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Part -1
Interview Questions

Only One/Two Liner Theoretical Questions

It does not include Scenario Based Questions
These are very basic questions, most asked in my interviews.
These questions can vary or maybe different in your

Syed Taha Kamal Ahmad

What is a
User Criteria?

Syed Taha Kamal Ahmad

What is a
Transform Script?
Also mention it's

Syed Taha Kamal Ahmad

Difference between
Order Guide
Record Producer?

Syed Taha Kamal Ahmad

What do you mean
Order Guide?

Syed Taha Kamal Ahmad

What is the
difference between
Incident and Case?

Syed Taha Kamal Ahmad

How do you declare
a variable in a
workflow so that it
can be reused in
other activities?
Syed Taha Kamal Ahmad
What are the
types of
Client Scripts?

Syed Taha Kamal Ahmad

What do you
mean by
HTML Sanitizer?

Syed Taha Kamal Ahmad

What do you
mean by
Reference Qualifier?

Syed Taha Kamal Ahmad

Which one will
execute last?
UI Policies
Client Scripts
Syed Taha Kamal Ahmad
What is
Cascade Variable
check box?

Syed Taha Kamal Ahmad

Which updates are
not captured in the
Update Sets?

Syed Taha Kamal Ahmad

What is
Foreign Record

Syed Taha Kamal Ahmad

What is
Coalesce in
Transform Map?

Syed Taha Kamal Ahmad

What is
Choice Action in
transform map?

Syed Taha Kamal Ahmad

What is a Dictionary
Give an example.

Syed Taha Kamal Ahmad

What is a
Data Policy?

Syed Taha Kamal Ahmad

What is
Domain Separation?

Syed Taha Kamal Ahmad

What is the
significance of
setLimit(n) function?

Syed Taha Kamal Ahmad

Difference between
Response and
Resolution SLA?

Syed Taha Kamal Ahmad

What is
watermark in the
Where can we find

Syed Taha Kamal Ahmad

What is
Coordinator activity
in the workflow ?

Syed Taha Kamal Ahmad

What are the ways of
passing values
from Server Side to
Client Side?

Syed Taha Kamal Ahmad

What is
Retroactive Start
in SLA?

Syed Taha Kamal Ahmad

What are the
different ways to

Syed Taha Kamal Ahmad

Why and how
ServiceNow can
solve Security

Syed Taha Kamal Ahmad

What are the
different licensing
costs for different
modules ?

Syed Taha Kamal Ahmad

How do you plan
your upgrade?
Mention the
complete process.

Syed Taha Kamal Ahmad

How do you stay
updated with

Syed Taha Kamal Ahmad

How do you identify
whether you need a
new module or
continue with
existing module?
Mention the
dependent factors.
Syed Taha Kamal Ahmad
If you have reached this far

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Syed Taha Kamal Ahmad

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