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English Department | Grade 10


SET 04

| International College of Benha

Denounce verb Chide verb Lament verb

• To publicly declare something To scold or express disapproval, To express grief, sorrow, or

as wrong or evil; often in a mild or gentle manner. regret about something.
• to criticize or condemn.

SYN: Condemn, criticize, rebuke SYN: admonish, reprimand SYN: Mourn, grieve, wail
Fathom verb Startle verb Somber Adj.

To understand or comprehend To surprise somebody suddenly • sad and serious

something deeply, especially in a way that shocks them. • dark in color
something complex or puzzling.

SYN: Comprehend, grasp SYN: Surprise, astonish, dismay SYN: Gloomy, serious, dark
Austere Adj. Bizarre Adj. Guile noun

• Severe or strict in manner, Very strange or unusual clever but dishonest behavior
appearance, or attitude that is intended to trick people
• simple and unadorned.
SYN: Stern, strict, severe, plain SYN: odd, weird, peculiar SYN: Deceit, cunning, trickery
Apathy noun Fickle Adj. Commodious Adj.

The feeling of not being • Likely to change one's mind or Spacious and roomy; having
interested in something, or feelings frequently; plenty of space and comfort.
things in general • not constant or reliable.

SYN: indifference, disinterest SYN: capricious, changeable SYN: Spacious, roomy, ample
Beset verb Endure verb Quandary noun

• To surround or attack from all To suffer or withstand something A state of uncertainty or perplexity
sides; difficult, unpleasant, or painful
• to trouble or harass over time.

SYN: harass, besiege, encircle SYN: tolerate, withstand, bear SYN: Dilemma, predicament
Commodious Adj. Somber Adj.

Spacious and roomy; having • sad and serious

plenty of space and comfort. • dark in color

SYN: Spacious, roomy, ample SYN: Gloomy, serious, dark


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