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T Shivam, Prabrakan Tine Warr, [Shinnen, Sranhoe EA -10 ternenkye “shige _(total Work) 5 4-15 y bom TESAIBTE tate > 15 Work csday sworn >t 16 4 60 Work 24x =i days: Qt A and B Slaxts Worry eg ether can complete apiece of hlonk In 40 days. a4¢ on Complete. tha game wom in 16 days on8 c+ A con complete Ha Lme Wore in 20 days. por ford aw wtat fieme a alone Gn complete ha iWork 3. = 6— AtBz10 4 —GtG 215] 7 60 A+ BtC266 3—CHA +20 At 4265 —_— Hele iat 13 (2At+2Bt2¢) ( 5 As oe 2(Arate) 213 28 A+ BtC 743 268 £24 hays 02+ A on8 B inlorking tagether wan womplete @ Prece bh WlomK tnd doy. Band © Working tegetner can Complete Same hionk mm 15 dayS A.Bande axel. lone ettiey Can Complete tho Ion in 10 days. goow fend in ‘woke time ate von womplete tre Wonk. a 5B << AGLI a 4 <— Bte 245 60 6<- ABIL 240 AABtC 26 puto” +Bte > AtGAG a 7 Az6-4 btC 26 Acer 02 6-824 [Be Cine Atcr 22 3 days. _ \ we \ lAloxK tn & ou 8. eS 95% Aard®B com complere a prece eB F Bar, Complere ime gome preae Of WOK I'n 24 ely 8: CHA cw, Comblete 4e some piece eB Work In BL Joys. Theny nN Whot itme catone can Complete the game Lome. = 4B At O7g 5x Bt0794 [90 yy HAF GOL + B4-2aCarBte) 7 60 At ate If 239 02> 196 AtBt0 219 fay: S64 E2574 eras C2it-1622 2.4 A ok & Com complete a prece of Work Im L0end 15 dors. seapect'vely: Borh Biasis Working together . Then finch agier “hove much dime A lebt He Wosk Bo trot total Complered ya g ways: = a Bato |ez0 5. 5 BOUS 219 218 Wone (G) &6 A223 So, F404 doy ay lAlortc Og A ond BCom Complete a prece of losrK tn 12 Or 16 By 8-xeap- Bor Storia Works mgethes but ager ome time, A Logi +o Work: Total WlOFK Comptere® rm 16 days: Jhen find lainot me @ atone Mo tro hloric. 4 — As 12 (Remarnt ] 3, BL AD — 216 eae t Ions 24g Bo + 18 mag 218 BKLOSBO aa 8,2 40-4-6 25-6 Qy Jwo pereon A and Bam Burd a watt mm 15 days andl 20 days seapectively. Bur tinen the starig Wlornr togerher the use 280 leee bricks. per ' YY and Burtt tho Intau Ims2doys: Foon bird Lota no: ob “Bri'eKe in tho lat y 4—Ar1i6 > fag | *60 Gp | 5 Worse rn a doy: 2unt4e 250 ATR “s07 ™ Ip Two herg0n Aard Bran urd awatt jn Jord Lo Aourg weap es lahen they tAlorks together trey used 190 3a Prices ber hourond Burd toe wou rn 5 es Then fing§ total ne ares a g— Brx10 ae) se 7 120 xgG0 “To =i a 230800 Q8h A Complete Ptors Bh the Work iin 12 doyg ard @ Complete AL tor in 8 Ways Then grind tm What wme get tgerner 5 can compere tho Work: > AB -19et 5 4 24 - go 4-28-10] e— °S 2 60 46.16 doys. 132 AtB le oak} A.b.orac GRE: J0,12,18 Prat A fre ont at ye ae mene BH GI) A,B.C garis hlorkiing +qjemer ord apier adoye A leg +re Work next aber 2 doya 8 algo lebt the Work -Jjhen bind um What Bane +to1o1 Work Completed - > Aen O 6 aaa 260 A lebi aber = =Btc “sy @ S 2aoy « adays es A — 015 Aut 18 icaee neater SK. Work SE . ber) . 15 2 A4BEC ie 5) telal tme*? ara4n 21day 3 + @404 A,B,C SOMB Working together A lekt the Iork Apter 2a. and & wht tho wok 2days betpre Complesation gf +o wor dhen bind im ihot hme total work Completes - > G—Ari0 al Pe Go eG 5 Br19 a. 2 “19 4 — CO15 AL BEC Gre 58 Bier saat oeaaain TAO Fag + Btrerg 152 AtBtC 15x 2 * 58 2350 Oe : GUS A Bic storie Working Logether, A Leki tho Work ager S dayS> Anes ClOR the hlork 4 da : ¥3 Bofore Comlotation, Ob the Work. dhen h'nd mm wnat time total wlork, Com pleted - NGO 2 ¥ at > 6S rr ; 416 2 Vv ee cee : i \ +5 2A4B HO Ar Bia mon 8 Ge on ae pegerher % 4dOy % a a \ cous AX Sg 26B-¢ DL Se BIAS 200 2 a @12$ ArB,C Saris Woney WY taermersA lebt tro Work 2days Bots Combletaton ot sr. LlorkK and 8 bbL 4h hlorK Bdays Bsipre complsaiior, Ob tho Work: Jhon Bnd in Wha time total Alo rte, Completed. > 6— Arao - ace 26 4 Oo [ ee ete) Abo ae +15 Soed ee Se St 54 day 157 A+Bic 61 s % 16 a Q13% A4B,cCoM complete a prece. ef On I'M 19 doys Bie cor] Complete +e game rioncin 16 day a $4 @ Works Ways, B works for 1 Jays cand ¢ complete the remail. an Wore nts days. Then find im wWhad Ume trey Alone Can Complele He Work, sy 4 -Ab 2427 A 6 c ee AAD after Bt Caprer a aa : 6 1620¢ 24 fe ofere ae Ex s0doye ° + a ® — AB. 4peloys amen @}AYAtS Com Completoa prece Bf Work Mm 19 doys And Bre v @n complet: the game hiork 28 dove HA Norn fa SMayS BR trlork for Adoys ang CCompleto je € “an Alo wm] 3° . ee dione Car Compl ta Cody TD Whos S ec te go a ® g— BO 220 5 a 5 a BtCcager | cs iter te! Seaver a Q ee Db A282 sxodoje, © >62 s20doy, 6260.10 daye Wo fi aprece \ ord work dogether Can Complete asst = Sel oye Crd A Brone. fon combte. dro gamre WO ie gaya « Jron find wn Whol. time Batone con Com puse 1m 2% MAYS + tho Wore tl 3.4 4 > T= ABAD) a4 B= Be oy days: eer Area a6} A and Been comprlea prece OR hloTK 13g UA 24 lays: reg pectively « Slarts wore’ ther ang after 6 6 ee eo ume Ratlone an Complete tha love. ae 4 -A—i¢ agrer 6.4048 216 pre san] 12 AAG2 18% “ese 12 Ate 296 1286216 Remoteirg (Or wot LLY TWO bersorA and B hioring bo. can Complers a prect 7 of Wore tr 24 doyé ah Taare Mishary - ether but 04S Lek+ e@ hore a rtotat Wor esl a a ghen $reg ta wWhot tme or ene CON COMPUAS Hho WOK: ahey 2 > J AtB> 24 Fae P20 P10 4a.2 Pte 2 a> SF 2a e Yay S Ae Tolal tatorr + ” a, a, @>9 ota rR a B42) %, 2K SLL 26 Wy A> 120 ae ~tedays > G2 4120.2) = Br 26 0sclay Q38) TLD peraon A and & Can Complete. i ¢ @ preee \ ayer They Storia Working Logetmer bist ee Leb te Wlonk: And otal Ilo. com : | ite doy. qhon mR vm wrhal -ime Plead tn 28 8 He the wort Ay, 63 RY alone can complete > Aol ,o29 er +82 6a + rw 2 go(2t1) 2290x3260 A = 4 a. An Ae he os 39> 6meM + BWomen can completa a Prece SB OF tr 19 InI@ 26eNen +48 Women Can Comlotelo the ag work i'm 2 wlays: Jhon find im Whot treme Jo 4 WOMeEn can complot? tre WON’ > lowmn+aw) 18s (264 aso or sBom+4ou 2 mH mo, DEMA*BD 5) Bom -26m™ 2 4g ww -40 U0 2 Am 2S m > 8 2 oe pane 2 nwee: mols a8 | t sie 2 (oxats mi) 10 (7 2 d2m4 tu) DLOKDFELKL 2 G24) x10 22 2.200. Poh ¢ doys~ Do 12 nen ‘ goo +18 WlomeN com completed brece Bf WOOK Into i Lohse Gmen+ 18 Women can Complete +e dame wone Yn 12 coye-Jhen wrd tn what-lime demon ta women c ee Comlblate +o game lone & 4 : Gorm +i w)S2 Bm tiguo) 146 Tuo at dente 0) 16 2 Gom+90W 2 Bam +10810 2(S6 He)so : 2(6 Yao 2 6om-64mM 21060 ~Iow sno 26m 2 wag We San a wig 5 ABArya4 m2 iGo 5 6 a 2 546 13¢ 24 8 clang eS etd COM Complete a prece Sh wonk tn 16 Thon peek PA abel Com OAe Me. BMA LoOMe iy oe io 1 Ho ree Wome. g me Tmen +12 Womeng ores Lode > AV) > (4m 430 )1o” e Seg ONO es en +400) 16 Ors + avo) Lg a ’ , 4 pA alone ang g Alone can doaprece Hulom tn 12 0nd % move SF RO. loys than apce % AE. Then trmd tm ithay timo Z A+B can comtlete tho hlosk2, el &S)— Ar@t9) (e432) C43) (4432)- B 2 (X43) 2LHE 2A1B ANB 2 (Lt) 443) . x 2X 41K Axor (2xe TW 4392184 436 rownce x¢2 5 2 Nae | AT GE 106 2 xe argar 2 6 dogs’ X26 GIB-AQwne and B Alone con doa rece of Workin Jeon @hour More than @ -Jhem $IrJ mmwhat eme Aatone can Complete tho trtorie?, At 2V Taxa. DA> borg) 2fag 23Br hours, Y time ve iAvZar broport'onal +0 ebb otency « “24¥ Ae ~Ww90 med opment thas g Pan HOE together Can Complse tre Work 17 414 days. tron nF i'n What tyme A alone cam Compiesetro WOK, Bou Tu 2 14(o45) = DLAKD pee nao o1. A> aes 21 ays G25 A Can Complatoa prece og Whore 17 J 0 lays, ond B va Aoy. sore effcenb than A+ Jhon g'rd tr tthat te @B alone Can Completo tho Wloric?, Bo + s+ Az100 A_. v9 of og Bolte a Lee Tog 19> AZT X10 G2 Bxio - 7 stunt? 30] 2 oo dod: | sunt 2to nd BS DHMCB . “UMeS chy'ctent ton G a g-26% A oe Cf Aard B Work? rageten TM epoures one Um 4& + Shean a Alone com Complete: the lone’, ee \£¢% 0 dogs : a 24 4 Oh B88 Cr PT “Tio premefere Oe, ‘ pod, 1 \ Se 1a wteres, epeiont NP ge Far G. Inewnses ogy A VHA Silwwres, : 60 A Les q nob Work 1 608 pore - ows Up eac trrnat At com” - A & G rp ComMPor? nr é punts 26e ey O21 4 yuark 2BoO Acs 1 " % x- 3 —Aas8?lgo » BP. 2 22D* ee | ay AAO —RA8 Q28) Jud pesaon Aang & workt togerrer can complete a piece OR wok In saoye- @ ACniorked twice and E lator Ked Ys thom tool Wore completed rn Bdoys: Jhen bind im” What time A alone can complese the lord) 5(A4+8) > (2A +B) 2) 5A > 6A4 B \ = 2) A-zAB ea. pwr S(4+1) 2a eter A> 2 oye 4 629% Jwo person A and @ Wort? ether can Comptes @ prece & Work i'n 8 doys- A Worked +utce O78 B worked Ye. Then total Wlork Completed tr 6 days: Find mn wwlhat time they Atone can a Complered tro nlond?. AtB) ~ +. % AeA+a) - (2a Be + BF 4A44B > SATS 2) 9A2sB TH? 8(5t2) 245 A> 0 ase Ag 2 3 AS 2 16 Facey ZA PAIS A WOK ang LtorKa on tt for A days B complok th rot eo lor vm 16 days ff A wlorked for 6 ways thon @ Complete tro rermmaraing nlork vn 22. dow Find mn that time whey ane can compose sre Monel. => 4A418GB -6A4126 24266 ze ee ee 12.43% 2 4D a -y L A> So, > Bo a mm 740 aye, ® ae doy QSLY So-men +46 Boys com complese a prece Of lor 1 Shobg Then bind ww What tome Smen +6 boyZ can complete tho tatoned: = LOM 41L6 b 254 2 1 dang, BNtSb > see es Be Se tH 2 ye a 622.5 men DuwoMeEN or Zofridren can comblete a prece torte tn 44 days: ghen -f'rd tm hihat time iment Lhtomen +5cAridren con Complete the ts > im 29109 25¢. im 244 days, JIntLus +o rs Imerm +9 73m @aa¥ A awd B loreiing +ogeter can complete a prece . 5 U rat doyas A (Bigeqemes epprerert thom 6. Then ind TH lthat +’me A alone com Complesetho wo90rna?. =~ ALB O77 days eae ‘F “@s az Bo 4 Bow Fe ns, lowe po s(14 4) x7 areata eS TL Sle ve Ye lAlorKe Undo ao She om fiateh a prece 6 ! G=Ar ees fared rhea eae But after cach soidovyad Sion lop4 we Work. Jhen bind tm what treme dodal work compl he _ a erial jnork 2 40% 40 21600 Tene y BBXK102390 BOxlor des00 290 «62 2exlo seed a6 2g 26% % 20K 102200 1¢x 41@O 50462 2 56% cays hon [4 1m hours: avd % Lype 40 pages tr s - Beary eo ime they “Hegetner com +Ybe 110% > Aas2—6 ihe Be Atm ins hours 32 48 26e Bto —5 [3 hr@ pages 2 ag. ae : “Sx the = 23. 2 BE 2 BhOUs IS is 63 : G85 A taKes & t'mes, than B+C +o Comblete a prece Of KIOrK: and & taxes 4 1imeS than Ata +o Complete +e Boor tore + $k A,B,C at Workt eHRer Can complete tre lALorik (D4 Mays: Fhen find tr wihat trme A atone can Complere the nork?. a =y fo ee BAG ix ater xb axe A>5, @24,C211 Tut 20x24 5 460 Ax 496 56 > 96 dog gsly Ai Be ge Gree +0 complese @ prece & Work “A and B Comblete 13) Kasia o& tho Work ard Btc Com blero 8. Joo Oh to OTK, Jhon rd Bhare Ta? 25 => Ate2 39, c24 BtCZB.. AW35 2% ao A2+5 asuntt2 629 A 2352 256*«15 coe sume | 88 2) BAS: Cat Juntt?>2% 9-28 Ai Bic cam Complete a prece Of WLOTK I'm 10 U2amay. ays weap ect'vely . Jhey Starts hlorking together as Completa tho blork. ad they wet total wages & RB 16000. Jhen bind Share eb A1G,/cd. — a 15 2 AtBt*C he a S eee | "60 Varma nt 21 C000 | 2B COO we? §¢ 18 more may employ edi On 4p Work-ahen Work "3 bimBhed tr 20 AOYBearver. amg Trvival no.o man LAN ployed on +ho wore , oe Erie 2( x4 +) se 8 7 h+196 404 Ce 196. G40» A Comtracior FAKES “A Work IIN-+0 complete tn 28 days. He embloyed De™MEN bor that tloreg.g hous per Abter 16 S only dh Work UA Comptered ‘ror mony MOTE man Shroud bo em Sane. bloyed +0 Comptete thro nlorKn n St moi even, one Wo ef, Hou ber J: 7 Ne 3 WM rikh g 2 (201m) x5 xe eB = ee 2) 64 290 4am ™2 64-p0 Dams 44 Q41Y+A Comtractor ernployed 45 sem +0 diya canal 9§12 ken.long VO B60 days -Abier B00 doys enly 4-5 kon camal 13 comprersh. Heus Peay more men should reemployed ¢© Complete the werk won time Q ol oe Ms » SBx 29% (45+) nigh sy 100°454+m™m ty mm 2100-45 255men. QALYA Comtsactor takes a Work Lo Complete in 160 days. He Coral e8 20-xneN ZOwoman ONR15 CAr'Idren + Aber 6d days All Women and KO can +“ Work '2 Completed alow “he removed earn and employed BOWNe renee, Om Work 1S finish. Busordon eee On fer. " sun bors Of Ob Gorath S. bared nd Ca Cae > SHO work AB AcKi'tdvens EARN ONIONS Aa ¥ MHivds.a VELB%5 5) (20x64 BOXEL1GEKD COR (LOXC LOX 4 26x 2 eae cee £90 +L¢0) 180 sheo eOL cd )x8e 2(3 x 180 )abco +L nee )V T2027. :epecy KL eye > RID x Vv O45¥A Cn Complete a prece OF WorKI'N 16 dla % and & con, complese. tha, Zame work In 12 B+ sh A aHart jrlor aN and Inork On Alernate, daya* plu bP fw on totet Werk Comptedeh7, > B—A—16] 46 4 —B- 4190 Jd tid 2Axg SIDA tid +4 = mB A 8 Soe dot 42 23? ¢ ) Vay ge 249043 +34 = AB wom, 4 et G-AaYA Com Completa a prece Of WlorK 1m 39 days and acan Completa tae game work tnt doar ff they IALOTK O bern and A SATE work frei Jhon bind tn twlho iy’ NS lAtork weoempledel?. toul a ¢ —~A—321 65 fae @ -1¢ td sd sya XG PIA thd +4 » 134 doy a @ 2 be 2 OTe Bhd Bans 35445 +1 Go wong, 84% YA, BC can c 40. Q br , 60 , nT Comblete @ brece Of InloyK Un Bo FOG Se eg pr —envely, Jb A Starts Wlore's frrai and & AL ones third? ghen flnd (m1 thal time total Work compte cael > B—A—20 2— 6B 38 [60 3— C60 A n =~ jad eee PBd xf» 16 days. Bes! 6 rPjJax¢ 2 60wW0: RK: hy lable- 02.5- ‘ 4 Can Complete Q rece Ob ALOTK 7 50 days. YALOOTK BOY 2-5 ck sata pen Q voor Or G5 says. Them work 1B Completes . pind rn that tame Patone. can Complese. tho toried. ay P+R 210 days Trot tt S)xt0 212 x102190 DOK P BERR OM cou P2120" doug , ©, segtra © Ros00! dys. “R Dee £ Cc a a vol qa. P Se RXT aos Bot ABORT PLEAS OL ‘ Prece Of Work im todag-qhey Bode PSaAoreing *Beter. Bur ayer 2 doye tay 2980 grey Bee ork: 5 DOYS” BL. prone ve Lompleded. p ; % “3+ Rema nnn. 12 Lom “ek by AardO. Jhon bind tn vinad Lino od Pet nL wompleta, the hor 45 HMdays Ob A rloricr4 Ways of.B WOT: aoe At BIAS 10 . A4+BAC _ Bday 57 min ALG —Aday% 63 > OG —Aday _ 9 ioe £ ie ee 21 A> = ee Ee a 4 8 a 2 20 days fee 3 C2IG, > t80. xB oy8- 7 495 ee ece Of work 'n6 min SAS IWO typlar Woreing Leeter Gn Complete BLESS BB More For see a Sa cyte yan weld ret re E TLULAED * © € . “Rowen -uyprst can com plete ee w AtBremMIn. aA SANK comm: . B2BO 5 t . BPA 2109] 5H BQ oaconimuue, o— At B26 min O48) PGi Rehreetypiat morking raged hor can -by pe 226Pages ins “au wid) eo AZ @ Ca: Sour R cantype ey GER ES Goan ype $5 ay be tha , Euring a pert'o pages. as pena vane! J hpura.ghen blind “how many Pages. clos: CON og frame type hours t, > e 8 R BL be Stee (Bxtorett Mm 221¢ Beare 5 164 x9 2226 ‘ ee sis = = Bo z Ps o16 5S Pages c 2 4 pei menae 21TH 2 TB? 21 Pages; Pp qhoee COOKB mmakeg gp ilies Fol are known 40 MAKE 20 Piece rho} & ae ratnute” Jee f'xB1 COCK ‘ahh 0 Prece rho, rt utorkirg alone a bor gomnething 6 hon, minutes. JJ eco worked lone @ : Work lag ; cook wiotking tegerHey- 41 tal yoat vines, of 8 TrunUtEa 40 Complete Bb 1Wtieg Hala ‘many minutes st fako the Livat epek alone 46 eee ep. VteteB At+B+0260 A—y (3t%) runt» 20 BE : Lmint. 220 Btn autnorised Signs tC—P (5-x) ming = 60 2S opt 4g Br ay 7° . LOL A Amntkc 20 “ tmnt: 25 A. 160 4 329ml $ G54 AB can compteto.a prece Of Work Mn 40-1: leagzume, thanc frd BtC CaN Complete a Work tn 607: leas ume thar Sf Hoy au wloriking Fegerhor can complete, dhe IAlore tm 20 om G tae tathat time A atone tan complete He lAlorie?. e + = Sate Bre a PAB gg GOS ea Cb BT Lob, a 2x8 1 06 ¢ aa 246,249, C221 W2ATBEC- 20 > (16419 424)*20 = gb % 20 - A > *Béx265 2 10 daz, IEA OSE LM tBLOtAE Com compift a prece 6 Work in 9G hours tAthule 2M+BC can Complete the game Wore tn BO “Zour, 2m+43WCan complete the sama iWork Mmn120 Aourd zhon fod er wtat fme Lom + Bio can complete Heo work! =} 5 —imtgwt4e Je G— BM+tBS 2 BO 460 ge 2m +369 120 poke ae amtec 2G (be eae iy 2) aeemt ee 23 pm gw t4e> 5 gtaw 2C 7 amt Bwrt amtac 2¢ fee 2 f amt3xz nal rt esc >¢ “Ss amo 2 eer g mod C2 Hh oy, 2th: =e BW +L0 mm D5x 2 4h Tm Ze ttoxd 5) eos DBe Bows: 2) 20410 2 40 pen ah ikea Ear reste ’. ae aria Wore v5 AO men can btmah anork in Bo ways. ote are ‘ wytegetner but apier each 16 dlouyes Srnen (epi tie er i l Work Compl : THArn AOKBO2 12.00 AOX ISO 2400 BEx10 2 Bso BOX 102 300 Do age 2.0 & ap dona: Fy LO 410406 2 Bb clays, SEA‘ A Complede. 5 NOYK OF B NZ teme ofB ond Horr Cn complese tro OLR IN 48 claye Then gun re Whale Batone can complies tho Work, A, ' Ay | 8B 3A 228 MS. gx#2 Be S To 2 BKH oe we c 5 TINS18(349) 230 FIOM BAGO fog m time 6B. Jhe er can complete Hho wong tn 10 days: gr ; vn tAlhatd A alone sean complere the lore ce a 4 AX 2 a AXE. BxW@3 » 10N 298 B ares Aa. 9 Ae 6 10 Tile 101049) 2190, A219 | gr ig0 ‘ | . wees re takes, 507. more ume than APaLC 48 KEAplese a rece ‘8 WOK: And A+B 4oKeSB more NtuMber Of Mayg than +harw AtBtC +o Lomptete Ae Work: 4 they tAlork Img togethes Ard Mot +olal Klages o& 450: Jhan 8 pera 490 Rupee Tren bindtn What ime arate can Womptete tho lo ALO rt<] > AtBtCasos2 J Bye ABC magé1¢ BtOr1G, 5 ox Br 196) A25,B24, 026 AtB 3% a Dunvrwae S AtBtC eS Lut 4° i> off 2F Classes Bunvtd BR a 4 é epelk os a8 ignetory

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