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To Study the Online and Offline mode of

learning and teaching

Submitted To: Ms. Smriti Pathak

Submitted By:
Khushpreet Kaur 1441
Sanchit Ghuge 1465
Urvi Garg 1481


Division: FY-E

S. No. Topic

1. Introduction

2. Review of Literature

3. Objectives

4. Research Methodology

5. Data Analysis and Findings

6. Conclusion

7. Appendix
The Covid-19 pandemic brought a dynamic shift in the world education system. The
imposition of lockdown led to the shutdown of physical classrooms and thus online
education became the new norm. Although online learning has managed to keep
education alive in these difficult times, it cannot completely replace it. Both online
and offline education have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. In this
blog, we will explore one of the most debated topics these days, online classes vs
offline classes.


When you hear the word online, the first thing that comes to your mind is your own
time for study. You can schedule online classes according to your comfort timings.
You can take online classes when you want. Online tuition classes give you a big
advantage that you can select any class slot. But flexibility is restricted to online
tuition. Schools also arrange online classes due to corona, but online school classes
have their own decided timings.

Your own environment

You can take online classes from anywhere. This means there are no weather
problems and traffic problems that can affect your study. You can take online classes
from your home, which means you are safe from the outside hustle-bustle. During
Corona, parents are afraid that their kids will go outside for their studies, but after
online classes, parents are also tension-free, about their kid’s studies and safety.

Effective Learning

Online classes use technology to make learning easy, interesting, and effective. They
teach their students with videos, ppt, and games that make students learn easily. The
main target of online classes is to make studying more interesting and easy. The
evaluation process in online classes is also different from offline classes. They take
their test with the help of Google form and they also give them a project. On the
basis of these tests and projects, they allot students’ marks and share their reports
with their parents. In online classes, teachers track every record of each student.
Save your Time

In an online class, there is no need to spend your time traveling or preparing yourself
to go to your class. Some students spend half to one hour on tuition, but online
classes save time, so you can use your time on other activities.


Offline classes are traditional ways of teaching in which students can face to face
interaction with their teacher. In offline classes, there is more interaction between
students and teachers than in offline classes. In offline classes teachers can perform
an experiment in front of the student, so students can easily observe an experiment.
In offline classes, students can take help from their teacher to learn how to do
experiments. Some skills like clinical skills and offline classes are necessary. You
cannot learn these types of skills from online classes. In offline classes, students
enjoy the company of other students, which is important for student social
development. In online classes, students spend their time in front of their laptop or on
mobile which can affect kids’ eyes. In offline classes, students are more physically
active than in online classes.

Both types of classes have their own pros and cons, offline classes are traditional
ways of learning and online classes are new comfortable ways of learning. Infinity
learn is also a trustworthy online platform that provides all the required and superior
resources for learning. It gives you all the advantages of online classes.

Particulars Online Education Offline Education

Method of Digitalised tools and methods of teaching Traditional tools and methods of teaching
Cost and Time Cost-effective and time-saving More expensive than online education and
consumes more time
Location Virtual classrooms Physical classrooms
Flexibility Online classes have a flexible schedule Offline classes have a fixed and strict
Communication Communication and collaboration happen Communications and collaborations
digitally happen face-to-face
Type of Approach Facilitation and asynchronous approach Instructional and synchronous approach
Pace of Learning Students largely determine the pace of learning Teachers largely determine the pace of
Level of Students are less likely to remain serious and Students remain more serious and
Commitment committed to their studies committed to their studies
According to Allo (2021), the impact of pandemic on education has become an important
topic for researchers, considering the situation caused by Covid 19 virus. Besides,
students give positive perception about e-learning and find it useful. Allo (2021)
conducted a survey involving 424 universities around the world, which showed that
education has been affected by the Covid 19 pandemic situation and online learning is
very necessary to carry out educational activities (Suresh, Priya, & Gayathri, 2018).
Teachers must be able to adapt to technological developments in the educational
process, convey knowledge by e-learning (Sun, Tang, & Zuo, 2020). Khafit, Sulastri and
Fauzan (2020) found that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, self-confidence,
and subject matter norms have a significant positive effect on the use of e-learning in
students. Some important features in the online process must be implemented to
maximize learning in certain situations. Those important features are the administration
and development of internet infrastructure to prevent interruptions, especially during
video conferencing, the use of friendly tools to assimilate and understand students’
information, provision of reliable, interactive and diverse electronic resources, the use of
social networks to build students’ online communities to reduce their feelings of isolation
(Huang, Tlili, Yang, Chang, Wang, Zhuang, & Liu, 2020).
In research conducted by Dhawan (2020), online learning is as panacea in times of Covid
19 crisis and notes how online education system are being forced to engage in
pandemics around the world while others still stuck with offline system. Dhawan (2020)
has reported that Ed-tech start-ups are growing rapidly in delivering online learning and
integrating multimedia. People experience various technologies difficulties as well as
students lack motivation. This is a significant challenge for online education. However,
with Ed-Tech start-up, students and teachers have the opportunity to learn comfortably,
effectively and interactively, and solve many problems with better research with better
technologies. The study of Parkes, Stein and Reading (2015) examined how equipped
higher education institutions adopt e-learning and state that, while students are ready to
cope with technologies employed in online schools, they are not as ready as they appear
to be. The students did not have enough knowledge to think critically in managing the
skills of technologies used during online learning including organizing methods, accuracy
and concise response and summarization of thoughts.
According to Rachmah (2020), more students favour offline than online instruction,
because students would understand better the materials being taught through offline
teaching method. Listening abilities of students improve better in offline classroom. In
research conducted by Allen, Bourhis, Burrell, and Mabry (2002), stated that replacing
offline learning would result the decreased level of students’ satisfaction because of
various expectations over a system of learning. However, they said that distance learning
is usually just as effective as offline learning, and this does not trigger attitudes to fall.
Brown and Liedholm (2002) demonstrated in their study that the outcomes of their GPA
and ACT were somewhat better for the students in an online method than the offline
method. A student investigation compared the outcomes discovered in microeconomics.
This gap was more pronounced on hard problems and less significant on basic problems.
One reason was that half of the online students reported having spent less than three
hours a week and none reported having spent more than seven hours a week. At least
three hours a week, half of the students have finished each subject. In another analysis,
time gaps for class or active participation showed different result when it was observed
(Hiltz, Turoff, 2000). Brown and Liedholm (2002) have found that the performance of
women in the standard format was considerably lower than the percentage of men, with
six percentage points worse than those performed by male students.

The study examined how higher education is effective both in online learning and offline
learning mode. For this investigation, the online survey was carried out using Google
Form, because the questionnaire is the most suitable way and effectively to collect
information or data (Lim & Teoh, 2021; Ooi & Teoh, 2021). A survey is a research
instrument that contains several questions to collect information from interviewees.
Questionnaires can be regarded as an interview in writing. They can be done by phone,
by post, by computer or by face to face (McLeod, 2018). A self-structured questionnaire
was designed in four sections. In the first section, each respondent needs to fill out their
demographic information. The fundamental goal of the second, third and fourth sections
are to know the respondents' views on the effectiveness of online learning and offline
learning via the higher education, and on how often students spend a week studying.
The Likert scale questions were used for the Fourth sections to get the responses on the
effectiveness of online learning and offline learning through higher education.
In addition to primary data, existing literature provided additional insight into the study
area. In order to reinforce and combine information already investigated, or case study
on online and offline learning, we additionally gather information from a website, book or
journal. This survey aims to gather data from different countries of the students at
theInternational Journal of Tourism & Hospitality in Asia Pasific (IJTHAP)
Vol. 4 No. 3, 102-114, October, 2021
E-ISSN: 2654-7945/P-ISSN: 2685-8800

The objectives of the study of online and offline education are:

• To understand the Preference among offline and online learning

and teaching method

• To assess the effectiveness of both the methods of learning and

• To identify which one Offers better opportunities for self-paced

• To analyze Preference for to taking exams and assessments by

students and teachers

• To explore whether today's scenario demands a hybrid mode of


Collection of Data- Reason

Sources of information

Primary Market Information-  The Survey covered the various age

groups to get an all-rounded

 A survey was carried out through the understanding on the preference among

Google Forms Platform. online and offline education.

 The collection of the data from a diverse

group allowed for a creation of a database
for easier analysis.

 To use the concepts learnt to provide an

Secondary Market Information- in-depth and all-rounded analysis
 To understand and gain Insights on the
 Business Management Books Education sector in India.
 Websites  To analyze research papers and working
 Journal Articles papers in the sector to get an
 Research Papers understanding on the growth and future of
 Working Papers this sector in India.
 To furnish a thorough analysis and
appraisal to successfully analyze which
method of learning and teaching is more
Primary Data
Collected via a closed questionnaire in the form of a Google Form which was circulated among
our fellow college mates, friends and faculty to gain raw and direct data regarding their physical
characteristics and the amount of applications they had in their mobile with respect to health and
wellness. The questions asked in the Google Form were:

1. Gender

2. Age Group (Children and Teenagers, Young Adults, Middle Aged Adults, Old Aged)

3. Preference among offline and online

4. Advantages of online and offline

5. Offers better opportunities for self-paced learning

6. Preference for to take exams and assessments

7. today's scenario demands a hybrid mode of learning

Responses Received = 25 (10 from teachers and 15 from students)



The following questionnaire shows the responses of various questions which were filled by 15
students. All of them filled the survey based on their individual opinion and perspective. The
students were given choices to fill the questionnaire according to their preferences.

Out of the 15 respondents 60% are females, that is, the majority of responses received are from
females. And left 40% are from males. That gives out of 15, 9 are female respondents.

The above responses show the majority of responses are from the age group of 18-25, 93.3% of
them are aged 18-25. Which gives, out of 9 female 8.4% of them are aged between 18-25.
When asked what do the students prefer, 80% of them preferred offline learning. Which sums up
that, out of 9 females 7.2% preferred learning online. Left 20% of them prefer learning online.

When asked for the advantages of online learning, the above responses shows that 73.3% of them
chose flexibility in schedule and comfort and convince of learning at home. And other options
were chosen by rest (46.7% and 6.7% divided in two other option).
The above responses shows that out 15 students who responded 93.3%, that is 14 students of them
thinks that best advantage of offline learning is face to face interaction with teachers and peers.
And other physical activities, access to hands on resources and accountability are considered as
advantage by 10, 5, and 1, student respectively.

The above responses show, majority of 40% thought that online learning offers better opportunities
for self-paced learning. And 33.3% think that both are equally suitable for better opportunities, and
rest 26.7% think that offline offer better opportunities.
When asked, how the students may prefer to take exams and assessments, they responded by
choosing the option by majority of 46.7% through open book exams. And offline exams and
through online quizzes and assignments were chosen by 33.3% and 20% respectively.

The above responses show, the majority of the respondents think that the offline mode of learning
offers better opportunities for real-time discussions and debates. That is, out of total 15
respondents 93.3% chose offline mode.
When asked, that whether today’s scenario demands a hybrid mode of learning, so the majority of
15 respondents chose the option as yes, telling that today’s scenario can be suitable for hybrid

The answers to the numerous questions that were filled out by 10 faculty members are displayed in
the questionnaire that follows. They all responded to the survey using their unique perspectives
and opinions. According to their preferences, the Faculty were offered options for filling out the

80 percent of the 10 responders are women, meaning that women make up the age.
When asked if they prefer offline or offline teaching, the faculty stated offline. The results, which
are shown below, were 100%.

According to the responses given above , access to a variety of materials and tools, comfort, and
the option of learning at home were mentioned by 60% of respondents when questioned about the
benefits of online learning. The remainder (40% and 10% are split between two other possibilities)
chose one of the other options.
90% of voters preferred face-to-face interaction, 20% preferred physical resources and equipment,
and 40% preferred opportunities for on-the-spot activity.

The offline mode has been selected by majority of the voters above compared to 30% both equally.
The majority prefers to administer exams offline (80%), with the remaining 20% divided equally
between quizzes and multiple-choice tests.

the statistics above, it can be seen that 50% of respondents have chosen the online option, 20%
have chosen both equally, and 30% prefer the offline mode of instruction.
According to what can be seen bellow the responses were neither excessively high nor too low, but
rather fell somewhere in the middle according to the teaching style

When asked, that whether today’s scenario demands a hybrid mode of learning, so the 80% has
oppetd for the answer yes and 20% for no which is telling that today’s scenario can be suitable
for Hybrid learning.
By this analysis we can conclude that maximum students and teachers
prefer offline learning and teaching.

The students feel that even though there is flexibility in schedule and
comfort and convenience in online learning still offline learning is
much more beneficial because in that you get face to face interaction
with your teachers and peers and also get to perform physical
activities and experiments.

The teachers also feel that there is comfort and convenience and
access to wide range of resources and tools but still they feel that face
to face interaction with students has an edge over these advantages of
online learning. The teachers also think that offline teaching is more
suitable for collaborative learning and teamwork.

The teachers and the students also believe that online mode is better
for self-paced learning.

When it comes to preference for administering exams and

assessments students prefer open book exams and teachers prefer
offline because it reduces the chance of cheating.

During covid times the teachers were neutral about the change into
online mode. They were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied about the

In conclusion both the teachers and students feel the need for hybrid
learning and teaching in the near future.

Link to the Google Form/Questionnaire:


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