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Aral Pan 6

Second Grading Notes

Lesson 1 Filipino- American War
Battle of Manila & Mock Battle of Manila
- two events that occurred before the Filipino-American War started
- the war between the Americans and Spaniards
USS Maine - American battleship anchored in Havana, Cuba that sank from a mysterious explosion that took place before the
the Battle of Manila Bay- this resulted in great tension between the US and Spain because just like the Philippines, Cuba was a
colony of Spain.
Sinking of USS Maine – caused the outbreak of the Filipino- American War
Commodore George Dewey – American who led the Attack on the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay
Admiral Patricio Montojo - commanded the Spanish fleet
Emilio Aguinaldo – laid siege to Manila which was largely occupied by Spaniards by cutting the food and water supply to make the
Spaniards surrender.
Mock Battle of Manila – a pretend war by the Spaniards and Americans for the plan to surrender of Spaniards after this war. This
happened when the ground troops from the US arrived.
Major General Wesley Merrit, Commander George Dewey and Governor Fermin Jaudenes – are the only persons who knew about
the plan of Spain’s surrender.
General Francis Green – asked Aguinaldo to withdraw so his troops could occupy the beachfront
August 13, 1898 – date of the Mock Battle of Manila where the Americans bombarded the Spaniard’s positions with cannons.
December 21, 1898 – US Congress passed the law enforcing the occupation of the Philippines.
President William McKinley – issued the policy of “Benevolent Assimilation”
Benevolent Assimilation – it states that the Americans had “come, not as invaders or conquerors, but as friends, to protect the
natives in their homes, in their employment, and in their personal and religious rights.”
December 10, 1898 – date when the Treaty of Paris was signed which became evident, the true intentions of the Americans in the
Felipe Agoncillo – was sent to Paris to be part of the discussion about the treat but he was not given the opportunity to participate.
According to the Treaty of Paris:
1. Spain relinquished its control of the Philippine archipelago to the US in exchange for $20 million dollars as payment for the various
development projects that Spain has put up in the Philippines.
2. Spain was allowed to continue to trade with the Philippines for a period of ten years.
February 4, 1899 – Filipino – American War Officially started.
Private William Walter Grayson – shot the two Filipinos who died while he was patrolling in Sampaloc District with other American
Emilio Aguinaldo – transferred one camp to another; from Malolos he moved to Nueva Ecija, Tarlac, Nueva Vizcaya, Pangasinan,
and Cagayan.
September 6, 1900 – Emilio Aguinaldo arrived in Palanan, Isabela. His escape to Isabela became possible because of the young
gallant General Gregorio Del Pilar
General Gregorio del Pilar – a young general who suggested that he and some of his men, be left behind at Tirad Pass to block the
American soldiers pursuing General Emilio Aguinaldo.
Tirad Pass – also called as Pasong Tirad, is most famous historic destinations in the Philippines. It is a well known place where
Philippine General Gregorio del Pilar fought his last. The Battle of Tirad Pass occurred during the Philippine – American War in the
year 1899.
December 2, 1899 – the Battle of Tirad Pass took place
General Peyton March – led the American Soldiers upon discovering a secret to the top of the mountain.
Januario Galut – a Christian Igorot who showed the Americans the secret passage to Tirad Pass. The Americans were able to position
themselves at a higher point to the disadvantage of del Pilar and his men.
March 23, 1901 - Aguinaldo was captured by American soldiers led by Colonel Fredereick Funston
Palanan, Isabela - where Aguinaldo was captured.
Colonel Fredereick Funston – led to capture Aguinaldo
Cecilio Segismundo – messenger of Aguinaldo who revealed where he is hiding.
September 28, 1901 -one of the famous battles between the Americans and the Filipinos took place in Balangiga, Samar.
General Vicente Lukban – led the Balangiga Massacre
Balangiga Massacre – because of this event, the whole town became a “howling wilderness”
General Jacob Smith – who ordered to kill all the residents who are 10 years old and above, especially those who are capable of
bearing firearms.
General Henry Lawton – an American General that was killed by one of the men of General Geronimo during the Battle of San
General Miguel Malvar - during his surrender, Filipino – American War ended on April 16, 1902
General John Bates – entered into agreement with the Sultan of Jolo to speed up the American colonization of the whole Philippine
Hadji Mohammed Jamalul Kiram II – Sultan of Jolo whom General Bates made an agreement with.
Lanao, Cotabato and Sulu – leaders in these places did not agree with the condition and the fought for their freedom. Revolts
launched against the Americans continued, but the Americans were able to suppress them.

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