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Death’s Final Harbinger Translated by the Translation department of Dawat-e-Islami

ُ ّٰ ّٰ ُ
َ َ‫ـم ۡـرسـلِـین‬ ُ ۡ ‫امََعـلّٰی ََسـیـ ِد ََال‬
ُ ‫ـوۃ ََوََالـسـل‬ ۡ ۡ ۡ
‫اَلـح ۡـمـدَ َل ِـلـ ِہََر ِبََال ّٰـعـل ِـمین ََوََالـصـل‬
ّٰ ّٰ ۡ ّٰ ُ ۡ ُ ُ ۡ
ِؕ‫ـس ِم ََالـلـ ِہَ َالـر ۡح ّٰـم ِن ََالـر ِح ۡـی ِم‬ۡ ‫ـطن ََالـرج ۡیمَِؕ ََب‬
ِ ِ ِ ِ ‫امـاََبــعـد ََفـاعـوذ ََبِـاَلـلـ ِہَ َ ِمـن ََالـشـی‬

Death’s Final Harbinger

‫َو َعلٰیٰٰالِكَ ٰ َواَ ۡصحب ِكَ ٰيَاٰ َحب ِ ۡي َبٰاهّٰلل‬ َّ ‫اَلصَّ لوةُٰ َو‬
‫الس ََل ُمٰ َعل َۡيكَ ٰيَا َٰر ُس ۡو َلٰاهّٰلل‬
‫َو َعلىٰٰالِكَ ٰ َواَ ۡصحب ِكَ ٰيَاٰن ُۡو َرٰاهّٰلل‬ َّ ‫اَلصَّ لوةُٰ َو‬
‫الس ََل ُمٰ َعل َۡيكَ ٰيَاٰن َ ِب َّيٰاهّٰلل‬

ِ ۡ ‫ن َ َويۡ ُتٰ ُس َّن َت‬

ِٰ‫ٰاۡل ۡعتِكَاف‬

Dear Islamic brothers! Whenever you enter a masjid, make the intention
of iꜤtikāf, for you shall continuously gain the reward of iꜤtikāf for as long
as you stay inside. Normally, when we are in a masjid, SharīꜤah does not
give permission for us to eat, drink, sleep, have suḥūr or ifṭār, and not
even to drink Zamzam water or the water on which dam has been made.
Yet, if the intention of iꜤtikāf is made, all these actions will become
permissible. One should not make this intention of iꜤtikāf only to eat,
drink or sleep. This intention should instead be made to please Allah
It is stated in Fatāwā Shāmī:
If someone wants to eat, drink or sleep in a masjid, he should
make the intention to observe iꜤtikāf and perform the dhikr of
Allah for some time. Then he may proceed as he wishes (i.e. now
if he wants to eat, drink or sleep, he can do so).

Death’s Final Harbinger Translated by the Translation department of Dawat-e-Islami

Excellence of sending ṣalāt upon the beloved Prophet ‫ﷺ‬

The beloved Prophet ٰ‫ َصلَّىٰالـلّٰـهُٰ َعل َۡيهِ َٰوٰال ِٖه َٰو َس َّلم‬said:

‫َم ۡن َٰصلّٰیٰ َعل َ َّیٰيَ ۡو َمٰا ۡلجُ ُم َعۃِٰٰکَان َ ۡت َٰشفَا َعۃ ٌَّٰل ٗہٰع ِ ۡند ِۡیٰيَ ۡو َمٰا ۡلق َِيا َمۃ‬
“Whosoever sends salat upon me on the day of Friday, it [the ṣalāt]
will be intercession for him on the Day of Judgement.” 1

‫َصلَّىٰاهّٰللُٰ َعلىٰ ُم َح َّمد‬ ‫َص ُّل ۡواٰ َعلَىٰا ۡل َحب ِ ۡيب‬

The beloved Prophetٰ‫ َصلَّىٰالـلّٰـ ُه ٰ َعل َۡيه َِٰوٰال ِٖه َٰو َس َّلم‬has stated, ‫ل ٰال َۡع َم ِل ٰاَل ِّن َّي ُۃ ٰالصَّ اد ِ َق ُٰۃ‬
ُ ‫ اَف َۡض‬- “A
truthful intention is the best action.” 2 O those who love Allah’s
Messenger! Make good intentions before every action, as this can be a
means of entering Paradise. Before listening to the speech, make good
intentions. For example:

 You will listen to the entire speech to gain the knowledge of Islam.

 You will sit in a respectful manner.

 You will refrain from laziness during the speech.

 You will listen to the speech to reform yourself.

 Whatever you hear and learn, you will try to convey it to others.

‫َص ُّٰل ۡواٰ َعلَىٰا ۡل َحب ِ ۡيب َصلَّىٰاهّٰللُٰ َعلىٰ ُم َح َّمد‬

JamꜤ al-JawāmiꜤ li al-Suyūṭī: 22352
Al-JāmiꜤ al-Ṣaghīr: 1284
Death’s Final Harbinger Translated by the Translation department of Dawat-e-Islami

Death is lurking
Sayyidunā Iyās b. Qatādah ‫ َر ۡح َم ُۃٰالـلّٰـهِٰ َعل َۡيه‬was the chief of his tribe. One day,
he saw a white hair in his beard and made dua, “O Allah Almighty! I seek
refuge in You from sudden accidents. I know that death is lying in wait,
and I cannot escape it.” He then went to his people and said, “O Banū
SaꜤd! I dedicated my youth to you, now grant me my old age.” After that,
he returned to his home and engaged in worship until he passed away.1

Why do we not take heed?

Dear Islamic brothers, our righteous elders, pious predecessors and the
noble servants of Allah Almighty possessed such pure minds that they
used to take heed of advice. Sayyidunā Iyās b. Qatādah ‫ َر ۡح َم ُۃٰالـلّٰـهِٰ َعل َۡيه‬saw a
white hair in his blessed beard, and just that one white hair was enough
to provide a lesson for him. He took heed and engaged in worship.
Alas, we remain heedless! We do not gain counsel and are deprived of
an insightful gaze. Every particle in the universe is giving us the message
of impermanence, from rising funeral biers to the expanding graveyards,
the passing of youth, the days that go by, the diminishing moonlight;
they all carry lessons for us. All these things are telling us, 'O heedless
human, death is approaching.'

‫َص ُّل ۡواٰ َعلَىٰا ۡل َحب ِ ۡيب َصلَّىٰاهّٰللُٰ َعلىٰ ُم َح َّمد‬

Encouragement to take heed

O devotees of the Prophet, in many places of the noble Quran, we have
been urged to take heed. In Surah al-Nūr, verse 44, Allah Almighty says:

Baḥr al DumūꜤ, p. 112

Death’s Final Harbinger Translated by the Translation department of Dawat-e-Islami

ۡ ُ ۡ ّٰ ّٰ
﴾۴۴﴿َ ‫یُقلِ ُبَالل ُہَال ۡیلَوَالنہارََِؕاِنَف ِ ۡیَذل ِکَل ِعبرۃَ َََ لِاولِی َالابۡصا َِر‬

In Surah al-NāziꜤāt, after mentioning the incident of Pharaoh and his

army drowning, Allah Almighty says in verse 26:
ّٰ ۡ ۡ ّٰ
﴾۲۶َ﴿َ‫اِنََف ِ ۡیَذل ِکَل ِعبرۃََل ِم ۡن َیخشی‬

‫هّٰللٰاَ ۡکبَر‬
ُ ‫ !ا‬These ‫( اُولِی ٰۡاۡلَ ۡب َصار‬those who ponder and have insight) who fear Allah
Almighty take heed through observing Allah's signs. The day comes and
goes, the sun rises and it sets, night arrives and then departs, stars
appear and then set. All of this, every particle in the universe, is an open
book that contains advice for us, lessons for us. If only we become from
those ‫ اُولِی ٰۡاۡلَبۡ َصار‬who fear and take heed.

Sayings of the Noble Saints Regarding the Insightful Gaze

 Sayyidunā Sufyān al-Thawrī ‫ َر ۡح َم ُۃٰالـلّٰـهِٰ َعل َۡيه‬said: "The one who looks at
the world with an insightful gaze and contemplates, succeeds in
performing more good deeds."
 Sayyidunā Mālik b. Dīnār ‫ َر ۡح َم ُۃٰالـلّٰـهِٰ َع َل ٰۡيه‬states: "The one who does not
look at the world with a gaze of insight and does not think about
the Hereafter, his good deeds are less, and his heart is veiled."
 Sayyidunā Ḥātim al-Aṣamm ‫ َر ۡح َم ُۃٰالـلّٰـهِٰ َعل َۡيه‬was asked, "How does one
become a person who takes heed?" He replied: "When he looks

Al-Quran, 24:44, translation from Kanz al-ꜤIrfān
Al-Quran, 79:26, translation from Kanz al-ꜤIrfān
Death’s Final Harbinger Translated by the Translation department of Dawat-e-Islami

at the consequences of everything in the world and reflects that

soon this thing will perish, and the owner of this thing will also
be buried in the grave very soon."
 Sayyidunā Ḥātim al-Aṣamm ‫ َر ۡح َم ُۃٰالـلّٰـهِٰ َعل َۡيه‬also said: "If a person does
not take heed when a funeral leaves his house, he derives no
benefit from knowledge, wisdom, and advice."1

How will one Endure the Heat of Hell

َّ ِ‫ َعـل َۡيـه‬, was very God-
 The Prophet of Allah, Sayyidunā Dāwūd ‫ٰالـس َـَلم‬
fearing. One day, he passed by a furnace with a blazing fire. Upon
seeing this, he was reminded of the fire of Hell, and he became
apprehensive. In restlessness, he fell to the ground and quivered
so much that his joints nearly dislocated.
َّ ِ‫ َعـل َۡيـه‬would come into the
 During hot days, Prophet Dāwūd ‫ٰالـس َـَلم‬
sunlight and say: "O Allah! If we cannot bear the heat of the sun,
which You have created, how will we endure the heat of Hell?"2

Every House Bears the Sign of Admonition

Sayyidunā Saˈib ꜤAbdī ‫ َر ۡح َم ُۃٰالـلّٰـهِٰ َعل َۡيه‬says:
One day, Sayyidunā Ṣāliḥ al-Murrī ‫ َر ۡح َم ُۃ ٰالـلّٰـهِ ٰ َعل َۡيه‬visited us, and I
asked, "O Abu Bashr! Where have you come from?" He replied,
"I left my house, and while travelling past different places, I came
to you. When I passed by the house of so-and-so, it called out to
me (figuratively), saying, 'O Ṣāliḥ! Seek admonition from me!
Some people used to live here, but now they have passed away
and are buried in the ground.'

Tanbih al-Mughtarrin, p. 57
Death’s Final Harbinger Translated by the Translation department of Dawat-e-Islami

Then, when I reached the house of another person, it also called

out to me (figuratively), saying, 'O Ṣāliḥ! Seek admonition from
me! Some people used to live here, but now they are all buried
in the earth.'”
In this way, he went on counting and narrating, until he reached
our house.1
Dear Islamic brothers! Pay attention! Let us reflect on how our pious
predecessors, the virtuous servants of Allah Almighty, used to take heed
in various situations. We see the desolate house, the fire burning in the
stove, the sunlight, the cold, the heat, and so on, yet we do not take
heed. Even funerals take place before our eyes, but we remain heedless.
We lower the deceased into the grave with our own hands, yet we do
not take heed.
So-and-so was healthy and well, suddenly a heart attack occurred, and
he departed from this world. Another young man died in an accident.
We constantly hear such news, but we do not remember our own death,
and we do not take heed. If only we become mindful and start
remembering the grave and the Hereafter.

‫َص ُّل ۡواٰ َعلَىٰا ۡل َحب ِ ۡيب َصلَّىٰاهّٰللُٰ َعلىٰ ُم َح َّمد‬

1. Funerals are harbingers of death

Once, the angel of death ‫ٰالـس َـَلم‬ َّ ِ‫ َعـل َۡيـه‬was present in the court of Prophet
Dāwūd ‫ٰالـس َـَلم‬ ِ‫ َعـل َۡيـه‬. Prophet Dāwūd ‫ٰالـس َـَلم‬ َّ ِ‫ َعـل َۡيـه‬asked him about the

harbingers of death. The angel of death ‫ٰالـس‬ ‫م‬ ‫ـَل‬

َ َّ ِ‫ َعـل َۡيـه‬replied: "O Prophet of

Allah! Your parents, siblings, neighbours, and acquaintances, where are

they?" Prophet Dāwūd ‫ٰالـس َـَلم‬ َّ ِ‫ َعـل َۡيـه‬said: "They have passed away." The

angel of death ‫ِٰالـس َـَلم‬ َّ ‫ َعـل َۡيـه‬remarked: "All of them are bearers of death,

Ḥilyat-ul-Awliyā, vol. 6, p. 182, number 8222
Death’s Final Harbinger Translated by the Translation department of Dawat-e-Islami

conveying the message that just as they have departed from this world,
you too will depart one day."1

What greater advice can there be?

Dear Islamic brothers! It is evident that those whose funeral biers are
being carried, the increasing dwellers of the graveyards, the departure
of our dear ones and relatives, one after another, are all bearers of
death. In this lies a great lesson for us, but unfortunately, we do not take
Once, Imam Ḥasan al-Baṣrī ‫ َر ۡح َم ُۃٰالـلّٰـهِٰ َعل َۡيه‬participated in a funeral.
After burying the deceased, he asked a person: "What do you think? Will
this person (whom we have just buried) not desire to come back to this
world, perform more good deeds, and repent for his sins?"
The person replied: "Yes, surely he would wish for that."
Imam Ḥasan al-Baṣrī ‫ َر ۡح َم ُۃٰالـلّٰـهِٰ َعل َۡيه‬then said: "Then, what is our condition?
Why don't we become like this dead body?” (i.e. We still have time; we
are still in this world. Why don't we increase in good deeds and repent
from our sins?) Saying these words, Imam Ḥasan al-Baṣrī ‫ َر ۡح َم ُۃٰالـلّٰـهِٰ َعل َۡيه‬left.
He would say: "If the heart is alive, then what greater advice can there
be than these funerals!"2

‫َص ُّل ۡواٰ َعلَىٰا ۡل َحب ِ ۡيب َصلَّىٰاهّٰللُٰ َعلىٰ ُم َح َّمد‬

The world is the abode of deception
O devotees of the Prophet! It is the truth that death is inevitable. We all
must depart from this world sooner or later. Allah Almighty states in
Surah Āl-ꜤImrān, verse 185:

1 Al-Kāmil fī al-Tārīkh, vol. 1, p. 198

Ādāb al-Ḥasan al-Baṣrī, p. 29
Death’s Final Harbinger Translated by the Translation department of Dawat-e-Islami

ۡ ۡ ُ ُ ۡ ُ ُ ُ ۡ ُ ۡ ُُ
َ‫سَذَٓائِقۃَالم ۡو ِتََِؕوَاِنماَتوف ۡونَا ُج ۡورک ۡمَی ۡومَال ِق ّٰیم ِۃََِؕفم ۡنَز ۡح ِزحَع ِنَالنا ِرَوَا ۡد ِخلَالجنۃَفقد‬
ٍ ‫کلَنف‬
ُۡ ُ ۤ ُۡ ُ ۡ
﴾۱۸۵﴿َ‫اع َالغرُ ۡو ِر‬ ‫فازََِؕوَماَالح ّٰیوۃَالدنیاَاِلاَمت‬

One of the spiritual representatives of Imam Aḥmad Razā Khan ‫ َر ۡح َم ُۃٰالـلّٰـهِٰ َعل َۡيه‬,
Mufti Muhammad NaꜤīm al-Dīn al-Murādābādī ‫ َر ۡح َم ُۃ ٰالـلّٰـهِ ٰ َعل َۡيه‬writes in
explanation this verse:
The reality of this world has been made clear by this blessed
statement. Man is passionate about life, considering it as his
capital. He wastes this opportunity and realises in the end that
there was no permanence in this life; attaching the heart to it
proved to be a great loss for the Hereafter.2

Advice of Imam al-Ḥasan al-Baṣrī ‫َر ۡح َم ُۃٰالـلّٰـهِٰ َعل َۡيه‬

Sayyidunā RabīꜤ b. Ṣabīḥ ‫ َر ۡح َم ُۃٰالـلّٰـهِٰ َعل َۡيه‬says:

We asked Imam Ḥasan al-Baṣrī ‫ َر ۡح َم ُۃٰالـلّٰـهِٰ َعل َۡيه‬for advice, and he said,
“If you are healthy, illness will afflict you, causing distress. Youth
will turn into old age, leading you to perish. The elderly will face
death, resulting in destruction. Will the outcome not be as I am
telling you? Will the soul not be separated from the body? Will a
person not become distant from his family and wealth? Will a
person not be wrapped in a shroud? Will a person not be laid in
the grave? Will those whom he strived for and expressed grief
for not forget about him?

Al-Quran, 3:185, translation from Kanz al-ꜤIrfān
Tafsīr Khazāˈin al-ꜤIrfān 3:185, Surah Āl ꜤImrān, verse no 185, p. 148
Death’s Final Harbinger Translated by the Translation department of Dawat-e-Islami

O man! When death comes to you, you will neither be able to

welcome anyone, nor will you be able to meet anyone. You will
not be able to speak to any person. You shall be called but will
not be able to reply. Certainly, cities have become desolate in
your right. Your eyes are wide open. Your soul has flown away.
Your children are at the mercy of others."1

Wealth of inheritance is a source of admonition, not a means of

Sayyidunā ꜤUmar b. ꜤAbd al-ꜤAzīz ‫ َر ۡح َم ُۃٰالـلّٰـهِٰ َعل َۡيه‬said in his final sermon:
O people! The wealth you possess was left behind by those who
have passed away. In the end, you too will leave it here. Do you
not know that every morning or evening, you walk behind the
funeral of someone departing from this world? You lower them
in the pit of the grave where there is neither bedding nor a
pillow. The one departing leaves all his possessions here. Having
separated from friends and loved ones, he makes the earth his
dwelling, faces accountability, becomes dependent on what he
sent ahead and independent from what he left behind.
Then, Sayyidunā Umar b. ꜤAbd al-ꜤAzīz ‫ َر ۡح َم ُۃٰالـلّٰـهِٰ َعل َۡيه‬placed a cloth over his
eyes and began to weep, descending from the pulpit.2
Stopped the construction of the house
O devotees of the Prophet! It is a reality that wealth obtained through
inheritance is not a provision for luxuries and pleasures; rather, it is a
source of lesson and admonition.

Ḥilyat al-Awliyāˈ, vol. 6, p. 331, number 8812
Ḥilyat all-Awliyāˈ, vol. 5, p. 300, number 7193
Death’s Final Harbinger Translated by the Translation department of Dawat-e-Islami

Nowadays, after the passing of the father, the children fight over the
wealth of inheritance and disputes occur among the brothers, and when
the inheritance is finally received, joy fills the hearts. But alas! Just as
the father left all his earnings, wealth, property, cars, and houses and
entered the grave, similarly, the heirs will also leave everything behind
one day and pass away, and they too will be buried beneath the soil.
It is stated in ShuꜤab al-Īmān:
There was a young man who inherited a house, which he
intended to rebuild. Hence, the house was demolished. The
construction work commenced, and during this time, his father
or grandfather appeared in his dream and said: “You desire a
long life, but you have seen that the (previous) dwellers of this
house are now neighbours of the deceased in the graveyard.”
In the morning, when the young man woke up, the veil of neglect
had fallen from his eyes. He left the luxuries and pleasures and
engaged in worship.1

‫َص ُّل ۡواٰ َعلَىٰا ۡل َحب ِ ۡيب َصلَّىٰاهّٰللُٰ َعلىٰ ُم َح َّمد‬

2. Old age is the herald of death

Dear Islamic brothers! There is a lesson in the passing days, these
departing breaths, youth followed by old age, and black hair turning
white. They are also the forerunners of death. In Surah al-Fāṭir, verse
37, Allah Almighty says:
ُ ُ ُ
َِؕ‫اوَل ۡمََنع ِم ۡرک ۡمَماَیتذک ُرَ ِف ۡی ِہَم ۡنَتذکرَوَجٓاءک ُمََالن ِذیۡ ُر‬

Shuʿab al-Īmān: 10769
Al-Quran, 35:37, translation from Kanz al-ꜤIrfān
Death’s Final Harbinger Translated by the Translation department of Dawat-e-Islami

The Companion of the Prophet, the leader of Quranic exegetes,

Sayyidunā ꜤAbdullāh b. ꜤAbbās ‫هّٰللٰ َع ۡن ُه َما‬
ُ ‫ َرض َِيٰا‬, says: “The word 'warner' in this
verse refers to old age. It is stated in one narration, ‘When one hair turns
white, it says to the other hairs, “Get ready! Undoubtedly, death is near.”’”2

Old age is a stairway to death

The noble Prophet ‫ َصلَّىٰالـلّٰـهُٰ َعل َۡيهِ َٰوٰال ِٖه َٰو َس َّلم‬said, “The example of the son of Ādam
is such that 99 deaths hover around him. If they miss him, he reaches
old age until he dies.”3
Mufti Aḥmad Yār Khān NaꜤīmī ‫ َر ۡح َم ُۃٰالـلّٰـهِٰ َعل َۡيه‬says in reference to this Hadith:
This means that there are countless causes of death for a person.
Death is always imminent, but if, by the command of Allah Almighty,
he is saved from this, then old age will undoubtedly come, after
which death is a certainty.4

White hairs are enough for admonition

It is said:
A king had a coffin placed in his house which he used to look at
to remember his death. Once, when he looked in the mirror, he
saw a white hair in his beard. So, he said, “The coffin should be
removed now because I do not need it anymore. I have seen a
white hair in my beard, which is a harbinger of death. Therefore,
I will now look at my white hair to remember death.”5

Tafsīr al-Durr al-Manthūr, Al-Fāṭir, verse 37, vol. 7, p. 32
Tafsīr al-Khāzin, al-Fāṭir, verse 37, vol. 3, p. 458
JāmiꜤ al-Tirmidhī: 2150
Mirˈāt al-Manājīḥ, vol. 2, p. 424
Malfūẓāt Amīr-i-Ahl-i-Sunnat, ep. 34; Udasi Ka Ilaj, p. 17
Death’s Final Harbinger Translated by the Translation department of Dawat-e-Islami

‫َص ُّل ۡواٰ َعلَىٰا ۡل َحب ِ ۡيب َصلَّىٰاهّٰللُٰ َعلىٰ ُم َح َّمد‬

Pious individual who took admonition from white hair

Sayyidunā ꜤAbdullāh b. Abū Nūḥ ‫ َر ۡح َم ُۃٰالـلّٰـهِٰ َعل َۡيه‬says:
I saw an elderly man in al-Masjid al-Nabawi, who used to clean
the masjid and stay there day and night. People told me that this
elderly man is from the offspring of the third Caliph, Sayyidunā
ꜤUthmān b. ꜤAffān ‫ َرض َِيٰالـلّٰـهُ ٰ َعـنۡ ُٰه‬. He himself has children, and Allah
Almighty has blessed him with an abundance of wealth. He has
every blessing but chooses to stay in the masjid.
I became curious after hearing the people’s comments, so I
began to observe the circumstances of the elderly man. I saw
that when the last part of the night entered, he exited the
masjid, entered Jannat al -BaqīꜤ and began offering salah whilst
facing the qibla. He offered prayer all night, and when Fajr time
began, he made duꜤāˈ which included the following supplication:

َٰ‫اَل ّٰل ُهمَّٰاِنَّكَ ٰاَ ۡر َسل َۡتٰالِ َّیٰ َوٰل َۡمٰ َتاۡذ َۡنٰل ِ ۡیٰ َفا ِ ۡنٰ ُک ۡن َتٰق َۡد َٰر ِض ۡي َتنِ ۡيٰفَائ ۡ َذ ۡنٰل ِ ۡیٰ َوٰا ِ ۡن َّٰل ۡمٰ َت ٰۡر ِضنِ ۡيٰف ََو ِّٰف ۡقنِ ۡيٰل ِ َماٰي ُ ۡرض ِۡيك‬
O Allah! You sent Your herald towards me, but You did not tell
me if You are pleased with me or not. O Lord! If You are pleased
with me, then inform me, and if You are not pleased with me, grant
me the ability to perform actions that please You.
The elderly person was still making duꜤāˈ when a goat or a similar
animal came. He drank its milk, passed his hand over its back and
made a duꜤāˈ of blessings for it, after which he returned to the
I observed him for some nights and found that his routine was
the same every day. Finally, one day, I presented myself before

Death’s Final Harbinger Translated by the Translation department of Dawat-e-Islami

him and told him that I had been secretly observing him for a few
nights. Then I asked, “Who is the herald that Allah Almighty sent to
you?” The elderly man replied, “One day, I was looking in the mirror,
when I saw a white hair in my beard. I immediately understood that
this is the bearer of death sent to me by Allah Almighty.”1

Dear Islamic brothers! Many of us have white hair, but unfortunately, we do

not take any heed. If only we also paid attention to these harbingers of death,
took admonition and started preparing for life after death.

3. Fever is also a harbinger of death

The final Prophet ‫ َصلَّىٰالـلّٰـهُٰ َعل َۡيهِ َٰوٰال ِٖه َٰو َس َّلم‬said, “Fever is a harbinger of death, and
fever is a prison built by Allah Almighty on the earth. When Allah
Almighty wills, He imprisons His servant, and then when He wills, He
releases him.”2

4. Various diseases are also harbingers of death

Sayyidunā Mujāhid ‫ َر ۡح َم ُۃٰالـلّٰـهِٰ َعل َۡيه‬said:
When a person is afflicted with an illness, the representative of the
َّ ِ‫ َعـل َۡيـه‬is present with him to the extent that when
angel of death ‫ٰالـس َـَلم‬
he is afflicted with the pangs of death, the angel of death ‫ٰالـس َـَلم‬ َّ ِ‫َعـل َۡيـه‬

himself comes to him and says: “You had harbingers and heralds
come to you one by one, but you paid no heed. Now a harbinger has
come to you who will erase your traces from this world.”3
The final harbinger of death
َّ ِ‫ َعـل َۡيـه‬,“Do you
It is narrated that a prophet asked the angel of death ‫ٰالـس َـَلم‬
not have any herald whom you can send before your arrival in order to
frighten people from death?”

1 Al-Tadhkirah li al-Qurṭubī, p. 40
2 Al-MawsūꜤah li Ibn Abī al-Dunyā, vol. 4, p. 249
3 Ḥilyat al-Awliyāˈ, vol. 3, p. 333, number 4162

Death’s Final Harbinger Translated by the Translation department of Dawat-e-Islami

َّ ِ‫ َعـل َۡيـه‬replied, “By Allah, I have many forerunners,

The angel of death ‫ٰالـس َـَلم‬
such as illnesses, whitening of hair, old age, weakness in sight and
hearing. When someone is afflicted with any of these and does not heed
advice or repent, then at the time of seizing his soul, I call out to him and
say: ‘Did I not send various harbingers to you? Now, I am the last
harbinger. After me, there is no herald, and I am the last one to warn,
there is no warner after me.’”1
O devotees of the Prophet! It is evident that fever and various diseases
are also harbingers of death. There is probably no person in the world
who has never been afflicted with any illness. Fever, headache, etc. are
common illnesses. Many people suffer from various other diseases;
some have diabetes, some have hepatitis, some have liver diseases, and
some have kidney problems. Do we take lessons from these illnesses?
Perhaps not.
If someone has a fever or falls ill, he should take heed, remember death,
consider this illness as the last illness of life, repent sincerely from sins, and
engage in good deeds. However, our condition is the opposite. Many people
are deprived of the honour of offering salah in congregation due to minor
headaches or fever, and there are perhaps many foolish people who even
use illness as an excuse to miss salah altogether.
Alas! Illness is a precursor to death, and it comes to awaken us from the
sleep of negligence, but we fall further into heedlessness.

‫َص ُّل ۡواٰ َعلَىٰا ۡل َحب ِ ۡيب َصلَّىٰاهّٰللُٰ َعلىٰ ُم َح َّمد‬

The difference between a believer and a hypocrite

The Messenger of Allah ‫ َصلَّىٰالـلّٰـهُٰ َعل َۡيهِ َٰوٰال ِٖه َٰو َس َّلم‬said:

Al-Tadhkirah li al-Qurṭubī, p. 36
Death’s Final Harbinger Translated by the Translation department of Dawat-e-Islami

When a believer falls ill and then recovers, his illness serves as
an expiation for his previous sins. Furthermore, it serves as an
admonition for the future. On the other hand, when a hypocrite
falls ill and then recovers, his example is like a camel that is tied
up by its master and then set free; it does not know why it was
bound or why it was released.1
Mufti Aḥmad Yār Khān NaꜤīmī ‫ َر ۡح َم ُۃٰالـلّٰـهِٰ َعل َۡيه‬comments on this hadith:
When a believer falls ill, he repents for his sins, and considers
that this illness is due to a sin of his and that perhaps it is the last
illness before death, and thus, he is granted healing along with
forgiveness. In contrast, the hypocrite remains oblivious,
attributing his illness to random factors like eating a certain food
or seasonal changes, and believing that a particular medicine
cured him. He remains so engrossed in the means and does not
turn his attention to the Lord and Creator of means; neither does
he repent, nor does he contemplate over his sins.

‫َص ُّل ۡواٰ َعلَىٰا ۡل َحب ِ ۡيب َصلَّىٰاهّٰللُٰ َعلىٰ ُم َح َّمد‬

5. The coming and going of days is also a harbinger of death

Dear Islamic brothers! The rising and setting of the sun, the passing of
days, weeks, months and years are all harbingers of death, which we can
learn a great deal from. Unfortunately, we ride on the ‘conveyances’ of
the day and night, moving towards our death. Soon, the time will come
when our journey is complete, and we reach the abode of the grave.
Allah Almighty states in the Glorious Quran:

Sunan Abī Dāwūd: 3089
Death’s Final Harbinger Translated by the Translation department of Dawat-e-Islami

ّٰ ۡ ّٰ ُ ‫ٰۤیایُہاَالۡانۡس‬
﴾ۚ۶﴿َ‫ان َاِنکَکاد ٌِح َاِلیَربِکَکدحاََفمُل ِق ۡی ِہ‬ ِ

 Sayyidunā Fuḍayl ‫ َر ۡح َم ُۃٰالـلّٰـهِٰ َعل َۡيه‬once asked someone about their age,
and upon hearing "60 years," he remarked, "For 60 years, you have
been on a journey towards Allah Almighty. Soon, you will reach His
 The Companion of the Prophet, Sayyidunā Abū al-Dardāˈ
‫ َرض َِيٰالـلّٰـ ُهٰ َعـ ۡن ُٰه‬, stated, “Your life is only a collection of a few days. When

one day passes, a portion of your life is complete."3

 A wise person once said, "How can a person express happiness
over this world when days are reducing months, months are
reducing years, and years are diminishing life!"4

Encouragement to act upon pious deed number 54

Dear Islamic brothers! To embed the remembrance of death in your
hearts, to prepare for the grave and the Hereafter, and to attain the
honour of becoming pious and punctual in salah, affiliate yourselves
with the religious environment of Dawat-e-Islami!
Participate actively in the 12 religious works of Dawat-e-Islami, act upon
the pious deeds and travel with the Madani qafilahs. ‫ ا ِ ۡنٰشَ ــ ٓا َءالـ ّٰلـه‬You will
experience a profound change in your life, and if Allah Almighty wills,
you will also be blessed with the treasure of disinclination from the
world, and your character and conduct will flourish.

Al-Quran, 84:6, translation from Kanz al-ꜤIrfān
Laṭāˈif al-MaꜤ ārif, p. 405
Ibid, p. 406
Death’s Final Harbinger Translated by the Translation department of Dawat-e-Islami

The renowned spiritual guide and leader of Ahl al-Sunnah, Mawlana

Ilyas Attar al-Qadiri, has granted the Ummah with a booklet in the form
of questions and answers titled ‘72 Pious Deeds’. By acting upon it, we
can easily make ourselves practice righteous actions. One of the ‘72
Pious Deeds’ is, “Today, have you made effort to refrain from joking,
taunting, hurting the feelings of others and laughing aloud (at home and

‫َص ُّل ۡواٰ َعلَىٰا ۡل َحب ِ ۡيب َصلَّىٰاهّٰللُٰ َعلىٰ ُم َح َّمد‬

Rulings relating to a funeral

O devotees of the Prophet! Let us listen to the rulings relating to a
funeral from the booklet of the Amir of Ahl al-Sunnah ‫َدا َم ۡـتٰبَ َـرَكَاتُـ ُهـ ُمٰال َۡـعـال ِ َـيـ ٰۡه‬
entitled Murday kay Sadmay. Firstly, let us listen to two sayings of the
beloved Prophet ‫ َصلَّىٰالـلّٰـهُٰ َعل َۡيهِ َٰوٰال ِٖه َٰو َس َّلم‬:
1. When a person of Paradise passes away, Allah Almighty will not
punish those who carry his funeral bier, those who walk behind
him and those who offer his funeral salah.1
2. The first reward that will be given to the deceased believer after
his death is that all of those who take part in his funeral will be
 One should take part in a funeral for the sake of Allah Almighty,
to fulfil an obligation, to bring happiness to the deceased and his
family, and with other good intentions.
 Whilst walking with the deceased, remember your own end. Just
as you are carrying him today, you will also be carried one day.
Just as he will be buried under the earth, your burial will also

Firdaws al-Akhbār, vol. 1, p. 282, Hadith: 1108
Musnad al-Bazzār: 4796
Death’s Final Harbinger Translated by the Translation department of Dawat-e-Islami

take place like this. Pondering and reflecting like this is a form of
worship and a rewardable act.
 Shouldering the funeral bier is an act of reward, and it is stated
in a Hadith, “Whosoever walks 40 steps with the deceased, 40 of
his major sins will be forgiven.” In another Hadith it is stated,
“Whosoever shoulders all four corners of the funeral bier, he will
be completely forgiven.”1

The remaining rulings pertaining to a funeral will be mentioned in the
study circles. Therefore, take part in the study circles to learn about

‫َص ُّل ۡواٰ َعلَىٰا ۡل َحب ِ ۡيب َصلَّىٰاهّٰللُٰ َعلىٰ ُم َح َّمد‬

Al-Jawhara, p. 139; Al-Durr al-Mukhtār, vol. 3, pp. 158,159; Bahār-i-SharīꜤat, vol. 1, p. 823

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