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BS EN 1 YA 1
LESSON 9: THE INFORMATION AGE stencils and simple geometric shapes to
create art on the walls of caves. The
 Computer Age, Digital Age, New Media oldest known are more than 44,000
Age, Internet Age years old, found in both the Franco-
 a historic period in the 21st Cantabrian region in western Europe
century characterized by the rapid shift  Johannes Gutenberg invented the
from traditional industry that printing press during the Renaissance
the Industrial Revolution brought period.
through industrialization, to an economy  Industrial Age- is a period of history that
based on information technology. encompasses the changes in economic
 Early Developments of Information Age and social organization that began
 1945- Fremont Rider described the around 1760 in Great Britain and later In
miniaturized microform analog other countries, characterized
photographs, which could be chiefly by the replacement of hand
duplicated on-demand for library tools with power-driven machines such
patrons and other institutions. as the power loom and the steam
 1965- Moore’s law was formulated. It is
engine, and by the concentration of
an observation that the number of
transistors in a dense integrated circuit industry in large establishments.
doubles about every two years. Communication during the Industrial
 Early 1980s- production of the smaller Age
and less expensive personal computers  Telegraph- communications system in
allowed for direct access to information. which information is transmitted over a
 1995- Nicholas Negroponte published his wire through a series of electrical current
book, Being Digital, the similarities and pulses. Became the standard for
differences between products made of international communication
atoms and bits. with a modified code. Developed in the
 Primary Information Age- newspaper, 1830s and 1840s by Samuel Morse. On
radio, television.
May 24, 1844, the first message, “What
 Secondary Information Age- Internet,
satellite television and mobile phones hath God wrought?” was sent.
 Tertiary Information Age- emerged by  Punchcards /IBM cards was invented by
media of the Primary Information Age Herman Hollerith in the late 1800’s
interconnected with media of the  Alexander Graham Bell patented the
Secondary Information Age. telephone in 1876.
 Pre-industrial Age- a time before there  Thomas Edison invented the
were machines and tools to help them
phonograph in 1877, a device for the
perform the tasks.
 About 2.5 million years before writing mechanical recording and
was developed, technology began with reproduction of sound.
the earliest hominids who used stone  Heinrich Hertz identified and studied
tools, which they may have used to start radio waves in 1886.
fires, hunt, and bury their dead.  Guiglielmo Marconi developed the first
 Communications were limited between practical radio transmitters and
communities. People used traditional
receivers in 1896.
paper and writing materials, signs or
symbols to communicate with each  Philo Farnsworth invented the first fully
other. For example, Egyptians used electronic television in September 7,
papyrus scrolls. Sumerians used clay 1927. It became an important mass
tablets, Prehistoric men used hand
BS EN 1 YA 1
medium for advertising, propaganda  UNIVAC( Universal Automatic
and entertainment. Computer) is a line of electronic digital
 A power loom is a mechanized loom, stored-program computers.
and was one of the key developments  IBM is the first mass produced computer
in the industrialization of weaving during with floating-point arithmetic hardware.
the early Industrial Revolution. The first  Hewlett Packard 9100A is an early
power loom was designed in 1786 by computer or programmable calculator
Edmund Cartwright and first built that  Floppy disk was invented by IBM
same year. engineers led by Alan Shugart. Floppy
 The 1st typewriter was invented by disk is a magnetic storage medium.
Christopher Latham Sholes was an  Transistor- is a device that regulates
American inventor who invented the current or voltage flow and acts as a
QWERTY keyboard and, along with switch or gate for electronic signals.
Samuel W. Soule, Carlos Glidden  Integrated circuit( IC )- Jack Kilby
 The babbage engine was invented by began his career at Texas Instruments in
Charles Babbage. 1958.
 Mechanical calculator was invented by  Microprocessor-Federico Faggin,
Blaise Pascal in 1642. Marcian (Ted) Hoff, Stanley Mazor, and
 Electronic Age- began when electronic Masatoshi Shima—for a Japanese
equipment and large technologies, calculator manufacturer Busicom
including computers came into use. The  The UNIVAC I (UNIVersal Automatic
invention of the transistor ushered in the Computer I) was the first general-
electronic age. People harnessed the purpose electronic digital computer
power of transistors that led to the design for business application
transistor radio, electronic circuits, and produced in the United States. It was
the early computers. In this age, long designed principally by J. Presper Eckert
distance communication became more and John Mauchly, the inventors of the
efficient. ENIAC.
 Enigma machine is a piece of spook  The Advanced Research Projects
hardware used as a way of deciphering Agency Network (ARPANET) was the first
German signals traffic during World War wide-area packet- switched network
Two. with distributed control and one of the
 Transistor radio became the most first networks to implement the TCP/IP
popular electronic communication and protocol suite. ... The ARPANET was
device in history. established by the Advanced Research
 The Texas instruments made the first Projects Agency (ARPA) of the United
transistor radio named Regency TR-1. States Department of Defense
 EDSAC ( Electronic Delay Storage  Johannes Guternberg
Automatic Calculator) is considered to - German blackswithand publich who
be the first stored program electronic was responsible for shaping the
computer. nature of the society, first form of
 ENIAC ( Electronic Numerical Integrator spreading information.
and Computer) as the first electronic - Gutenberg Principle: distribution of
general purpose digital computer. information become possible, but
expensive yet institutionalized.
BS EN 1 YA 1
 Pre- Guternberg Era nano liter (volume), nanoscale (length
- Books created manually by hand; of around 0.1 nm to 100 nm.
clay, papyrus wax, and parchment.
- ‘’word-of-mouth’’ channels.  NANO TECHNOLOGY OF THE PAST
- Printing press; start of mass - Ancient Egyptians: fermentation
communication. process on nanolevel ( for making
 Gutenberg revolution
breads, wine, beer and other food
- Used to express the democratizing
effects of the invention of the stuffs)
printing press among society.  History of Nanotechnology
- Effects of invention of printing press. - 1959- Richard Feynman, an
 Post- Gutenberg Era ( Social Information American Physicist discussed,
Principle) “There’s Plenty of Room at the
- 1920, radio broadcasting was Bottom”.
- 1960- Mohamed Atalla and Dawon
- 1970, information age accelerated
global communication. Kahng fabricated the first MOSFET (
- E-commerce as the new major web- metal –oxide-semiconductor field-
based phenomena effect transistor) with a gate oxide
- 2 major expansion (Stacy, 2008) thickness of 100nm, along with a
first: uploading and downloading gate length of 20μm.
different forms of media (images, - 1974- Norio Taniguchi, a Japanese
vids, audios)
scientist of Tokyo University of
second: spreading and publishing of
information. Science coined the term
 Information Age "nanotechnology” to describe
- 1st modern information: telegraph, semiconductor processes such as
radio and telephone film deposition and ion beam milling
- 2nd modern information: televisions, exhibiting characteristic control on
early computer, and satellites. the order of a nanometer.
- 3rd modern information: the - 1981s- The invention of Scanning
knowledge revolutions. Advance Tunneling Microscope, an instrument
information technologies. used for imaging surfaces at the
 Social Media- form of virtual reality and atomic level. It was invented by
form of escape from tyranny of life. Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer at
IBM Zurich (Nobel Prize in Physics).
LESSON 10: THE NANO WORLD - 1985- The discovery of fullerenes, an
allotrope of carbon whose molecule
consists of carbon atoms connected
- Norio Taniguchi, coined to describe
by single and double bonds so as to
work on semiconductor process as
form a closed or partially closed
thin film deposition and ion beam.
mesh, with fused rings of five to
- Study and manipulation of matter at
seven atoms.
- 1986 – Publication of the book
- Nano- unit of measurement of
Engines of Creation: The Coming Era
length; analogous entity like meter.
of Nanotechnology by Eric Dexler.
- Nano prefix: factor of billionth 10^9
- 1991- The discovery of carbon
nanosecond (time),
nanotubes by Sumio Lijima
BS EN 1 YA 1
- 2006- The discovery of 3nm MOSFET, – Nanotechnologies are the
the worlds’smallest nanoelectronic design, characterization,
device was created by Korean production and application of
structures, devices and systems
Researchers from the Korea
by controlling shape and size at
Advanced Institute of Science and nanometre scale.
Technology and the National Nano
Fab Center.  Fundamental Concepts in Nanoscience
 Early uses of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
- In Mesopotamia, nanoparticles were - It’s hard to imagine just how small
used for creating a glittering effect nanotechnology is. One nanometer
is a billionth of a meter, or 10-9 of a
on the surface of pots.
meter. Here are a few illustrative
- In modern times, pottery from the examples:
middle Ages and Renaissance often - There are 25,400,000 nanometers in
retains a distinct gold- or copper- an inch
colored metallic glitter. - A sheet of newspaper is about
- In Rome, Lycurgus cup is made of a 100,000 nanometers thick.
glass that changes colour when light - On a comparative scale, if a marble
were a nanometer, then one meter
gleamed through it.
would be the size of the Earth.
- In pre-columbian Mayan City of  Different Approaches Nanotechnology.
Chichen Itza, a corrosion resistant Nanotechnologies can be:
azure pigment known as “ Maya • Top-down
Blue” contains nanopores to create – Etching a block of material down
an environmentally stable pigment. to the desired shape
- In Middle East, Damascus steel – Chips and processors
swords contain oriented nanoscale • Bottom-up
wire-and-tube-like structures – Building materials atom by atom -
like lego
 What is Nanotechnology? – Nanoparticles such as C60,
carbon nanotubes, quantum
 The engineering of functional systems at dots
the molecular scale.
 Applications of Nanotechnology
 It is a Hybrid Science combining
Engineering, Chemistry and to a certain • Catalysts
extent Biology. – Envirox™ cerium oxide
 It deals with the creation of functional • Nanoremediation
materials, devices, systems through – SAMMS technology to remove
control of matter or nanoscale. mercury
 It placed the footprints in the field of
• Paper
energy, medicine, electronics,
– photographic paper
computing, security and materials.
– Nanoscience is the study of • Filters
phenomena and manipulation of – nanofibres
materials at atomic, molecular • Toothpaste to remineralise teeth
and macromolecular scales, • Food
where properties differ • packaging
significantly from those at a larger
• Paint
BS EN 1 YA 1
• improved adhesion and anti-fungal - Persistence - Longevity of particles in
qualities/anti-graffiti the environment and body are
• Clothes unknown
• non-staining and anti-radiation
• (Black & Decker) phosphate nanocrystal HEALTHY SOCIETY
technology  Bio =Life, Diversity =Variety
• Cleaning products  Biological Diversity- comprises the
 Advanatges of Nanotechnology Biological diversity comprises the variety
- Protect drugs from being degraded of all life on earth. It also pertains to the
in the body before they reach their relative abundance and richness of the
target different traits, species, and ecosystems
- Enhances the absorption of drugs in a particular area or region. The
into tumors and into the cancerous biodiversity we see today is the
cells themselves. outcome of over 3.5 billion years of
- Allows for better control over the evolutionary history, shaped by natural
timing and distribution of drugs to the processes and increasingly, by the
tissue, making it easier for oncologists influence of humans.
to assess how well they work.  Biodiversity forms the web of life of
- Prevent drugs from interacting with which we are an integral part and upon
normal cells , thus avoiding side which we fully depend.
effects  The United Nations Convention on
 Disadvantages Biological Diversity (Earth Summit in Rio
- Adverse health effects in humans de Janeiro, brazil in 1992), of which
from deliberate or accidental Philippines is one of the 154 member
exposure. countries who signed the declaration,
- Adverse effects on the environment defines biodiversity as the variability
from deliberate or accidental among living organisms from all source,
exposure including inter alia, terrestrial, marine
- Potentially explosive properties of and other aquatic ecosystems, and the
nanostructures ecological
- Very difficult to detect without  Complexes of which they are part: this
sophisticated equipment includes diversity within species,
- Difficult to predict how particles will between species and of ecosystems.
behave in the environment Zamora (1997) defined biodiversity as
(dispersed/clumped) the ensemble and the interactions of
- Small size may result in particles the genetic, the species, and the
passing into the body more easily ecological diversity in a given place
(inhalation, ingestion, absorption) and at a given time.
- May be more reactive due to  World Wild Fund for Nature (1989)
surface area to volume ratio defined it as the wealth of life on earth,
- Potential to adsorb toxic chemical the millions of plants, animals an
microorganisms, the genes they
BS EN 1 YA 1
contain, and the intricate ecosystems - It provides opportunities for
they help build into the living recreational activities, such as bird
environment. watching, scuba diving, snorkeling,
 Three Types of Biological Diversity and nature photography
- Genetic diversity refers to the - It serves as the source of medicine.
variations among the genetic  What do we get from biodiversity?
resources of the organisms. 1. Oxygen
A gene is a unit of hereditary 2. Food
information consisting of a specific 3. Clean Water
nucleotide sequence in DNA. 4. Medicine
High genetic diversity indicates 5. Aesthetics
populations that can more easily 6. Lumber
adapt to changing situations and 7. Ideas
environments, and also greate  Status of Philippine Biodiversity
assortment of materials than can be - The Department of Environment and
found, increasing the chances of Natural Resources (DENR 2009)
finding a useful compound claims that in terms of biodiversity,
(Bernhardt, 1999). the Philippine was 5th in the world as
 Species diversity refers to the variety of to number of plant species; 8th in the
different types of species found in a world list of endemic plants; 4th in
particular area. endemic birds; 5th in endemic
 Ecosystem/ Ecological diversity refers to mammals; and 8th in endemic
the variety of different types of species reptiles.
found in a particular area. It includes  List of identified endemic species
terrestrial, marine and freshwater - Rafflesia manillana, the world’s
ecosystems. largest flower.
 Ecosystem is the unit of interaction - Vanda sanderiana (waling-waling),
between the biotic community and its one of the world’s largest orchid
physical environment in a given area. It species.
is a self-contained community of - Pithecophaga jefferyi (monkey -
microorganisms, animals and plants that eating eagle), the largest bird
interact with each other and with their - Rhyncodon typus, the largest fish
physical environment.” - Tridacna gigas (giant clam), the
 Habitat is a place in which a particular largest seashell
species of organism lives. - Pandaka pygmea (dwarf goby), the
 Importance of Biodiversity smallest freshwater fish
- It supports healthy ecosystems. - Tarsius syrichta(tarsier), the smallest
- It is an essential part of the solution to primate
climate change. - Tragalus nigricans, the smallest
- It is good for the economy. hoofed mammal
- It is an integral part of culture and - Tylonycteris pachpus (bamboo bat),
identity. the smallest bat;
- It provides raw materials like lumber, - Pisidum, the tiniest shell in the world
food, spices etc.
BS EN 1 YA 1
- Connus gloriamaris, one of the most 2. Over-exploitation/ Over-hunting/
expensive shells in the world. Over-harvesting/ Over-fishing
- Cervus alfredi, the most endangered Commercial logging, community
deer logging, timber poaching, and kaingin
- Bubalus mindorensis (tamarau or (slash and burn agriculture). In
dwarf water buffalo), one of the top mangrove ecosystem, the extraction of
ten most endangered species in the fuel and construction ma
world and the largest endangered 3. Habitat Loss/ Habitat destruction/
animal. Habitat alteration.
 One indication that a species may be In coral reefs, coastal development,
endangered is a dwindling in numbers. aquaculture, agriculture, and land-
The list of endangered species is long cover change increasing sediments and
and growing. nutrients outflow onto reefs, and the
- In the 2000 Red List of the International muro-ami fishing technique. The
Union for the Conservation of Nature development of fishponds
and Natural resources (IUCN), of the (aquaculture) in mangrove forest.
52,177 species in the Philippines, 418 4. Climate Change
were listed as threatened. Drastic changes in the atmosphere can
- The Philippine Biodiversity have catastrophic effects such as
Conservation Priority-setting Program increase concentration of greenhouse
(PBCPP) described the 121 endemic gases and destruction of forest.
mammals as critically endangered. - 5. Invasive species or Non-native
The Bird Life International listed 116 of species
species of birds in the country are Invasive species are greater threat to
threatened or near threatened. native biodiversity than pollution,
- According to the Department of harvest, and disease combined
Environment and Natural Resources (Simberloff, 2000). It can cause
report (2010), out of 584 wildlife in the alterations either within species groups
country, 72% are already threatened or within the environment.
with extinction. Several species of plants,  Underlying Causes of the Loss of
frogs, reptiles and insects remain to be Philippine Biodiversity
documented. Unfortunately, several The underlying causes of Philippine
species were believed to have vanished biodiversity loss are:
without being identified. a. Population growth and increasing
 Threats to Biodiversity resource consumption
1. Environmental Pollution b. Ignorance about species and
Domestic agriculture and industrial ecosystems
wastes are poorly treated and are often c. Poorly conceived policies and poor
discharged into the sea, and to other law enforcement
bodies of water, such as rivers and lakes. d. Effects of global trading systems
Pollution can lead to diseases and e. Inequity of resource distribution
pollution stresses, such as coral f. Apathy or failure to account for the
bleaching on reefs. value of biodiversity, and
BS EN 1 YA 1
 Genetically Modified Organisms Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a bacterium
Worldwide, over 191 million hectares found in soil that are toxic to some
have been planted with genetically insects when eaten, but not others.
modified crops as of 2018, particularly The bacterium has been used as an
herbicide and pest-resistant canola, insecticide since 1938. Susceptible
cotton, corn and soybeans. The United insects must ingest Bt toxin in order to be
States had the largest area worldwide affected. In contrast to poisonous
of GM crops, followed by Brazil, insecticides that target the nervous
Argentina, Canada and India system. Bt acts by producing a protein
(Shahbandeh, 2019). that blocks the digestive system of the
 Fun facts: The first commercially insect, effectively starving it. Bt is a fast-
available GM food was called the Flavr acting insecticide: an infected insect
Savr tomato that had an antisense gene will stop feeding within hours of ingestion
that increased its shelf life and delayed and will die, generally from starvation or
ripening ( Bruening and Lyons, 2000). a rupture of the digestive system, within
Designed by researchers at Calgene days.
(now a division of Monsanto, Inc.). The toxin is produced by the Cry gene
- Monsanto is the leading company in found on plasmids in the bacterium. The
genetically modified crop based on gene is added to the genomes of crop
revenue. plants using a bacterium that forms root
 GMOs or Genetically Modified nodules in plants (Agrobacterium
Organisms are organisms whose genetic tumificiens). One interesting feature of
material has been altered using genetic cry genes is their high degree of
engineering techniques, which is a plasticity. This particular characteristic
direct manipulation of an organisms may contribute to the versatility of cry
genome. According to the World Health toxins as it relates to their insect host
Organization (WHO,2004) GMOs are range. In addition, Bt crops produced
organisms, either plant or animal or from 1996 onwards are maize, potato,
microorganism in which the genetic cotton and soybean.”
material ( DNA) has been altered in a
way that does not occur naturally by  Genetically Modified Organisms are
mating or natural recombination. The part of a growing industry that is
development of GMOs was perceived clouded by controversy, fear and
to help in the advancement of suspicion.
technology for the benefit of humans in - Cultivating GM crops has provided
different industries like agriculture and significant benefits to farmers
medicine. globally to combat this problem.
 Example of Genetically Modified Foods Several of the main reasons for
(GMFs) generating transgenic crops include
Bt corn is a variant that has been increased nutritional value of crops
genetically altered to express more like maize with improved protein and
proteins from Bacillus thuringiensis which golden rice fortified with Vitamin A
produces a bacterial toxin including and Iron.
BS EN 1 YA 1
- Importantly, GMOs also improved LESSON 13: CLIMATE CHANGE
the growth characteristics and yield
 How Might the Earth’s Climate Change
of agriculturally valuable crops
in the Future?
which often enhanced color and
Concept: Considerable scientific
taste, enhanced production or
evidence indicates that emissions of
reduction of enzymes, and
greenhouse gases into the earth’s
prolonged shelf life.
atmosphere from human activities will
- With the use of GMO crops, there will
lead to significant climate change
be less use for herbicides/ pesticides,
during this century.
and lower cost for cultivation and
 Past Climate Changes
- it provides crop resistance against
- Glacial and interglacial periods
insect and viral pests, drought and
- Global cooling and global warmin
herbicides. This could help farmers to - Measurement of past temperature
changes – Rocks and fossils
reduce the use of fertilizer and
– Ice cores from glaciers
pesticides, controlling the purity of
the hybrid seeds that ensures higher – Tree rings
yields and increase potential growth – Historical measurements since
and harvest. 1861
 The Greenhouse Effect
- A major concern in the use and
consumption of GMOs include - Earth’s natural greenhouse effect
promote the development of - Natural greenhouse gases
pesticide resistant pests. Introduction - Water vapor (H2O)
of It may alter the balance of - Carbon dioxide (CO2)
existing microorganisms in the body - Methane (CH4)
and production of toxins may be - Nitrous Oxide (N2O)
detrimental to human health.  Evidence to Support Global Warming
Furthermore, GM crop can be both - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
expensive and time consuming since Change
it is performed in the laboratory. - 2007 IPCC report
Although the debate about GM - Rise in average global surface
food is active. Scientists and temperature
researchers continue to pave the - 10 warmest years on record since
way for GMO- a path that leads to 1970
an unimaginable array of benefits, - Annual greenhouse gas emissions up
but also raises extremely important 70% - 1970 and 2008
questions. - Changes in glaciers, rainfall patterns,
- Sea level rise in this century 4–8
- 1850: 285 ppm
- 2009: 388 ppm
- Over 450 ppm is tipping point
BS EN 1 YA 1
- 350 ppm as intermediate goal - Rising sea levels
 Science Focus: Scientific Consensus - Extreme weather
about Future Global Temperature - Threat to biodiversity
Changes? - Food production may decline
- Temperature as a function of - Change location of agricultural
greenhouse gases crops
- Mathematical models - Threats to human health
- Model data and assumptions  What Can We Do to Slow Projected
- Predictions and model reliability Climate Change?
- Recent warming due to human Concept: To slow the rate of projected
activities climate change, we can increase
 What Role for Oceans in Climate energy efficiency, sharply reduce
Change? greenhouse gas emissions, rely more on
- Absorb CO2 renewable energy resources, and slow
- CO2 solubility decreases with population growth.
increasing temperature  Options to Deal with Climate Change
- Upper ocean getting warmer Two approaches: 1. Drastically reduce
 What Are Some Possible Effects of a greenhouse gas emissions 2. Develop
Projected Climate Change? strategies to reduce its harmful effect
Concept: The projected change in the - Mix both approaches
earth’s climate during this century could - Governments beginning to act
have severe and long-lasting  Reducing the Threat of Climate Change
consequences, including increased - Improve energy efficiency to reduce
drought and flooding, rising sea levels, fossil fuel use
and shifts in locations of agriculture and - Shift from coal to natural gas
wildlife habitats. - Improve energy efficiency
 Potential Severe Consequence - Shift to renewable energy sources
- Rapid projected temperature - Transfer appropriate technology to
increase developing countries
- 2 Cº inevitable - Reduce deforestation
- 4 Cº possible - Sustainable agriculture and forestry
- Effects will last for at least 1,000 - Reduce poverty
years - Slow population growth
 In situ Conservation - Decrease CO2 emissions
It is the process of protecting species in - Sequester CO2
its natural habitat, either by –Plant trees
establishment and management of –Agriculture
protected areas where the species – Underground
abound, or by defending the species – Deep ocean
from predators. - Repair leaking natural gas lines
 Harmful Effects of Global Warming - Reduce methane emissions from
- Excessive heat animals
- Drought
- Ice and snow melt
BS EN 1 YA 1
 Science Focus: Is Capturing and Storing times of the year. Long-term
CO2 the Answer? depletion refers to the overall
- Preserve natural forests reduction in ozone concentration
- Seed oceans with iron to promote over extended periods.
growth of phytoplankton - Threat to humans, animals, plants
- Sequester carbon dioxide - Causes – chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
underground and under the ocean  Former Uses of CFCs
floor - Coolants in air conditioners and
 Government Roles in Reducing the refrigerators
Threat of Climate Change - Propellants in aerosol cans
- Regulate carbon dioxide and - Cleaning solutions for electronic
methane as pollutants parts
- Carbon taxes - Fumigants
- Cap total CO2 emissions: Capping - Bubbles in plastic packing foam
total CO2 emissions means putting a  Reversing Ozone Depletion
limit on the amount of carbon - Stop producing ozone-depleting
dioxide we are allowed to release chemicals
into the air. - Slow recovery
- Subsidize energy-efficient - Montreal Protocol: an agreement
technologies between countries to stop using the
- Technology transfers: the transfer of chemicals that are hurting the ozone
new technology from layer.
the originator to a secondary user, - Copenhagen Protocol: another
especially from developed to less agreement between countries that
developed countries in an attempt helps reduce pollution and protect
to boost their economies. the environment.
- International climate negotiations - International cooperation:
- Kyoto Protocol: special agreement International cooperation means
that says countries need to work that countries all around the world
together to reduce the amount of are working together to solve a big
pollution that's causing climate problem like ozone depletion and
change climate change.
- Act locally: they are considering the  ENERGY CRISIS
health of the entire planet and to  PRIMARY ENERGY RESOURCES
take action in their own communities > NON- RENEABLE RESOURCES
and cities. - petroleum, natural gas, coal,
 Human Impact on the Ozone Layer renewable energy, and nuclear energy;
- Location and purpose of the ozone they don’t form or replenish in short
layer period of time.
- Seasonal and long-term depletion of - Solar, Geothermal, Hydropower, Wind,
ozone: Seasonal depletion primarily BIomass, and Bio-fuel; replenish naturally
occurs in polar regions, such as the in a short period of time.
Arctic and Antarctic, during specific
BS EN 1 YA 1
fossil fuels CYCLE: a fluid with low boiling point like
2. OVERPOPULATION the ammonia is used to power up a
3. POOR INFRASTRACTURE turbine in order to generate electricity.
OPTIONS. the warm seawater is placed in a low
5. DELAY IN COMMISSIONING OF POWER pressure container to boil. The steam
PLANTS produced powers the turbine attached
6. WASTE OF ENERGY: energy wasting at to an electric generator.
home such as leaving lights on adds HYBRID SYSTEM: this OTEC system
more problem with the energy shortage. combines the feature of Open and
7. POOR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: poor Close cycle.
distribution from plants can cause two different kinds: land- based and
trippings and breakdown more frequent. sea- based.
CALAMITIES: earthquales, volcanic 1. AIR POLLUTION
eruptions can cause greater increase in 2. WATER POLLUTION
energy price in the global market. 3. SOIL AND LAND POLLUTION
hikes, political events: if the problem will 6. DEFORESTATION
arise from oil production. 7. INCREASED CARBON FOOTPRINTS
 Generates electricity by using the heat 10. OVERPOPULATION
energy stored in the earth’s oceans. 11. MINING
 By George Claude in the 1920s, in Cuba. 12. ACID RAIN


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