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MODEL FORMS FORM No. 1 ; ‘ : ive (0-1), Rule 10 of ication for impleading Legal Representative eachC) Applica eae onion GUGGE SENIOR DIVIsion, KURUKSHETRA Application No of 2017 (Suit No... of 2017) 1. A, s/o Shri Ravi Kumar and 2. W, w/o Ravi Kumar, r/o. f Applicants versus X, wo Shri........... r/o..... a Defendant Application for impleading legal representative of deceased Shri Rayj Kumar Plaintiff. Sir, The applicant most Tespectfully states as under :— 1. That the plaintiff has expired on 8-12-2017, 2. That the Right to sue survives in the following legal Tepresentatives/heirs of the deceased which may be impleaded as plaintiff in the suit, @ A, s/o Shri Ravi Kumar; and Gi) W wife of late Shri 8. It is th Date—1-6-2017 2. Verification.—I do hereb i Beri arian o cy Teby verify that the contents of all para; therein. Place—Kurukshetra Sd. Date—1-6-2017 Applicants Sse sasaa's Sd. Dots ton waxe OC, Sd. Advocate graphs ge and belief of me, Nothing has been concealed FORM No, 2 Application for restoration of Suit being dismissed in default (Order 9, Rule 9, C.P.C,) IN THE COURT OF......... AT FARIDABAD INTERLOCUTORY ‘APPLICATIONS Application No....... of 2017 : in Suit no....... of 2016) H, son of Shri......... 1/0 ApplicantPlaintit Versus G, son of Shri. r/o ens a Defendant tion for restor: ip owhi Road .. Appl ation of the suit which was dismissed in default Sir, The applicant respectfully states as under :-— 1, That the suit was fixed for 5-6-09 for recording evi vi called at 12 am. and the plaintiff went to call his seen ‘Shi Suess who was not available at his seat at that time, and the plaintiff informed the Court of this fact, and against too all his counsel, whom he found in Court no. 6 arguing another matter and he said to the plaintiff to ask the Court for time upto lunch hours. Accordingly the plaintiff requested the Court to wait till lunch hours. But, however, the learned Court dismissed the suit in default of the plaintiff. It is, therefore, most respectfully prayed that this respectable Court may be pleased to set aside the ex parte dismissal order and restore the suit in its original number, and dispose if off on merits after taking evidence and hearing the parties. Place.. na Bidens Date... Applicant Sd..... Advocate FORM No. 3 Application for setting aside an ex parte decree (Order IX, Rule 13, C.P-C.). IN THE COURT OF. AT Application no... of 2017 in (Civil Suit no......... of 2016) A, 8/0 Shrine 1/0. Applicant/Defendant Versus Plaintiff L, s/o Shri. . to... Application for setting aside an ex parte decree (Order IX, Rule 13, OP, Sir, The applicant respectfully states as under : 1. The pallens was defendant in the above suit, and an ex parte decree was passed against him on 10th May, 20 é Qi Tie: summons for the final hearing of the suit issued on the defendant was not served upon him. ‘The applicant, therefore, prays that the ex Pa! rte decree be set aside PLEADING, DRAFTING AND CONVEYANCING 88 in the interests of justice. aan co Ee Advocate Applicant Date. Note.—Affidavit is also annexed herewith. FORM No. 4 ‘Application for stay of Execution of the Decree (Order XXI, Rule 26, C.P.C.) IN THE COURT OF THE DISTRICT JUDGE, SONEPaT Application 10... of 2017 in (Civil Appeal No............ 2017) R, lo Shri...) 1/0... % Appellant (Orig. Defendant) Versus T, Slo Shi ennnny 1/0.n Respondent (orig. Plaintiff) Application for stay of Execution of the Decree (Under Order XXI, Rule 26, C.P.C. Sir, The Applicant respectfully states as under :— 1. That this appeal has been filed against the judgment and decree of the Civil Judge, Senior Division, Sonepat in Civil Suit No. 15 of 2006. The trial court has passed an order directing the appellant to handover the possession to the respondent of the house in question, 2. That the respondent/plaintiff has file execution of the decree dated... on... 5. That it will be irreparable loss to. the appellant, if the Tespondent gets success in Betting possession of the disputed house because the Applicant/Defendant hes invested on it 10 lacs of Rs. in previous year, 4 That the Appellant has legal right bout ownership and possession thereof fed yee Re, house abou ion thereof and t] art has erroneously decided the issue, mama rorer co 5. It is therefore Prayed to s dated. » passed by the of 2006 till the final dispo; hon’ble Court, dan application for tay the execution of the decree learned lower court in suit no. 15 sal of the appeal Pending before the Applicant/Defendant Sd... Advocate Note—An affidavit in support of this Application is also filed.

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