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das tarefas e atividades

feitas no CMSP e Forms
• Diplomas and degrees - Tarefa do dia

• What is the purpose of a diploma?

• A) To provide information about someone's educational

• B) To support personal and professional development.
• C) To help people find job opportunities.
• D) To indicate the highest level of degree achieved.
• E) To certify the completion of studies in an educational
• What are the possibilities for further studies after
completing basic education?

• A) Technical courses, bachelor's degrees, and post-

• B) Elementary school, middle school, and high
• C) K-12, associate degree, and master's degree.
• D) Career opportunities, work, and company.
• E) Public school, college, and scholarship.
• Título: Slangs - Tarefa do dia

• What is the purpose of using slangs in informal


• A) To confuse the listener.

• B) To sound more intelligent.
• C) To show off one's vocabulary.
• D) To express oneself in a more casual and relatable
• E) To make the conversation more formal.
• Which of the following sentences contains a slang?

• A) "I am going to the store."

• B) "She is studying for the test."
• C) "That movie was amazing, it blew my mind!"
• D) "He is a very intelligent person."
• E) "I enjoy reading books."
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