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olim once, once upon a time

tum then, next

posteā afterward
anteā beforehand, previously
subito suddenly
ergo therefore
itaque and so, therefore
ut videtur as/so it seems
quamquam although
cum...tamen although...nevertheless
ut as, like
sicut as, just as, just like
dum while
quam ob rem because of which thing
tam...ut so...that
proh dolor sadly, how sad
mirabile visu amazing to see, strange to see
statim immediately, right away
sed but
autem but, however
tandem finally, at last
in fine in the end, in conclusion
finis the end
necesse est it is necessary
valde very, greatly
magnopere very, greatly
neque...neque neither...nor
atque and also
propter because of, on account of
inquit says, said
si if
nisi unless
sine without
ut as, so that
iterum again
de about, concerning
sententiā after
in my(adverb)

quando when
interdum sometimes

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