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First podcast episode: Maximizing your university years for career success.

Segment 1: Setting goals and Vision.

- The importance of setting goals and having a vision for your university years. How can having a
clear direction shape your academic and career journey?"
- discuss the role of internships, research, and extracurricular activities in shaping that vision
Segment 2: Academic Excellence and Skill development
- Language learning for business: competitive advantage, …
Segment 3: Networking and building connections.
Segment 4: Involvement in Extracurricular Activities
Segment 5: planning for life after graduation

Podcast topic: “Maximizing your university years for career success.”

 The first episode

Segment 1: Setting goals and Vision.
Segment 2: Academic Excellence and Skill development
Segment 3: Networking and building connections.

- Welcome everyone, to IBT On Air, where….
- Introduce about the host and co-host (name, class)
- Share a little about the feeling of first time being a host of a podcast episode: express
- Outline the episode: topics and segments.
- Briefly mention the second episode and Q&A section at the end of this episode (encourage
- Express gratitude

Segment 1: Setting goals and Vision.

- Introduction to segment 1: Setting goals and Vision.

- Explain why setting goals and having a clear vision is a crucial aspect of personal and professional

- Share personal anecdote related to setting goals (Each member can talk about a specific goal
that they set for themselves before embarking on university life, the challenges they faced, and
how it shaped their journey, their self-assessment of the achievements level of their goals after
nearly 2 years at Ming Chuan university.
- Importance of setting goal
+ Discuss the importance of setting goals: how it provides direction, roadmap, motivation, and a
sense of purpose
+ Share insights into why individuals should actively engage in goal setting, especially during
their university years.

- Difference between short-term and long-term goals

+ Give an example.
+ How short-term goals can contribute to overall vision for the future (sharing personal story and

- Any tips and advice for goal-setting exercise

- Recap and tease the next segments.

Segment 2: Academic Excellent and skill development

- Introduction to Segment 2
- Personal experiences:
+ What do you think about your previous academic achievement, do you feel pleasure with it,
any stories, …
+ Any specific academic achievement that you are proud of
-Team discussion: “What skills have you found most valuable during your time at university, and
how have they influenced your academic and career paths?"

- The importance of academic excellence

+ Discuss the importance of it and how it can open doors for various opportunities.

- Balancing academics and skill development

+ How do you personally find the balance between excelling academically and actively
developing practical skills?
+ Its importance?
+ Any challenges in maintaining this balance.

- Discuss language learning for business.

+ The importance of being multilingual and how it can give us a competitive advantage in jog
+ Sharing some personal stories and challenged in the journey of learning Chinese and
enhancing English skills.
+ Business Language Insights: Provide insights into the importance of knowing both Chinese and
English in the context of international business. Discuss how being proficient in these languages
enhances your competitiveness in the job market and facilitates communication in a global
business environment.
- Balancing between maintaining high GPA and navigating Taiwanese cultures as we are all
international students.
+ Share personal experiences related to the challenges of maintaining a high GPA.
+ Discuss strategies for managing academic responsibilities while actively engaging with the local
+ Can you share specific strategies you've employed to manage your time effectively and excel
academically while immersing yourself in Taiwanese culture?
+ How has the integration into local communities contributed to overall university experience?

- Practical Tips for skill development

- Recap and tease the next segment.

Segment 3: Networking and building connections.

- Introduction to segment 3
- Personal sharing:
+ Being an international student and having unique experiences jumping into a new environment
where we can meet a lot of friends from different countries in the world.
+ Mention that these initial experiences played a significant role in shaping your understanding
of networking and building connections.
+ Discuss the initial challenges, cultural differences, and the excitement of meeting people from
various backgrounds.
+ Share the tip of overcoming these challenges.
- University networking: the interactions with professors, junior or senior students, alumni, …

- Internship or part-time job

+ Sharing personal stories about interactions with colleagues, customers, or supervisors.
+ Emphasize how networking isn't confined to your major or industry and can occur in various
work settings.
+ Can open to share more about some skills you’ve developed in your part time job that you find
valuable in your academic life (Balancing work and studies,)
+ Networking experience: “I know your part-time job involves a lot of customer interaction.
Can you share a specific moment where this interaction contributed to your
understanding of building professional connections?"
+ Future goals and networking: “as sophomores, we're still shaping our future goals. How
do you see your part-time job experiences influencing your networking approach and
future career aspirations?"

- Incorporate Future Aspirations: What connections are you hoping to make in the coming
years, and how are you preparing for those opportunities?

- Wrap up the segment.

 The second episode
Segment 4: Involvement in Extracurricular Activities

- Introduction to segment 4
- Personal share:
+ Reflecting on engagement in extracurricular activities, sharing some specific moment
stories that you have when engaging in these activities.
+ Any special activities that you are interested in.
+ share a specific moment where your involvement had a direct impact on your personal
or academic development? How did this experience enhance your university journey?

- The importance of taking part in extracurricular activities

+ why do you believe extracurricular activities are essential for university students?
+ Are there specific skills or qualities that you think can only be developed through
participation in these activities?

- The challenges of balancing academics and extracurriculars

+ Sharing strategies for finding this balance and how it has positively influenced your
overall university experience?

- Some advice when choosing extracurricular activities.

+ List some kinds of extracurricular activities that Ming Chuan offers for students: athletics,
community service, hobbies, educational and academic clubs,
+ Sharing personal perception: which criteria lead you to choose a club (passion and interest,
skill development, time commitment and balance, networking opportunities,)
+ Opinion about the perspective of choosing extracurricular activities based on their values for
job opportunities rather than personal interests.
+ Giving advice to fellow students who are currently exploring and selecting these activities?

- Any skepticism or questions about the value of extracurricular activities from peers or even
+ How did you address these concerns.
+ what insights would you offer to someone who might be hesitant about getting involved?
- Wrap up.

Segment 5: Planning for life after graduation

- Introduction to segment 5
- Career aspirations and post-graduation plans
+ Personal share (career aspirations, goals, and long-term plans)
+ Explore how university experiences, including extracurriculars and networking, have shaped
these career aspirations.

- Lesson learned and skill development:

+ What lessons have you learned that you believe will be valuable in your post-graduation life?
+ How has skill development played a role in preparing you for your future career.

- Strategies for job search and networking:

+ Evaluate the job market.
+ What challenges do you foresee for graduates entering the workforce, and are there unique
opportunities that we should be aware of? (lack of experience, competition, skill gaps, or
industry specific hurdles)
+ Share practical strategies for job seekers.
+ Discuss the role of internships, part-time jobs, and extracurricular activities in enhancing our

- The role of continuous learning

+ What do you think about the term “continuous learning”?
+ Discuss the role of ongoing education and skill development in staying competitive and
+ Sharing personal plans for continuous learning.

Q&A session
1. What are the core courses in the IBT major, and how do they provide a foundation for
understanding global business dynamics?
2. What is a good starting salary for graduates with a degree in IBT program? Do additional
certifications or language skills impact salary negotiations?
3. As we all know, IBT is a very broad field, so what are some diverse job opportunities available for
graduates with a degree in IBT?
4. How important is having a support system of friends during the challenges of university life, and
what advice do you have for students in maintaining healthy and supportive friendships?
5. When considering internship opportunities, how do you weigh the importance of gaining
valuable experience against receiving a salary?

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