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1st English Test SCHOOL YEAR

1st Term (October) 2023/2024


Class: ___________ Date:___/___/_____ Teacher: Patrícia Costa

Mark: _________________

Parent’s signature: ________________

Part I: Listening

1. Listen to a radio programme. Circle the correct options.

1.1. The programme is about… 1.4. They wanted shops to stop using..
a inspiring young people. a plastic bags.
b helpful old people. b plastic bottles.

1.2. María and Yolanda are… 1.5. They visited Mexico City and…
a friends. a other towns in Mexico.
b sisters. b some towns in the USA.

1.3. They saw a lot of … on the beach. 1.6. The girls want to help protect…
a animals a people.
b plastic bottles b the environment.

2. Listen again. Circle the correct options to complete the notes.

María and Yolanda
• Live in 1Mexico City / Puerto Vallarta.

• Started their organisation while they were 2at school / on holiday.

• Did two things: collected rubbish from beaches and asked 3tourists / shops not
to use plastic bags.

• Also educated people about the problems with 4plastic / travelling.

• Now they want no more 5tourists / plastic bags on the island.

• They are inspiring because they are changing 6the environment / people and the

Part II: Reading

Helen Keller
Life is difficult when you are blind. But what about when you cannot see and you also cannot hear? For Helen
Keller, this was reality. Helen Keller was born in the USA in 1880. As a baby, she was able to see and hear
normally, but when she was about two years old, she got very ill. After the illness, Helen was playing when
her mother noticed that her child couldn’t see or hear.
Helen found it quite difficult to deal with everyday life, but her mother was determined to help her become
independent. She found a teacher for Helen, Anne Sullivan, who was working with deaf children in Boston.
Anne started to teach Helen to communicate by using her fingers to spell words. While she was learning,
Helen often got very angry and frustrated, but Anne was very patient and helpful, and by the time Helen was
ten years old, she started classes at a school for deaf children.
Helen was ambitious and she worked hard. A rich man, Henry Rogers, agreed to pay for her to go to
university. Every day, Anne used to go with her and sit next to her to help understand the lectures. In 1904,
when she was 24, Helen graduated from university. She was the first deafblind person to get a degree.
During her life, Helen became famous and worked for people with disabilities. She travelled to 35 countries
and wrote 12 books. Her life is inspiring, not only for blind and deaf people, but for everyone.

3. Read the text. Put the events a–e in the correct order 1–5.
a Helen’s mother found her a teacher.
b Helen wrote some books.
c Helen became ill.
d Helen went to university.
e Helen became blind and deaf.

4. Find words in the text that mean the following.

4.1. manage to do (paragraph 2)
4.2. to share information with other people by speaking or writing (paragraph 2)
4.3. feeling annoyed because you cannot do what you want (paragraph 2)
4.4. wanting to be successful (paragraph 3)
4.5. formal talks to a group of people, especially students (paragraph 3)

5. Read the text again. Answer the questions.

5.1. How did Helen’s mother help her after she became deaf and blind?
5.2. Why do you think Helen Keller became so inspiring?
Part 3: Vocabulary and Grammar
6. Complete the text with the words in the box.
bored electronic devices excited keyboard rap social media

I’m never 1 _______________ when I listen to music. I love it! I use different 2 _______________,
such as my MP4 player or my smartphone to listen to it everywhere. My friends and I are in a band. I
play the 3 _______________, and write and sing the songs, too. Last Saturday, Milky Milk, a famous
rapper, came to my town. I felt really 4 _______________! I love 5 _______________ music. I went to
the concert with some friends. It was great! We wrote a lot of 6 _______________ messages about
the concert next day!

7. Complete the sentences with the correct word in brackets.

7.1. Kate plays the _______________ really well. (folk / drums / rap)
7.2. Do you like _______________ music? (DJ / keyboard / folk)
7.3. _______________ is a kind of music that originally came from Jamaica. (Reggae / Bass / Heavy
7.4. My best friend plays the _______________ in a band. (DJ / keyboard / folk)
7.5. My parents like _______________, but I don’t like it at all. (jazz / fans / band)
7.6. One hundred thousand _______________ fill the stadium to see the concert. (folk / bass / fans)

8. Circle the correct options.

8.1. My best friend likes being with other people. She’s very sociable / lazy.
8.2. My dad never worries about things. He’s always calm / grumpy.
8.3. Dan plays the guitar really well. He’s so helpful / talented.
8.4. My grandma is seventy, but she is very anxious / active and plays tennis every day.
8.5. My best friend usually makes good decisions and is sensible / sensitive.
8.6. My mum is very sensible / sensitive and she understands how I am feeling.

9. Complete with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in the box. There’s an extra
verb you don’t need to use.
do leave move sit start be

JESS Hey, Casey! Where are you?

I 1 _____________________ at the theatre and
I can’t see you.
What 2 ____________________________ (you)?
The concert 3 _________________ in 20 minutes.

CASEY Sorry! We 4 _______________ on the bus.

I left home late, and now there’s a lot of traffic!
It 5 _________________________ really slowly.

JESS Oh, Casey! You are always late!

10. Put the words in the correct order.
10.1. I / often / on / study / Sundays / don’t / .
10.2. are / We / at / the weekend / sometimes / bored / .
10.3. visit / on / your / Sunday / usually / Do / aunt / you / ?

11. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Choose between past
simple and past continuous.
10.1. While I ____________________________ (take) care of my baby nephew, the phone rang.
10.2. Sarah was watching a film when the TV ____________________________ (break).
10.3. I _________________________ (not see) you while we were hanging out after school.
10.4. My sister ______________________________ (do) a school project as I was leaving.
10.5. What ________________________ (you / think) about while you were eating breakfast?

Part 4: Writing
12. Write a review of your favourite app. Use the prompts below to help you.
Write between 80 and 120 words.
• the name of the app and what it does
• the good things about the app
• the bad things about the app
• your general opinion of it


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