Esp Reviewer 5

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Second Grading Examination

I. True or False.

Write TRUE if the statement state is correct; otherwise, Write FALSE if not.
__________ 1. Time is very precious; it is a nonrenewable resource.
__________ 2. One it passes, it won’t come back forever.
__________ 3. Our time on Earth is limited so we have to use it wisely.
__________ 4. If we fail to use the time, we will suffer all the consequences in the future.
__________ 5. Failing to plan is planning to fail.
__________ 6. A winner is a loser who tried one more time.
__________ 7. Life is beautiful. Live it.
__________8. No one believes a liar even if he tells the truth.
__________9. It always seems impossible until it is done.
__________10. Success doesn't happen overnight. Keep an eye on the prize.
__________11. People say they care but it means nothing until they prove it.
__________12. Champions keep playing until they get it right.
__________13. Go over, go under, go around but never give up.
__________14. Do to others what you would like others to do to you.
__________15. Quitters never win. Winners never quit.
__________16. Having perseverance will help you achieve your goals in life.
__________17. When you easily give up, you will accomplish your goal.
__________18. Success can be attained without exerting any effort.
__________19. Learning from your mistakes is important in reaching your goal.
__________20. Perseverance means determination at working hard regardless of any odds or
II. Multiple Choice:
Read and identify what should you do in the given situations below. Write your answer on
the line provided.
____21. When a subject in school is frustratingly difficult for me, I ______
a. double my effort to understand the lessons in this subject.
b. focus more on the easier subjects.
c. ask help from my classmates.
d. do only what I can in order to pass the subject.

____22. When I fail in my first attempt to learn a new skill, I _________

a. hire an expert to train me.

b. tell myself that maybe I am just wasting my time.
c. try my best to do better in my next attempt.
d. give my time in developing my other skills.

Prepared by: Teacher Sheryl

_____ 23. When there are difficult setbacks that hinder me from attaining my goal,
I should__________.
a. set another goal for myself.
b. strive hard to overcome the setbacks.
c. believe that these setbacks will just disappear.
d. accept the fact that my goal is impossible to reach

____24. When I make a mistake or a wrong decision along the way of achieving my goal,
I should ____.

a. forgive myself and realize that it’s time to quit.

b. learn from my mistake and move forward.
c. decide to take a rest and wait until I’m ready to start again.
d. promise myself never to make mistakes again.

______25. When people do not believe in my capability to reach my goal,

I should_____________.

a. ignore what they say for they don’t matter to me.

b. work hard to prove them wrong.
c. argue with them until they change their minds.
d. strive to be better than they are.

III. Read each statement and identify which is the correct answer.
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
26) My classmate lied while joking to make his classmates laugh.
a. He did the right thing. b. He did the wrong thing.
27) He told the truth when he said, "I have broken the mirror, mum."
a. He did the right thing. b. He did the wrong thing.
28) He lied for fear of his teacher
a. He did the right thing. b. He did the wrong thing.
29) Truthfulness leads to ____________.
a.Arrogance b. Respect c. Trustworthy
30) Lying leads to __________ and ______________.
a. Disobedience and untrustworthy b. happiness and peacefulness
31) A truthful person is _______________while a liar is _______________.
a. bad and good b. brave and coward
32) What is telling truth?
a. Not telling someone what you did. c. Telling someone what really happened.
b. Hiding actions that you know are wrong. d. Blaming someone for something what you did.
33) You really want to play with a friend's toy at your house, what should you do?

a. You slip the toy in your backpack and figure you'll put it back tomorrow.
b. You ask to borrow the toy.

Prepared by: Teacher Sheryl

34) Your mom said you could play computer for 30 minutes and set the timer.
a. When the time is almost up, you secretly add more time on the timer so you can keep
b. You stop playing when the timer rings.
35) You broke the table. Your mom asked who broke the table.
a. You tell her that you don't know what's happened. b. You tell her you did it.
36) You went to Maria’s to play, and then went to Jessica’s without asking.
When your dad asks, “Whose house did you play at today?”
a. You say, “I played at Maria’s.” b. You say, “I played in Maria’s and
37) Joseph totally forgot to do his homework assignment. When it was time to turn it in, he told
his teacher he was sick and hadn't been able to do the work.
a. Honest b. dishonest
38) Arya always tells her parents the truth, even if it means she might get in trouble.
Her parents consider her to be very .
a. Intelligent b. trustworthy c. helpful
39) Jay broke the neighbor’s window, what should he do?
a. b. c.

40) If you are caught acting dishonestly then you will be?
a. given a present b. loved by parents c. distrusted by others

41) What is the GOLDEN rule?

a. Treat others how they treat you c. Treat others how they treat you

b. Treat others how you treat your pets d. Treat others how you want to be treated

42) Showing respect for your teachers includes.

a. Using your manners when asking permission. c. I don’t care about my teachers.
b. Raising your hand to be noticed in class. d. Listening when the teacher is teaching.

43) Respect means that you think about other people's feelings before you act.
a. True b. False c. Other people don't matter.

44) How can you respect yourself?

Prepared by: Teacher Sheryl
a. Stay true to yourself. c. Do what makes other people happy.
b. Recognize your own accomplishments. d. Be overly self-critical.

45) What should you say if you disrespect someone?

a. I’m sorry, that wasn’t cool of me. c. What’s your problem?
b. It’s just a prank. d. This is your fault.

46) Fill in the blank: If you respect somebody you should tell ______________________.
a. a lie b. the truth

47) If someone is mean, should you be mean back or would you show respect?
a. show respect b. be mean back
48) How could you treat others if you disagree?
a. I don’t like your opinion. c. You are rude for not agreeing.
b. I disagree with you. d. I respect that but I disagree.
49) Why is being respectful important?
a. To earn house points. c. It’s the right thing to do even no one
is watching.
b. You want to earn a class party. d. To get jolly ranchers.
50) Which of the following shows disrespecting others?
a. helping others c. laughing at someone’s messy hair
b. having kind actions d. using kind words

Prepared by: Teacher Sheryl

Prepared by: Teacher Sheryl
Prepared by: Teacher Sheryl

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