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Sample Paper 2
Class XII 2023-24
Physics Max. Marks: 70

Time: 3 Hours
General Instructions:
1 There are 33 questions in all. All questions are compulsory. • d S t.
2: This question paper has five sections: Section A, Section B, Section C, Sect10n D an ec ion

3. All the sections are compulsory. • b d f
4. Section A contains sixteen questions, twelve MCQ and four assertion reasonmg ase o
1 mark each, Section B contains five questions of 2 marks each, Section C contains seven
questions of 3 marks each, Section D contains two case study based questions of 4 marks each
and Section E contains three long questions of 5 marks each.
5. There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in one question in
Section B, one question in Sec.tion C, one question in each CBQ in Section D and all three
questions in Section E. You have to attempt only one of the choices in such questions
6. Use of calculators is not allowed.
7. ~ou may use ~he following values of physical constants where ever necessary
I. c = 3 X 10 m/s v. h = 6.63 X 10- Js
11. me = 9.1 X 10- kg
31 vi. co = 8.854 x 10- 12 (} N- 1 m- 2
m. e = l.6 x 10-19 C vii. A"Vogadro's nurnber = 6.023 x 1023 per
IV. µo = 41r X 10-7 TmA-
gram mole

l(V The magnetic lines of force inside a bar magnet
'1. (a) do not exist
(b) are from north-pole to south-pole of the magnet
(c) are from south-pole to north-pole of the magnet
(d) depend upon the area of cros~-section of the b ar magnet

• wavelength
When a ray of light enters a g1ass slab its
(a ) decreases
(b) increases
(c) re111ains unchanged
(d) data are not complete

frequency of X-rays is
(a) 1012 IIz
(b) 10 14 Hz
(c) 10 n Hz

(cl) 1018 Hz
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CBSE Physics Class 12

•• e x
Page Sample Paper 2 . 1 g the pos1t1v
2 . onstant velocity v a on •
the negati ve
4r{ A particle of mass m and charge q moves. with a c t' fi id B directe d along
II\ -direction. It enters a region C'.'.~aining a uniform m~~e ic e Jue of v require
d, so that the
z-direction, extending from x = a to x = b. The nununu m va
particle can just enter the region of x > b is
(b) qa:
(a) qbB
(d) q(bi:: )B
(c) q(b-a) B
ted alterna tively.
A parallel plate capacitor is made by stacking n equally spaced plates connec
rx If capacitance between any two adjacent plates is C, then the resulta nt capaci
(a) C (b) nC
tance is

(c) (n- l)C (d) (n+ l)C

Cathode rays can be deflected by

(a) electric field (b) magne tic field

(c) both types of fields (d) none of these fields

If a wire of length 2 mis moving with a 1 • f -1 •
0.5 T' then E.M.F. induced in the wire :~l~~! y o 1 m-s perpen dicular to
a magne tic field of

(a) 0.2 \7 (b) 0.5 \l •

(c) l V (d) 2 V

The electric field at a distanc e 2 cm f
radius 4 cm having a charge of 2 X
o e _ctentrefof a _hollow spheric al condu cting shell of
n 1 s sur ace 1s
(a) zero ' 10 1
(c) 4.5 x 10-10 V-m-1 (b) 1.1 X 10 V,-m~
(d) 4.5 X 10+10 V -m-1

l)\ Electron-volt (eV) is th e measur e of
(a) charge
(b) potent ial difference
(c) current
(d) energy

10. The frequency of X-rays 1s
(a) 10 12 Hz
(b) 1014 I-Iz
(c) 1016 1-lz
(d) 101x Hz

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I CBSE Physics Class 12
Sam ple Pap er 2 Pag e 3
I 1/)/ Th e core of a tran sfo rme r is lam
ina ted , so as to
lA. (a) ma ke it ligh t weight
(b) ma ke it rob ust and stro ng
(c) increase the secondary vol
(d) red uce energy loss due to
edd y cur ren t

~ I n a pur ely resistive AC

circuit, the cur ren t
(a) is in pha se wit h the e.m.f.
(b) leads the e.m.f. by a differen
ce of 7f rad ian s pha se
(c) leads the e.m.f. by a pha se
difference of 7f /2 rad ian s
(d) lags beh ind the e.m.f. by pha
se difference of 7f / 4 rad ian s

l'W Ass erti on : A charge wh . .

1./\ ether sta d
Re aso n: Moving ch; rge s produc tion ary or in mo tion pro uce8
e only electric field in the sur
a ma gne tic fiel d aro und it.
(a) Bo th Assertion and Reason rou ndi ng spa ce.
are correct and Rea son is the .
cor rec t exp lan atio n of As ser
(b) Bo th Assertion and Reason tio n.
are correct, but Rea son is not
Ass·Jrtion. the cor rec t exp lan atio i. of
(c) Assertion is correct but Rea
son is inc orr ect .
(cl) As::;ertion i& incorrect but Rea
son is correct.

14d As ser tio n: No power loss

(I\ Reason : No current is flowass ociated wit h pur e cap aci tor in
ing in this circuit.
ac circ uit.
(a) Bo th Assertion and Reason
are cor rec t and Rea son is the
cor rec t exp lan atio n of Ass erti
(b) Bo th Assertion and Reason on.
are cor rec t, but Rea son is not
Assertion. the cor rec t exp lan atio n of
(c) Assertion is correct but Rea
son is inc orr ect .
(d) Assertion is incorrect but
Rea son is cor rec t.

lW As ser tio n : If a compass nee

dle be kep t at ma gne tic nor th
may stay in any direction. pol e of the ear th the com pas
s nee dle
Reason : Dip needle will sta y ·
ver tica l at the nor th pol e of
ear th.
(a) Bo th Assertion and Rea son
are cor rec t and Rea son is the
cor rec t exp lan atio n of Ass erti
(b) Bo th Assertion and Rea son on.
Assertion. are cor rec t, but Rea son is not the
cor rec t exp lan atio n of
(c-) A~·sertion is cor rec t but Rea
son is inc orr ect .
(d) Assertion is inc orr ect but
Rea son is cor rec t.

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Page 4 CBS E Phys ics Clas s 12
Sam pie Pape r 2
rot •
:tt.Ssertion (A) : The surface of a conductor is
an equipot ential surfa.ce.

Rea son (R) : Con duct or allows the flow of charg
e. • atio n of Asse rtion .
a ) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and .18 the corr ect exp1an
Reason lana tion of
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct, . th corr ect exp
but Reason 18
not e
(c) Asse rtion is correct but Reason is incorrect
(d) Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct.

~ s the stea dy electric current the only sourc
e of magnetic field? Just ify your answ er.

18.,,/Mag~e~ic field lines can be entirely confined

with the core of toro id, but not with in a st raig
" ' solenoid, why? ht

~ w are infrared waves produced? Why

are these referred to as heat wav es? Wri te thei
• impo rtan t use. r one
...,~2 0~,{ concave lens of refractive index 1.5 is
immersed in a med ium of refra ctive inde x 1.65
the natu.Ie of the lens? wha t is

~ Y are two bulb s lighting the

same walls considered as inco here nt sour ces?
intensities add up? How do thei r

OR •
den a tiny circular obstacle is placed in the path
~ ; ·~~en at the centre of shadow of the obsta of light from a dist ant sour ce a bri ht s ot
cle. Explain. ' g p

/ 4 r m i n e the distance of closest approach
strikes a nucleus of = 80 stops and reverswhe
z ·t
n an al h . . .
./ ' d' _P a part icle of k1net1c ener gy 4.5 MeV
e 1 s 1rect1on.
(../. Dis ting uish between 'Intrinsic' and 'ext
• · ,
nnsi c semi•cond ucto rs?
,,t; /A charge Q is given to three capacitors
(7'°\, ~barge on each.
i, 2 and C3 conn ecte d in para
llel. Dete rmin e the

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Sample Paper 2 .
CBSE Physics Class 12
? energy of these waves? Write
t he source Ofctromag
• •
How are electromagnetic waves
produced· What IS f netic wave propag ating
. . 1 • d tic fieldsf o ant e1e agneti·c waves -
mathem atical expressi ons for e ectnc an magne
t ties O e1ec rom •
. .
along the z-axis. Wnte any two Importan proper

How will you explain twinkling of stars?

• h t im ortant process involve d in
~esc ribe briefly, with the_ help. of a diagram , the role of t e wo P
the formation of a p - n Junction.

~ i e f l y describe proton-neutron hypothesis of nuclear composition.

are uncontrolled and controlled chain reactions?

gets diffract ed
~ n light from a monochromatic source is incident on a single narrow slit, it
and a pattern of alternat e bright and dark fringes is obtaine d on screen, called "Diffra
Pattern" of single slit. In diffraction pattern of single slit, it is found that
ry bright
(I) Central bright fringe is of maximum intensit y and the intensit y of any seconda

fringe decreases with increase in its order.

(II) Centrai bright fringe is twice as v1ide as any other seconda ry bright or dark fringe.

Incident Light

Viewing screen

(i) A si~gle slit of width 0.1 mm is illumina ted by a parallel beam of light of wavelen
6000 A and diffraction bands are observed on a screen 0.5 m from the
slit. The distanc e of
the third dark band from the central bright band is
(a) 3 mm (b) 1.5 mm
(c) 9 1nm (d) 4.5 mm
(ii) In Fraunho fer diffraction pattern , slit width is 0.2 mm and screen is at 2 m away from
m on
lens. lf wavelength of light used is 5000 A then the distance between the first minimu
either side the central maximu m is
(a) 10 m (b) 10- 2 111
2 111
(<·) ] · ]() (d) '1 X 10- 1 111

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. c1ass 12
CBSE physics

Page 6 Sample Paper 2 gu1a r

2 Jlllll· The an t
lit of width o. miniIDU1Jl o
. cident norrna on a s . (measured frorn
. 10
(iii) Light of wavelength 60_0 nm_ 18
e diffraction patte rn 19
width of central ma.xtma in th
minim um) (b) 4 x 10-3 rad
(a)6x 10- rad (d) 4 _5 xio-3 rad
(c) 2.4 x 10-3 rad •fthe
d r ht. Wha t will happ en, 1
. a beam of re ig
(iv) A diffraction patte rn is obtained by using
red light is replaced by the blue light 1•
(a) bands disappear
(b) bands become broader and farther apart
(c) no change will take place
th r
(d) diffraction bands become narrower and crowded toge e •
(v) To observe diffraction, the size of the obS t acle
(a) should be A/2' where A is the wavelength.
(b) should be of the order of wavelength.
(c) has no relation to wavelength.
(d) should be much larger than the wavelength.

Coulomb's law states tha_t t~e electrostati·c force of attra t·

c ion or repulsion actin g betw een two
t Xstatio nary point charges 1s given hy
F-_l_ q1q2

- -

4 •

where F denotes the force between two charges q1and q2

separ ated by a dista nce r in free spac e,
co is a const ant known as perm ittivit y of free
space. Free space is vacu um and may be take n to
be air practically.
If free space is replaced by a medium, then co is repla ced
by (co k) or (co Er) wher e k is know n as
dielectric constant or relative permittivity.

r'() In coulomb's law, F= kq)2, then on which of the
following facto rs does the prop ortio nalit y
V) constant k depends?
(a) Electrostatic force acting between the two charg es
(b) Natur e of the medium between the two charg es
(c) fv1agni Lude of the two charges
(cl) Distance between the two charges.

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CBSE Physics Class 12 Sample Paper 2

f free space 1
(i Dimensional formula for the t'ivi·tY const ant £0 o
(b) [M-'L:1T2 A2]
(a) lM_L-:1T•A2} (d) [MI::1T"A-2]
(c) l~C'L-:iT4A2} .
1 ro apar t in vacc um is
es of 1 C each, kept
The force of repulsion between two charg (b) 9 x 1
o' N
(a) 9: 10° N
1 N
(d) -
(c) 9 x 10 7
N 9x
t when they are 0.6
. ual to 10 mgw
Two identical charges repel each other withf each
a force eq .
charge 1s
. . (
m apart 1n air. g = 10 m 5-2) • The va1ue o (b) 2 x 10-7 mC
(a)2m C (d) 2 µ,C
(c) 2 nC
Coulomb's law for the force between electric charges most closely resem bles with
(a) law of conservation of energy
(b) Newton's law of gravitation
(c) Newton's 2nd law of motion
(d) law of c· )nservation of charge

. 31. Y. Define electric intensity.
\,/"" '2. Derive an expression for electric intensity
at a point situa ted on the axis of elect ric dipol e.
A regular hexagon of side 10 cm has charge 5 µ,C at
each of its vertices. Wha t is the resul tant
potential at the centre of the hexagon?

3}~i scus s the motion of a charged particle in a unifo

rm magn etic field with initia l veloc ity (1)
V'l~ arallel to the field, (2) perpendicular to the magnetic
field and (3) at an arbit rary angle with
field direction.

State Ampere's circuital law. Use this law to obtai n
the expression for the magn etic field
inside an air cored toroid of average radius r, having
n turns per unit lengt h R.nd carry ing
a :steady current I.
~A n observer to the _le~t of a s~lenoid of N turns
each of cross-section area A obser ves that
a steady current I 1111t flows 1n the clockwise direction.
Depi ct the magn etic field lines due
to t.1w solenoid specifying its polarity and show thc1.t
ll1UlllC :lll /II= NJA.
it acts P,.s a bar magn et of magn etic

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' ' '

' '

/ o ' i v e postulates of Bohr's theory. Explain hydrogen spectrum on the basis of Bohr's theory.
L i s H. line in the emission spectrum of hydrogen atom obtained? Calculate the frequency
Var ;h; photon emitted during this transition.


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