IHHA2023 BridgeManagement-v1

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Bridge maintenance priorization through visual inspection and

monitoring results
J.F. Rodrigues
PROCERT Engenharia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
D.L. Rosa; R.L. Queiroz, F.A. Reis, J. Kneip Neto, V. Ippolito, L.C. Sampaio & C.L. Santiago
MRS Logistica, Juiz de Fora, Brazil

ABSTRACT: Since 1996, MRS Logística Company has been responsible for an extensive transportation net-
work including 631 bridges and viaducts, that enable transportation of iron ore and steel products. To guarantee
structural performance of bridges and viaducts, many visual inspections and structural monitoring have been
performed, generating a large quantity of data, demanding an effective Bridge Management System (BMS).
This paper summarizes challenges and lessons learned in implementing a bridge inspection standard and a new
BMS, which is expected to support the well-planned maintenance by determining bridge condition, predicting
future deterioration, and selecting optimal timing. For this, the damages were evaluated in a quantitative way,
and an approach based on element level inspection was adopted in this new version, what has brought benefits
of detailed condition assessments using the raw inspection information, expanded performance measures and
bridge management system deterioration of this assets. Since the integrated maintenance database was built
such as for inventory data and the inspection records, the number of deteriorated bridges and viaducts which
need rehabilitation was determined. An innovative aspect was to consider data obtained from the structural tests
and monitoring in this new approach, allowing considering others structural performance indicatives, like con-
crete strengths and remaining fatigue life, during the ranking of the priority matrix.

1 INTRODUCTION As a result of the history of the railways construc-

tion, bridges under MRS´s concession are from 10 to
Around the end of the last century Brazilian railways 130 years old, with different structural arrangements.
went through a privatization process, and Agencia About 584 bridges have the same structural type ar-
Nacional de Transportes Terrestres (ANTT) was cre- rangement along its entire length, Figure 1. On the re-
ated to supervise the companies which had the con- maining bridges, there are two or three types of struc-
cession to administer railways during a period, i.e., tural types along its entire length, Figure 2. Providing
the railway concessionaries. As a matter of fact, the proper maintenance to all this extensive railway net-
maintenance process of the railway bridges is cur- work, built at different periods, is an arduous task that
rently done by these concessionaries. involves professionals of different qualifications.
Since 1996, MRS Logística Company has been re- This diversity of structural types required an em-
sponsible for an extensive transportation network in- bracing maintenance plan that comprised bridge as-
cluding 631 bridges and viaducts, located in the most sessment as an indicator to structural rehabilitation.
economically prominent states located in South-east- Bridge assessment main activities are geometric sur-
ern Brazil. This network is composed by railways that vey, visual inspection, and monitoring, from which a
enable transportation of iron ore from reserves of Mi- large data base was generated, what demanded the de-
nas Gerais to the main Brazil ports in São Paulo and velopment of the first bridge management system
Rio de Janeiro. Some of these railways, like Ferrovia (BMS) around 2014.
do Aço Railway, was constructed in 1970´s, and had After the start of the concession, it was noticed ab-
it started operation in 1980, connecting Jeceaba (MG) sence of information about most of the bridges,
to Volta Redonda (RJ). Other railways, in which first mainly those located on Linha do Centro Railway, the
intention of construction was to people or grain trans- oldest one of the railways. As a first step, some expe-
portation, were adapted to ore transportation. It was rienced counsellors were contacted, and they could
the case of Linha do Centro (Center Line) Railway, provide valuable information about construction, and
which had its construction started in 1870 and it was remedial actions taken to rehabilitate the bridge struc-
concluded by the 1910´s. ture and operational events that can indicates struc-
tural performance loss. In such context the first BMS
was aimed to collect first information about the 2 VISUAL INSPECTION
bridges, like numbers of span, structural arrange-
ments, and columns height. 2.1 The deepening and the frequency of inspections
There are four types of bridge inspection recognized
by NBR-9452 (2016), register inspection, routine in-
spection, special inspection and extraordinary inspec-
tion. For routine inspections, a maximum interval be-
tween two campaigns of one year is recommended,
and for special inspections, a maximum interval of
five years. At this point it must be emphasized that a
tendency of inspection standardization is searching
for a more rational way to establish frequency of pe-
riodic inspections. Inspection frequency recom-
mended by standardization must serve as a guide but
can be changed based on bridge importance and dete-
rioration prediction drawn from previous inspection
records and traffic condition. In FIB-17, for example,
Figure 1. Bridges with the same structural arrangement types it is suggested that assets be categorized into three
along its entire length
“asset groups” reflecting criticality, that might influ-
ence the relative inspection frequency. As a guide,
structures in good condition in benign environments
should undergo a routine inspection at intervals not
exceeding three – ten years. The frequency might in-
crease to perhaps annually or six-monthly for older
structures in poor condition and in aggressive envi-
2.2 Routine inspection
For routine inspections there are no special access de-
vices available to the inspectors. So, they can reach
only visible and easy-access parts of the structure.
Figure 2. Bridges with different structural arrangement types
The purpose is to maintain an overview of the general
along its entire length condition of the whole infrastructure stock, and to re-
veal significant damage in due time. During routine
The first version of bridge´s priority matrix was inspections tests are not accomplished and attention
developed based in a risk-oriented approach. So, the needs to be paid to various factors, including:
higher the risk the greater the priority to provide a a) Verification of information gathered during
structural rehabilitation of the bridge. the planning of assessment.
For 4 years, the first BMS system was used to reg- b) The appearance of the original concrete sur-
ister all information collected about the bridges, face.
which were stored in a spreadsheet. There was a rou- c) The presence of cracks, their appearance and
tine developed in the macro that could rank the prior- pattern.
ity index of the bridges, enabling the concessionary to d) Deterioration of the concrete itself.
make a prioritization of the resources among them. e) Exposed bars.
In the course of time and with the increase of quan- f) Deformations of the structure.
tity and diversity of data coming from bridge assess-
ment, it was noticed that BMS should be more com- To accomplish these inspections on MRS´s rail-
prehensive, beyond what its computational structure way bridges, there are six inspectors, that work in
should be adapted to consider these new data. Also, pairs. Currently the concessionary fulfils the require-
the concessionary would like to expand the same idea ments of NBR and these three pairs of inspectors ac-
of managing bridges to apply to other types of assets complish routine inspection in the 631 bridges every
like culverts and tunnels. This new BMS System was year, what gives a rate of about 210 bridges/pair.
called SGA, i.e., an Asset Management System. Year.
Recently, the Engineering team, made up of spe-
cialists and inspectors, have used drones to guarantee
access to regions previously not reached with com-
mon inspections, thus guaranteeing broader and more
accurate results.
2.3 Special inspection techniques based on frequency response functions
To accomplish special inspections in the bridges, the (FRFs) were applied (Maia and Silva 1997).
concessionary retains and has direct contracts with Bridges were instrumented with accelerometers
engineering firms, what is deemed necessary to aug- installed in the ¼ and ½ sections of bridge spans. In
ment its own staff for the testing and inspection pro- first arrangement, sensors were placed on vertical di-
grams. The scope of the work to be done in each rection to measure bending natural vibration modes,
bridge is provided by engineers of the concessionary, and in others, sensors were placed in horizontal direc-
and firms are selected according to its expertise. The tion to measure horizontal natural vibration modes,
inspection activities are also supervised by the same most of them related to column and bearing move-
group of engineers who elaborated the performance ments. Besides that, strain gages were installed at
specifications. mid-span sections of bridge spans. A data acquisition
For special inspections, better access conditions to system was used for registration of the signals of the
bridge structure are provided like climbing inspectors bridge response.
and scaffolds. With these features it enables inspec- Monitoring tests were accomplished during nor-
tion to be more comprehensive and more detail about mal railway operation. Operational trains were used
damages and its location and extension are surveyed. as excitation force to the structure.
During special inspections some tests are accom- The procedures described above were applied to
plished, as for example ultrasonic pulse velocity, phe- identify 45 bridges in the railway operated by MRS.
nolphthalein, electro-potential mapping and resistiv- This made it possible to increase knowledge of the
ity evaluation in concrete structures, and ultrasonic bridge structure, allowing measuring natural modes
defect detection, liquid penetrant, and magnetic parti- and frequencies, impact coefficients and dynamic am-
cle in steel structures. plification factors of these bridges.
In some cases, in-depth inspections are performed Remaining-fatigue-life of structural elements of
to better identify any deficiencies found. It may in- the bridge was also calculated by a fatigue analysis.
clude petrographic and microscopic analysis on cored With this aim a hybrid analysis using data from mon-
samples when there are cracks with Alkali-Silica Re- itoring and from finite element models was accom-
action (ASR) features, for example. Or tests to inves- plished.
tigate presence of chlorides and sulfates on concrete.
For concrete bridges affected with ASR, additional 4 BRIDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
test procedures have been accomplished. One of them 4.1 Fundamentals of the new BMS
is the Damage Rating Index (DRI), a semi-quantita-
tive microscopic procedure, and other is the Stiffness During the first BMS system, the evaluation of dam-
Damage Test (SDT), a mechanical and cyclic test pro- ages during routine inspection was done in a qualita-
cedure. Both tests were found to be quite suitable to tive way, demanding of the inspector to classify dam-
appraise ASR-induced expansion and deterioration in ages in four levels of severity (mild, normal,
concrete. In the field, the cracking index (CI) has been moderate and severe). Thus, routine inspection was
applied, a crack mapping process that can provide a dependent of the sensibility and technical knowledge
quantitative assessment of the existing cracking ex- level of the inspectors. This situation has reflected in
tent on the surface of affected concrete members. the judgement of the element condition, as there were
These test procedures have been developed to as- divergences between damage classification made by
sess the current condition (i.e., diagnosis) and the po- different inspectors when they refer to the same dam-
tential for further expansion/distress (i.e., prognosis) age. Besides that, previous procedure did not allow
of ASR-affected concrete. the perception about the extension of the damage.
On the other side, special inspections were based
3 MONITORING in ABNT 9452´s specifications. This standardization
For some bridges, an instrumentation program was presents references for acceptable levels of damage
adopted with the objective of getting a better that must be compared to the identified damages and
knowledge of the structural performance and estimat- its intensity, allowing classification in five levels of
ing remaining fatigue life of its structure. criticality (5-Excelent, 4-Good, 3-Regular, 2-Bad, 1-
It is well-known that each structure has its typical Critical). Thus, special inspection reduces qualitative
dynamic behaviour which may be addressed as vibra- aspects during damage evaluation, and gives an idea
tional signature. Any changes in a structure, such as of the damage extension.
all kinds of damages leading to decrease of the load With the aim of providing more efficient infor-
carrying capacity have an impact on the dynamic re- mation from the inspections, damages are being eval-
sponse. Since 2015 bridge dynamic responses have uated in a quantitative way, requiring measurements
been used to evaluate of quality and structural integ- of damage extension during the campaigns. These
rity of the bridges along the railway. To obtain the measurements, even inaccurate, are more representa-
modal properties of the bridges, modal identification tive than the qualitative way done in the previous
BMS system. This procedure allows considering the
extension of damage and distinguishing elements All the structural arrangements of the bridges op-
with the same damage and severity but with different erated by concessionary were included on this SGA
damage extension, what was not possible with the registration, as well as main geometric characteristics
qualitative assessment of the previous BMS. of the components of each part of the structure.
As a matter of fact, implementation of this new The registration process must be detailed, inserting
BMS procedure has demanded a better discretization geometry information for each element of the struc-
of structural elements during registration of the struc- ture. The lack of detailing of these elements in the ge-
ture, Figure 3. Also training courses were provided to ometry can have an impact on the asset register.
the inspectors, as well as purchase of new equipment The average time for registration may vary accord-
and tools to accomplish the routine inspections. ing to the topology of the asset, for concrete bridges
it is spent about 2 hours and for steel bridges around
4.2 Structural elements registration 4 hours.
English based normalization refers structural com-
4.3 Damage description and systematization
ponents as belonging to the superstructure or to sub-
structure. Superstructure is the part of the bridge The second step was to organize all the damage to be
above the foundation, like slabs, girders, and trans- related to the structural components registered on
verse beams. It has the same meaning in Portuguese. SGA. It was noticed that a great number of inspec-
Substructure is the part of the bridge that supports the tions were accomplished in the last 5 years and, ana-
superstructure such as the abutments and piers. In lysing the results, it was verified that a lot of different
Portuguese there are other division of the substructure terms were used to refer to the same damage. In this
that is the “mesoestrutura” and “infraestrutura”, being case, it should be considered that the Portuguese lan-
the first the assembly of elements that transfer forces guage has sometimes a lot of different terms to be re-
derived from superstructure to the “infraestrutura”, lated to the same damage, or, on the other side, non-
and second term is referred to the elements that trans- existence of an exact word to refer to an English
fer forces derived from “mesoestrutura” to the sub- word. One of them is the word “crack”, that in Portu-
strate (soil). The first is referred to the columns and guese is called “fissura” in concrete elements and
the second to the foundations. Accordingly, to regis- “fratura” in steel elements. Also, can be referred as
ter and organize information about the bridges, fol- “rachadura”, or “trinca” in concrete structures, de-
lowing components were considered: pending of its width.
a) Superstructure. On the reports provided by engineering firms con-
b) “Meso” structure. tracted to accomplish visual inspections, it can be no-
c) “Infra” structure. ticed that there´s no agreement in the technical scien-
d) Bearings. tific national community about the meaning of some
e) Joints. kind of damages. Also, it must be emphasized the ab-
f) Track. sence of a national normalization or regulation spe-
g) Service Footbridges. cific to the subject of structural damages identified in
h) Accessories like cable racks, guard rails, fend- concrete and steel bridge structures, as for example
ers, and protection barriers. FIB-22 (2003) is a reference for European technical
Thus, it was necessary to systematize and de-
scribe each type of damage and its consequences re-
garding durability, functionality, and stability of the
structure. This glossary of technical terms was dis-
tributed to the bridge inspectors, and to the engineer-
ing firms, with the aim of standardizing the terms that
describe structural damages.
Damage were grouped first by materials, second
by special regions that deserves attention, like steel
connections and bearings. Some groups that were
considered are shown in the following.
a) Concrete structures.
b) Steel structures.
c) Masonry structures.
d) Steel connections.
e) Metallic bearings.
f) Elastomeric bearings.
g) Metallic – elastomeric bearings.
Figure 3. Elements discretization of a bridge structure h) Concrete bearings.
4.4 Damage level them were: (a) length of the bridge; (b) height of the
highest column; (c) maximum load expected; (d) ex-
The condition of each element is determined by per-
forming a field inspection and recording defects istence of a span less than 15m; (e) if the bridge fol-
quantities of the elements, from which one can infer lows a curvature on plan. To each one of these as-
about its severity, defined in the condition state defi- pects, it was attributed a rate between 0 to 1 and all of
nition. them were considered during the ranking.
Gradation of the intensity or severity of the dam- In the first version of the matrix, failure probability
age is suggested in many references, without any nu- was related to the damages identified during bridge
merical values to be taken as references. However, inspections.
the gradation would mostly depend on the experience . . (2)
of inspection and condition assessment personnel as
well as on national regulations. where Dri = damage identified during routine inspec-
In this new version of the BMS, the damage grade tions; Ddi = damage identified during special inspec-
tions; and A, B = adjustments coefficients.
is determined with the quantification of damage ex-
tension, instead of a qualitative level attributed by the In this new version, to calculate failure probability,
inspector. For example, area of concrete spalling and it was also considered intrinsic factors to the struc-
tural arrangement and historical condition of the
width of fissures are measured during the inspections
and registered in the SGA. bridge. The historical condition of the bridge is re-
lated to systematic defects that were observed in some
4.5 Computational tools bridges designed and constructed in the same epoch,
SGA is a system information developed in excel us- like in box steel bridges constructed around 1970. So,
ing the VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), de- the failure probability is calculated as:
signed in independent modulus, each one with a spe- (3)
cific function. Graphical interfaces were developed to
standardize the procedures: where Pf = failure probability; Pr1 = due to the dam-
 Assets registrations. ages identified during inspections; Pr2 = intrinsic to
 Routine inspections. the structural arrangement and Pr3 = due to historical
 Special inspections. condition of the bridges.
 Monitoring. 5.2 Weighing damage on different structural
The interface developed for assets registration elements
comprises the systems and structural materials used
in bridges of the railways operated by the concession- Damage have a more or less great impact on the
ary. bridge condition, and on the assessment of the condi-
Due to the diversity of the information to be rec- tion. Furthermore, the same damage has different
orded, the module of routine inspection is the most consequences when identified in different structural
robust. It must be able to include all the aspects of the elements. These differences were considered by
assessed structures, as well as the registration module. means of a weighing coefficient attributed to a dam-
age in a structural element. Variation of this coeffi-
5 PRIORIZATION MATRIX cient is between 0 to 20. In Figure 4 it´s shown weigh-
ing coefficients to cracking, corrosion, drainage
5.1 Risk and criticality defects and moss in different types of elements.
To define prioritization ranking of bridges, risk was
defined as the dot product of the criticality by the fail-
ure probability.
where R = risk; C = criticality; and Pf = failure prob-
In this approach, the criticality is related to the
consequence of a possible occurrence of structural
failure, which includes loss of functionality. There-
fore, it represents an assigned value to the asset fail-
ure on the railway line where it is situated, i.e., it is
related to the cost to rehabilitate or replace the asset
if it fails, with the objective of restoring train’s flow
as quickly as possible.
In the first version of the matrix, 17 aspects were Figure 4. Weighing coefficients of damage to different structural
used to determine the criticality of an asset. Some of elements
5.3 Results from material testing since 2015. As adopted in many codes, superstructure
bending fundamental frequencies were plotted versus
Some material properties affect the resistance and are
of importance for the safety evaluation of bridges. span length of each bridge and compared with curves
Following tests are performed in concrete bridges: presented by other authors, JUNQUEIRA (2019) and
a) Compression tests on concrete cores. UNSWORTH (2010).
b) Carbonation depth. An experimental curve only using data from the
c) Sclerometers tests. instrumented bridges was obtained by regression.
d) Chloride concentration. , 48,97. "#$,%&' (5)
e) Sulphate content.
f) Cement type and content. where fb,1 = first bending natural frequency of the su-
g) Ultrasonic pulse velocity. perstructure; L = main span length of the bridge in
h) Electrical resistivity tests. meters.
i) Half-cell potential.
j) Cover depth.

On steel bridges, the following tests are per-

a) Chemical and metallographic tests.
b) Ultrasonic defect detection.
c) Penetrant testing.
d) Magnetic particle testing.

Results of these tests are considered during the pri-

oritization ranking of bridges. Some of these tests
have thresholds within which results are considered
Figure 5. Experimental first bending frequencies of the super-
satisfactory, such as chloride concentration or sul- structure – main span of bridges relationship.
phate content. Others have a reference value, so re- To consider the bending natural frequencies on the
sults are more satisfactory as they come closer to that prioritization ranking of bridges, an index of regular-
reference. ity was considered. This index reflected the greater or
Therefore, an index was created to consider the re- lesser frequency agreement with the given standards.
sults of structural and material tests, which was called Thus, the farther from the experimental curve ob-
the test index. tained by regression, the higher the coefficient to be
For element level inspections, it´s possible to as- used to multiply the damage identified in the bridge,
sign test indexes to consider structural tests. For tests i.e., the factor B of equation 2.
with a fixed value range, this index results in 0 or 1, In the fatigue study, fatigue strength of steel was
depending on whether it is within the regular range. defined by S-N Wohler curves in accordance with pa-
If the test index is one, result is consistent, and no co- rameter curves specified by AREMA (2013) to steel
efficients are applied. Otherwise, a test coefficient bridges, and by CEB (1988) to concrete bridges. A
will be considered in factor B of equation 2. Rainflow analysis was first accomplished to count the
For tests with reference values, test index de- stress cycles induced by train.
creases the further the result moves away from the To meet future demands, concessionary of the rail-
reference. For practical purposes a standard deviation way requested studies to estimate remaining-fatigue-
from normality is regular and no coefficient is con- life for increasing load to 36tonnes/axle,
sidered. Otherwise, a test coefficient will be consid- 40tonnes/axle, and 42tonnes/axle.
ered in factor B of equation 2. This coefficient is Remaining-fatigue-life of the bridges, calculated
larger the farther the result is from the reference. As in years, was also considered when these values were
a rule, the general form of the test coefficient is given less than 100 years. An inverse coefficient propor-
by the formulation: tional to the residual age in years was considered to
multiply the probability of failure of the structure, the
1 (4) term Pr1 of equation 3.
where Kt = test coefficient; Rt = test result; Ref = ref- 5.5 Strategical evaluation of a structural failure
erence value for the test. Consequences of a bridge failure can be evaluated in
5.4 Results from monitoring testing different levels according to 3 different subject areas:
a) Executive level: is related to the difficulty of
Fundamental frequencies measured during monitor- performing emergency rehabilitation on bridge struc-
ing tests of the bridges have been compared with a ture in the occurrence of a structural failure that inter-
pattern obtained from the previous measured values rupts the passage of trains;
b) Operational level: is related to the difficulty to Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas - ABNT 2016.: Ins-
resume the flow of trains by other alternative rail- peção de pontes, viadutos e passarelas de concreto. Rio de
Janeiro: ABNT, NBR9452.
ways. Comité Euro-International du Béton - CEB 1988.: Fatigue of
c) Manager level: is related to the strategical im- concrete structures – State of the art report. Lausanne: CEB,
portance of the asset in the railway, taking also into Bulletin 188.
account financial losses due to structural failure. Departamento Nacional de Infra-Estrutura de Transportes -
In the SGA, all these areas of the concessionary at- DNIT 2004: Manual de Inspeção de Pontes Rodoviáiras. 2.
tribute a rate of 1 to 5 for each asset, considering the Ed. Rio de Janeiro: IPR, Publicação 709.
Departamento Nacional de Infra-Estrutura de Transportes -
aspects described above. These ratings are used to DNIT 010/2004-PRO: Inspeções em pontes e viadutos de
weigh the probability of failure, term Pr1 of equation concreto armado e protendido - Procedimento. Rio de Ja-
3, thereby making it greater if strategical importance neiro: IPR, DNIT 010/2004-PRO.
of the bridge is greater. Fédération Internationale du Béton - FIB 2002.: Management,
maintenance and strengthening of concrete structures. Tech-
5.6 Estimation of costs nical report prepared by FIP Comission 10. Lausanne: FIB,
Bulletin 17.
Currently, bridge rehabilitation costs are estimated Fédération Internationale du Béton - FIB 2003.: Monitoring and
from the costs of bridges rehabilitated in the past, i.e., safety evaluation of existing concrete structures. State-of-art
through historical indexes obtained by maintenance report prepared by Task Group 5.1. Lausanne: FIB, Bulletin
performed. These indexes are given in R$/m and are 22.
related to the bridge length according to the system Junqueira, J.F.A. 2019. Proposta para Identificação Estrutural de
Pontes e Viadutos Ferroviários. Instituto Militar de Engenha-
and structural material. ria (IME), Ministério da Defesa, Exército Brasileiro Febru-
With adoption of new inspection approach, cost in- ary 2019. Rio de Janeiro.
dexes are being suited to the new approach, consider- Maia, N.M. and Silva, J.M., 1997. Theoretical and experimental
ing rates in R$/m, R$/m2 or R$/m3, and different in- modal analysis. Hertfordshire, England: Research Studies
dexes for different damages. Thus, the maintenance Press.
Unsworth, J.F. 2010. Design of Modern Steel Railway Bridges.
costs can be estimated from the amount of damage Taylor & Francis Group. New York: CRC.
identified during inspection.


The BMS System of the railway operated by MRS has

been expanded and was called SGA, to comprehend
the increasing quantity and diversity of data coming
from bridge assessment, as well as to be more com-
prehensive in its computational structure and to be ap-
plied to other types of assets like culverts and tunnels,
and not only bridges.
An approach based on element level inspection
was adopted in this new version, what has brought
benefits of special condition assessments using the
raw inspection information and bridge management
system deterioration forecasting and evaluation.
An innovative aspect was to consider data ob-
tained from the structural tests and monitoring in this
new approach, allowing considering others structural
performance indicatives, like concrete strengths and
modulus, carbonation depths and remaining fatigue
life, during the ranking of the priority matrix.
The objectives with the new BMS have been
achieved as from the bridge ranking it is possible to
prioritize the maintenance of the assets.


American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Asso-

ciation – AREMA 2013:. Manual for Railway Engineering -
Structures. Maryland
Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas - ABNT 2008.: Pro-
jeto de estruturas de aço e de estruturas mistas de aço e con-
creto de edifícios. Rio de Janeiro: ABNT, NBR8800.

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