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Date/ Day/ Semester/ Week : 12-12-2022/ Monday/1/13

Group/Ages : Kindergarten A/ 4-5 Years
Theme/sub theme/sub-sub theme : My Needs/ Eats/ Healthy Food
Learning model : Group

Learning objectives :
1. Children are able to recognize animals as God’s creation (1.1)
2. Children are able to use their limbs for fine and gross motor development (3.3-4.3)
3. Children are able to get to know the animal environment (3.8-4.8)
4. Children are able to have behavior that reflects the attitude of patience (2.10)
5. Children are able to understand expressive language (3.11-4.11)
6. Children are able to showing artistic works and activities using various media (3.15-4.15)

Tools and Materials : Apple, buffalo paper, watercolor, palette, water, plastic cups, Styrofoam
plates, scissors, double type, pictures of nutritious and non-nutritious foods, cardboard, cotton,
folding paper.

Opening activities (5 minutes):

1. Pray
2. Calling the roll
3. Sing as song
4. Apperception healthy food

Main activities (10 minutes):

1. Arrange nutritious food on a plate.
2. Make a fruit salad
3. Finger painting the amount of nutritious food.
Break time

Closing activities (5 minutes):

1. Recalling
2. Tell about tomorrow’s
3. Pray
4. Sing a song

Assessment plan: (attached)

Surabaya, 12 Desember 2022

Headmaster, Group teacher,

Amarylis Faustine, S. Pd. Glorya Ananda Widyasari, S. Pd.

1. Observation (Check list)
Date/ Day/ Semester/ Week : 12-12-2022/ Monday/1/13
Group/Ages : Kindergarten A/ 4-5 Years
Theme/sub theme/sub-sub theme : My Needs/ Eats/ Healthy Food
Learning model : Group

No Basic Competencies Indicator Name BB MB BSH BSB

Children are able to Children are able Angela
do pray before and to do pray before
after eating and after eating
Children are able to Children are able Angela
know how to to know how to
healthy and make fruit salad
balanced nutrition Bernadette
Children are able to Children are able Angela
have behaviors that to produce work,
reflect aesthetic namely arranging
attitudes nutritious food on Bernadette
3 plates.
Children are able to Children are able Angela
have behavior that to show
reflects the attitude enthusiasm and
4 of patience curiosity when Bernadette
making fruit
salad. Billy
Children are able to Children are able Angela
understand literacy. to understand
symbols and in
the form of Bernadette
5 pictures
Children have Children are able Angela
behaviors that to reflect a proud
reflect self- attitude towards
confidence the work that has Bernadette
6 been made.

1. Children are able to do pray before and after eating.
BB : Children do not want to pray before and after eating.
MB : Children are able to carry out prayer activities before and after eating with the
guidance of the teacher
BSH : Children are able to pray before and after meals without teacher guidance but not
BSB : Children are able to carry out prayer activities before and after meals without the
teacher's guidance perfectly Children are able to hold crayons.
2. Children are able to know how to make fruit salad.
BB : Children are not yet able to know how to make fruit salad.
MB : Children are able to know how to make fruit salad with the guidance of the teacher.
BSH : Children are able to know how to make fruit salad without the guidance of a
BSB : Children are able to know how to make fruit salad independently and correctly.
3. Children are able to produce work, namely arranging nutritious food on plates.
BB : Children are not yet able to produce work, namely arranging nutritious food on
MB : Children are able to produce work, namely arranging nutritious food on plates
with the guidance of the teacher.
BSH : Children are able to produce work, namely arranging nutritious food on plates
without the guidance of a teacher.
BSB : Children are able to know how to live a healthy life and eat balanced nutrition
when preparing food on a plate correctly.
4. Children are able to show enthusiasm and curiosity when making fruit salad.
BB : Children didn’t want to make fruit salad.
MB : Children started to want to make fruit salad accompanied by the teacher.
BSH : Children want and are able to make fruit salad without the teacher's guidance.
BSB : Children are able to make fruit salad properly.
5. Children are able to understand symbols and in the form of pictures
BB : Children do not understand symbols and in the form of pictures.
MB : Children are able to understand symbols and in the form of pictures accompanied
by the teacher.
BSH : Children are able to understand symbols and in the form of pictures properly and
without teacher guidance.
BSB : Children are able to understand symbols and in the form of pictures correctly.
6. Children are able to reflect a proud attitude towards the work that has been made.
BB : The child is embarrassed to show his work.
MB : The child begins to want to show his work after being asked by the teacher.
BSH : Children are proud of the work they have made.
BSB : Children are proud of the work they have made and also praise the work of others..

Headmaster Group teacher

Amarylis Faustine, S. Pd. Glorya Ananda, S. Pd.

2. Result of Creativity
Date/ Day/ Semester/ Week : 12-12-2022/ Monday/1/13
Group/Ages : Kindergarten A/ 4-5 Years
Theme/sub theme/sub-sub theme : My Needs/ Eats/ Healthy Food
Learning model : Group
No. Name Result of Creativity BB MB BSH BSB

1 Angela

2 Bella

3 Bernadet

4 Billy

5 Elisa
6 Nanda

BB : Children does not want to arrange a plate with healthy food according to his wishes.
MB : Children begins to want to arrange a plate with healthy food after seeing his friend
BSH : Children are willing and able to arrange a plate with healthy food according to his
BSB : Children are willing and able to arrange a plate with healthy food according to his
preference according to the portion.

Headmaster Group teacher

Amarylis Faustine, S. Pd. Glorya Ananda, S. Pd.

3. Anecdotal Notes
Date/ Day/ Semester/ Week : 12-12-2022/ Monday/1/13
Group/Ages : Kindergarten A/ 4-5 Years
Theme/sub theme/sub-sub theme : My Needs/ Eats/ Healthy Food
Learning model : Group

No Name Actions that appear Follow-up


Headmaster Group teacher

Amarylis Faustine, S. Pd. Glorya Ananda, S. Pd.

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