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Cases are repeated

Infectious Diseases
A 5-year-old boy from Georgia presents with mild fatigue and malaise. Several other children in
the day-care center he attends have developed similar illnesses. Physical examination shows
mild liver tenderness, but no lymphadenopathy. Laboratory examination finds mildly elevated
serum levels of liver enzymes and bilirubin. The boy recovers without any complication. This
disorder was most likely caused by infection with:

IM3 30/10 + 31/10

Infectious (asks for all the info about like what do you see in ultrasound/CBS/ why auscultation
why CBS)

Meningitis viral (failed )

Case no.3 cellulitis (passed with low marks t)
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A (22yr old fever and jaundice) (physical diagnosis) (Dave)
Syphillis (lesions present for 2 days) no lymphadenopathy
Cellulitis (RT foot swollen history)
Pneumonia (crackles /fever)lpu7

Bacterial gastro enteritis
Gastro enteritis
Hepatitis A (15 yr old
Viral meningit
Cystitis case no.5 urinay frequency

* viral Meningitis
* Syphilis (sexually active , new partner )
* Hepatitis c
* Pneumonia (typical and atypical)

bacterial meningitis
HPV Human papilloma virus.
Parvovirus B19.
Chlamydia Trachomatis – Cervicitis/ Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
Prosthetic valvular endocarditis - Staphylococcus epidermidis.
Subacute endocarditis (Q-fever)
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Community-Acquired Pneumonia
1. Clostridial Infections
 C. Difficile
 C. Botulinum ✔
 C. Perfringens  Gas gangrene (Soft Tissues)
 C. Tetani

2. Pneumonia (Harrison’s P. 803)

 Community Acquired Pneumonia CAP
- Typical ✔✔✔
- Atypical ✔

3. Hepatitis viruses ABCDE

 Hepatitis A ✔✔✔
 Hepatitis B ✔✔✔
 Hepatitis C ✔
 Hepatitis D XXX
 Hepatitis E XXX

4. Infectious Diarrhea
 Bacterial Gastroenteritis ✔
 Viral Gastroenteritis ✔
 Traveler’s diarrhea

5. Infective endocarditis
 Subacute endocarditis ✔✔✔
 Prosthetic valvular endocarditis ✔

6. Infections of the skin and soft tissues

 Syphilis ✔
 Cellulitis (Harrison’s P. 830) ✔✔✔
 Gas gangrene

7. Meningitis, encephalitis, brain abscess

 Bacterial meningitis ✔✔✔
 Viral meningitis ✔
 Encephalitis ✔

8. Urinary tract infection

 Cystitis ✔
 Cystitis  Pyelonephritis ✔

9. Sexually transmitted infections

 Herps ✔
 Parvovirus B19
 Syphilis ✔
 Cervicitis
 Vaginitis

10. Brucella

 A

11. Tularemia
 A
 A
 A

12. Bartonella
 A
 A
 A

13. Toxoplasma

* Case 5 gout (double contour in ultrasound)
* Psoriatic arthritis
* Dermatomyositis
* Scleroderma
* Churg strauss (asthma)
*SLE (23 year old female,Periorbital edema ,Proteinuria ,No skin rash ,Murmur , anti smith+ )

Case no.5 SLE (double strand positive) hyperpigmentation (hair loss in skull)m
6.Ankalosing spondylitis (dizziness and back pain)
ANA positive ? (Student couldn't answer)
Crest syndrome
case no. 2 Sjogren syndrome-- dryness in mouth and Antibodies are normal (or negative)
Case no. 4 giant cell arteritis
Case no.1 scleroderma (finger swelling painfull toes + female)
dermato myositis (most likely case no.3)
no.4 takaysu arteritis severe headache (unequal pulse) subclavia arteries is how you

*Post streptococcal glomerulonephritis (2 weeks after tonsillitis )
*Acute antibody mediated kidney rejection
*Membranous nephropathy (spikes)
* igA nephropathy

Membranous Left pissed off AF (Ba)
Good pasture syndrome (thamir passed)
No clue on syndrome
Focal segmental (FSG) (increase hematuria and polytuneria sclerosis in something) Pass
MBGN with systemic lupus eretheyma nodus manifestation
Fsg (biopsy finding)
Case 5 FSG(sclerosis + hypertension)
Chronic kidney disease
Acute pyelonephritis
Polycystic kidney disease (Acute kidney failure )
Good pasture
IG nephropathy
Alport all 1 was

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