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Construction waste is anything generated as a result of construction and then
abandoned, regardless of whether it has been processed or stockpiled. It comprises
surplus materials from site clearance, excavation, construction, refurbishment,
renovation, demolition and road works. There are two types of construction waste:

• Inert construction waste

• Non-inert construction waste

FIGURE:1 Showing the constructional waste

Non-inert construction waste is around 20% of the total and usually comprises
bamboo, timber, vegetation, packaging waste and other organic materials. Some of
these can be recycled while others are disposed of at landfills. In contrast, inert waste
- otherwise known as public fill - mainly includes construction debris, rubble, earth,
bitumen and concrete, which can be used for land formation. Materials like concrete
and asphalt can also be recovered for construction use. Construction waste is written
as comparatively clean, heterogeneous unit generate from varied construction
activities. Double sources of generating construction waste are aiming to be classified
below six main classes namely

• Vogue supply
• Procurance supply
• Handling of fabric supply

• Operation supply
• Residual supply
• Utterly completely different sources

Wastes are aiming to be either venturous or nonventurous. Construction comes

typically generate many nonventurous wastes than venturous wastes. Sort of the
categories of wastes found at a typical construction electronic computer unit of
measure construction waste, domestic waste and regular waste.Construction waste
unit of measure solid inert waste that typically consists of building dirt however many
additionally embrace demolition material , concrete, brick, timber plastic, glass,
metal, bitumen, trees and cut tires.Such waste need to be reused, recycled, or disposed
of to associate approved lowland. Disposal ways adopted depends upon the character
of the fabric.Improper disposal will finish within the incidence of diseases like
infection, transmitted by mosquitoes and snails. Domestic waste aiming to be found
on construction sites. Base camps for the staff.

Domestic wastes have to be compelled to be properly disposal of to avoid the

infections of rodent, roaches and utterly completely different pests.

These pest bring with them vectors borne diseases like cholera and hydrophobia.

The contractor is additionally in charge for the correct handling, storing,

transportation and/or doing away with their regular waste. Samples of normal or
venturous wastes until of measure used oil , hydraulic fluid, fuel, soil contaminated
with toxic or Pollutants, waste paints, varnish, solvent, sealers thinners, resins, roofing
cement and lots of. It is the responsibility of the contractor to satisfy the regular waste
rules below the environmental quality act 1974.Transporting and disposal of those
wastes. However, amount and quality of construction waste is generated from the
specific projects would vary counting on the project circumstances and forms a
material use. The annual production rate of construction and demolition waste from
generate planet is around the three billion tones.

A double technique of breakdown this cringe is to develop and implement a

comprehensive and wise property waste management strategy that manages the
number and forms of construction waste.

Property development for the event trade are aiming to be develop through the total
life cycle of building from to cradle, in conjunction with the first designing section,
the study and structure vogue section , the event section and within the section.


In the early age of construction, styles through to apply a design that’s property
before designer know the material that need to be use, designer can take into account
many aspects of it and it sources, however guaranteed to the manufacture, that been
acknowledge solely. Supported this manufacture, the designer can selected the fabric
victimization catalogue equipped to them. However, the catalog provide is sometimes
is not oft updated and therefore, can arouse complication once works needs to start
out the website

FIGURE 2: Design stages of construction waste

Designers have to be compelled to embody rationalization of specification in every

material and element that’s required within the contract. However typically, they
solely submit nation commonplace code that’s ordinarily used together with the final
comment. Sometimes, ordered cannot attain the location on time, forcing them to use
substitute material terribly very short time. With a restricted time, designer are

susceptible to opt for material that’s low in quality rather than the initial demand. The
method of selecting material and element is vital besides the planning itself and smart
work talent so as to realize the simplest result. if the fabric opt for doesn’t meet the
need of the designer, this may eventually cause a conflict between the rapturous worth
and sensible demand. This facet is vital and wishes to be stress to new designers.

If the designer need to minimize waste to optimum level, de+0-

Signer has to be compelled to talk into account the development method for every
component. Once work has began, style’s have to be compelled to make sure that
there’ll solely be a minimum amendment of design and every one the knowledge
required for the development have to be compelled to be end from the first stage of
the project.


Material waste additionally caused by the look demand and specification, as an

example, brick size isn’t thought of for the elevation style for masonry works.

Failure in designing materials

FIGURE: 3 Procurement stage

Over purchase thanks to failure in observation the fabric amount additionally causes
waste. Generally it’s additionally caused by the manufacture thanks to communication
failure between the contractor and provider. Schedule can end in failure of providing
adequate and correct order of fabric. Wyatt (1991) declared that, contractor
continually taken without any consideration the importance of fabric schedule.
through it is thought of as an important element in construction management, it
continually neglected thanks to dearth or inadequate of knowledge with in the early
stage of construction . Moreover, different issues like ignorance material computer
hardware, incomplete contract drawing and unknown amount affected the method of
creating the fabric schedule


Storage are sometimes not properly prepared and dangerous and generally the fabric
or hold on in many completely different places. Material that exposed to wet
condition and unsuitable places

Whereas machineries and vehicles continually passes can injury the fabric can cause
the fabric to deteriorate and eventually are going to be injury. This many rises the
proportion of loss and waste as a result of the injury material. This type of state of
affairs required to be prevented to minimize the waste turn on the web site.
Throughout storage, material ought to be hold on higher than soil level and guarded
from the tough climate to fore stall the fabric from soil and the harm. waste and loss
of fabric occurred owning to improper material management and administration.
Material management and management will become a lot of difficult in larger comes.
Contractors got the element and material that are needed on web site.

Once the fabric found out web site, those material and element got to be blank pass
around, being hold on. The aim is minimize the danger of thiey harm and loss of
fabric.Proper material storage and housekeeping are essential in maintaining a
functional office operation. Improper storage and housekeeping can lead to injuries
and contribute to the fuel load in a building fire

FIGURE: 4 Constructional storage areas

1. Storage of office materials should be kept to a minimum so as not to increase the

combustible fuel load.

2. Keep storage organized and neatly arranged so that items can be easily retrieved
when needed.

3. Storage racks and shelves should be firmly secured to prevent them from falling
over or collapsing. Do not overload the intended design of the rack or shelf; be sure it
is capable of handling the material placed on it.
1. Keep heavier items and material on lower to middle shelves for easy
retrieval. Items located above the shoulders while standing on the floor
increase physical risk to the upper body when loading and unloading material
2. Keep step ladders and stools in the immediate area and always use them to
reach upper shelves. Never stand on furniture that is not designed and stable
for such use. Use a ladder or appropriate step stool when reaching for

3. In buildings and areas with sprinklers systems, never store materials within 18
inches of sprinkler heads. A full spray pattern is needed for the sprinkler head
to work effectively when it is activated.
4. Be sure materials are placed on shelves so they will not topple and fall off.

5. Provide isles when needed, and ensure they have a minimum width of 18


A construction company always valued a projects by it’s a profit and loss. In order to
ensure that the contractors get the maximum profit out of the project, it is hard to
ensure that the method is used to success.

Thus estimation rate will serve as guidance to help the management to improve the
method of handling material, reduce the waste rate and improve the productivity.

Theoretically, performance of waste management in construction site is depending on

the quality surveyor decision on the site. They will record all the material used in the
site and all the material send to the site.

It is important for the quality surveyor to estimate the material waste for all the
material that has been purchase, but many of the seldom utilize previous project data
to estimate the percentage of material used. The value that usually used is 2.5%, 5%,
7.5% and 10% and 12.5%. Any loss of material is usually shown in percentage from
without analyzing the factors that contributing towards those percentages.

FIGURE: 5 showing demolition &construction rate

Any loss of material is usually shown in percentage from without analyzing the
factors that contributing towards those percentages.

It is important for the quality surveyor to evaluate the factors involved ,the material
used and the type of the project for future reference so that waste rate can be reduced
and create more suitable construction the used for the waste Rate estimation for other
sector and not partial and less accurate due to the different diversity of work and the
dynamic of the sector.

Several builders understand that a lot of material that of waste on the jobsite end in to
value factors that is the fabric acquisition value and their four the waste disposal
value. Though the disposal prices of construction website waste kind as very little as
0.5% of the entire budget of typical home, contractors realizes that this value will

Considerably have an effect on their profit since contractors usually operate inside a
good five –hitter margin. In this analysis work we have absent to stand live presenting
the plan of action for the management and management of waste construction
materials. The key focus of technology this system this technique is proposed waste
management procedures as an area of specific internet site management usually
supported pull learning methodology and focusing method transparency principle
supported quantity to and qualitative information assortment techniques.

• Skalny et al (2002)

Had work to check the impact an minimize, reuse, recycle and recovery technique on
building construction industry. On paper, it supposes to offer a sway towards the
construction buildings industry, however will it very provide a sway towards the
waste manufacture moreover, many problems concerning current native trade are

FIGURE: 6 show research objectives of waste management

Are going to mentioned to spot the basis causes that effected the waste management.

During this analysis studies we have following main objectives are list out accordance
to the matter statement that has been known.

To detect foremost used minimize, reuse, recycle and recovery technique at

construction project. Sustain reuse of brown field properties include efforts to reduce

the environmental impact by reusing and recycling materials generated during
building construction.

Demolition or renovation typical construction and demolition (C&D) Materials

include wood, drywall, cardboard, brick, concrete, metal, insulation glass

These are numerous opportunities to recover and use C&D material at brown field
and land site including

❖ Brown fields often have band or unwanted building onsite in need of

demolition, material recovered can be reuse onsite, sold through local material
or recycled offsite.
❖ Brown field are frequently located in urban areas near transportation ,being
close to transportation corridors allows a developers to reuse current instance
and provides easy access.
❖ Renovation or new construction on former brown field provides owners
/developer with an opportunity to buy recycled content building products,
return, sell or donate building material and send other materials and sends
other material for recycling

• Prasad et al (2006)

Researched on Integrate C& D resource recovery at land resitalization of project

where project is mainly divided into the three stages


❖ Ensure local policies and regulation support and or promote C&D materials
❖ Use contractors experience in C&D material reuse/recycling

❖ Develop C&D recycling plan

❖ State recycling goals
❖ Identify materials for recover

• Ryan et al (1999)
Investigated the main C&D recovery project type which included-

DECONSTRUCTION: A soft demolition technique in which workers

dismantle a significant position of building in order to maximize recovery of material
for reuse and recycling.

DEMOLITION; The complete removal of building generally after extracting easily

removable material for reuse and recycle

NEW CONSTRUCTION: Putting together all or part of structure .most construction

site debris is generate packing and row material are cut or sized

RENOVATION: Partial removal of a building interior or exterior followed by


• Al khalaf and A.yousuf (1984)

Have investigated the main recovery streams in c & d waste, where he explained the
possible and effective way of recovery in construction and demolition waste

FIGURE: 7 show recycling of C&D waste

REUSE: Many materials can be salvaged from demolition and renovation sites and
sold, donate, or reuse on the current project

RECYCLING: Material can either be recycled onsite into new construction


Reducing the amount of C&D materials disposed of in landfills or incinerators can

create employment and economic activities in recycling industries and provide
increased business opportunities within the local community, especially when
deconstruction and selective demolition methods are used. It reduces overall building
project expenses through avoided purchase/disposal costs.

It also leads to fewer disposal facilities, potentially reducing the associated

environmental issues. It offsets the environmental impact associated with the
extraction and consumption of virgin resources and production of new materials and
onserves landfill space.

Now-a-days, the industrial recycling equipment manufacturers are investing in

development of improved machinery which has potential to revolutionize the efficient
sorting and diversion of waste. Industrial shredders reduce physical volume and
produce particles of consistent dimension, allowing efficient mechanical separation.
Industrial air separation technology allows efficient segregation of materials with
differing mass characteristics, thus separating small pieces of wood and plastic from
metal and aggregate.

The energy prices are going high. Thus, the construction and demolition waste can be
recognized as an alternative. With the advancement in technology and proper
management techniques along with effective government regulations, there can be
improvement in the diversion of wastes from the landfill towards energy generation
and recycling of materials.

Landfills located in wet regions, near waterways, and in other environmentally

sensitive areas will continue to trend toward closure.

Post-closure expenses for management of landfills will continue to increase, with

environmental monitoring and greenhouse gas management being significant

Costs for disposal in many areas may continue to increase faster than the cost of
energy, creating a de facto demand for increased diversion, recycling, and reuse.

Recycling the construction waste would not only lead to reduced pressure on the
natural resources but would also lead to mass employment in the waste sector.


• To detect the connection between reduce; recycle, and technique and therefore
the waste manufacture in construction project.
• To detect the various among minimize, reuse, recycle, and recover technique.

In this first objective investigation will be done on the reuse and recycle and recovery
technique used in the waste management system on site identify the most used 4-R
techniques. Second objective can see whether or not minimize, reuse, recovery
technique used provides an important impact on accumulative waste manufacture on
website web site will minimize or manufacture additional waste on site.

In third objective that is to spot variation among minimize, reuse, recycle and
recovery techniques used are going to be conform that of technique are economical or
not manufacturing

Based on the figure researchers has identified both the depend and in depend
variable.4R techniques are independent variable where as all the testing will be done
onto dependent variable which is the waste produce.




This analysis work is predicated and material waste management in building

construction through the treatise work; Try is created to search out reasons of wastage
in industry and the way it will be reduced.

In construction, 4-M






Play crucial role. Reckoning on the shot of a public housing building materials
account for 62 to 70th of project value through material waste management operate we
are able to scale back the generate project value by waste minimization or most
utilization of resource material) A really high level of wastage assumed to existing
construction. Though its troublesome to consistently live all those wastes in
construction, partial studies from numerous countries have confined that waste
represents a comparatively giant share of reduction prices. A large vary of measures
are used for watching

FIGURE: 9 showing between the manufacture& construction waste

Waste, like excess consumption of materials Responsible management of waste is an
important facet of property building. During this context, managing waste means that

FIGURE: 10 show disposal of construction waste

Waste where ever possible; minimizing waste wherever feasible; and

reusing materials which could otherwise become waste.

Waste presently generated within the U.S. is lawfully destined for disposal in landfills
regulated under neat code of federal rules (CFR) forty, subtitles D and C. in some
areas all are a part of construction and demolition waste stream is

Unlawfully deposited ashore, Solid waste management practices have known the
reduction, recycling, and utilize waste as essential for property management of
resource. Most construction and demolition are in natural drainages as well as water,
contrary to rules to god human health, commerce and therefore the surroundings.
Business and voters of the U.S. wrong fully eliminate various plenty of building-
related waste in Progressively. Important volumes of construction connected waste or
aloof from the waste stream trough a method known as diversion. Entertained
materials are sorted for later employment, and incases reused.

Volumes of building-related waste generated are considerably influenced by

economics conditions touching construction, social group consumption trends, and

natural and anthropogenesis hazards. In recent years, industry awareness of disposal
and utilize problems as being recognize to minimize volume of constructions and
demolition waste dispose in landfills.

Many opportunities exist for the useful reduction recovery of materials that will
preferably been destined for disposal as based. Industry professionals and building
homeowners will educate and be educated concerning problem like useful utilize,
effective methods for identification and separation of wastes economically viable
means that of promoting environmentally and socially applicable mean that of
reducing total waste disposed. Organizations and governments will assume billet
responsibilities for the orderly, reasonable, and providing stable business-friendly
environments for collection, processing, and repurposing of wastes. Businesses will
produce price trough the comeback of wastes back to producing process
promoting and seeking out opportunities for incorporation of recycled materials into
merchandise and prioritizing reduction of building related wastes through economical
jobsite practices. Effective management of building-related waste needs to
coordinated action of governmental, business, and skilled team and their activities
have no best management practices with in the interest of public health and welfare
(see resources.) absent coordinate rules realistic business opportunities, and there

Many non- governmental organizations and societies within America promote

coordinated have no best management practices with in the interest of public health
and welfare (see resources.) absent co-ordinate rules realistic business
opportunities,and therefore the commitment of style and construction professionals
and their purchasers for continual improvement of trade practices consistence and
stable markets for recovered materials cannot be recovered sustained Management of
building-related wastes pricey and sometimes presence unintended consequences.
However, logic suggest that failure to minimize, utilize and reuse social group wastes
is It stands to reason that economical and effective elimination and minimization of
waste and utilize of material are essential aspect of style and construction activity.
Creativity, persistence information of accessible markets and business, and
understanding of applicable rules are vital skills for style and construction.

Waste managing system differ for developed and non developed countries, for urban
and the rural areas, and residential and industrial, producers.

Management for the non-hazardous residential and industrial waste in metropolitan is

typically responsibility of authorities; whereas management of non hazardous
industrial and industrial waste is typically responsibility of the generator

Waste management system varies wide between areas for several reasons, beside kind
of waste, near land users and together the realm out there.

FIGURE: 11 Show close & open circuit system

Disposal ways in which within which embody lowland that involves concealing waste
to eliminate it, and this remains it customary apply in most countries.

But if not properly managed lowland will prove variety of adverse environmental
impacts like wind-blown litter, attraction of vermin, generation of liquid leach ate, gas
(mostly composed of aliphatic compound and carbon dioxide).

This gas will prove odour issues, kill surface vegetation and can be a gas. Burning,
(sometimes aforesaid and thermal treatment) may perhaps be a disposal technique that
involves combustion (burning) of waste.

This strategy converted into heat, gas, stream and ash it is a sensible technique of risk
waste material like chemical based waste.

It is controversial technique of waste disposal as a result of it emits perform

pollutants. Specific concern has target on extremely persistence organics like dioxins

which can have serious environmental consequences at interval at realm directly
round the chamber. It is common in developed countries wherever land is scarcer.

Waste to energy or energy to waste or energy from waste is common term to facilities
that burn waste to come back up with heat, steam and or electricity.

The manner of extracting resources or price from waste is typically remarked as

utilization. There unit of measuring some ways with in which by the waste is recycled
and reprocessing of raw material of high hot content to form electricity, assortment
and recycle of every day waste material like empty drinkable containers. Materials for
utilization unit of measuring higher collected one by one from general waste
exploitation dedicated bins or stored directly from the sources. common product
recycled embodies element, steel, and aerosol cans plastic glass and of
waste material additionally as waste reduction employs ways in which within which
like recycle of second 0hand product, repairing broken things rather than shopping for
new, turning out with product to be refillable or reusable and exciting shopper to
avoid exploitation disposable products


Material waste can also once the fabric don’t seem to be been handled properly.
Material handlings are continually handled victimization mechanical instrumentality
associate in nursing typically by an unskilled employee.

Fashionable material and element is often harming throughout material handling and
installation of the fabric. Typically the fabric is repaired if the harm is tokenize,
however a. Number of fabric are twenty irreparable once harm.

Waste rate are totally different completely different on the different project. Several
of its cause throughout construction section wherever time is important work got to
done quick.

This is often once the standard management is difficult to watch. However the most
reason of waste turn out is cause from weak management and the observation, angle
and no adequate incentive.

FIGURE: 12 Show material management

Throughout storage, material ought to be hold on higher than soil level and guarded
from the tough climate to fore stall the fabric from soil and the harm. Waste and loss
of fabric occurred owning to improper material management and administration.
Material management and management will become a lot of difficult in larger comes.
Contractors got the element and material that are needed on web site.

Once the fabric found out web site, those material and element got to be blank pass
around, being hold on. The aim is minimize the danger of thieving, harm and loss of


The 4R concept which refers to reduce, recycle, and replace, reuse, particularly in the
context of production and consumption, is well known today. It something like
recyclable material in more than actual practice, reusing of raw materials if possible
reduction use of resources and energy.

FIGURE : 13 shows concept of 4r management

This can be applied to entire lifecycles of products and services –starting from design
extraction of raw materials to transport, manufacture, use, dismantling and disposal.
“4R” can expressed as throughout storage , material ought to be hold on higher than
soil level and guarded from the tough climate to fore stall the fabric from soil and the
harm. Waste and loss of fabric occurred owning to improper material management
and administration. Material management and management will become a lot of
difficult in larger comes. Contractors got the element and material that are needed on
web si

Once the fabric found out website those material and element got to be blank pass
around, being hold on. The aim is minimize the danger of thieving, harm and loss of

3.2.1 REDUCE:

The new construction industry generates an average of 3.9 pounds of construction

waste per square foot of a building. For a 2,000 square foot home that equals
nearly 8,000 lbs of waste. For a 50,000 square foot mid-size office building, almost
100 tons of waste will be produced. If the project includes demolition, the same
50,000 square foot building will result in almost 4,000 tons of waste (155 pounds per
square foot).

It’s no wonder that construction & demolition (C&D) waste is a leading contributor to
our nation’s landfills, representing over 40% of their make-up. Making strides in
reducing construction waste, we can conserve landfill space and reduce the need for
new landfills. We can also reduce the production of greenhouse gases and other
pollutants created in landfills. The colour and hardness of the brick is determined by
the raw materials used and the baking temperature. Mostly bricklaying is done
manually; hence the brick size is maintained at a size comfortable to fit in the hand.
Bricks are held together by mortar. Bricks are arranged in numerous patterns called
bonds so as to enhance the overall strength. Ideally, the compressive strength of a
common brick should be 50 kg/cm2, and the water absorption capacity should not be
more than 20% by weight.


Bricks can be recycled. When homes, buildings, roadways, bridges, and other brick
constructions are demolished.

The resultant rubble can be collected and crushed to be transformed into new
aggregate materials. These materials can be used by the same company or sold to
other companies. Brick is recycled by first crushing the material with a primary jaw
crusher then further reduce the crushed material with cone crushers. Then the material
must be screened and wherever required blended through the pug mill to obtain
several recycled products. Unused bricks as well as bricks that do not pass the
manufacturers’ standards can also be recycled using the same crushing process to
form brick chips.


Recycled bricks have as much use as the virgin material. The key uses are as follows:

• Recycled or old bricks can be used in historical restoration projects

• Recycled bricks can be sold as aggregate, drainage media, and general fill
• Landscaping and decorative purposes around the garden
• To preserve water in homes by placing a recycled brick in the cistern to
displace water. The brick takes up volume, thereby reducing the amount of
water used to flush the toilet each time. Studies reveal that about 500 gallons
of water can be saved each year per toilet with just one brick!
• Recycled bricks are ideal for a brick barbecue or fire pit

FIGURE: 14 Recycling of bricks


Construction materials are increasingly judged by their ecological characteristics.

Concrete recycling gains importance because it protects natural resources and
eliminates the need for disposal by using the readily available concrete as an
aggregate source for new concrete or other applications. According to a 2004 FHWA
study, 38 states recycle concrete as an aggregate base; 11 recycle it into new Portland
cement concrete. The states that do use recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) in new
concrete report that concrete with RCA performs equal to concrete with natural
aggregates. Most agencies specify using the material directly in the project that is
being reconstructed.

Recycling of concrete is a relatively simple process. It involves breaking, removing,

and crushing existing concrete into a material with a specified size and quality. See
ACI 555 (2001) for more information on processing old concrete into recycled
concrete aggregates. The quality of concrete with RCA is very dependent on the
quality of the recycled material used.

Reinforcing steel and other embedded items. if any, must be removed, and care must
be taken to prevent contamination by other materials that can be troublesome, such as
asphalt, soil and clay balls, chlorides, glass, gypsum board, sealants, paper, plaster,
wood, and roofing materials.


In general, applications without any processing include:

• many types of general bulk fills

• bank protection
• base or fill for drainage structures
• road construction
• noise barriers and embankments

Most of the unprocessed crushed concrete aggregate is sold as 1½ inches or 2 inches

fraction for pavement sub bases.

After removal of contaminants through selective demolition, screening, and /or air
separation and size reduction in a crusher to aggregate sizes, crushed concrete can be
used as: new concrete for pavements, shoulders, median barriers, sidewalks, curbs and
gutters, and bridge foundations structural grade concrete soil-cement pavement bases
lean-concrete or econo-crete bases and bituminous concrete.

Recycled Aggregate Characteristics

FIGURE: 15 aggregate characteristics

The crushing characteristics of hardened concrete are similar to those of natural rock
and are not significantly affected by the grade or quality of the original concrete.
Recycled concrete aggregates produced from all but the poorest quality original

concrete can be expected to pass the same tests required of conventional aggregates.
Recycled concrete aggregates contain not only the original aggregates, but also
hydrated cement paste. This paste reduces the specific gravity and increases the
porosity compared to similar virgin aggregates. Higher porosity of RCA leads to a
higher absorption



In this project our main aim of mainly we taking 3 types of the constructional waste
materials that are the

Bricks, aggregates, steel.

4.1 Bricks

Most Important Properties of Brick



Weather Resistance

Strength: Brick has good compressive strength which makes it popular in

construction world. The compressive strength of brick can vary from 3 N/mm² to 40
N/mm² depending on raw materials used for making brick, manufacturing process and
size and shape of brick.

Absorption: Dry brick absorbs too much water from mortar. It’s why the mortar
cannot be cured properly and develops weak bond-strength. So brick should be
soaked properly before masonry work

Weather Resistance: Brick is made from clay and it’s burned at high temperature
which capable it to withstand severe weathering impact. Only one weathering effect
which affects the masonry wall most is the freeze-thaw action. Resisting it almost
depends up on the resisting capability of water penetration of bricks.

1) Physical Properties of Bricks.
These properties of bricks include shape, size, color, and density of a brick.

(i) Shape.

The standard shape of an ideal brick is truly rectangular. It has Well defined and
sharp edges. The surface of the bricks is regular and even.Special purpose bricks
may, however, be either cut or manufactured in various other shapes. These are
generally modifications f rectangular shapes

(ii) Size.


It is the most important property of bricks especially when they are used in load-
bearing walls. The compressive strength of a brick depends on the composition of the
clay and degree of burning. It may vary from 35 kg/cm2 to more than 200 kg/cm2 in

1. It should have a rectangular shape, regular surface and red colored appearance.

2. It should confirm in size to the specified dimensions (19 x 9 x 9 cm).

3. It should be properly burnt. This can be ascertained by holding two bricks freely,
one in each hand, and striking them.

A sharp metallic sound indicates good burning whereas a dull thud would indicate
incomplete burning.
4. A good building brick should not absorb water more than 20 percent of its dry
weight. Absorption should not exceed 25% in any case.
5. A good building brick should possess requisite compressive strength, which in no
case should be less than 35 kg/c .A rough test for the strength of the brick is to let it
fall freely from a height of about one meter on to a hard floor. It should not break.
6. Brick should be hard enough so that it is not scratched by a finger nail.
7. A good brick has a uniform colour and structure through its body. This can be
checked by taking a brick from the lot and breaking it into two parts.
The broken surface in both the halves should have same appearance and structure.


Absorption test is conducted on brick to find out the amount of moisture content
absorbed by brick under extreme conditions. In this test, sample dry bricks are taken
and weight After weighing these bricks are placed in water with full immersing for a
period of 24 hours.Then weigh the wet brick and note down its value. The difference
between dry and wet brick weights will give the amount of water absorption.

For a good quality brick the amount of water absorption should not exceed 20% of
weight of dry brick

Figure 17 water absorption test

Crushing strength of bricks is determined by placing brick in compression testing
machine. After placing the brick in compression testing machine, apply load on it
until brick breaks. Note down the value of failure load and find out the crushing
strength value of brick.
Minimum crushing strength of brick is 3.50N/mm2.if it is less than 3.50 N/mm2, then
it is not useful for construction purpose.

Figure: 18 compression test

A good brick should resist scratches against sharp things. So, for this test a sharp tool
or finger nail is used to make scratch on brick. If there is no scratch impression on
brick then it is said to be hard brick.

Figure: 19 hardness test of brick

Soundness test of bricks shows the nature of bricks against sudden impact. In this test,
2 bricks are chosen randomly and struck with one another. Then sound produced
should be clear bell ringing sound and brick should not break. Then it is said to be
good brick

Figure; 20 soundness test


You can reclaim undamaged bricks and blocks and use them in new building
projects or sell them to other businesses which deal in reclaimed bricks.
You can recycle damaged bricks and blocks and use them:
• to make aggregate for use as general fill or highway sub-basin landscaping
• to produce new bricks and blocks
• to make sports surfaces such as tennis courts and athletics tracks
• As plant substrate.

Physical Properties Absorption, Porosity, and Permeability Surface Texture Strength
and Elasticity Density and Specific Gravity Aggregate Voids Hardness Particle Shape
Coatings Undesirable Physical Components Chemical Properties Composition
Reactions with Asphalt and Cement Surface Charge General Characteristics
Compacted Aggregates Aggregate for Hot Mix Asphalt Aggregate for Portland
Cement Concrete Other Aggregate


The property of a material to resist impact is known as toughness. Due to movement
of vehicles on the road the aggregates are subjected to impact resulting in their
breaking down into smaller pieces.
The aggregates should therefore have sufficient toughness to resist their disintegration
due to impact. This characteristic is measured by impact value test.

The aggregate impact value is a measure of resistance to sudden impact or shock,

which may differ from its resistance to gradually applied compressive load.

FIGURE: 21 impact test

This test helps to determine the water absorption of coarse aggregates as per IS: 2386
(Part III) – 1963. For this test a sample not less than 2000g should be used. The
apparatus used for this test are:-Wire basket – perforated, electroplated or plastic
coated with wire hangers for suspending it from the balance, Water-tight container for
suspending the basket, Dry soft absorbent cloth – 75cm x 45cm (2 nos.),

Shallow tray of minimum 650 area, Air-tight container of a capacity similar to
the basket and Oven.

Figure 22 water absorption test of aggregate


• Reduces the amount of virgin aggregates to be created, hence less evacuation of

natural resources.
• While being crushed into smaller particles a large amount of carbon dioxide is
absorbed. This reduces the amount of CO2 is the atmosphere.
• Cost saving – few research studies have shown a significant reduction in construction
costs if RAC is used.

• Conserves landfill space, reduces the need for new landfills and hence saving more
• Creates more employment opportunities is recycling industry.
4.3 STEEL:

PROPERTIES OF STEEL: Is an alloy of iron and carbon and other elements.

Because of its high tensile strength and low cost, it is a major component used in
buildings, infrastructure, tools, ships, automobiles, machines, appliances and weapons

Chemical Composition: C=0.45%, Mn=0.75%, P=0.04% max, S=0.05% max

Density: 7.872* 10³ kg/m³

Modulus of elasticity: 201 GPa

Thermal expansion (20 ºC): 11.7*10-6 ºCˉ¹

Specific heat capacity: 486 J/(kg*K)

Thermal conductivity: 50.9 W/(m*K)

Electric resistivity: 1.62*10-7 Ohm*m

Tensile strength (hot rolled): 565 MPa

Yield strength (hot rolled): 310 MPa

Elongation (hot rolled): 16%

Hardness (hot rolled): 84 RB


Machines used for compression testing are basically similar to those used for tensile
testing often the same machine can be used to perform both tests.When the body is
subjected two equal and opposite axial pushes, as a result of which the body tends to
decrease its length, the stress and stain induced is known as compressive strain.

Figure: 23 Universal Testing Machine

Tensile Testing

A tensile test, also known as Tension test, is probably the most fundamental type of
mechanical test you can perform on material. Tensile tests are simple, relatively
inexpensive, and fully standardized. By pulling on something, you will very quickly
determine how the material will react to forces being applied in tension. As the
material is being pulled, you will find its strength along with how much it will

Ultimate Tensile Strength

One of the properties you can determine about a material is its ultimate tensile
strength (UTS). This is the maximum load the specimen sustains during the test. The
UTS may or may not equate to the strength at break.
This all depends on what type of material you are testing, brittle, ductile or a
substance that even exhibits both properties. And sometimes a material may be ductile

when tested in a lab, but, when placed in service and exposed to extreme cold
temperature; it may transition to brittle behaviour.




1 BRICKS (a)WATER ABSORPTION (a) 18% of (a)<20% of
weight weight
(b)COMPRESSION (b) 6.75 N/mm2 (b)10.2 N/mm2
2 AGGREGATES (a)WATER ABSORPTION (a) 16% of (a) <20% of
weight weight
(b)CRUSHING (b)20%(100KN) (b)30%(100KN)

In order to reduce The construction waste during the time of construction order only
the correct amount of raw materials as sorting and recycling facilities become more
wide spread and better development it will be easier to redirect our waste from land
fuel for the management of waste construction materials is helper to the environment
and the financially and resources is not wasting for using the waste conclusion.

In this way we are researching the demolition building material and the test done on
this material finally conclude the comparing the construction materials and demolition
materials the low strength materials can be used for pavements and road construction
materials and other different ways.
The survey results show that the general practice of Solid Construction Waste
Management and site waste management as a whole is very poor and has room for a
lot of improvement. The construction Professionals’ understanding of construction
waste management was found to be deficient, and the adoption and practice further
hampered by lack of sufficient legislation or Government incentives to encourage the
teachings of sustainable construction. The following recommendations are made
against the backdrop of the research findings:

1. Educational institutions should include the teachings of sustainable

construction in the curriculum of professionals in the construction industry.
Also, professional bodies should use conferences and workshops to educate
practising professionals.
2. Government should introduce specific legislation governing the handling and
disposal of construction wastes and follow up with strict monitoring to ensure
3. . Incentive schemes should be set up by Government to reward firms who
embrace construction waste management wholly


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