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your insight/s after two factual information provide at least on

watching each video found in each video have about the vid

video 1

video 2

video 3

Video 1
INSIGHTS: As I watched the first video, it helps me to enlighten myself that
being outside has a low risk but, when you start interacting with people, this
can increase the risk of having infected by the virus. Since there are a lot of
people who go outside, there is a high probability that some of them interact
with each other,and with this, there are also a high possibility of virus
transmission since it was said to be carried through droplets. That is why it is
recommended to stay at home, but since there are necessities that are
needed to be acquired, social distancing is always a reminder to everyone.
Also, keep reminding ourselves that we should practice sanitizing before
going outside and before going home.

1 When we talk, we let out small and heavy droplets of water. As the droplets
floats and evaporates, it just leave and spread for some period of time.
2 A virus has protected coat of moisture around it. There’s a lot of things
acting on it, just like wind, sunlight, and rain. With the help of these things,
they are able to break the virus apart and decay it as well.
ONE QUESTION: Based on the story from the first part of the video, does
corona virus really spread more easily in cold temperatures?

Video 2
INSIGHTS: Humans are all responsible for this. This is just telling us that we
are the cause for all of the changes that happens in our environment. Building
infrastructures are one of the reasons why the animals have lost their habitat.
As they tried to adjust from this changing environment, it affects their health
and this is where the roots of animal diseases outbreaks begin. What I have
learned from all of this is that, we should really bring the beauty back, let us
start the real restoration, all of us should reunite to save the nature not only
for our own benefit but to show the love and care with all of the living
creatures who are helping us in our survival.

1 Pathogens are a type of bacteria that can cause illnesses. Diseases like
West Nile Virus and Ebola both originated from Zoonosis, which a pathogen
moves from animal to human.
2 According to World Wildlife Fund 2018, the biggest threat to animal survival
is not the pollution, exploitation or not being haunted,the ultimate threat for
them is losing their habits (49%). The disappearing species create different
opportunities for Zoonotic diseases to jump to humans.

ONE QUESTION: One thing that makes me curious is that, how did bats
infect humans?

Video 3
INSIGHTS: All of these vaccines made for CoVid 19 protection are all very
good.Now I learned that efficacy is not the whole basis of every vaccines
effectiveness. The word ‘efficacy rate’ just tell us what really happens from
clinical trials, those percentage shown in every ‘vaccines still matters but, this
is what matter most.’ With the whole explanation given by this video, what I
just learned is that, you can accept any vaccines that is offered to you. All
these kinds are against death and leads you to survival. Thus, what we need
to do is to encourage youths and elders to get vaccinated for us to get closer
in this end of pandemic.

(1) Efficacy rate is the percentage reduction in a disease in a group of people
who received a vaccination in a clinical trial. And also, this differs from the
vaccine effectiveness which is actually given to the people in he community.
(2) The purpose of CoVid vaccinations is to give your body enough protection
to cover possibilities of getting severe symptoms and getting hospitalized.

ONE QUESTION: If I complete the vaccine doses, should I still need to wear
a mask and do social distancing?

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