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L:ngincering Lnglish -Notcbook By Md. Jahirul Islam Fahim ENGLISH NOTEBOOK By Unique Schooling Contents Sentence Clause & Phrase Finite verb & Non-finite verb Subject Complement & Object Compliment Adverb & Adverbial Action & Linking Verb Modifiers Structural & Functional Categories of Sentence Phrase Structure formula of Noun Phrase Recursion Verb Phrase Functions of Noun phrase Adjective Phrase Functions of Adverb Phrase Functions of Prepositional Phrase » Participle Phrase Gerund Infinitive Phrase Appositive Phrase Structural Kinds of Phrase CONTENTS Clause Classification Mood Parts of a sentence Basic Sentence Structure Conditional Sentence Question Sentence Readability Academic Reading & Non-Academic Reading Multiple Intelligence Meta cognition Effective Reading Skills SQaR Five step approach of Reading Techniques ‘Spoken Communication Phrase ‘Speech Delivery Voice Modulation Speech Organization ral Presentation Phonetics & Phonology ‘Monophthongs Punctuation Mark Paragraph Writing Academic Report Research Proposal Formal Report Subject Verb Agreement Get Your Engineering Academic Courses (Get Update About Qur Courses Materials Cpsh.onm, £ ElPsb Cin Peon Acolunenigy foo Who - $ Drpobelfs Ase ~RrmularoveP Senkence?) Ki QMrchodinetsa azn wg Rare Aspeat] @ wWhak Ys the difference between prnace and Claus @ Whot and ane pene pug) teeny @wWhet one he coldgonieg hak ig” used as! Subject) / OWhok- ane shes nds of eajaliany > ver’? OwinakiTetakjedkWialinid pol eam voy eb tot ES @ Whek fen Ansel. omd...Indineck, okdeck 7 » © tef viffenence betrseen D.O and 102 mata ; » DB What one the .cckegonies .-finctioriing as...P-©, and t-0) | ; , @ whet is he difference between inthe ands nent il Me Res: iach 4 » GD Whek ane the inds of non Mfrite verbd Explain we - bo he Verney?! * with proper exomple) = @ whet ds dctenminen)] i * Whot is tranciHve ond Untransitive venb? - q @ Whet Ys complement} @wrek one the clossifaation of complement? @) Whoi do you mean by sulbjeck and oureak complement{ What one the diffenene) @ whet ane the eotegories functioning as ebjective and subjects complement 3 SsSeseSeeses Scanned with CamScanner @wrot Ys the difference belscen odvernb ‘and’ adverbial @ Whot fs advenbial complement), Wheat ane the.) difference between. advential ard, advenbiat complamant? 4 @D Whieh hens, tunica ara aan, “woonk as advembias 7 (stide 32) ” ‘ = } SE ; bw Ns Spas ace AN seus be GD can: prepositional. phnase:idsenk/ as -odverbial:) @D Whet do you mean by Unking>-venb 2) What Wetineen> aehorrand L€ S sensaat} ia he one the aiffenGnae™ bao Od) nese Linking vend QD Whebione sterley ehibs Be emevalvsoys Lnlding ! bested (28) J sowisttib od verb? WS ' @) Whet ane the Rinalieh shred both, inking, tory GY il ai 1 aden ei Jon to shni and ( algyrrvere 2 ragenq At ( neretob et chert Ct 7 ostint bere aythiartosrt- at tow! mafamas bsAiw GD royralgra é % ait ase fad Gi) Ko One TO t 1 Lowe f lace Scanned with CamScanner G) Sentence = Noun Phrase (ie) -+ Verb Phrase CvP) : Subject) Cpredieate) , .(, Pes e. $ & ae aa mMongoes jn- othe ottennoen... > en . bs obsect ae Wicenes SO) a | @ Eisines Se Emctionas ospead) rine tothe rnsles/ functions, | XR end] phnasd; Berfrmeith & douse /sentenda. A wond / phricse may “penkinin| & Rnchion /nols.” in one clouse/ sentence onde. ie PRerent Ranchion} role ‘in onothen)) clouse/ sentences san iy sla dg ® Glouse/ sentence, 1 ex: Swimming 4s «a .good exercise: Csu) SS Bini oP rol SSW KMD hid (2 wf ae dy, Ske swimming : Cos) eo | @mis onswen is alneodY -eoniew Jin poge-02: @Meubject has 4 iBRab. aed ase Jsrav owvoH Singles Compound > mummy, Midden.ys a b,j > Singles Jone! wenk Keme Vale! (femat CAloows coinpciindd Month”"Erd) Wes, young deughide Why he heuse eorly: bs We F 1 oh ° Dummy: t+ Is ranging oulsgae. 0s pages: Keer vp the good, wont (You) _ On Scanned with CamScanner Glause has..cemplete» meaning bub iphrase ‘does ° nok hove; aemplever meaning: “ PRA Ph asd Mbes “Hol have subject and- Tinie venb. Clause rave Weinite: has subyech sand. asf = DifRenence belweens) Gause,,and.... nase £, Aeuisde// + a Sees DA gnoup of wonds thet comains a subjeck ond a verb. bails t . , ss, Birdependerk: Clause > y mekes sense on ks ovon as oa sentence - exe T) went,.te school, @deperdent Clauses doesnt make sense on “ts Gun as a sentence. ext Although I wasn’t Feeling well, E event +o school. Phrase. JA qnoup of Qhonds Sithouwk sulsyenk’- verb component, Noun ‘phrase best orend- ,|pdjective “phrdse-3 Ven'y prety.) Preposttionas..phnase—s > , An *the bin Scanned with CamScanner len phnase->" UdaS woonliing- © '@exe categentes used ac: ‘iguby obs Y iS a . * = DA nor Phrase —» The cone 35) white- DA Pronoun > Le te Steg’ Spay , Da qenund ss Smokin 3) ° fs bad. An SAS eS pH ve it Te, study grommon js, fun. d 7 t 36 ud sS \ / DA Noun clauses what be said 4s ight 2. Pnefoom—> The peen|ope, the suffens, fa eur, sactety, s es saonstes @ detenminen +n6dn-=\Nourn> phrase © Arcadifany Ven’ "nds°F4 Bude. Raiemia2 art Be venb > om. is) ome, WAS'Wend, be been being, De venb > | Des/dees. didn. | Hove verb— hove, has. had. . Modal Venb'ed4, could, amayy, might shalt, should, must, have) te, hod, betten, need, sases. ty Pe Te, coowld mothen, ” sit), ould, dare, cought +e, te acing te. : | ¥ “4G @® Another name OP Rone PYRE Vein 48 VER Sms G @-he pant which ts Influmbed” by JeAnw Mishetr) called object. ¢ 4 ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ @ ¢ © * Y ~ ¥ « * ” ° ” ‘ . ‘ e ‘ ‘ . , Scanned with CamScanner @ pos The dinect object Vs. the thing thot “the subject acts Upon, =e EE An andinect object, fs an pice pont, of a Dont jit me. By px Giatiind CES es loved neoding: | D An, anFinttive, = TE coant pote go word: BPA» Nouns Clauses pensions Meahod syour 30%; aaot u Categories SORE 4 toe ‘tog (fon! 4" whom; Se a Oe Caner) fore [to whok)» DA Neun Phnese > = ee a coin: &r + #D: wea 2) A, Proneun—> ate me, ne ate aathing. o beat of" 3A Ganund —9 Give chance: ° 4) A pridposttonad Phrase i He gove it te_me. =A Noun bh) Scanned with CamScanner ‘ } \ louse» Give wohoever comes “this ‘box ei ii i i a i EN EE @ Finite Venb Finite verb Sonms.. cee: monked by Inflection and indiaote person, number and “Tense. A Pintle verb canbe -the single -main, verb Sno sentence. (ext We went “ts maneel: Finite ‘Verb ~ : Ly Principle ad / moin vent / Lerdicos venb ‘ Ls Avodang Iielping verb - GD Non- Gerund > Ponteiples Ganunds Frsoe Reading | _Nen- Finite Nery Non- Finfle vend one “Fone do not Indicate person, number ef “Tense: lexs we, sot tn the nestunant -te_meet BoC None finite verb 4 Genund ; OE : Porstiai ple! ont anFinitive ' > Passive, Sikte venb hes 4 kinds. Such pan Anfinitives Pxshive: a good habit: Pamheiples + Sale the’ men playing tennis. anfinitive? We cot jn the nestunont -\o' meet you- Snore pre Sa 4 jis elequence Passives He §s praised ate Se Scanned with CamScanner ®Oa determiner fs a word +otd Sminoduces a n ’ ouns Et always -eomes befene oa noun, not otter and 4b alse comes befone ang sthen edjectves used +c. desanibe -+he noun. . TTrenstive Verb \ CintransHtive Venb. A -tnansfHive venb ‘is ‘one that| An intnonsHive venb does §g used cotth on object) net have on object + Q noun, noun phnase’ or proncun -+Hhot nefens:te | ti) verb + advenbjadverbad | Phrase 7 Jere punctuation manks the pensen of hing shot js obbected by tle acon of Hal verb: | venb+ aod vb | noun/noun Phnose /genund. a A mother loves Mra child | / ‘ ih bare @® complement "is, 2 word ore group of coords thot fs needed +o comple the sense of a senlonce- Scanned with CamScanner Ashe riven flows smoothly. ok) aise bp at ee Ne es LI .lCLWN CC, Complement < bs Subseatve Nouns He is) a docton. > Adjectives He fs happy: ¥ 3 Objective ¢-t found him 'falléng. aK wid “Two Uinds ~of complaments Based en Funations ra) j ; USAT Ge Bad IE LAR snanbota ei Geby Caml 4) Fellows a Gnling verb and refer back to the subject. [subject com 7] . (2x TL thought hen beautiful Co: <4] dur che ie beocithal --ts-<]s Based on voond closes Save te teoahans (Noun ae _) ot igo t. 0. Pronoun g. ac 6) He is hand seme - [osjective 4, de is friendly: Ladv- 6] ‘ of 2 The house ‘is 2a) lat let. Panini ve Shy 4) sve 4 ip He closs) [ [Preportiones Phnase 3 | uy Scanned with CamScanner Gategonies Faunehoning as 0: 2 GINPPAD DA Noun Phnasey We apponted Newton President: ») A Noun Clause, We made him ahat he js: QA Genund— I call that cheating. | A) An inf iniiive, phrase 2 I dont coank anyone to Lenovo. S\A Prepesitioned Phnase2 We left hen fn_cteons: §) An adjectival Phrase I -feund the, be empha: 4) A Partiaipial Phnoses = beans Mx name called, T+ ts the complement thot oppeans sith an ebyeck and desenibes fn nenames ‘it! Categories Funchoning. as S:¢¢ 2D An adjectves T+ was dank. __ bA porstciple* Thet fs inlehexane ©) A prepositional phnax* Th is ne dD A Neun phnose: This fs & bool! ! 2) A qenundiat phnoses hot fs akdating. fA Noun louse? thot iss Lohot Ei coomt ) DAN odvenbjos phnase: He ts out ¥) An hnFinit vod frrese 3 Ts see Him fs to love ine Tt ts the siqtinent Atek appeans aatth a Cota yarn ond tells tte senienca. Scanned with CamScanner — G9) Adver’ means mannen, place ond Sime pn aavenbbied is Van epHonal on “sinuctun ally e i q dispensable y ' TE t2,” Ate Sf nemoved ov dis canded coll ‘not steteaice of feat she nemoainder of the sentenca Carmbnas “ Pant. (Capi advenbjos. port of & sentence, clause, on th ext Dol helped Bill in whieh advenb' essnking os Gn advenb is called adVenbiot. i sone P a = f ® Advenbios Fs basiaally \ phrase and clause “Savent' t's | one weond. and , @advenv \s parts 6 eS en 'esond véldgs aotegeny eohendas ddventilis ave -Rrotionel: aclegony af azenkeneca. sentenee cerca Swuciebisd) “pert Tosa gentence | meaning ral =P | @were {5 o ‘eonfision between obyect ond complement: @ prepositionas phnose = preposition 4 noun) Phrose ) eT ae, ee ee ee ee ee eS eS eS CT ee Scanned with CamScanner ® SXkRect complement Obvesect ne aR omplemen’ ct Complement DA subject complement 4s a An Sl DAN cbyect complement s Loord =~ Ge phrase that fellows | ong that follouas the dinect tains Sei egies | job Dete centent, met subject ea sentence, fedds mene Information about Me object. {) Adds Snformation -to -the , subiect- 3) Aads Anfcamaton -to the et f RED) Palleces a Und) ctsect. > Di na arenes Hi) Felloves the dinect obyect: fy) oflen used with venbs. Uke laall, elect, appoint » choose Imoke and enecte; a) T aled Hr fatty- © &) Glen mothes) looks Fniendly-| es &)T pnoved “ren conong - fv) Alusays cceun aften unking verb. Att a) Grejis = Von: cadvenloicd -cm sentener —carcar more CBE “STD ee Jamo nght; cavenbial complement i 1 Dfadine Mn wear sentence TU aay OST SIT TD @rei an come, 7 is a prepositi oP spe “As pp= etrectupe oF le jumped {nite the nver smuctune new We Hene onek phrase - . meposihont We Noun phase + Ne is 1 NPs Deren™m jhe 1s We noes the Wie olse then 4+ noun. Here dolenminer ard niven is la, phepesitionch finase Palle p Tn A stnaekungs thas is dha aN SOY, pdeposi Hons! phrere” \nto 1s Ah prepositi on fra neun: so. sinc tee - So, C= Rimetionally tes \e advenbicls , Scanned with CamScanner 2) Goan a prepesttionss phrase coe an a niciifienss she. ish on the pan '6 Fees: i Bot @ piffenence betseen Advenl. and odverbial ¢ ) Asvene, ee NA wend modifying o venb, ] {any voond/ Phase! clouse adjective on onothen odvenb: [functioning ike on eky cdvent, A Sond closs, Uke ports of fan element fo clause, tke subject on osject. speech. 3 Wonty edvenb, onadven.}e a.” [j})) Adven/ prepositional, phase / ingle wend odvenbie). noun prnose’ S127, 4) she bs quite Intelligent: Ww) Re quite forget my name. Cmedifging ods) | Croathuing vere) Advenbials Advenble! complemants mca Aad-yunets consunets Dis Sanets @an acdential complkment {eon ‘cdvesblal thet ts hequined +e acmplete tre meoring of a venb. TEP 4 fs Removed 444 cof) yleld “ain ungnammaleal ' sentence on different meaning of the venb. advendial complements often: aceempony venbs of’ caused maton: AI We ane slaying In o hotel. oe oe ec ce = = ge oe -e oe -e —e =e =e ae ae at me ae =e me =e : Scanned with CamScanner © moaifiens / Agsunctst ‘ & medifier fs a wend /phnase on clause hich finclfons oS on oddect\e On ah advenb 4c desanibe a word oe Moke Hs meaning mone seen ing, seems” ete) ae ee bee 8, reidis es The “elikinen ane. ‘gman X WwW te go Hener The cots soens, Sns- He becey GY, dy ye. Scanned with CamScanner @)mene one. venbs —het aan be Gridlag” venbs fn some .sentenaes but ane -the caetfon weak In other sentences. The following verbs one loth aation ond Gnkfng ves venbs} jecks smell; appear) prove } zound 5 Fee) nemain, taste } BnNow - . a ° Set Done aes uninjuned often +e eacident. “The coke smells, goed: is The Woman, gnes, silent- peace @efene T esald leove, Dane appeaned,. Actton Ellon emells the acke. Acton The woman gree ''soma Plowens- ie, Aaton sentence A 40. 3.00 4a ares.) \ennfusion’ eas dos Fem —ma+ sentence sr do —anar ~erinasts3 care —earnsar tHespcted me last Nght, aemcr me to =e ayo —e wa m3 attr do Ter mar ad senfenee A do -avey MESES RECESS AAT TASTES Assesses seseasenunnee” Scanned with CamScanner 5) Gon pronoun coonky as deleamfinen 7 Ne : Fg REM DUN conC Ronnie... as: delenminen, Among Dut am) PNG the 8. U8nde viel iphehouns vianih oo nae Cot can ep oO Pronouns LOOK og detenminenr. uke possecfve and demancinattyve, But only ushen they coil] be followed 6B, \Noun} 2 otheauise not, cThene one foun demonsinalfve detonmnens Sa English, “These ones It%s, thet, +these, ond -+hose- SX THis $s my comena. pronoun Possesive. phenoun Tis camena 4s mine. deten, neun pronoun pessessive adjeahves— Myr YOUN, his, hen Yts,oun, Youn hein — modify the noun -followtig % 4a onden +e chou possession. possessive detenminens one diffenent trom possessive pronouns — mine, his, hens, yours, ouns thein. senlence Kinds? ——_~_——_ dy stnuctunal kinds C4 ktnds) D foretionas Kinds G@ulnds on bethe basts of moods) Scanned with CamScanner Staple Semences Subject + ven’ % must heve ot Least one subject aad one venb. Qempesed of single §ndependent clause 3&8 mus} ee & complate thought. 5 i 2% The biad built Wen Qaie, a rest made ef trofgs and \eoves fan : Finite, Ss, goung: Cis.) he . actness anted and eughed ot the same Hmo, (sav) Pam ond “lenq = oene given owands by the saheo| PPiNa’poli Cas,iv) Complex senten —thdependent Clause (1) 4 Dependendent clause CD) Tt ceomtiins ene independent alause (tr) ond one on mone dependent olouses (Pp) 4eined by a sub- endinating — cenjunatian ss He wen abnood beaause he canted to eann money: = Eanes, EeGependent O's geceadent Oy : becouse sub-endinote eon-uoton Co-ordinate eonjuchons ¢ sore att dependent. EAN BOYS FO Fen ADANA NS Not only ._. bub also, moa elthen._ons neithen_ - nen; B® bat 03 efon arr ST] ecnjuncHen —srKR ste Sub- Y> yer erdinate aangucten, Ss? Se Scanned with CamScanner guy-ondinale eongunch) atl+ +en yeans 28° ox s me TaN Scheel Kapfab) coas Pao dent Jn Depens ai eub-ondinate eon undh's alneady renovated Ghenyt sau UW: Oependen+ ~arfrte Cpdet) NW cep) BP > P CNP) Peaun§on Fs tno pnopenty of language that. allovos fer she embedding of cote gontes. (eohieh can safeld faFinttely long phrase) The aot on the mat fy the heuse en the stneet, NP bet NEP yo! Re the aot ene Bea On Bet NN Pe \ he mat pi NP -the house Scanned with CamScanner i i @vVenb phnase CvP)% : Meni owns suk P Pynase sinuctune pule fon ype, Saat ce Se haere rs ’ ; ve —— > Vv CNP) CPP) Cady) ‘ ’ e ve wie i RE BQ? *\ e vo oNP ~> « 4 J IN NP ° . Song Oke DON | Zs al} Sang . the ie ce fn : 3 . On SAY e « e ‘ . A semence must esntain ®oa NP and a VP. « a $ « o ~ “ NP Pp « a: * e p N a Ady “ | : aa LX | 2 “the dog unr Vente i | loudly a Wad banking “ a a o Scanned with CamScanner : © Eanctions of noun gases 264 ; D Siosects “The pespla Yn ne bus escaped -Hheough the emenqency is people in ne bus andy. Doinect ovdeats hey ane testing some new equipment She-mekes Elion par ney D Subhect complements 2 “The olossnoom Is a place, of eanning ond teaching: 8) Obdect complements “They elected him +hein closs nepnesen|ative: 6) complement of eo _paeoposttfon: “hese twats ane bought fen youn studfes. AD) Pre-modiften of a Noun or noun phase: Mik producton fs douon His year: Aneun con also medify anothen noun, lite an adyechve 9 Pavenblol : eae enn oy “The -team -fni'shes next coco, ae Scanned with CamScanner o a i fe e « ~ ~ ~ ew =) - =) =) jee ae ro) eo eo md Identify the -funetion of cack undenUred noun Pnase + staf (suoseat) , ° D Last April Cadvenbias) , secur? spotted on intnuden ( Dinect object), 09 the cohlte i Complement of rouse Lawn: prepesttion D-mhe wow animes —Tefbunoh (subject) fs a model of Satennetional unis prudence, (subject complement) Dthe acton’s Unton mede Peter (po) hein spokesman, Copsect esmploment |) 9) Wels pow2 (Premadifien of a noun o@ noun phnase) layouts can be vans vostly impneved - once gow ve leomned the Lasies of Fonmadttng , tart end Smoges. Ceeteet 00) 5) the whole diekens Cem) family went to shay with Mrs Roylones “a Little eollege' street, (adwerbtals SES Sa cee eee complimem of pnepositeny J 4 Scanned with CamScanner : SMuclune of on odjective phnaies Pre—mediFien 4 adjectve-, post modifien = = Adsective phnase Furetiens ot adjective phrases : Pre— medifien in a neun_ phrases We usas o Pot man. dnessed Fn a blue suit- ) Teas nN Post-medifen fa a noun phnoses \, Ww heald laaan he methods, invelved In neseonch <= shoul ae: 3s, en “y Subject complements aa See the photegnayphs ene quite professional - Sens Complement Otien\ somparente My parents made me PP e oby ‘coniioant een ales FdemtFy the functons of od}. phnoses Dythe -feamen Cmem.) champion is now, very 8llise) Due hes a none vino CPne. MD Anfection. Dre deugs he 4ekes make him veny sick(0e). D-the declen has annanged pnelminany tests {nvolvet in_heont sungeny: Chest M:) Dis qaenencd Cone mW.) health Ys goed. © Soetes activities prackised tq Bongladesh (Past M.), sdemg Sgnicomly henging: (se) Scanned with CamScanner Runctins of odvernb _phnaseg functions or eee ® D Modiften of on adjective om an advenb In indscs sinuctunre. 2 Advenbjo! {4 a sentence. she desenipHon was nemonkotly c.counale: () ~is Ys Unguictleally appropaicte: 5 Ca) sine nets dnag uses hailed somecched_promectund (i) che speokks quite cleanly: Care) @ aon pnreposttonos phnase cwoomk as an adventbhol? The bieds Ply in the sky. —Te my mind ,-+his 8s not a goed solution: He beheved fin a Silly Woy @ Furations | of poepasitione) phnese (ens Post- modifies of a noun phnase? Heck sevenal _counses Ain histong: Past- medifjen ef an adjectives = om_hapey lth my_manks last -lenm: Advenbiadt e “the binds Iq Ho tre sky, ED IE EES SSSSSSSSTSESSESESSSETCSESESSESSESEASESABAAL » Scanned with CamScanner E foattat pat phnoser A pantieipas phnase —unchons Can sake es On odjecHve ond Foun foams: present. past pembea} and Passive penfeal, Srssert fonm) adsective nedtftent (ventana) Gempeting In the nace,tne ottkle Le a sunge of Adnenalsne. Cpast form) ad -_modifiens CWenb aa post foam) Bethened by hen buskand’s snoning--+he coomen kjeked he poon man. i Crete foam) adjective modifiers (ravings pp) Heving sped the papen. he student voas —Pfnally able +o nelox, Cpesstve perfect Povo) adjectve modi Mer: (having been+ pp) “The police offlaen hoving | been “neotened: by +he.-the suspect, called fon ass{stence. © Geounds Functions oF gerund — phnasese Functions oF genund.” phnosess Ve | tg (Ne wl tee hehe eee Mane ee eee nea My brethen finished co tng the acon. Subjects # — Peading {s neloatng - Scanned with CamScanner apposite 4 ~~ “the best eam of exenaise, Ciealilingss JS also 4y lc ! 7 = latest assentive Dandicch |_, ryenaogative ¢ Cmaking & stodemem 4 question) js alives examthe ek child Sad | ewe book? Howe Sor 5) tmpenah ve s 7m D Tm pene: ve. Le 5 ici: C eommands odvice, prayer) ans Wed Nhene- = do vbeten. “Tay +e Scanned with CamScanner Tans RP a a cai NT ts a ee a a ek a a a > Exalamotond 3) sabsancthve TF neloted centendac . Cenesent + past wolsh on hope) TF nelated sentence. 1F (as iF] as though! 34 46 -4me/(could nodhen { T wish W wene mil onwne. ) senlenac co! E Stnuatunes. Fanch ened, a | sentences one si kinds y 4 Following inte ® moods Simpl Complex —Qompound t T 1 camplox ompound Indicative Ampenative Subjunthive ee hy Ex. a > OF 9 TF Aerbe fants of a sentences oe e S e ee eo pe] - - - -_ —_ - oe - a ont oot Come come amet one on 8 “2° Scanned with CamScanner S sav Ae. es @® e414 ca Mele 6 a TVeIninansiive ven’ ST structunes AOs Advenvlel complement a : ad +o Vatthane) He Vena x = ee = < 7 = Sect comphrne Fae buns. tv= -+nonsitve yen’ doe dineato byect “The _n}, wen —cLasns«_spnothlys: She claeps: YVR - = sva 3 FO = Indinect object Son Sh athe: alatesesnis Os ob5ect ewmplemont she {son the stage. = wa SY feel nes - ® s+4v +40 +40 = svoo e Honey testes Swcet. St ty + do= svo “Theg ate’ all +he mangoes . Helen necleved my emai). ‘ tt sne (5) nas given(tv) me (I0) -the letten (do). (Ss) aan kd show Cty) you (to) my eenttHoate (0), Shell mes CN) MUI) Lorry (yo) @ s+4tvtdo+ a= svoa ex You sheuld pub Gey) He alieken (do) ia Ae ronoumue( a), L You (s) con Keep wy) Bourn books Go) on my dable(a), (s) Scanned with CamScanner @ sprtva Tido + 0d svo0e ; 3} ZX You (S) hove made Kv) me do) veny hoppy (0). a they eleeled hen -+heln leaden. ¢s) tay GS coer tie) (0e) @ whet is condtHonok sentence) Wheat 4s theta Linde? A condihonal 4 clause usually stonts ustith CE, odhern ottenn ° powenns ane possible. « aondiHones sentence contains a eonditionas alouse. CendiHonos. sentence gee Te iL j Meaning, Stnuatuna, | de i Oust: OTF ROT og Unneod Ask annd. 2nd eands Bnd cond. Dens agnf, 4et condi Honch = iF tpnesent + Future And eondiHored = if + past + post eond) Honal pask eondiHones Ccsould/ eould /might + v1) and eenditiond = Fh 4 past penfoct +penfeat conditonal C would eve eould have (might hove 4 V4) & Beno eondiHoned = {fF 4 present 4 pnesent Scanned with CamScanner ®wrat 4s question sentence) What ane the voays of Making a question sentence} avestion 4s used +o cblain responses of infenmalion- “hene ane TH coags of Making a question sentence. Dith-questont a ; aueshon cslich an appnopniate answen i : : ( S +e ative infsomotion» na at : Bm orMene’ deo you ‘Gre. i Yes- No _queshons A question calling fen on answen st ON a Ak Ane you neady? Ii) Eoho-queshon; A question that seeks +o eanfiam on aloni fy anethen speaken’s utterance. by nepesting q+ wack Sn some —fonm, ext IT am meving to aumilla, You ane moving whene) $9) cndtrect questin: A question embedded inside onothen sentence pm eae thE KKGEKEKEEECEECEE 2x4 Can you tell me whene you Uve sou questions A question eonvented —Caom a statement by on appended’: IMennogetive feomula. ay A dont (24 Nou usually difve, dont you? Scanned with CamScanner @ Whod do you mean by readability? Readability means Hod a neaden has +o hove Some Special ability and meet some nequinements +o undenstond & plcae of joxts D kek Finstlys hove unowledge of writing system, 11) Secondly, hove Lnoroledge of Lingwiste ospects, TH Mindty, heve speci-Po punrpese. iy) Fourthly, be able +o extnoat meaning and 4arfenmeton —Phom teat: V) Fi Pthly,, be oblate make eonnection ame ng pain prion Lnowledge. text sb inovwsledge oudefde +a * nits Prion knowledges the panpese of Akcnowindge neading Ye te connect the ideas en the page He eshat you alneody = Knoso, chunking? Baeaking something Soto smallen bits. Os "pec ied DHeve +0 nead a eveny wond. 8) One necding 4s enough: W)aet Se atnful +0 autp passages. o t ° iv) Machines ane neaessany to Gmpnove my reading speed. D-toe napid neading oA ll dnop down anmpnebens{on- Scanned with CamScanner Academia Non- academi ¢ Reading fon Reading for Ploasune. speatal Punpose what do you mean by caademie tert What ane the diffenence betocen caodemte reading. (Cards carci esto ~exer) Acodemie text means +e vorite professionally . a coniten must hove prion knowledge of . cctrated -tepie and should be copatte of contting clearly. Acodemie }* Nen- academia N)Academte text means +o confite |) non-academic fous ane end non-academic poofessionally, a caniten must | conftings that one 4ofenmod | hove. pnion Lanoroledge of and dedtacted +o (& e \ oy selocked +ep}a and should | audleme, a aapolle ot contt! Loony + “een S % Weamnfermos and pensonal - ® foamed and —footuod. . 1D Gidetions on \ 1 ID Alcsays aonialn oltelons Des Fa, ePN Bhat ) . 4) Academia aud/enes. 1’) Genenos Audience. VY) Well- stauetunedt JD No nigid shnuctune, , v4) feamal and accurate MiYaintsamed ond easuad ' lonquage: | yee Scanned with CamScanner ee mt BAB hLR AK EKEESCEE ’ , ) ) ’ , , , , , , , , , ’ , ’ , , ' , ; | , ; ost pint ons opinion $s a aeadge View: er jadgement about some. ng: Weohnet be proved by evidence. Mf) Peasonal & subjective 8) Foot is a plece of infoo- mation thet aon be proved with aonancte evidence. Bean be proved on vonitfed with -evidenae. 498) Obyechve, Nv) Moy differ acaording +o diffenent peoph. \v) Does not change. Academie neading -+ypes Aocondin Arcadamie Le purpose LP newerien— survey Rapid sunvey neoding (skimming) seanel meading Ce ' . AaNnNI As IB Tatensive/Runckendt neadiny Aceonding +e penfnmance Aceonding +e instructon Rapid sunvey meading Cskimming) ¢ Derenena) andenstanding of +he whele text. i) fastest +ype of reading bases on punpase. TH) Ales called etchinming Seand, neadin eannlag) : Bock Sen specibic information %f the text. 41) a4 makes gov sskip mone than goes neod,” Scanned with CamScanner Mensivey Funabitey Rea din, ‘ i Da 1 Co Called oeind Yan coord “hype ef neading - Wye, ' y SquiNes ene +, nead materials needed te Ws[her Meta spediaUaahion, Extensive ( Recnecdtenal Rocrdings DaAiso cattea Ught-type of noading: WW Reading fon ere WH) Nogaiven ud Sou lend: Utenedune neadings See Y DN Net monly foo pleasure. \ amends to Emilanize neadans aennes, of Utenatune bhognaphles — anamas walt. di hopont Pleacs: novels, shont stonies, 7eples, eta. \) Requines senfous neading ond Pnopen nolo shaking. | 1) UsesGthe method of : reading called SQarC sunvey, Question, Reading, Po aalls Review) “' : - i) Tis reading voonks sell 8n naceandh Proyeats and aacde.mia study: Scanned with CamScanner I JF EO OR FF EE ee aE et Se OE Oe whet is multiple, igteligeness} (MI). oly Ma Ml meas enhances net only analyhool intelligences but pnacheal jrtelligerce as well 4) Musicad ‘intelgeneaa 2) Bodily—inesthetre tntelligence (visualizah'on) 8) Spatias intelligences ( lealad, Puree) 4)aintenpensora) Intelligence Canoe study) &) Antnapensenel Intel genaa @Dwhot de you mean by Mela angnitiony : | Meta aagition is elated sith -thinting process. wets | a neaden con -tnuly impneve ne [hen neoding skills, | helehe “need +o geenstond «shod happens 8 wa qood neodens minds’ “athe Frey neod- vel FS clon do deo hese. olneody: We should be ‘pre plan fe nead onygthing: Scanned with CamScanner DESH ve nesding fee flap stellen Soe _neoding ‘skills/ Stnedegies Sexi mming =) Seonning >) =nfenning i) Predicting 5) Decading §) Crit ao hinking AD Vecalo Heating © sdleomings When Sk mmin oR bb dont read evengthing but ny 4o [> Pend the Nast ond skip -the +ext last sententicos of ponagnaphs . Read Ane Yntnoducti¢ and ‘he summany + ts Read a Lec exomples uri] you unclenstand tho cencepls they ane meant —bo AMustnate. Getting He gist Mot Finst nd), o> : Fee specifia coords, numbens, details on answens, @rerFennia @ Phedichings Good neadens alse make educated guesses about whet may heppen laden in the stony: @Irlenntng, Peoahing —to a esnalusfon on +the bests of evidence ond reasoning. Good weadons ona Ue jctent 7 detect ves. They use aluas +o deleamina eshat fs heppening In a shoay. his | 5 called Inferntng: knowledge 4 text = “tnfonnen ag pale ) oe Ae ee ee ee Scanned with CamScanner ve) Making” CXeorneations io 4) Wewlaig) ao ‘ @) Derenming tmportance 5) Veoalulany en toond attack ski lles the tere you neod the mone you beeome ami lian Lotth diffeulte coonds. Zin wihen eivends by nead{as s by neadtag Sadensiwely adenswely you Impneve WeUn voaoboulany. ) Reading 4 5 ) BIN center is“ also avaliable. neadtng skill. Scanned with CamScanner BURP REERIUEURERE CER E URE RESERE RSE RE AAAS eee Sunvey, Questfon, Review, Reaond SQqR Nea SQdR fs a reading comprehension method. d» Sunyeytnge CPrepaning far reading) Taker nebe of sanvey js befone doing the’ actual coonk f< aking some prepenations. Reod, ‘oo sumeg the entre hapten befane ae stant weodtng se +hot’ © | became fomilfan colth whot will bo presented ond how muah -tHme TE need. y Breke note of the Hitec sheadings J subheadtags ; wond, | fn Soles or bald Print 5 nine 38 summonies 3 look choplen outlines lock Recordings Cfeausing youre neoding) Take pote SS YOK aan nememben ~vohatr you hove read. @ Five step appneoch of SER o7e% Onienlation, CPre- neading erepenat{on) Fis look Uke cumey. Leck conical ly Hes con aive you 8inksamodion Step hoo. Skimming Reading Aeakniquess ob anything On the neading. (eaar TS get the genesad meaning Caist) of the stony colthout “nging -te deeede Axacty Ushat ach 400nd meons: i ' ment ~Saff Welalls Scanned with CamScanner eae ee ee EEE EEE HEE HEE 64H 4 444) s a « « ‘ e q t ( « t ‘ . ° ° step thnees, Seanning CT extmet specte ‘Pleces | of foGeinatien) Tensr afi) step foun, Deeod Ing CThneugh eompnehensian) Deceding Means “go fon intensive ond defall neading, “Thene @whet $s audience ccooneness 7 How +o be acoaney, 7 @ Wheat do you mean by voice medulaton) @pe you hove lang idea about non-venbes commenting “ater a aa TSS STS STAT) ‘ Appearance (dness up) eye emntoat foctel expnesston postune (angle of +he standing) movement using notes gestune (full bedy expression) es Oe ae ee is Ne ee ow rt See Sh eet TE naga es I on yl Scanned with CamScanner na S) Poss Phases VDaueston and ons. period W) Giving / Rewiving Feedbacks s To en — Sa Ceptinction: py He Be Speech should te medenated,, Beginings Can be started With a quetotton, question, Soke. unusuod defiatHon, Tn the middle, “To sustain audience's Smbenest, you Bring 47 pensenc) excmples and experiences Arthe ending, import peints -fo ‘be nemembened . \ Right @ empketia oonalusfon te make a leng lasting Smpact. : aH " : 3s @imporlant aspects “Sl eflectve eros presentation + DAppeononce + . re ‘ 4 \ ' 1 ‘ \ ‘ \ ‘ 4 4 4 1 epprecah Cinslead of 3% penson, use, 2% person) { € 4 i 4 4 4 4 ‘ ‘ 1 \ 2) pudience auoheness t dD) speech ongonizotion ‘ | 4) Yolae modulation ' vases Comar-sichs speech A break -cyoxn fmporlont) Avoid Fillens Cob. uh, am Uke ee eted S) Eye aontoct D Body longuoge 5 FUp chant =) Postune b> ppt Ls Be DMisuot als —P, QoS t» sUdes Scanned with CamScanner Quatities_of on etective _pnesenten: 4) confident 2) knowledgeable Ti) Reloxed Wy) aiean 8 Gonaise \ Enthusiast @ phoneess Pnene meons sound and -hes means. ecient fle: on sustemata study “of something. Phonehes means scientifia study of humon epecal, sounds.) ; \ 1 Phonetas 4s, @enenod netaay cel elk haan Speech sounds end hoes they one produced tnansmitted and nevetved, ; PheneHes deals sith’ ai’ humen speech sounds fn Behenst-and phonology’ Basis” cali" tnan epeccts sounds $n ponticular @ viflenenae vetecen — phonchas end _ phonolegy « Phons 4 Femens Fronolegy D Pronelies deals cotfh production] §) Phonclagy deals catth AG —tnonsmission ond reception says those sounds ane ef all humon speech sounds lengoniaed fra partaular in genera. langugage S) A pune selenee it) A prone Gaguishes WD Not +e ve studied %n ft)"the Runetionod ‘phoneHes Relotion +o a poarchenulor ohio aiven language. language. FOTO RTP S ESSE SASISSESSASASSISISASESESSEE Scanned with CamScanner ® Wret ane the branches of phoneles? Minee main onanchess D artosletony PhoneHes (Hoes sounds ane preduced 1) D Audtleay phoneHes Chou sounds one reoieved ) D Acoustic Phoeties (Hew sounds one transmitted 7) @ wrest speech of engans Jin Dips; TELE! They seme fon erecting different sounds— mainly the toblal, tilabial Cerg: /P/ 2/1, /m¥, maf, ond 7o/) ond one the. mojon labio-dentoS aonsenenl sounds Ceg. /2/ and /v[\-ané thus aneate an Smpomtant pant ef -the Speech oponetus: [pen. band. fahim ete). | D Teeth ‘small whtHsh etnuatunes Pound tw -yauas: Responsible fi, lablo- anecting sounds mainly ‘he dented Ceg, /#f ond /v/) ond Ungua- dental : Ce.g /3/ and /8/)) {fom van ete) DTonqvues # Why Ste waide voniehy of Possible movements , $+ assets speech. Four | TTengus Los ARRSe pants } in —fonming sre sounds of Boaks Middle (Donsum) | Front (Blose) 3 Tip C Apen) _ Eero}: Scanned with CamScanner QR errr rraete2eeacana2nene en ___-_ D Alveolar Ridge? Head bridge behind -+the uppen Front oD fi jeeth. Fer the sound /s/, ain —fnem tthe lungs passes comtfnuoushy through the mouth. S Hond pi pelate, 4 hin hoeniaontal bony plate of — the skull. fam the sound /4(/d/ ond /5]- 6) Ovals EL closes ts prevent ofn' escaping thecal the nose cshen moling seme sounds. D Gletiss the nesulting vibnobion produces a “cussing? quality ~be the speech called Voice of Pronuneiatn. For the sound exomple fh]. ’ p “Thene ane cbout 20 vowels ond aq aensonants In engUsh phonology. Pnonemes (49) | i fe ad. Vowels C20) consonants (aq) tunics od C12) Bipthongsp} Pa Short—o3, [ong-05 Coa) Some os english alphabeheot eensonant (1p : i ) y ) ) . : ) f ; oe BEF Soint sound Com) } ; Scanned with CamScanner ~ : Mhenrationss PhoneHa | Alphaliel’ C1Pa) Peaetet+ Pronunalatlen Numben CRPND _ | 4 mere bend RPN Vowe) (20) D/is/—s Eat | 443/ Jeng sound 4. at D/\[ 33/337 shont D /e] —s Ged / bea] Segre ex a D)/w2/=> Gad / bed | s ore 3) /0+| — Fost | Fast! song = \)/vH/ > aes | avt| Shonk “= D /d1/— Tali, [Tait / Song 2a [-25%/-e3 9) arf —>' Pad | Poss | shone Nn ie ah, ek ea la NS Be Se Nee ot Ne D/v./—> foo’ /fus\/ Jorg S Scanned with CamScanner as) /A |] —> sun /san/ U ea Sey “ST 41) 8: /3:/—> wind /683:4/ tong a5 a9) /a/ % as Ye water shont or YW) Sohweo. [esons sya Homa /hove/ aa3/9 D/ai] — ive /faiv/ cod Aé) /dr/ — Now (nev | ars Scanned with CamScanner OO —— <<< DOWNS socin pSin/ “P54/-ora 9) /43] —> Hene /hiaGo/ “Pars [an om oD) /e2o/ —> —hene /zea(n)/ aoe) —> Pane /ejrsacny/ 25435) 3a | @ What ane -the monopthongs a Waite \doren sne monoplloge osith then example Pi and Phonetic +nansoni pt - Scanned with CamScanner Censenant sounds Caq) TST A) ]e/—> Pan / Pen | D/b/—> 90% /vot/ 4 D /41—>TWe0 ts | j D /d/— bot /Aavt/ 4 5) /k]—> Kite / ka it/ 8) /a|= Go/ gov | 4) (4/—> fot /Pas/ ® /v/ > Vet /ver/ cotives %) /@/—> Thigh / eat / Eni de) /¥X/> hus /$a2/ 41) /s/ > Send /send/ 49) /[/ > 3 /Sei/ Coesr cee i) [2S] ontld /4 Se} \d/ of nicedes 3 (2[ > 200 /2u:/ Pricatives, Scanned with CamScanner 1) /4 . ‘3 in dint abeneass /~> int /d3 din [ oodles [Vision /vi3n/ icatives x 2D /\/- Lent / leit] lower 12) /m | meet /mi.+] 3) 49) [a] > Nine [recta] , [ned] é P=) /9 [> King /Kig | Tere Pp /h] > Hone /hea/ ~freloatives 22) /n|— > ped /ned/ 23) (wf > Wos / wz) , /wet/ Sem! Vvowe) laa) /3] — Yes /3e>] Scanned with CamScanner BSBSaE5 SSSsaesseesesesesesesseeessseegesseseseennee” @ clossify the econsonets acconding te Mannen of anHeulétion + oncnetietee ‘ ' Lodenal Nasols (os) Co) @ Manner of onteulotion chante jf eee b a = d K Plosive e oe 3, £ s Se Tei tlSs fe Feicotve | | ma nosol rie aa af -| dag SS Anicotes § j +} Ledenal ’ w r 3 Appnoximant 1 Scanned with CamScanner THs wean, rereied : erojoany MmrojQrriy -apoyeg Af, §3 —}sed rojo ani eee n ' perved |*3 rewe0 oie aY OFA pb ™ w @ Proce of articulation: Plesive + + Pri code Fri eotive Naso} A Ledencs Approimont Scanned with CamScanner @ Punctuation memes arene one 14 punduetion marks iarErg that ane aommoily used in English grammor. senlence endings punctuation manks are -the period, ©: question monk (1), exclamation point @ (1) a) Dene wend +s -the mankel+ b> Hees ane youd ©) Howe niece she ts! commas The comma $s used to show sépaition' of fdeas on elaments cLolthin, the — stnuctune of a. santence. Additionslly ‘it is used in numbens, doles ond letten wontting often the solutetion and closing. Dincot odaness} Thanks fer all youn help» Dehn: Seponction of +e eomplate sentence; rf you esme, I wil ‘go. sepanating Usts on elaments:| posed Apple, Bonona ete gemicclen(3)} “The: semicolon Is :used te connect Independent ialises “Et shows a alosen neletionship between the dleuses tran & pentod euld | show! John was Hunt jhe Weis she only sald if 4o upset him. eelenCi A aclon thas thnee moin uses.-the Fnst Is atic a coord jaineducing a quotaHen. an exploretion , an example . ey pis 2m @ genies. He esas planntag to study -Run subjects + Maths physics, Sheristng ond Biology, Scanned with CamScanner Time AsStond ts bekocen Independent clouses: 1 T didnt) have: isime “bo sget changed I dsas alneody late. as, ace use of a selon Is [fan emphosis+ —mene esas, one athina, osha loved mone then any othen + Eo dog # aclen also has non-gnammaticss uses 3n -+Hmey neo, business aonnespendence and mefenen eas - dash @)tnAldogh= je usedy to seponote usonds fnto ~——— statements: There! one’ +0 asmmen +ypes) of dashes en dash “and em dash. En dashes Tesice os long as a hyphen: T+ jndjate o anges asnnections on di fenentiotions . i Em dash: Longer -than -tne -en dash. The em ‘dash eon be Used ‘iin place of comma panenthesis en aslen- : : She geve him hen onsuser— Nol KephenO+ A uyphen is used +e Sein tec on mone a 1 words -legethen inte a compound. -team- 22% pan\-time, boaak-+to~ baat, Scanned with CamScanner A Me i es Nae > 2 ee ee ee ee eee ee @ Ponagnoph eoritings Dene a ponagneph 9 + 1 2) Panagnaph coniting process; writing the -tepie sence Adding supporting details Finding details Tt) selecting details 2) Arnonging -+he supporting details Dime eaden ii) space ender HD orden of Ympowtonee 4) Writing ~onsitions 1) nependting Yenpontent “cbshas i) using preneuns Tit) wepeating sentence pattenns fv) using woonds of Ananetion > Ending +he ponagnagh D some ponagnaph patenns: DeFini Cla ssifiaation on CompanisoN ond eontnast Cause and offeat Scanned with CamScanner OPacedemic vepertt he cotiting process ® Gecthering ideos ye © Gothening the last idea Questions fon Finding ideas ) Hows mony different subjects one Inclided unden the genenal +epic7 i) de you hove ‘ony " pénsands Knowledge about ony pant of -the -bepic) can’ youell o nue stony thek neletes +e +he assignment] I) Bo you heve an opinion or feeling cbout ony port of the -tepia] aan you beck up thet opinion or feeling 7 WW) pe you Knows of a beck, nevospoper on mogazine orticle, mevie or TV shows Fhet nelotes to ony pant of the tople) Poos ty alive You ony '{deos? Methods +s explone srougtts ond Ceebngs y D Freecontting, WW) deunnad cootting Ni) Broin storming b) Limiting the ideo | ond making 1 precise Questions For Umiting a topic D Who will read +his popen) W)Whed is +he punpose of +he Popen? ye ’ Hi) Do you knows energh obout the +tople +e conite about H) TP tet aQh wou Sind enough before tha. assignrmanl Tg duc? | RR rrrrrn Scanned with CamScanner SS ° ke WV) Ane you jnlenested jin -+he +topic? Vs youn abject teo big en teo small for the Lngih of -ne pape? 2) Building on the -Finst ides ® Pronning Questions +o considen {Hows many ponagnaphs cde I need 7 {Dae chet cader chould refenence +e 44s sounce- WI be ased7 Fellow +e pnepen nefenenaing gquidGnas. TT XX 3 Intnod uction P— Problem statement 0 5 objechves Lr > Litenatune ME > Methodsloay R-=> Pefenence Scanned with CamScanner ——————— a @ forma Reports Front meter: Foont matles $s cecded alten 4the vady and back maten of the neporl: Front pape Gs the —Finst postion of -the reporl and abstnoet table of contents, forccand, preface moter asntoins the +H page Ust of Pigunes. Ust of tables. ond et of. abbreviations ond symbols. Some of the elamens . of the Sront meter moey not be nequined » Howeven, the Hila page ond stable of eontents ane mandetory: A) Purposes Exploins-the —topic a the neport: — hows the nepont 1s ongonized » Pnovide Explains nepsnt + “tne panpese OF the ©) Poze Humbens’ “he peg] number Pages inthe LPromt matter 8s. smell. Reman namencss + miley ay Taw paget The Fepeting othe “Hite “page {ng gOS company’s nequinonnt may vonu ’ depends b) Abstnoals An obstnoct js a aondensed version of -the report. I+ summonizes the majon points of +he nepont and is meant +o provide enough. tatoamatien so —that 4+ on Is ane nequine. eosily sland alone. Pape of _eanberts (Todt Table of satan Panviney dune neaden cotth a Ust of heading ond page numben “foe ) Feamat: Each aiffenert punpese and 8) Exeautive sinner yt” “he exeative sommany is mene complete ovenview! then the abstnact- 0) antneductions “the Smtpoduction 46 meon} te jhe neoden Sth qenenad Sntoamations- provide no set Fonmulas potted content ctnfenmations Thene one (je ssriex Se : foe presenting dhe tort bat do consider 4_ audrvena. Scanned with CamScanner —aa ; 5) conclusions _and reesmmendatlons Ralls the nepoo\ -jogethen, Provides Recommendations for Riture actions: \ © Refenencess cite ony and all sources het you heve summanized- pana phrased or aAucted. Back mattent @antains all anpplemenier doouments , oo : Aoognaphs - ‘Appendices — Glossong. Andex eto! BA) VibUiognophys The LAbUognaphy Ts the alphob-chieel Usting of the sowr0es thet your Moa%s hewve Used §n youn reports. Provide all sounces ne+ ust he ones wou alle. The punpose 2 ne PibUegnaphy {sto proiae your e@Nesden woth additonal Srforemation ond +e cnedit Yourr sounces- eos i 8) Appendices: The appendices ene meant t= supplement -the bedy of by providing additiend Snformmedion thot may be -tee dense -fon -he audience of «the nepont but imoy be ‘at intenest +5 omg secondony audience members. ) Alessonge the glessony fs j-the, alphabetical Gstag of definthions of terms —thot ea here used |n youn nepeont- MAMVANRIaa aaa aaa aaa D)Indexs “he fndex Ye on alphetretical Usting of all teptes and subtopias Pound ia noun tople, Repo. TF youn repent beasma oa nefeneras cloopmant. gow afl esant 19 tnewude ein index Scanned with CamScanner @O4 ) Hopes of coniting stylest ‘E: . 4 ih rekosttony * The punpese of -

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