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Misrak Poly-Technic College

Competency: Conducting/Facilitating User Training

LO1. Plan ICT Training System

1.1. Researching and Developing Training Procedures and Aim

Objective: Lay the foundation for effective ICT training by conducting thorough research
and defining clear training objectives.
 Conduct a needs assessment to understand the specific skills and knowledge
 Research current trends, technologies, and industry best practices.
 Define training procedures and aim based on identified needs and organizational
 Establish clear learning outcomes to guide the training process.

1.2. Developing IT Training Plan

Objective: Create a comprehensive IT training plan that outlines the structure, content, and
delivery methods.
 Develop a detailed curriculum that covers essential IT skills and knowledge.
 Define the training schedule, including the duration and frequency of sessions.
 Choose appropriate delivery methods, such as in-person sessions, online
modules, or a blended approach.
 Consider the scalability of the training plan to accommodate future needs.

1.3. Identifying Take Training Staffs/Employees:

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Objective: Identify the target audience for the training program, ensuring that it meets the
needs of the intended participants.
 Identify staff and employees who will benefit from the IT training.
 Consider the diverse roles within the organization and tailor the training to
address specific job requirements.
 Ensure inclusivity by accounting for different skill levels and learning styles
among participants.

1.4. Training Staff and Management in Change Management Procedures and Policies

Objective: Prepare staff and management for the changes introduced through the IT
training program, focusing on change management procedures and policies.
 Provide information on the reasons behind the IT training and the expected
 Conduct change management workshops to address potential resistance and
foster a positive attitude towards learning.
 Clearly communicate policies related to the training, including expectations,
timelines, and support mechanisms.

1.5. Evaluating Current IT Training User or Business Pattern

Objective: Assess the current state of IT training and user/business patterns to identify
areas for improvement.
 Analyze existing IT training programs, if any, to understand their effectiveness.
 Evaluate the current user or business patterns to identify specific challenges or
 Gather feedback from users to determine their satisfaction with current training
 Use data and feedback to inform adjustments and enhancements to the training

1.6. Identifying Key Personnel Responsible for Training and Implementing Training Plan

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Objective: Establish a clear organizational structure for the implementation of the IT

training plan, identifying key personnel responsible for its success.
 Identify individuals or teams responsible for designing, delivering, and overseeing
the IT training.
 Define roles and responsibilities, ensuring that each key personnel understand
their contribution to the training system.
 Establish communication channels for effective collaboration among key
 Ensure ongoing support and resources are available for the successful
implementation of the training plan.

By following these steps, organizations can develop a robust ICT training system that
addresses the specific needs of staff, aligns with organizational goals, and fosters a
culture of continuous learning and improvement

 What is training?
 Uses of training
 Types of training
 What is a Training Plan?
 Training Plan – The Benefits
 Training Duration
 Training Facilities

What is training?

Training refers to teaching and learning activities carried out with the
intention of helping an individual to acquire and apply knowledge, skills,
abilities and attitudes needed to affect a desired change.

Training may not necessarily be carried out as a formally

organized program.

Whenever a supervisor instructs a junior staff, gives directions, or

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discusses procedures, s/he is training.

Thus, training may be conscious or unconscious, but all training

contributes to improvement of a person’s knowledge and skills.

Uses of training
Training can reduce or eliminate the gap between actual
performance and an organization’s needs.

It does so by changing the behavior of individuals, by giving them the

knowledge, skills, or attitudes that they need to perform to the required
standard. Changing behavior then is the function of training
Lack of practical skills, lack of experience in the field, inadequate
knowledge, or improper attitudes can hinder an organization’s operation.

Training can solve a variety of problems which may affect the

performance of individuals in an organization.

Training can help an individual:

Improve his/her knowledge and skills
Improve his/her interpersonal communication skills
Develop new skills or knowledge in specific area
Improve quality of service delivery
Satisfy the community being served, and in return be satisfied by results
Meet the desired level of performance


Training includes both directed training and workplace training.

Directed training can be delivered inside or outside the workplace. It
consists of planned and structured training which is insulated from
immediate operational job pressures.
Workplace Training one the other hand is planned and structured training
carried out under normal operational.

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What is a Training Plan?

A training plan is a framework which shows the general structure of

training content designed to meet specified objectives.

The Training plan is a detailed statement of the items to be addressed

when designing any block of training.

The Training plan takes into account such items as training

aim, objectives, approach, equipment/materials to be used,

Training Plan – The Benefits

 The plan is a practical working document to be used by all

those involved in developing, implementing, monitoring and
funding training programs.
 As an aid to developing training programs,
 As an aid to implementing training organization of training

Training Plan – The Benefits…

As and aid to monitoring training program, it provides a

standard format to review program assure consistency assist
validation processes.

As an aid to funding training program, it contains information required by

funding agencies assists in purchasing and utilization of resources provides
comparison of program performance in different locations

Training Title

1. The training title should:

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a. Clearly identify the program/course/module/unit

b. Be specific to the training content
c. Be included on all written materials produced for the

Training Aim

1. The rationale for the training i.e. the reasons why the training
program has been designed should be stated.
2. A broad general statement should be included
describing the proposed program and what it is
expected to achieve.
3. It should clearly indicate expected outcomes of the training
in terms of trainee opportunities.

Outline Training Plan

Should illustrate by means of a diagram

1. The titles of the modules of training

2. Their sequence of delivery
3. The balance of time (in days/weeks) allocated to direct and
workplace training in each module as relevant
4. Should indicate the total time allocated to the training in terms of hours
per week and number of weeks.
5. The duration of all main elements including workplace training and
directed training, as appropriate, and the assessment time should be clearly
6. Should list capital equipment, non-capital tools and equipment, and
consumables required location specifications for directed and workplace
training, as appropriate, to include workshop and / or classroom
requirements special facilities appropriate to the particular training.


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This step identifies activities to justify an investment for training.

The objective in establishing needs analysis is to find out the answers to the
following questions:

 "Why" is training needed?

 "What" type of training is needed?
 "When" is the training needed?
 "Where" is the training needed?
 "Who" needs the training? and "Who" will conduct the training?
 "How" will the training be performed?


 This step establishes the development of current job

descriptions and standards and procedures.
 Job descriptions should be clear and concise and may serve as a
major training tool for the identification of guidelines.


The training technique must be decided, One- on-one training, on-

the-job training, group training, seminars, and workshops are the
most popular methods


This step will determine how effective and profitable your training
program has been.

Evaluation is the process of gathering information and assessing the

value of a given program against established goals and objectives.

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1.1 Purpose
1.2 Scope
1.3 System Overview
1.4 Project References
1.5 Acronyms and Abbreviations
1.6 Points of Contact
1.6.1 Information
1.6.2 Coordination
1.7 General Training Prerequisites
2.1 Training Requirements
2.2 Roles and Responsibilities
2.3 Techniques and Tools
2.4 Training Prerequisites
2.5 Training For Revised Office Procedures
2.6 Schedule
2.7 Curriculum(Topics to be covered)
3.1 Metrics
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Preparing Training

Prepare a user training presentation for the following one project out of

i. How to login to a computer and how to access shared

resources (support using screenshot)
ii. How to diagnose and troubleshoot network problem (support
using screenshot)
iii. How to access default webpage and
recommendation for PC security (support using screenshot)

Note: Prepare user training presentation using Microsoft office Power

Point 2007 or above. The presentation slide number should 5 or
above. The presentation must include, but not limited to, the

 Cover page, Title and Introductory part

 The objective/Purpose/ of training


I. Multiple-choice questions on planning an ICT training system:

1. What is the primary purpose of researching and developing training procedures

and aim in ICT training?

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a) To assess employee performance

b) To understand specific needs and gaps
c) To create promotional materials
d) To determine office space requirements
2. Why is it essential to define clear learning outcomes during the research phase of
ICT training?
a) To create marketing materials
b) To guide the training process
c) To determine office locations
d) To assess employee attendance
3. What is a key component of developing an IT training plan?
a) Determining office hours
b) Defining a detailed curriculum
c) Choosing office furniture
d) Conducting employee appraisals
4. Which aspect should be considered when choosing delivery methods for IT
a) Preferred office colors
b) The duration of lunch breaks
c) The scalability of the training plan
d) Employee commuting preferences
5. Why is it important to identify the target audience for IT training?
a) To determine office equipment needs
b) To understand specific learning styles
c) To organize office events
d) To select office suppliers
6. Who should be considered when identifying training staffs/employees for IT
a) Only managerial staff
b) All employees regardless of their roles
c) Employees who have completed training before
d) Employees with the highest salaries
7. Why is it important to train staff and management in change management
procedures and policies during IT training?

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a) To determine office layout

b) To foster a positive attitude towards learning
c) To assess office supply needs
d) To organize office social events
8. What does change management training aim to address?
a) Employee work preferences
b) Potential resistance to change
c) Office temperature preferences
d) Employee commuting routes
9. What is the purpose of evaluating the current IT training user or business pattern?
a) To organize office parties
b) To determine office space requirements
c) To identify areas for improvement
d) To select office furniture
10. Why is gathering feedback from users important during the evaluation phase of IT
a) To determine office hours
b) To create marketing materials
c) To inform adjustments and enhancements
d) To assess employee attendance
11. Who are key personnel responsible for in the context of ICT training
a) Employees with the highest salaries
b) Only managerial staff
c) Individuals or teams overseeing the IT training
d) New hires
12. What should be established to ensure successful implementation of the IT training
a) Office hours
b) A hierarchy of office positions
c) Clear roles and responsibilities for key personnel
d) Employee commuting preferences

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II. True or False questions for the different aspects of planning an ICT training

1. Researching and developing training procedures and aim is the first step in
planning an ICT training system.
2. Thorough research is not necessary when defining clear training objectives.
3. Developing an IT training plan involves outlining the structure, content, and delivery
methods of the training program.
4. The training schedule and frequency of sessions are not essential components of the IT
training plan.
5. Identifying the target audience for the training program is not necessary for its success.
6. Considering diverse roles within the organization is irrelevant when identifying
participants for IT training.
7. Preparing staff and management for changes through change management procedures
is not crucial in IT training.
8. Policies related to the training, including expectations and timelines, should not be
communicated to staff and management.
9. Evaluating the current IT training user or business pattern involves analyzing existing
programs and gathering user feedback.
10. Gathering feedback from users is not necessary when assessing the effectiveness of
current IT training offerings.
11. Identifying key personnel responsible for training is not essential for the successful
implementation of the training plan.
12. Clearly defining roles and responsibilities for key personnel is not important in planning
an ICT training system.

III. fill-in-the-blank questions related to planning an ICT training system:

1. Question: When planning an ICT training system, the initial step involves __________ and
developing training procedures and aim.
2. Question: What is the purpose of researching and developing training procedures and
aim in the context of ICT training?

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3. Question: The next step in planning an ICT training system is __________.

4. Question: What components should be included in the IT training plan?
5. Question: To ensure the training meets the needs of the intended participants, it's
important to start by __________.
6. Question: Who are the primary focus when identifying training staffs/employees for ICT
7. Question: After identifying participants, the next step involves __________ in change
management procedures and policies.
8. Question: Why is it essential to train staff and management in change management
9. Question: The planning process includes __________ the current IT training user or
business pattern.
10. Question: What insights can be gained from evaluating the current IT training pattern?
11. Question: To ensure successful implementation, it's crucial to start by __________.
12. Question: Who are the key personnel responsible for training and implementing the
training plan?

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