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Sample Paper 3
Class XIl .2023-24

Time: 3 Hours
/4e/J Physics
Max. Marks: 70
General Instructions:
1. There are 33 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.
2. This question paper has five sections: Section A, Section B , Section C, Section D and Section
3. All the sections are compulsory.
4. Section A contains sixteen questions, twelve MCQ and four assertion reasoning based of
1 mark each, Section B contains five questions of 2 marks each, Section C contains seven
questions of 3 marks each, Section D contains two case study based questions of 4 marks each
and Section E contains three long questions of 5 marks each.
5. There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in one question in
Section B, one question in Section C, one question in each CBQ in Section D and all three
questions in Section E. You have to attempt only one of the choices in such questions
6. Use of calculators is not allowed.
I 7. You may use the following values of physical constants where ever necessary
i. C = 3 X 10 8 m/s V. ; = 6.63 X 10- Js
II . m, = 9.1 X 10- 31 kg vi. co = 8.854 x 10- 12 cJ Pi 1 m- 2
iii. e = 1.6 x 10- 19 C vii. Avogadro's number = 6.023 x 1023 per

If i
iv. µo = 41r x 10- 1 Tm A- 1 gram mole

¥)e{Magnetic dipole moment is a vector quantity directed from
#\, ~a) South to North Pole · (b) North to South Pole
(c) East to West direction (d) West to East direction

d The magnitude of magnetic field at a point due to a current-carrying small element does not
1/1 depend upon
(a) current in the element
(b) length of the element
(c) diameter of the element
(d) dist ance of the point from the element

The idea of displacement current was introduced by

(a) Hertz (b) Amp ere
(c) Maxwell (d) Farad

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CBSE Physics Class 12
Sample Paper 3
Page 2

as its
The ratio of charge to potential of a capacitor is known
X (a) capacitance
(c) inductance
(b) condu ctance
(d) resistance

electrons inside the atom

/Ac cor din g to the Rutherford's atomic model, the
(a) statio nary (b) not stationary
(c) centralized (d) none of these

SI unit of power of a lens is

(a) joule (b) dioptre
(c) candela (d) watt

sts of
~ a s e r light is considered to be coherent as it consi
(a) divergent beam
(b) different wavelengths
(c) uncoordinated wavelength
(d) coordinated waves of same wavelength

S.I. unit of self-inductance is

(a) coulomb (b) volt

(c) ohm (d) henry

Ah /When a body is charged, its mass-

(b) decrease
'V\..,, (a) increase
(d) may increase or decrease
(c) remains same

6;;:-r:✓\,. (a)
Which of the following is a non-o hmic resistor?
copper (b) aluminium

(c) diode-valve (d) none of these

1) ~ A hotwire amm eter reads 10 A in an AC circuit.

The peak value of the current is
(/''\ (a) 51rA (b) 10 ✓2A

(c) )%A (d) /2-A

wavelengt h will
~ he velocity of an electron increases, then its de-Broglie
(a) increase (b) decrease

(c) rema in the tiame (d) first a then c

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CBSE Physics Class 12 Page 3
Swnple Paper 3

1'fj\ Assertion: Dipole edoscillations produce electromagnetic waves.

charge produces electromagnetic waves. • .
Reason: Accelerat
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and R;ason is the correct explanati on of Assertion .
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct, but Reason is not the correct explanati on of
(c) Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
(d) Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct.

~sert ion : Goggles have zero power.

Reason : Radius of curvature of both sides of lens is same.
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the correct explanati on of Assertion.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct, but Reason is not the correct explanat ion of
(c) Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
(d) Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct.

~erti on: The air bubble shines in water.

Reason: Air bubble in water shines due to refraction of light.
(a) Bo~h Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the correct explanati on of Assertion.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct, but Reason is not the correct explanat ion of
(c) Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
(d) Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct.

AV Assertion (A) : A point charge is brought in an electric field. The field at a nearby point is
V \ increase, whatever be the nature of the charge.
Reason (R) : The electric field is independent of the nature of charge.
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the correct explanati on of Assertion.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct, but Reason iG not the correct explanat ion of
Assertion .
(c) Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
(d) Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct.

~Ca n two equipotential surfaces intersect each other? Justify your answer.
Continue on next page ......

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Page 4 CBSE Physics Class l2
Sample Paper 3

1 8 ~,10 V battery of negligible internal assistance is connected across a .200 . V battery and a
esistance of 38 n as shown in the figure. Find the value of the cc:·:-::nt circmt.


38!1 200V

f-,.. Write expression fo,· magnetic field fJ on axis and equator of a short bar magnet.

2rerite an expression for the pressure exerted by an electromagnetic wave.

~ a t is de-Broglie wave? Write an expression for its wavelength.

. OR
~ o t o n and an electron :iave same kinetic energy. Which one has greater de-Broglie wavelength
and why? .

c,_...-2~ Bohr's quantisation condition for defining stationary orbits.

~ h a t happens when a forward bias is applied to a p-n-junctions.

~ .Derive the expression for electric field intensity at a point due to a point charge.

{J( Two long straight parallel conductors a and b carrying steady currents I" and l b respectively
are separated by a distance d. Write the magnitude and direction, what is the nature and
magnitude of the force between the two conductors?

~ o nearby narrow slits are illuminated by a single monochromatic source. Name the pattern
obtained on the screen. One of the slits is now covered. What is the name of the pattern now
obtained on the screen? Write two differences between the patterns obtained in the two cases.

~ Define the t erm magnetic flu x. Is it a scalar or vector quantity?

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CBSE Physics Class 12 Page 5
Sample Paper 3
. waves.
· how Maxwell was led to predict the existence of electromagnetic
Briefly exp Iam

~ er the following questions :
~Na me the waves which are produced during radioactive decay of a nucleus. Write
frequency range.
~ ~ d e r s wear special glass goggles while working. Why ? Explain.
~Wh y are infrared waves often called as heat waves ? Give their one application.

Case Study Based Questions.

Read the followin g paragraph and answer the questions that follow.

, wit~out
~ n optical fibre is a thin tube of transparent material that allows light to pas~ through
being refracted into the air or another external medium . It make use of total mternal reflect10
These fibres are fabricated in such a way that light reflected at one side of the inner surface
strikes the other at an angle larger than cr,itical angle. Even, if fibre is bent, light can
travel along the length.

Which of the following is based on the phenomenon of total internal reflection of light?
(a) Sparkling of diamond
(b) Optical fibre communication
(c) Instrum ent used by doctors for endoscopy
(d) All of these

(ii).; A ray of light will undergo total internal reflection inside the optical fibre , if it
"V (a) goes from rarer medium to denser medium
(b) is incident at an angle less than the critical angle
(c) strikes the interface normally
(d) is incident at an angle greater than the critical angle

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Page 6 CBSE Physics Class 12
Sample Paper 3

~ in core, angle of incidence is equal to critical angle then angle of refraction will be
(a) 0° (b) 45° '
(c) 90° (d) 180°
and cladding is
~ a n optical fibre (shown), correct relation for refractive indices of core


(a)n1= ni (b) n1 > ni

(c)n,< ni (d) n1 + ni = 2
optical fibre, then
~ h e value of critical angle is 30° for total internal reflection from given
speed of light in that fibre is
(a) 3 X l0 8 ms- 1 (b) 1.5 x 108 ms- 1
(c) 6 x l0 8 ms- 1 (d) 4.5 X 108 n,is-1

of voltage Vn · throug h
~ silicon Jrn junctio n diode is connected to a resistor R and a battery
diode is VN = 0.7 V.
milliam meter (mA) as shown in figure. The knee voltage for this junctio n
higher than the
The Jrn junctio n diode requires a minimum current of I mA to attain a value
voltage V across
knee point on the I- V characteristics of this junction diode. Assuming that the
junctio n is the basic
the junctio n is indepe ndent of the current above-t he knee point. A Jrn
occurring during
buildin g block of many semiconductor devices like diodes. Import ant process
semico nducto r concen tration
the format ion of a Jrn junctio n are diffusion and drift. In an n-type
tration of holes is
of electro ns is more as compared to holes. In a Jrtype semiconductor concen
more as compa red to electrons.

R mA

~ - - + ,,,__-- ~

~ 5 V, the maximum value of R so that the voltage Vis above the knee point voltage
(a) 40kfl (b) 4.3kfl
(c) 5.0kn (d) :i.7H2

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CBSE Physics Class 12 Page 7
_ / Sample Paper 3

\J)Kf If Vs= 5 V, the value of R in order to establish a current to 6 mA in the circuit is

(a) 8~3n (b) 1110
~9500 (d) 7330
~ If Vs = 6 V, the power dissipated in the resistor R, when a current of 6 mA flows in e
circuit is
(a) 30.2 mW (b) 30.8 mW
~ -2 mW (d) 31.8 mW
~When the diode is reverse biased with a voltage of 6 V and Vi,; = 0.63 V · Calculate th e total
(a) 9.27 V (b) 6.63 V
(c) 5.27 V (d) 0.63 V

,, / OR
~ \h~~:;,f the below mentioned statement is false regarding a ~n junction diode?
(a) Diodes are uncontrolled devices.
(b) Diodes are rectifying devices.
(c) Diodes are unidirectional devices.
(d) Diodes ,have three terminals.

3-dDefine temperature coefficient of resistivity (a). Disti~guish between metals, semiconducto r
V }~nd alloys on the basis of their a values.
vrind equivalent capacity between A and B.

llt T7
3µF 3µF 3µF


3 p.F
LX ~ 3p.F 3µF

~ What is a choke coil? Discuss its use in AC circuits?


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I CBS E Phys ics Class 12
Page 8 Sample Paper 3
• uit drives adcurr ent
C R circ
. ge V = Vm sin wt appl ied to a serie s L - - · i ate over a
An altem atm g . volta
. Imsm (wt-f . </>). Dedu ce an expr essio n for the average power diss P
given by I=
er, a low power facto r implies larg e pow er
CD(' For circu its used for tran spor ting electric pow
loss in transmission. Exp lain.

a,~ and 1 rays.

~ n t i o n the imp orta nt prop ertie s of
reactor in detail.
~ l a i n the cons truc tion of a nuclear



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