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1 Worksheet

BRONZE Consider the arcade game

above, and answer the following

1 What is the aim of the game?

to earn all the star without being
touched by the

2 What might prevent the player from

completing the game?

3 How could you make this game

_add more npcs if harder
and delete the npcs to be

4 What methods of scoring could the

game use?
__if the player touch the star they

1 SILVER Complete the following

paragraph about decomposition
using the words below.
combined easier independently breaking

multiple smaller different

Decomposition is the process of

_breaking_____________ a problem
down into _smaller_____________
sub-problems. Decomposition makes
problems _easier______________ to
solve and allows
__multiple_____________ people to
work on _different______________
parts of the same problem. As each
sub problem is solved, it allows this to
be tested
before being
_combined______________ to solve
the full problem.

2 Make a list of the different things

a police officer needs to consider
when solving a crime.
1 evidence

2 tools

3 people who observe

4 document bodies

5 crime scene

6 search

(see next question, below)

3 Consider a fantasy adventure game
where the character has to complete
different levels. The character has a
number of movements, actions and
special powers that players can use
to move through the levels.
The diagram below shows a partially
completed decomposition diagram.
Complete the diagram with the
other movement directions, types of
action and special powers that you
think the character might use.

right stand up fly

forward run speed

left jump strength

backward stop smart

(see next question, below)

4 GOLD Create a decomposition
diagram for a car-racing game.

• race tracks

• cars

• how to win.

1 van speed

2 truck speed

3 container speed

4 f1 speed

5 hybrid speed

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