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Hello, my name is Johannes.

And today I will teach you 6 prepositions that always use the accusative case!
But let's start with a 1-Minute-Challenge.
I will tell you a short story.
In this story you can find 6 prepositions that always use the accusative case.
TEST: Do you know all 6 AKK prepositions
Your task is to find as many of these prepositions as you can.
If you don't want to do this challenge, you can skip here.
At this point I will explain all the prepositions that only use the accusative, one
by one.
So now ... the story
These are Anna and Jonas.
They work for a car manufacturer in Munich.
At the moment the job is very exhausting,
because they have to finish an important project until next Monday.
That's why Anna is very tired today.
Against the tiredness she drinks a coffee.
Jonas can focus on his work without a cup of coffee.
because he slept 20 minutes during the lunch break.
After work, the two go for a stroll through the old town of Munich.
Then they do some sports.
They jog three times around the lake in the Olympic Park.
So ... that was my story.
Now let's see if you have found all 6 prepositions that always use the accusative
Preposition number 1:
These are Anna and Jonas.
Explanation of all 6 AKK prepositions
They work for a car manufacturer in Munich.
These are Anna and Jonas.
They work for a car manufacturer in Munich.
"Car manufacturer" is masculine: the automaker, an automaker.
But the preposition "für" is always used with Accusative:
"for a car manufacturer"
Number 2:
At the moment the job is very exhausting,
"anstrengend" means "tiring" or "exhausting"
because they have finish an important project until next Monday.
At the moment the job is very exhausting,
because they have to finish an important project until next Monday.
"Monday" is masculine
There's no article here,
just an adjective.
Here is the table: Adjective declension - zero article.
"bis" always uses accusative!
Table ... until next Monday
That's why Anna is very tired today.
"müde" means "tired" in English
Against the tiredness she drinks a coffee.
That's why Anna is very tired today.
Against the tiredness she drinks a coffee.
"Fatigue/tiredness" is "die" ... feminine.
But the preposition "against" always uses accusative!
so ... "gegen die Müdigkeit".
Jonas focus on his work without a cup of coffee.
because he slept 20 minutes during the lunch break.
Jonas can focus on his work without a cup of coffee.
because he slept 20 minutes during the lunch break.
"Tasse" is "die" Tasse ... feminine ... a cup
"ohne" always uses accusative
Here is the table:
Nominative and accusative are the same for "feminine".
After work, the two go for a stroll through the old town of Munich.
After work, the two go for a stroll through the old town of Munich.
"bummeln" means "to stroll" in English
... almost similar to "spazieren"
Altstadt" is "die" ... feminine.
"durch" always uses accusative ...
but "feminine" is the same in accusative and nominative! So no change here.
...durch die Altstadt.
Then they do some sports.
They jog three times around the lake in the Olympic Park.
Then they do some sports.
They jog three times around the lake in the Olympic Park.
"um" always uses accusative.
"see" is "der" See... masculine
Here is the table:
... um den See.
Now I'll show you the complete list...
... with all 6 prepositions, that always use the accusative case.
So here is the list.
I have a little tip about the preposition "durch".
They are different ways to use "durch" .
Here is an example:
He got the job through his uncle.
He got the job through his uncle.
That means the uncle pulled some strings.
This is called "Vitamin B" in German.
Now I have an example for the preposition "um"
"sich kümmern um" means "to take care of"
She takes care of her garden.
She takes care of her garden.
Here as well: Accusative ... "um" is always accusative!
Now I recommend you this video here.
10 prepositions that always use the dative case
And this playlist here.
The adjective declension: Nominative, accusative, dative and genitive.
That's it for today.
Keep a stiff upper lip / Keep your chin up!
Take care.
See you next time!

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