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The early colonia

modaun historian Empiue-Pontugal, and
and Oain
in the
bYby lurRey captuue 4 Constant'nople
in 1453 and n the almo st
discove unea coaot by the
potuguLse two even ,

punund inteust The ust pii clo sed EUope

puinciple gatiway t East. The 6eco nd open the grat
peLDdL oceenic dcove and expaussion which 6fuead
Ewopean dominance through out the wuld. The bortuguese
Conqueedd a weta on Auican coast in 1415 Ja to nu

bcoveu and mauine adventu wh*ch htwun led to the
ciwm nawigation by Vas co Da Gama to the goundatuon G
pohtuguese empiu in the east and the diocoveuH
new NOld beyond Atlan tio by chuistopha Columbus in

498. 15th and 16

th centu tendedL to be dominatad by
Ibanian stat (portugal and dpain), 17 h centuy by

Netheuland (Holand) and then Fance and England in the

SUbseguent centuy The t aL the sed wee the

poHtugvese most 4 the sailors we t h et poutuguese

genoese living. in poutugal or 8outheun Spain. It

was a small cowty wíth a Sig mission swing to the
Black duath 1348-49 most 4 the peasantb and labo uxeus

move to the towns to seve trade, shipping and the

isheuhs portugal waa the neaxest EDpe cuntiuy to

puDvidu noutheun Euuopean countias Nith the

Hedi tuuanean puoducs Guch d Wine, waX , coHn , honet

eituus uib, tte. Thus pohtuguese in tepiced was
diue ctid towaids the sea end and, It possessed .adeguat
resow ce0 0 both exploHation and weul do exploitatien

new discoveuies on the Auican and Attantio 1slands.

By 1937, the poutugvese etabio hed settlement n the

island the Apuican coast hey u t settlud in

Madeiua in 1920. Ater 1430 they albo settled n
In the above sea voyage Paince Heny the navigaO
(139-1460) todR keen intuuest. He eatly ngwencad
the potugvese expan sion. He had ollowing motives that

possibility a new CuLsada agaunot Islam,

Hope inding a chuiptian ally n Auica,
quest a geogaphfcal knowledge,
Desu to captue spic trada,
The apuiation to Shuad the gaopel, In the last qu atiu

I5h cuntuy the gnding sea

uout to In dia emeged
as a main obyectiiw g poutugvese ovet sea pollt Pauince

wbh to conveut to
Henuy had the heaud 4 India and

people to chuio tanïty. He was also motivatd by the

daou u seientio dicoveuy and invaotons He got he

ight to trade with Aican Guinea Cost

uom the

thada brought wealth

middle 4 15 th centuay the Aican
Aome membeus
to thadeus to the pne and to
The poutuguese shipping ndus Ty expandad
Potuguese came to know that Auica
dnd im puoved
was humid thin populatoAd poo by Eupean
The west
came ih
Auica became amous s l d v e thade. Th ey
contact wth a sla
TPm baxtu on
ghana and Malt centred n
hee to
uppe Nrqeu
Nqe ive.
iv Euwo pean caume
buy gold and slave. They came in contract with
zmbabwe, congo and otheu paut
g Aica
Gepgraphe Ba tholomew dia2 (1450-1500) went to south
uea ched upto 6ou th A;uica which late came to be
Known as
Cabe 4 Ghodd Hope (1487) In. 1997, Vasco ba Gama
(I960-1524) sut out wi th ouL ship to wauds India. In
the Arab thading Juoute a
pilot gnin ded Vasco a Gama t
each Maabau coant at calfcut în 1t
1o months and
uom Lsbon . Th place b callud. Koui Ko callut with
the conot s uot paut ih cochin h 1503 and the
dueat acomb inatròn 4 Eyptian, ujeati and calicut
ships Du (1509). The routuguepe dominance 4 west Indian
watu was establish. Theue wao a change n policy when
Goa was taken ih 1512 in AIanso de albugverque (1463- I515)

Poutugueae dominance weot Indan wai wao stablish..

Thene was a change n policu when Gqoa wao taken in
512 . Potugus e foundud th eu trading centiue ih Goa.
In 15 Malacca and in 515 Ho4mUz Wa captuud om

Gqoa, th eu organshd ungulau trado ouths towads South

Edot Asia and china . By 1557, they had totabliohad a
base at Ma ca 0n the chin ese coast neau unton and had
began to thade with Japanese.
Portuguese claimed monopolyOVA tade in ceutain
phoduc and on cetain uout 60 that the trade n. all.
eseved to h e po
meant to be totally pOtt
pices was
A trade om Goa to Malakka om due to Eat A
Eaot Aica

om wes ten India to Maca& and Japan gcouwwe
brom Gqoa to Euuope all Neue Potuguese mono poly
16 th cen t u y Nas the centwy when poLtuguase weue only

mauitimne Euopean poweu. Thei sysTem was based on godd

navfcaut 6ystem ouLt and gawuison.

The Pontuguese empiue n Atantid

The Pohtuguese who possessed a mauitime empiue stretchin
o m ndia though the sou th eastun anchapi lago to Maca
by I700 were duced to
being. puîmauily an Atantio
Powe except
e Goa and some trading pos n India
and pas
g time and Ma.cae, potygalL had lost alL the
possession n the eot t the Dutch and to the Bitsh . In
Auca tod heL east coaot
tetitoy had shunk to Some
Coastal paut and semi
independent island, while n west
Aica portugal kept only paus yom which slave trade
Was wn .

In the Atlante, po utugal possess the Madeiua , Azo Me and

Brazil which began dosely link to the slave
trade West
Atui. Brazil became an impotant plantation colony.
The Portguese
pund no pALecious metal n Buazil till
1960 S
, no lo cal populaton UseuL as labow. They bought
Sugaucane uom the Atlan tio bland and oth e uDps
SUch d6
TabaccoCoHee , cocd and coton and black
slaves huom AAuica The
Poutwguese conined thi actvtu
to the
Trophical cDaotal but because economio
g eco no mic and
geoguaphical ugion. The
poutuguese weue satbaied wi
exploi tatien 4 Brazalian aguicultwual
the uown
wedlth . In 1559
awthoubed trade in slawes
om Aluca to
Brazi thus
puovide a legal basio o the gaowth
massive tuadu in black slaves and
6oA the
omausn 6
wOrld's kiust guaat plan tation economy .By 1600 BraZ
had became the
laugeot sugal suoduäng aLed in the
Wes ten would and ib colonial societi
oting on thee

Black 8laveuy
In tade, Portuguese Heed gems, knives, cheap cLo thes,
aoinatng ton a l soT . In utwn the bought
gold, sflvex, peppeu and otheu spices, silk and cotton . Prom
BHazil hy bought tobacco and sugas. Te poutuguese who

choose plan tatbn modal to colonize the Atiantio aueas

lost most h e colo niès except o Bhazil by 18 th


Te Gpanish Empiue
When Atantfc sland AzaLes Hadeiua and caneries wee
being diocoveuc by the Portwguese then the dpaniah swleus
weLe engaged fh dis elosing- Muslims . Wes teun spain wfth
i6 Atiantic coast and a strong maitme tadibon, took
an inteuust in the plans olumbus. In 149 chuisto pheu
Columbus was commssionec by castine
Ringdom Gpain,
the Castilian sule gave Columbus
money and ships to
discove eftheu a Nesteun oute to India aH new
in the o pen ocean.
Columbus (14511506), boun h Genwa was expetinced
saile By th is, time he had aueady voitnd gold coast
ALuuca and Ireland . He also kneu aboub the wealthy
Ialand 4 ipango (apan). He stautad Palos nea Caudia
August3, 1932 in thuee small ships and ueadhed
Bahamas on
oct be 12. He vbitd uba, santo bomingo
(Hento and assumed it ao India and cdall the local people
as Indian.
In 1993 he stautid wfth 17 ships with 160oo colonialisK,

exploe cauibean and laid the pundaton 4 the spanish

empuu n AmeuicaIn his thiud voyage în 498- 1500 he
Aeached the mouth 6uinoco Aive n 80Uth Ameuica In
502- 1504 he made the outh and inal voyage h ueached
Hondwns h August l502.
Spanish Monauch tiued 4 Columbus împotunis ejuoed to
send him on any moue oyage.

Col umbus ound gold ih his Hispaniola (modeun Haiti)

in t n attra.ctio mome wopean settl eus The seauch goe

abou uesutted n the congjuest PoLtunngo in 1508.

Jamaica in 1509 and Cuba in 1511 By 1519 they uLached
tuba und Hexman co
Gquy 4 Mexrco uDm
Nouth 4
1522 and 1524 most paio Coat as a ds
ive was conqued By 1600 potugal
china and
west Auica pluo sea pout 4
contholling Brazl, Texas and
extended om
the pankh Amen empiu
60th excapt
the lane in the
Chil. Spain con tto ad in Gauinea
and Lench
Braz and small duLtch
CD dot. Pe
was abo
while most ntensively occupiod by the
the lauge cauuibean
Hispaniola putouco
Tunidad also beng to
By the end
18 th
centuu thee wene
ou uoyaltis.
ouL Cap tain ciès goneual and thiutean puidencu 4 Apatn.
Besides olumbus ollowing geogtaphe abo halp nthe
expanon Spanibh empiuo 0utside Euuope they we a1s
ollo Ws Ameigo vespuci [ 195 -1512) Italian Mautin
walku Hull
Jvan ponce de lean (147- 1521) Spanbh,|
vasco nunez- de-balboa (1975-1519) Bpanish , Fendinand Magellan |

(1480-1521) pOAtuguese , du Cano Spanish, etc

helped t h e expansíon 4Empiue.

Faetphe hespohsible oh the veyage

1: Powe Atantio statis led th eiu meuchant to seauch a
new uouTEs to ndia when ald neau ecsteun suous came

the contul Dttoma TuuRS and Italian.

Rise 4 captalibm w a albo seen d ene the adto.
2 Rise
3 6cuintizio development ; eq- magneto compass helps
making ocean voyage edsfe

puinauy motivatien
Besides above pous Kallo uo ng to
also weue LAponsiblw o t the oyage

1Human desiue jH glo4y

2 The dasiue to have gold

3 The desiue to s u e the god

MOA GULLces to
he 6tuatugie n eed to seize cuutin auAas au

achieve the othe above needs-

ColumbUs diacoveuy was o uowed by the exploitatien g ilveu
mines 4 Ameuica (Brazil+ Peu) w'th the help 4
men poweus. Ihe condition n he mines weue hause and

tooK theue touL on the lives the weukeus Accouding to

one wtimati the
populatien 4 Nexico duopped hrom
miuion t aballt hay a mllion duwing the cowse 16 th
centuy on the account smaupoX, illuwn2 a , missels,

diphutuuia and oth diseases. This necessltatid the seauch

p new labow which was pucibely acquied uom the Auican
codst The Auican slave trade tuuned into puotable sed borne

entexphise by euuopean impeualist. 10 to 13 millien Apricans

were transjeued to Ameuica to work ih the mines asAlave.

T 's gave uise to people g mixedd uace known as Mestizos

and Mulatoo. They woue boxh om 'he union "between hi
Indian dnd Black. This mixe d people did not poduce
integuatd so cii becawse whit weue Juugaded as socialy
supexio SImply by xuason 4 ethnio OALigin while Indians,
Meuti zos and black wue treatid asineuio.
The mining 4 silveu bough unprecenTad wealth to Euuope.

B/w I993 and I700 the AmeuicLs produce 51100 methic

tono silve which wa neauly 81% the total wotld
puoduction silveu. The auival s o much 4 silvew
gave the West an enormous advantage in i ttade with
the east. Euuopeans weue able to puchas e Asian
species textiles, si]k and indigo that weue in demand
fn the west.
Ameican settieuS
VLtually exteuminated the native
population east
gave be to
Hessisippe woud discoveiveu. New
colonialiam and
Euo peans todk imperalism undex which
away lion's shaue qthe colonia
punciple orce tox egolog iat exchange came om the
IhTo duon Ewuopean animals, cuop and agui cuutu
pMacies., cattles and houwes, sheaps and goaa , pigs and
chicken none
pueviously. Known to Ameucan multipiad
hapidly in avowable envbuonment Whîle Euopean uops
wheat and baulay puovidsd. new sowAces 4ood to

supplement the traditionalL Indian cuops maize , beans,

potatoe and plantms. This is called. the columbian
to know about loHa and
exchange n history. They came

hew wold: Thus they came to know

4auna the
t he

about the neu Cultwte.

Betwean 1500-18o0 Wuteun Euuope acquiuad 35. the

globes land suwyace Th doapif tho gact that în 1800,
Euope's Popuulatjon nas only 190 out 900 miülbn. The
expansion 15 th and 16 th centuuy brought about
Euopean network and the
a evolutionauy change
in tading
the economio violence uom
patteun 4 trade t shijtd
Atantic. It linKed Euope to the
Mediteuuean to the
to maximise benezit these
WOuld economy
n d e
and theipotental wealth
new souwLces d tade
mechanism had to be eolved e contro ling
diyeuence twitutes. The
these new
regulating and exploitatihg
adminio trative structwe nhich emege gaduallyh
tranaam ed seveu aL to these centw g trade into colo nu

Since these voyages and dioeoveuies concidad with 6the

Europea movem ent such as Ren aissance, the Felaumation
and the ioe centralised stat, the diseoveuy land
and h i subseqpent colonialioatien AI these ingwence

economy and
so cutiy4 Ewope in seveual nayS.
Thi's b callld TFans ition om Medíeval to Modeun
history and Westeun history

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