review the coding program, system architecture, database structure,
the current “SMEs system features and func�onali�es of the current “SMEs & handicra�
and Handicra� Establishment Service” system rela�ng to:
Establishment  Applicant and Applica�on form data required by the system.
Service” pla�orm  Reviewing process of the applica�on form submited by the user with
step by step from official level to top leader of MISTI.
 Applica�on view.
 Applica�on edits (in case the user does not submit the form correctly
and officer give feedback to applicant).
 Applica�on approved by top leader.
 Applica�on rejected by top leader.
 Applica�on stamp.
 Online Payment with ABA pay, Bakong, Master Card, and/or Union Pay.
 Digital cer�ficate generated by the system.
 System no�fica�on related to the status of the applica�on review.
• Review the architecture of “SMEs & handicra� Establishment Service” pla�orm
for integra�on with CamDX infrastructure in OBR1 such as:
 CamDigiKey integra�on.
 Applicant and Applica�on form of “SMEs & Handicra� Establishment
Service” pla�orm in OBR1.
 Data retrieval from other ministries in line of OBR1 to “SMEs &
Handicra� Establishment Service” pla�orm.
 API sharing to the other pla�orms integra�on.
 Analyse the future needs of the system to be integrated with the other
online public service pla�orms under MISTI Public Service Portal.
Task 3.2: Renovate • Design the UX/UI to ensure user-friendly of the new developed system.
the “SMEs & • Develop the new design of the pla�orm with regard to:
Handicra�  Applicant and Applica�on form required to apply for license.
Establishment  Online Payment with ABA pay, Bakong, Master Card, and/or Union Pay
Service” pla�orm  Digital cer�ficate retrieval.
 System no�fica�on related to the status of the applica�on review.

Address:17th, GIA Tower, Sopheak Mongkol Rd, Koh Pich, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Email:
CAPRED is funded by the Australian Government and implemented by Cowater International Website:
 API sharing to be integrated with OBR1 and other pla�orms integra�on.
• Migrate the data from the old to the new pla�orm.

Task 3.3: Develop • Design the UX/UI to ensure user-friendly experience of the developed system.
the web portal and • Develop the “SMEs & Handicra� Establishment Service” pla�orm on back-office
mobile app (IOS & review rela�ng to:
Android) for Back  View the Applicant and Applica�on form submited by the users.
Office Review  Review process of each applica�on form step by step from official level
to top leader of MISTI
i. Applica�on view: The MSITI technical team will carefully inspect
the applica�on form submited by the user, reviewing each
aspect to ensure alignment with manufacturing produc�on
requirements. Upon confirming full compliance, the applica�on
will be forwarded to leaders and top-level execu�ves for their
ii. Applica�on edits: If the user's submited applica�on form does
not meet the requirements, the MSITI technical team will
provide feedback and inform the user within the system to make
changes of the applica�on.
iii. Applica�on approved by top leader: Once the applica�on aligns
with technical requirements and progresses to higher leadership
for approval, the top leader at MISTI will examine and grant
approval if everything appears sa�sfactory.
iv. Applica�on rejected by top leader: Upon mee�ng the technical
requirements and advancing to higher leadership for approval,
the top leader at MISTI will review the applica�on and decline it
if any aspects are deemed unsa�sfactory.
v. Applica�on stamp: A�er receiving approval at all levels, the
applica�on will be forwarded to the office of the cabinet of
ministers for assigning a reference number and affixing an official
vi. Digital cer�ficate generated by the system: Following approval
and the applica�on being stamped, the system will automa�cally
generate a digital cer�ficate containing informa�on about the
applicant, enterprise, and the MISTI stamp.
vii. User no�fica�on of the applica�on review: During the review
process, it is necessary to inform all users at each level when
passing the applica�on from one level to the next.
Task 4.1: Develop • Design the UX/UI to ensure user-friendly experience of the developed system.
the web portal of • Develop the “Industry Establishment Service” pla�orm on license applica�on
“Industry rela�ng to:
Establishment  Applicant and Applica�on form required to apply for license.
Service” pla�orm  Online Payment with ABA pay, Bakong, Master Card, Union Pay.
on license
 Digital cer�ficate retrieval.
 System no�fica�on related to the status of the applica�on review.
 API sharing to be integrated with OBR1 and other pla�orms integra�on.
Task 4.2: Develop • Design the UX/UI to ensure user-friendly experience of the developed system
the web portal and

Address:17th, GIA Tower, Sopheak Mongkol Rd, Koh Pich, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Email:
CAPRED is funded by the Australian Government and implemented by Cowater International Website:
mobile app (IOS & • Develop the “Industry Establishment Service” pla�orm on back-office review
Android) of with regard to:
“Industry  View the Applicant and Applica�on form submited by the users.
Establishment  Review process of each applica�on form step by step from official level
Service” pla�orm to top leader of MISTI.
for Back Office
 Applica�on view: The MSITI technical team will carefully inspect the
Review Process
applica�on form submited by the user, reviewing each aspect to
ensure alignment with manufacturing produc�on requirements. Upon
confirming full compliance, the applica�on will be forwarded to leaders
and top-level execu�ves for their approval.
 Applica�on edits: If the user's submited applica�on form does not
meet the requirements, the MSITI technical team will provide feedback
and inform the user within the system to correct the specific sec�ons
of the applica�on.
 Applica�on approved by top leader: Once the applica�on aligns with
technical requirements and progresses to higher leadership for
approval, the top leader at MISTI will examine and grant approval if
everything appears sa�sfactory.
 Applica�on rejected by top leader: Upon mee�ng the technical
requirements and advancing to higher leadership for approval, the top
leader at MISTI will review the applica�on and decline it if any aspects
are deemed unsa�sfactory.
 Applica�on stamp: A�er receiving approval at all levels, the applica�on
will be forwarded to the office of the cabinet of ministers for assigning
a reference number and affixing an official stamp.
 Digital cer�ficate generated by the system: Following approval and the
applica�on being stamped, the system will automa�cally generate a
digital cer�ficate containing informa�on about the applicant,
enterprise, and the MISTI stamp.
 User no�fica�on of the applica�on review: During the review process,
it is necessary to inform all users at each level when passing the
applica�on from one level to the next.
Task 5.1: Develop • Design the UX/UI to ensure user-friendly experience of the developed system.
Web portal of • Develop the “Cer�ficate of Opera�on on SMEs & Handicra� Service” Pla�orm
“Cer�ficate of on license applica�on and license renewal rela�ng to:
Opera�on on SMEs  Applicant and Applica�on form data required to apply for the
& Handicra� cer�ficate.
Service” pla�orm
 Online Payment with ABA pay, Bakong, Master Card, Union Pay.
for license
 Digital cer�ficate retrieval.
applica�on and
license renewal  System no�fica�on related to the status of the applica�on review.
submission  API sharing to the other pla�orms integra�on.
Task 5.2: Develop • Design the UX/UI to ensure user-friendly experience of the developed system.
the web portal and • Develop the “Cer�ficate of Opera�on on SMEs & Handicra� Service” Pla�orm
mobile app (IOS & on Back Office Review Process with regard to:
Android) of  View the Applicant and Applica�on form submited by the users.
“Cer�ficate of  Review process of the applica�on form step by step from official level
Opera�on on SMEs to top leader of MISTI.
& Handicra�

Address:17th, GIA Tower, Sopheak Mongkol Rd, Koh Pich, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Email:
CAPRED is funded by the Australian Government and implemented by Cowater International Website:
Service” pla�orm  Applica�on view: The MSITI technical team will carefully inspect the
for Back Office applica�on form submited by the user, reviewing each aspect to
Review Process ensure alignment with manufacturing produc�on requirements. Upon
confirming full compliance, the applica�on will be forwarded to leaders
and top-level execu�ves for their approval.
 Applica�on edits: If the user's submited applica�on form does not
meet the requirements, the MSITI technical team will provide feedback
and inform the user within the system to correct the specific sec�ons
of the applica�on.
 Applica�on approved by top leader: Once the applica�on aligns with
technical requirements and progresses to higher leadership for
approval, the top leader at MISTI will examine and grant approval if
everything appears sa�sfactory.
 Applica�on rejected by top leader: Upon mee�ng the technical
requirements and advancing to higher leadership for approval, the top
leader at MISTI will review the applica�on and decline it if any aspects
are deemed unsa�sfactory.
 Applica�on stamp: A�er receiving approval at all levels, the applica�on
will be forwarded to the office of the cabinet of ministers for assigning
a reference number and affixing an official stamp.
 Digital cer�ficate generated by the system
 System no�fica�on related to the status of the applica�on review
Task 5.3: Develop • Design the UX/UI to ensure user-friendly experience of the developed system.
the mobile app • Develop the “Cer�ficate of Opera�on on SMEs & Handicra� Service” Pla�orm
(IOS & Android) of for the MISTI staff to inspect the produc�on and environmental condi�ons.
“Cer�ficate of
Opera�on on SMEs
& Handicra�
Service” pla�orm
for the on-site
inspec�on of
produc�on and
Task 6: Design and • Design and develop the dashboard of all ac�vity logs to ensure and track user’s
develop the ac�ons in all related system.
troubleshoo�ng • Develop the automate scheduling process to monitor the heartbeat of all sub-
and heartbeat to system.
monitor for MISTI’s
• Develop the automate push no�fica�on or alert to system administrator.

Additional Notes:
• The technology used to develop SME and Handicraft Establishment Service platforms before is Laravel
framework (PHP). Therefore, the bidder needs to have a background on Laravel development to be able
to review old coding program, system architecture, database structure, system features and
functionalities of the platform in Sub-task 3.1 – Review the current “SMEs & Handicraft Establishment
Service” platform.
• The development of “Task 3- The Renovation and additional development of SME and Handicraft
Establishment Service” and “Task 4 – The development of Industry Establishment Service” look almost

Address:17th, GIA Tower, Sopheak Mongkol Rd, Koh Pich, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Email:
CAPRED is funded by the Australian Government and implemented by Cowater International Website:
the same in terms of applying process and application form. However, these two systems are currently in
charge of different General Departments which are the General Department of SME and Handicraft
(GDSMEH) and the General Department of Industry (GDI). Thus, the features development of two
platforms will be different depending on their requirements, especially the management structure of the
government during the reviewing process from one level to the next.
• Additionally, in “Task 5 – the development of Certification of Operation on SME and Handicraft” is also
different to the previous two as it has different application forms and requires the onsite inspection
during the application review process.

3.3 Key Deliverable

No. Key Deliverables Expected Date

1 Deliverable of Task 1- The design and development of MISTI Public Service February 23,
Portal: 2024
• Mockup Design of “MISTI Public Service Portal” platform
• Product of new developed system in Web Portal
2 Deliverable of Task 2- The development of MISTI Single Identification February 23,
System: 2024
• Mockup Design of “MISTI Single Identification System” platform.
• Product of new developed system in Web Portal
3 Deliverable of Task 3- The Renovation and additional development of SME February 23,
and Handicraft Establishment Service: 2024
• Mockup Design of “SMEs & Handicraft Establishment Service”
• Activities plan of Data Migration from old system to new developed
• Product of new developed system for enterprise to apply the service
in Web Portal
• Product of back-office review process development in Web
• Product of back-office review process development in Mobile app March 31, 2024
(IOS & Android)
4 Deliverable of Task 4 – The development of Industry Establishment February 23,
Service: 2024
• Mockup Design of “Industry Establishment Service” platform
• Product of developed system for enterprise to apply the service in
Web Portal
• Product of back-office review process development in Web
• Product of back-office review process development in Mobile app March 31, 2024
(IOS & Android)
5 Deliverable of Task 5 – The development of Certification of Operation on March 31, 2024
SME and Handicraft:
• Mockup Design of “Certificate of Operation on SME and Handicraft”
• Product of developed system for enterprise to apply for the
certificate in Web Portal
• Product of back-office review process development in Web and
Mobile app (IOS & Android)
• Product of mobile development for the MISTI staff to inspect the
production and environmental conditions

Address:17th, GIA Tower, Sopheak Mongkol Rd, Koh Pich, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Email:
CAPRED is funded by the Australian Government and implemented by Cowater International Website:
6 Deliverable of Task 6 – The development of troubleshooting and heartbeat April 30, 2024
• Activity logs monitoring
• Automate scheduling process for tracking the system downtime
• Automate push notification or alert to MISTI’s administrator

4. Qualifications or Specialised knowledge/experience required.

These tasks require multidisciplinary skillsets, expertise, and experience. The consulting firm or
consortium shall have personnel within the team with the following qualifications and experience.
• At least bachelor’s degree in computer science, ICT, or any related fields from well-known higher
institutions. Doctoral and master’s degree are highly prioritised.
• A registered company based in Cambodia that has business activities, patent Tax and certificate in
software development from Ministry of Commerce, General Department of Taxation and Ministry of
Post and Telecommunications
Technical competencies and Experience:
• A minimum of one year of consultation & work experience with government organization.
• A good understanding of the Royal Government of Cambodia’s digital transformation framework and
• At least five years of relevant work experience in software development (Node.js, MySQL, Vue.js &
Nuxt.js), advanced database architectural designs, REST API designs, system security designs,
distributed system & scalability designs, docker containers and on-premise datacenter.
• Comprehending the execution of data policy & protection.
• Expertise with software project management, code versioning technologies, DevOps automation
tools, software unit testing and monitoring mechanism.
• Ability to write clean, readable, maintainable and reusable code using best practices and standards.
• Experience in integrating with OAuth2 authentication mechanism, online payment gateway, CamDX
Security Server & CamDigiKey.
• Experience in Laravel Framework (PHP) to review coding program.
• Ability to complete the tasks and deliverables mentioned above.
• Proficiency in English and Khmer languages.
• Excellent communication, writing, and analytical skills.
Other Competencies:
• Demonstrated high ethical standards.
• Display cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.
• Treat all people fairly without favouritism.
• Fulfil obligations to GEDSI sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment.
• Strictly comply with DFAT Child Protection Code of Conduct and policy

Address:17th, GIA Tower, Sopheak Mongkol Rd, Koh Pich, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Email:
CAPRED is funded by the Australian Government and implemented by Cowater International Website:
5. Evaluation

CAPRED will use an objective and reliable process to evaluate each proposal. The proposals and responses
will be evaluated based on (in no particular order):
a. Compliance with this Request for Proposal (RFP).
b. Understanding of, and ability to meet the requirements and deadlines as specified.
c. Supplier expertise and experience with delivery of similar projects.
d. Expertise of individuals and overall team nominated to deliver the services. CAPRED reserves the
right to reject any individual being proposed and to ask the supplier to provide an alternative.
e. Past performance relevant to this RFP (as determined by referee checks).
f. Relevant examples of previous work.
g. Proposed fee charged for the services.

Note: While price is a factor, it is more important that the applicant can demonstrate value for money.
CAPRED reserves the right to contract more than one supplier for these services and may actively seek to
contract more than one supplier to ensure supply of technical services. CAPRED reserves the right to vary
the contract terms, and to exercise the option period at its sole discretion. This is the first phase of a multi
phased project. The award of any further scope of works for the assignment of other additional elements
and next stage of the online registration development to the selected supplier will be based on excellent
service quality and performance, successful completion within budget and timeframe of the first phase and
demonstrated ability to deliver the required functionalities and features for the additional assignments as

Due diligence checks will be conducted on the organisation/s and individuals nominated in the RFP prior to
awarding contract/s.

6. How to Apply

The proposals including the Response Form must be submitted no later than 5 pm (Phnom Penh time),
31 December 2023 by email to with “Business formalization” in the subject
line. Any proposals submitted after this time and date will not be considered.
The applicant is required to submit the Response Form in English language (form provided separately),
and with an indication of a daily rate for each task/service as per section C of the Response Form. The
rate should include any and all costs to carry out the work in the specified location. In addition to the
proposal fee, the applicant should also detail any other relevant assumptions or required terms.

For further information:

Further information about this RFP can be obtained from Mr. SOURN Sophoan, Agriculture and SMEs
Lead, at email:

Cowater International is an equal opportunity employer, basing employment on merit and qualifications
as they relate to the professional experience and position expectations. Cowater does not discriminate
against any employee or applicants on the basis of race, religion, sex, gender identity, disability, age, or
any other basis protected by law. CAPRED aims to have a diverse workforce and a workplace that is
supportive of gender equality, disability and social inclusion. Women, people with disabilities and other
minorities are highly encouraged to apply.

Address:17th, GIA Tower, Sopheak Mongkol Rd, Koh Pich, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Email:
CAPRED is funded by the Australian Government and implemented by Cowater International Website:

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