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Crack prevention in corrugated paper boards

Citation for published version (APA):

Thakkar, B. K., Peerlings, R. H. J., & Geers, M. G. D. (2006). Crack prevention in corrugated paper boards.
Poster session presented at Mate Poster Award 2006 : 11th Annual Poster Contest.

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12 Crack Prevention in Corrugated Paper Boards
B.K. Thakkar, R.H.J. Peerlings, M.G.D. Geers
Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Introduction Experiments and Finite Element Simulation

Packaging boxes are made by creasing and folding corru- The experimental creasing test setup consists of a corrugated
gated board to impart stiffness. For proper folding of corru- board held firmly against an anvil, on which a creaser (knife)
gated board, neat fold lines (creases) are required to be cre- indents a crease. The creasing test setup is shown below:
ated. These creases weaken the section along the fold line to
facilitate a neat fold.

The finite element model for the creasing simulation is shown

in figure below:

A schematic of the creasing process is shown in the figure


Top Liner Flute Corrugated Board

Bottom Liner

Problems The experimental load-displacement curve for the creasing
2 The top liner cracks during creasing if the crease is too process along with the simulation is shown below:
creasing test: comparison of experiments and simulation
2 The bottom liner cracks during folding if the crease is
too shallow.

0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Displacement (microns)

experiment simulation

The finite element simulation for creasing process is in good

2 Paper is highly sensitive to temperature and humidity. qualitative agreement with experimental observations. How-
2 Fiber orientations of paper vary even in its width. ever, quantitatively, the simulation deviates from experi-
ments, specially in the post-buckling regime.
Project Goal
Prevent cracking of corrugated board during creasing and Conclusions
folding operations. This shall be accomplished by: Paper, the constituent material of corrugated boards is me-
2 Thoroughly understanding the mechanical behavior of chanically characterized. The creasing process can be sim-
corrugated boards. ulated well in a finite element analysis framework. How-
2 Modifying the current creasing and folding process to ever, more accurate characterization of paper is required and
prevent cracking of corrugated paper boards. micro-mechanical model for cracking in paper is required to
be developed.
/department of mechanical engineering PO Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, the Netherlands

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