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Institute of Management Nirma University

MBA-FT Programme
Batch: - 2023-25

Business Communication (6MP502)

Phase I: Personal Inventory

Name: - Abhishek H. Chapatwala

Section: - A
Roll no.: - 23MBA101

Submitted to: - Prof. Ruchika Sharma

Submitted on: - 15/10/2023
 Supportive
 Responsible
 Caring
 Empathetic
 Detail-oriented
 Organized
 Patient
 Harmonious
 Conflict-Averse
 Humble
 Service-oriented
 Security-oriented

Section I: Who Are You

1. My greatest strengths are:

My greatest strengths are Team management, Adaptability, and Time management.

1. Team management:-

Throughout my educational and work experiences, I've been part of many different
teams. This has been a great learning experience for me and has taught me how to
work well with others. I consider myself a team player who is helpful and caring.
When conflicts or problems arise, I step in to help find solutions, making sure
everyone understands what we're doing. I also give feedback and guidance to help the
team do better. I'm organized and detail-oriented, which helps things run smoothly. I
prefer to avoid conflicts and focus on creating a Harmonious and safe team
Situation(also an answer for problem-solving skill):

In a college, our team had a project to convert a tricycle into an affordable electric
one for specially-abled individuals. Our task was to make it low-cost with a good
range. To achieve this, I took on the role of team coordinator, leveraging my team
management skills. I ensured that each team member's skills and strengths were put to
their best use, distributing tasks efficiently and aligning them with their expertise. As
a result, we made the electric tricycle available for only Rs. 26,000 with a range of 10
kilometers. Our success was recognized by the college's social media cell.

is there any difference between team management and leadership skills?

Yes, there is a difference between team management and leadership skills. Team
management is about efficiently executing tasks, organizing roles, and resolving
immediate issues within a team. Leadership, on the other hand, focuses on setting a
vision, inspiring individuals, and shaping long-term strategic direction. Effective
leaders often balance both skill sets to achieve their goals

2. Adaptability:-
“When patterns are broken, new worlds emerge.” – Tuli Kupferberg. Adaptability is a
great asset to have because life is so unpredictable, and things can change overnight
for any of us. Keeping this in my mind I have always pushed myself to be an
adaptable person who tries to navigate through change and uncertainty. While
working on a project I always focus on assimilating new information available and
based on that make new strategies to find the most efficient and effective solution.

When I initially took the CAT exam, I received a very low score. However, this
experience showcased my adaptability. Instead of becoming discouraged, I chose to
focus on my mistakes and recognized the need for change in my preparation
approach. Over the next year, I adapted my strategies, studied differently, and learned
from my previous errors. As a result, when I took the CAT exam again after a year, I
achieved a significantly improved score. This journey underscores my ability to
adapt, learn, and overcome challenges effectively.

Another example: shift from Engineering to MBA

3. Time management:-
Time is the most precious asset that we all have in our life. I always plan for the next
day. I list down the tasks that need to be performed and prioritize them. Also, I give
myself a time limit for each task so that I should be able to finish it before the
deadline. While preparing for CAT, I was working in a company and that too in
shifts. I had three shifts – morning, evening, and night. So, for each shift, I used to
calculate how much spare time I had in a day, and according to that, I made a study

Can you provide an example of a situation where your strengths played a

crucial role in achieving a positive outcome?
CAT preparation example for 2nd attempt

How do you leverage your strengths to mitigate potential challenges in your

"I leverage my strengths in adaptability, team management, and time management to
address potential challenges in my work effectively. When faced with unexpected
changes or disruptions in a project, my adaptability allows me to quickly adjust and
find alternative solutions. I also use my team management skills to delegate tasks
efficiently, ensuring that team members are well-prepared to handle unforeseen
challenges. Additionally, my time management skills help me prioritize and allocate
time to address new issues while still meeting deadlines for ongoing tasks. By
combining these strengths, I'm able to navigate work challenges with agility, maintain
a well-organized team, and meet project objectives in a dynamic work environment
2. My greatest weaknesses are:

1. My major weakness is a lack of public speaking skills. I feel more comfortable

addressing a few people. While giving a speech in public, I always face the challenge
of structuring my thoughts and eventually finishing the speech quickly. I feel
nervousness and loss of words while addressing a larger audience.

While I have developed strong team management skills throughout my educational

and work experiences, I acknowledge that I have room for improvement in
communication. My preference to avoid conflicts and focus on maintaining a
harmonious team atmosphere has sometimes led to challenges in expressing
disagreements or providing critical feedback. This can, at times, hinder open and
constructive communication. I recognize the importance of effective communication
in a team, and I'm actively working on enhancing this skill to ensure that my team
management abilities are complemented by improved communication.

what is your communication strengths?

With my ISFJ personality, my communication strengths lie in my empathetic and
caring nature. I have a deep understanding of others' emotions and needs, which
allows me to connect with people on a personal level. I'm a good listener and can
provide support and guidance when someone needs it. My communication style is
typically harmonious, and I strive to maintain positive and respectful interactions
with others, fostering a comfortable and open atmosphere for discussion.

2. Another weakness is self-criticism. I often find myself being too harsh on my

mistakes and shortcomings which hinders my self-confidence and sometimes leads to
negative views on my abilities. Generally, I want tasks to be executed perfectly, so if
there is any error or mistake in it, I tend to engage in self-criticism.
However, my strength is adaptability. This means that when things don't go perfectly,
I'm good at changing my approach and finding new solutions. So, even though I can
be tough on myself, I use that self-critique to learn and grow, and my adaptability
helps me turn my weaknesses into strengths.

3. I acknowledge that my preference for avoiding conflicts has resulted in a relative

weakness in negotiation skills. While I prioritize maintaining harmonious
relationships, I recognize the importance of negotiation in achieving mutually
beneficial outcomes. I am actively addressing this weakness by seeking training and
mentorship to navigate conflicts constructively.

While negotiation skills are important, I focus on strong team management to handle
conflicts early on. Instead of relying heavily on negotiations, I work proactively to
prevent conflicts within the team. This approach emphasizes building good
relationships and clear communication, making the team function smoothly. By
promoting a positive team culture and establishing clear expectations, I aim to
mitigate the need for extensive negotiations. Additionally, I am committed to
developing my negotiation skills through training and mentorship to ensure a well-
rounded skill set. Ultimately, my focus on building strong relationships within the
team contributes to a cohesive and productive working environment, even as I
actively work on improving my negotiation skills

steps to deal with difficult people?

Stay Calm: Keep your emotions in check to think more clearly.

Listen Actively: Understand their perspective before responding.
Choose Your Battles: Decide if the issue is worth addressing.
Set Boundaries: Clearly communicate acceptable behavior.
Find Common Ground: Identify shared goals or interests.
Use "I" Statements: Express feelings without blaming.
Offer Solutions: Propose constructive ways to resolve conflicts
3. Steps I would take to improve upon my weaknesses are:

1. To improve my public speaking and communication skills, I am planning to take the

following steps:
 Practice regularly through public speaking opportunities and discussions.
 Learn from books, articles, and videos on communication techniques, focusing on
body language and clarity.
 Manage anxiety with mindfulness and breathing exercises.
 Organizing thoughts clearly while presenting information.
 Expand my vocabulary by reading daily.
 Seek feedback from others to identify areas for improvement in addressing the

2. Improving self-criticism is important for personal growth and well-being. I would

take the following steps to deal with it:
 Instead of dwelling on mistakes, try to learn from them.
 Trying to question the validity of negative thoughts. Are they based on facts or
just exaggerated?
 Treat myself with kindness and understanding.
 Practice meditation to observe thoughts without judgment.
 Set realistic, achievable goals and not expect flawless performance in everything

3. To enhance my negotiation skills for professional and personal growth, I plan to:
 Practice active listening to understand others' needs and concerns.
 Define clear negotiation goals.
 Acquire thorough knowledge about the subject matter and the other party's needs.
 Control my emotions during negotiations for clear communication.
 Stay calm and manage pressure in intense negotiation situations.
4. The most unusual aspects of my background or experience are:

In 2019 I was in my final year of undergraduate. We all were aiming to get a job in a
good corporation. I started preparation to clear the interview process. I appeared for
many exams and interviews but was not able to convert any of them. In June 2019 I
finally got placed in one of the leading companies in power generation and distribution –
Torrent Power. But for some reason, my joining date was getting delayed continuously. I
almost lost hope and started to prepare for the government exam. It was quite a stressful
time for me; getting no response from the organization about my joining date.

In March 2020 COVID-19 pandemic entered India and the lockdown was announced by
the Prime minister. Many people were losing their jobs as companies were struggling to
do business due to a halt in the economy. But to my surprise, I got a call from HR of
Torrent Power in July to ask me whether I was still willing to join the organization or
not. It was one of the happiest days of my life. I got a call from the company almost after
1 year of clearing the interview and that too when I was not expecting it. It came as a ray
of hope in my life.

For me, this was the most unusual aspect of my experience. Because of this experience,
I discovered the value of perseverance after enduring a lengthy and unpredictable road
from passing an interview to accepting a job offer. It taught me to be adaptive,
particularly in the face of unexpected problems such as the COVID-19 pandemic, and to
respect persistence in the event of delays and failures. This incident also highlighted the
unpredictability of life and the need of being hopeful even when the route ahead seemed
5. People often consult me for:

People generally consult me when they face any problem while solving questions about a
particular subject. I make sure that they understand concepts by explaining them in easy-
to-understand language and giving examples. Sometimes they also consult me about
which stocks or mutual funds to buy while starting their investment journey. I show
strong empathy and compassion towards others. So people feel comfortable sharing their
concerns with me and in return, I offer them emotional support and words of

6. My MBTI Code:

My MBTI Code is ISFJ: Introverted, Sensing, Feeling and Judging

7. One example/incident where I displayed aspect of MBTI:

During the first term of my MBA, my group was working on an assignment. We clearly
distributed the tasks and I advised them to start early as it was a long assignment.
However, they started doing their work on the last day. Also, almost all team members
were going outside as it was a Sunday. They sent me their output a few hours before the
deadline and their work was also not up to par. As they were outside, and I didn’t want
to have a conflict with them as it was the first time this had happened, I quickly made
corrections, compiled all the information, and finally submitted the report.

Section II: Where Are You Going?

1. Several areas that intrigue me professionally are:

Finance-related areas such as Financial advising and planning, Banking and customer
service, Nonprofit finance, and corporate finance really intrigue me.
Financial Advising and planning would allow me to provide personalized support to
individuals and families, helping them in managing budgets and making effective
investment decisions. I would find satisfaction in guiding them towards financial stability
and ensuring that they achieve their financial goals and dreams.

Banking and customer service-related roles allow me to help customers based on their
banking needs while ensuring a positive banking experience. I would like to work in an
environment where I can strengthen and build lasting client relationships.

Nonprofit finance allows me to use my financial skills to support organizations dedicated

to important causes by efficiently managing funds for them.

My role in corporate finance will allow me to contribute to the financial stability of a

company by managing its financial assets and making responsible financial decisions. I
would find satisfaction in ensuring that organizations operate efficiently and are
financially sound, which in turn, strengthens a harmonious work environment.

2. The journals, books, blogs, and videos that I read to learn more about my
professional interests are:

To deepen my knowledge about the finance sector I am currently learning about various
aspects of stock markets. For this, I have completed several modules of stock market
basics, technical analysis, and fundamental analysis on the Varsity app which is backed
by one of the leading stock broker firms – ZERODHA.

For News related to business, economy, and capital markets I am daily reading Mint
newspaper and blogs on Finshots. This allows me to stay up to date on the latest
developments in the business world, identify new business opportunities, improve my
financial knowledge, and make informed decisions about my finances. Along with these
benefits, they also help me to expand my vocabulary, and improve my written and
communication skills.

Apart from this, I have also read one of the famous books for financial knowledge – Rich
Dad Poor Dad. It imparted basic financial knowledge, such as the difference between
assets and liabilities and the importance of cash flow. The book also encouraged me to
build assets that generate passive income, such as real estate, stocks, and mutual funds
which is the best way to achieve financial freedom and independence.

I also watch videos of finfluencers on YouTube who shares their knowledge about
money, saving, and investing. They also share their own personal financial stories and

3. The skills I have aligned with my professional interests are:

What strengths make you a good fit for finance position?

Working in finance-related areas such as corporate finance, financial planning, and

advising requires strong analytical, interpersonal, and communication skills.

To sharpen my analytical skills, I recently completed a Financial Analyst course on

Udemy. This helped me to impart knowledge about the most used tool in the finance
sector – EXCEL, from basics to advanced level. It also imparted knowledge about
building a company’s P&L and balance sheet from scratch, performing financial
statement analysis, Assessing the feasibility of a project, performing business and
industry analysis, creating presentations in PowerPoint, etc.

I have strong interpersonal skills. I believe in building and maintaining relationships with
colleagues and to show empathy. In the past, I have showcased it while working in
different teams. First, I try to know each team member individually, build trust, and then
delegate tasks based on their strengths. After that, I provide support as and when needed.
Finance professionals are also required to be able to communicate complex financial
information to both technical and non-technical audiences. Right now, it is my weakness,
but I am taking steps mentioned in previous questions like reading newspapers, structured
thinking, managing nervousness through mindfulness, etc. to improve it.

4. A brand that I identify with:


5. Reasons for being this brand:

Nikhil Kamath, the founder of Zerodha, is an inspiring figure for many entrepreneurs
and investors. He is a self-made billionaire who started Zerodha with just 20,000 Rs. in
2010 and now the company has over 10 million customers.

As an ISFJ personality, I value building strong relationships and working with others and
Zerodha is a company that encourages these qualities. They also run a number of open
online educational and community initiatives to empower retail traders and investors.
Zerodha also has a strong work culture that is based on the values of innovation and

Zerodha has a strong commitment to employee development and offers a variety of

training and development opportunities. It also provides competitive salaries, health
insurance and paid time off. Zerodha offers unlimited paid time off to its employees so
that employees can take as much time off as they need. This shows the company’s trust in
its employees about their time management skills. Also, it has no dress code policy which
encourages a very casual work culture, and this as a result makes employees comfortable
and allows them to express themselves easefully at work.

Zerodha is a socially responsible company and it is committed to giving back to the

community. It supports a number of charitable organizations and it also provides
opportunities for its employees to volunteer their time to social causes.
Section III: Highs & Lows

1. The highest point/most memorable moment of my life was:

After completing the 10th standard I took admission into “Smt. V.D. Desai Wadiwala
High School” to complete my 11th and 12th standards. As I was aiming to become an
engineer, I chose the science stream in 11th standard. I was able to connect with teachers
very well which helped to build a strong bond with them.
Clearing the 12th standard was the challenging task than passing the 10th std. So, I was
working hard from day 1. During those 2 years, I sacrificed many things and only
focused on my studies. Finally, in May 2015, I cleared my 12th standard exam with a
good percentage. But one thing that came as a surprise was an unexpected score in the
JEE exam which one has to clear to get admission into prestigious colleges like NITs and
IITs. I cleared the exam with a good score and around 98% accuracy which was very
astonishing for me. I got 4th rank in school in that exam. It was the best day of my life. In
July 2015 I got admission to one of the best NITs in India – NIT, Surat, where I pursued
a B. tech in Mechanical Engineering for 4 years.

2. I hit rock bottom/least memorable moment when:

In September 2019, I along with 18 other people from different colleges joined the
Torrent power. We were provided a stay in the company’s township – “Shardashish”,
which was just 2 Km away from the plant. It was a huge township with many facilities
like a theatre room, swimming pool, cricket ground, and a big playground. It was a
colony with strict rules and discipline.

All things were going well but then I got to know about the company’s work culture. It
was very toxic and dull. The job role was also not good. As engineers, we were assigned
duties that any low-skilled worker could do. Physically it was a very rigorous job. Due to
the lack of growth and career opportunities, many people had left their jobs in my
department. Seeing this situation many of my friends started to look out for different
career paths. Gradually they started to leave the organization. Most of them went to
Canada and Germany for higher studies.

I was contacting different friends seeking career-related guidance. After so much

brainstorming and based on my aspirations, I decided to pursue an MBA degree. I started
preparation for the CAT. However, due to my anxiety, overthinking, and self-doubt, I
was not able to concentrate. In addition, many friends who joined the organization with
me left it and I also lost contact with them. My roommate also left for higher studies. So,
I was alone in the room for 1 year. I had people around me but most of the time I had to
stay in my room for my exam preparation. Due to this, I started to feel lonely and that
affected my study a lot. Due to this I could not able to clear the exam on 1 st attempt. This
was the least memorable moment of my life.

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