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Segment 1: setting goals and plans

- Do you have any stories or experiences with setting goals and plans?
- You are someone who works according to a plan to pursue goals, or do you work spontaneously
based on emotions and interests? Let’s share a bit about our own goals and plans when we first
stepped foot on campus
- Now that we're not freshmen anymore – time flies, doesn't it? – how have your goals evolved?
Any major shifts in your goals

- Why do you think setting plans is crucial in university life? How does having a roadmap or plan
contribute to your overall experience?"

- Let’s talk about the difference between short-term and long-term plans. How do you define a
short-term plan, and how does it differ from a long-term one? Balancing between a short-term
and long-term plan
- Now, considering the ever-changing landscape of university life, how do you balance the need
for short-term flexibility with the stability of long-term plans?"
- University life often throws unexpected challenges. How can having a clear plan help students
navigate unforeseen obstacles?

- Any advice for our listeners about setting goals in the midst of all the excitement and chaos that
comes with university life?

- As an international student, how do you navigate goal-setting in a new cultural environment?"

- Are there any tools, strategies, or resources that you find particularly helpful when it comes to
planning and goal-setting?"
- Any hurdles you had to overcome as an international student pursuing your goals?”
Segment 2: Academic excellence and skill development

- Personal sharing

How do you all feel about your previous academic achievements? Any standout moments that brought
you joy?

Why do you think academic excellence and skill development are such big players in the university

when you reflect on your time at university, what skills stand out as the most valuable, and how have
they influenced your academic and career paths?"

- Balancing

When it comes to balancing academic commitments and skill development, how do you decide what
takes precedence? Any specific criteria or strategies you follow?

How do you personally find the balance between excelling academically and actively developing practical
skills? Have you ever faced challenges in maintaining this balance?

- Time management

Time management is often key to maintaining balance. What tactics do you use to allocate time
effectively between academic tasks and skill-building activities?

how do you handle situations where both academics and skill development demand immediate
attention? Any tips for our listeners?

- Daily integration

Do you have specific ways to integrate skill-building into your daily routine without overwhelming

- Language-learning for international students

Let's kick off with our experiences in learning both English and Mandarin. How has the journey been for

have you faced any specific challenges in learning either English or Mandarin? How did you overcome

What moments made you feel proud of your language-learning journey? Any milestones you'd like to
- Balancing two languages

Balancing two languages – English and Mandarin – can be a unique challenge. How do you manage to
balance the demands of academic English and everyday Mandarin in your daily life?

Learning multiple languages comes with a set of challenges. Let's discuss these hurdles and how
students overcome them on their language-learning journey.

- Cultural impact of language learning

Do you have any language barriers when living in Taiwan?

Languages are not just about words; they carry cultural nuances. Have you found that learning Mandarin
has deepened your understanding of Taiwanese culture? Any cultural insights you'd like to share?

How has your grasp of English influenced your interactions with the international community here? Do
you find it facilitates connections with fellow students from diverse backgrounds?

- Learning Strategies

What strategies do you use for language learning, considering the unique environment of studying
abroad in Taiwan? Any favorite resources or methods that have proven effective?

"How does being multilingual give our students a competitive edge in the job market?

- Cultural Immersion vs Academic excellent

As we immerse ourselves in Taiwanese culture, there's also the constant pressure to maintain a high
GPA. How do you find the balance between fully experiencing cultural life and excelling academically?

Have you discovered ways to harmonize the two?

Have you encountered any specific challenges in juggling academic priorities and embracing Taiwanese
culture? How did you navigate them?

- Advice

If you could go back and give advice to your freshman self-regarding academic excellence and skill
development, what would it be? What insights have you gained that you wish you had known earlier in
your university journey?
Segment 3: Networking and building connections.

- Introduction

How has your experience been in building connections here in Taiwan?

what's your take on using social media for networking? Have online platforms played a role in expanding
your network?

Discuss the initial challenges, cultural differences, and the excitement of meeting people from various

- Cultural Nuances in Networking

Navigating networking can also involve understanding cultural nuances. Have you encountered any
cultural differences in the way networking operates in Taiwan compared to your home country?

- Peer-to-peer networking

How do you network with fellow students, and have those connections translated into collaborations or
shared opportunities?

Any advice for students who might be a bit shy or hesitant when it comes to reaching out to their peers
for networking purposes?

- Building relationships with professors

Building relationships with professors is not only about academics. [H3], how have you approached
connecting with professors for mentorship or advice? Any memorable experiences you'd like to share?

- Part-time job

How has your experience been with part-time jobs here in Taiwan?

Finding the right part-time job is crucial. How did you go about searching for opportunities, and what
factors did you consider in choosing a job that fits with your academic schedule?

Balancing work and academics is a common challenge. How do you manage your time effectively to
ensure that your part-time job doesn't interfere with your studies?
Workplace culture can vary significantly. Have you encountered any cultural differences in the workplace
compared to your home country? How did you adapt to these differences?

Part-time jobs aren't just about earning money; they can also contribute to skill development. Have you
gained any valuable skills from your part-time job that you feel will benefit you in your future career?

Segment 4: Involve in Extracurricular activities

- Introduction

Ready to unpack the joys and challenges of getting involved beyond the classroom, How has your
journey been with extracurricular activities here in MCU?

- The importance of taking part in extracurricular activities

What positive impacts have you experienced from your involvement in clubs or activities? How has it
enriched your university experience?

Are there specific skills or qualities that you think can only be developed through participation in these

- Choosing Extracurricular

Choosing the right extracurricular activities is a big decision. How did you go about selecting the clubs or
organizations to get involved in, and what influenced your choices?

Any skepticism or questions about the value of extracurricular activities from peers or even yourself

+ How did you address these concerns?

+ What insights would you offer to someone who might be hesitant about getting involved?

- Cultural Exchange Through Activities

Extracurricular activities often provide opportunities for cultural exchange. [H3], have you had
experiences where being involved in certain activities facilitated cultural exchange with Taiwanese
students or other international students

Time management with activities

Have you encountered any difficulties in balancing the time demands of extracurriculars with academic
commitments? How did you overcome these challenges?
Segment 5: Life after graduate

- Introduction

We've been through quite a journey here in university. Can you take us back to when you first stepped
onto this campus? What were your initial thoughts about what life after graduation would look like?

We all know that the university journey isn't just about hitting the books. There are moments that define
our experience. Can you share a particular moment during your time here that made you stop and think,
'This is preparing me for something big'?

Immediate steps after graduation

What are your immediate plans right after graduation?

Are you considering taking a break, traveling, or diving straight into the job market?

Career path

Can you share your envisioned career path for the next 1-2 years after graduation?

How closely does your planned career path align with your major and academic background?

Further education

Are any of you considering pursuing further education, such as a master's degree or specialized
certification, after graduation?

How do you think additional education might enhance your career prospects?

Job Search Strategies

What challenges do you foresee for graduates entering the workforce, and are there unique
opportunities that we should be aware of? (lack of experience, competition, skill gaps, or industry-
specific hurdles)

What strategies do you plan to employ in your job search post-graduation?

Are there specific industries, companies, or roles you're targeting?

Personal and professional growth

In addition to career goals, are there personal or professional development areas you aim to focus on in
the immediate aftermath of graduation?

What do you think about the term “continuous learning”?

How do you perceive the importance of continuous learning in the context of your post-graduation
Consideration of Taiwan’s opportunities:

For international students like us, there's a unique opportunity – staying in Taiwan for a year after
graduation, have you thought about utilizing this one-year window?

Staying in Taiwan post-graduation comes with its own set of possibilities and challenges. How do you see
this time contributing to our overall career path?

Returning to your home country after studying abroad

Returning home often involves readjusting to your home country's culture. What aspects of cultural
adjustment do you anticipate, and how have your experiences abroad influenced your perspective?

Are there differences in career expectations or professional norms between your host country and your
home country? How do you plan to navigate these differences?

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