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India, China, Middle Ages Test

Multiple Guess
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1. Which of these reasons led to the decline of the Han Dynasty?

A. Conflict between the ruling elites
B. Economic depression from high taxes
C. Uneven land distribution
D. All of these contributed to the decline of the Han Dynasty

2. Which of these Indian rulers united the subcontinent under the Mauryan Dynasty?
A. Chandragupta
B. Cyrus the Great
C. Ashoka the Great
D. Alexander the Great

3. Which of the following lists, ordered from roles of greatest to least influence, most closely
reflects the feudal hierarchy of Medieval Europe?
A. Monarchs, Nobles, Knights, Free Peasants, Serfs
B. Patricians, Merchants, Knights, Tenant Farmers
C. Priests, Landowning Farmers, Merchants, Artisans, Slaves
D. Nobles, Knights, Free Peasants, Priests, Merchants

4. A person who has been excommunicated in Medieval Europe has been ____________.
A. branded a heretic and sentenced to death
B. banned from participating in Communion during Mass
C. recruited for the Crusades and blessed with the opportunity to die for Christendom
D. granted lands and titles for loyalty to the Catholic church

5. During the medieval era, the Eastern Orthodox Church was centered in the ____________
A. Russian
B. Polish
C. Byzantine
D. Abbasid
6. What is a significant difference between the legacies of the Roman Empire and the Han
Empire in China?
A. Whereas the imperial system using Confucianism in China continued until the 20th
century, the Roman Empire devolved into a feudal system under the Catholic Church in
Western Europe.
B. While Latin-based languages are still widely spoken around Europe, Han Chinese is
considered to be a dead language with no resemblance to modern Chinese.
C. While the Han dynasty still remained intact in Eastern China for many centuries, the
Roman Empire fell all at once.
D. While Rome declined mostly due barbaric invasions, the Han collapse was because of
large epidemics that took centuries for China's population to recover.

7. Which of the following is a factor that contributed to the collapse of both the classical empires
of Rome and Han?
A. Increases in population
B. Invasion by the Huns
C. Internal rebellions and external invasions
D. Invasion by the Visigoths

8. Which of the following is a title that was given to someone who pledged loyalty to and fought
for a lord in the feudal system in exchange for land and payment?
A. Serf
B. Vassal
C. Merchant
D. King

9. Which of the following options correctly outlines the political changes that took place in the
Roman Empire during the late classical period of the 4th, 5th, and 6th centuries CE?
A. Survival of both Western and Eastern halves of the Roman Empire
B. Total collapse of both Western and Eastern halves of the Roman Empire, each replaced
by new empires
C. Collapse of the Eastern Roman Empire to Byzantine forces, survival of a weakened
Western Roman Empire
D. Fall of the Western Roman Empire, survival of the Eastern Roman Empire

10. Which of the following rulers conducted a series of conquests throughout Italy and North
Africa with the intention of restoring the Roman Empire?
A. Ferdinand and Isabella
B. Justinian
C. Augustus Caesar
D. Constantine the Great

11. Name the large and wealthy city that was the imperial capital of the Eastern Roman,
Byzantine, and, finally, the Ottoman empire.
A. Athens
B. Troy
C. Rome
D. Constantinople

12. Approximately how long did the Byzantine Empire survive after the fall of the Roman
A. One-thousand years
B. Three-hundred years
C. One-hundred years
D. Fifty years

13. Clovis and Charlemagne were important rulers in the ____________.

A. Spanish Empire
B. Roman Empire
C. Region of Gaul, later called France
D. Kingdom of Naples

14. Who repelled the Islamic invasion of France in 723 CE, ultimately leading to the creation of
the Carolingian Empire?
A. Clovis
B. Charles Martel
C. Louis I
D. Pepin the Short

15. The division between Sunni and Shia Islam revolves around ____________.
A. whether Mohammed was actually a prophet
B. whether the Arabian tribes should have conquered such a large empire
C. reincarnation
D. who the ruler of the caliphate would be

16. After the death of the Prophet Muhammad, Islam ____________.

A. expanded rapidly due to the work of peaceful missionaries
B. expanded rapidly through military conquest and willing converts
C. expanded slowly due to the rigid control of Christianity
D. expanded slowly due to the technological limitations of the caliphate

17. The Byzantine Empire emerged as an offspring of which other super power?
A. The Roman Empire
B. The Mauryan Empire
C. The Ottoman Empire
D. The Aztec Empire
18. During the reign of Justinian I, the Byzantine Empire ____________.
A. declined in power due to the corrupt and ineffective practices of Justinian’s rule
B. reclaimed much of the land which had previously been held by the Western Roman
C. was conquered by the invading Ottomans
D. was formed, with its capital at Constantinople

19. The Byzantine Empire was formed from the ____________ Empire, but modeled its
culture on ____________.
A. Hellenistic . . . Ancient Egypt
B. Ptolemaic . . . Ancient Rome
C. Mauryan . . . Ancient Mesopotamia
D. Roman . . . Ancient Greece

20. The unifying of the Frankish kingdom by Clovis of Gaul likely contributed to __________.
A. the increasing role of Roman Catholicism in Europe
B. the use of Latin in Roman Catholic services
C. the decline of scholarship and formal education
D. the abdication of the last western Roman emperor

21. The medieval Church was a unifying force in Europe after the fall of Rome because it offered
A. execution for sinners
B. redistribution of wealth
C. stability and security
D. multiple sets of beliefs

22. Which factor contributed to the division of Western and Eastern Churches into Roman
Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy?
A. Declining interest in the Crusades
B. Growing power of Islamic caliphates
C. Opposing opinions on Christian theology
D. Dwindling trade across European kingdoms

23. A vassal is expected to show loyalty to a lord by _____________.

A. providing military service
B. farming a plot of land
C. following Christianity
D. arranging loans at no interest

24. Under the feudal system, nobles (land-owners) were required to provide serfs with which of
the following?
A. food
B. education
C. livable wage
D. protection
25. A common belief held by Jews, Christians, and Muslims is the idea that _____________.
A. only one God should be worshipped
B. a chosen group will receive salvation
C. any individual can be a religious leader
D. the souls of believers are reincarnated

26. Which Chinese invention contributed to the growth of intellectual life?

A. Terrace farming
B. Paper
C. Deep ocean capable vessels
D. Terracotta figurine sculpting

27. The fall of Constantinople occurred in which century?

A. The seventeenth century (1600s)
B. The ninth century (800s)
C. The fifteenth century (1400s)
D. The eleventh century (1000s)

28. People purchased Indulgences to __________.

A. gain noble titles in the Holy Roman Empire
B. finance the building of Stirling Castle
C. gain forgiveness for sins and go to heaven
D. gain the freedom of indentured servants

29. Which of the following cities, during the medieval period, became a prominent player in
international trade largely because of its vast merchant fleet?
A. London
B. Valencia
C. Amsterdam
D. Venice

30. As the center of trade between Europe and Asia, __________ spread Middle Eastern and
Chinese technology, mathematics, and philosophy in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.
A. the Netherlands
B. the Ottoman Empire
C. the Italian city-states, especially Florence and Venice
D. the Austro-Hungarian Empire

31. From which area did William the Conqueror, who unified England, come?
A. Normandy
B. Finland
C. Spain
D. France

32. What was considered the lowest social standing in early British history (1066-1600)?
A. Knight
B. Lord
C. Serf
D. Squire

33. What was the primary originating cause of the Hundred Years War (fought from 1337 to
A. Joan of Arc's rise to prominence, and her ability to lead an army to fight the English
B. The Catholic church's support of France over England
C. Animosity between Francis I of France and Henry VIII of England
D. Tensions between French and English Kings over land claims

34. Which of these did not contribute to the outbreak of the Black Death in 14th century Europe?
A. Overpopulated European cities
B. Rats crossing the Mediterranean on merchant vessels
C. Poor sanitation standards, and unsophisticated medical technology
D. Nordic Vikings transmitting goods and animals from North America

35. What was the purpose of crop rotation?

A. To prevent soil erosion
B. To allow the soil to recover lost nutrients
C. To improve diets by having different foods
D. To avoid widespread pest problems

36. Which of the following best describes the main goal of the Crusades?
A. To conquer the Holy Land (present-day Israel and Palestine) and place it under Christian
B. To sack Constantinople and establish a Latin Empire there
C. To co-rule Jerusalem with the Islamic Empire
D. To rediscover the teachings and accomplishments of ancient civilizations

37. How did cannons revolutionize medieval warfare?

A. They allowed armies to defend their positions far more effectively.
B. They brought about the end of the longbow and the crossbow as tools of warfare.
C. They made castles and other defensive fortifications somewhat useless.
D. They allowed armies to be more mobile and cover larger distances.

38. Why was the Magna Carta significant?

A. It was one of the earliest pieces of legislation that limited a monarch's authority. It laid
the groundwork for the establishment of parliament
B. It installed a new king, disposing King John even though he was still living
C. It gave peasants equal representation in the British judicial and legislative systems
D. It decreed that any first born child could claim their inheritance, regardless of gender

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