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lo mejor es que = the best thing is that mucho = a lot

ser = to be jugar = to play

mi abuelo = my grandfather mi hermano = my brother
la natación = swimming arroz = rice
chicle = chewing gum éxito = success
bbbb iglesia = church bbbb afueras = suburbs

menos = less aunque = although

tener = to have ir = to go
cuerpo = body leche = milk
moda = fashion ordenador = computer
castigo = punishment fracaso = failure
bbbb biblioteca = library bbbb árbol = tree

bastante = quite donde = where

es = it is son = (they) are
helado = icecream muerto = dead
equipo = team rebajas = sales
idioma = language nota = mark
bbbb campo = field/countryside bbbb dormitorio = bedroom

sin = without ayer = yesterday

vivir = to live puede ser = it can be
borracho = drunk caramelo = sweet
película = film dinero = money
consejo = advice instalaciones = facilities
bbbb edificio = building bbbb bosque = woods/forest
sin embargo = however nunca = never
tengo que = I have to vamos = we go
desayuno = breakfast cerveza = beer
pesca = fishing pantalla = screen
ayuda = help apoyo = support
bbbb fábrica = factory bbbb ducha = shower

barato = cheap enero = January

podemos = we can hay = there is
zumo = juice desventaja = disadvantage
descargar = to download estar en forma = to keep fit
recreo = break vender = to sell
bbbb río = river bbbb granja = farm

jueves = Thursday verano = Summer

soy = I am jugamos = we play
evitar = to avoid tener hambre = to be hungry
de lujo = luxury ropa = clothes
abogado = lawyer despacho = office
bbbb limpio = clean bbbb mar = sea

fácil = easy inútil = useless

decir = to say preocuparse = to worry
mejorar = to impove alegre = happy
leer = to read maquillaje = makeup
molestar = to annoy camarero = waiter
bbbb papelera = bin bbbb lago = lake
a menudo = often ahora = now
escuchar = to listen disfrutar = to enjoy
animado = lively porro = joint
riesgo = risk vela = sailing
charlar = to chat regla = rule/ruler
bbbb ruido = noise bbbb aseo = toilet

después = after seguro = safe

era = I/he/she/it was ahorrar = to save
tener miedo = to be scared emborracharse = to get drunk
albergue juvenil = youth hostel billete = ticket
cita = apointment bombero = firefighter
bbbb polideportivo = sports centre bbbb tienda = shop

noche = night antes = before

perder = to lose venir = to come
cerebro = brain saludable = healthy
alojamiento = accommodation corrida = bullfight
derechos = rights acoso escolar = bullying
bbbb semáforo = traffic light bbbb vida = life

hoy = today viejo = old

enfadarse = to get angry estar harto de = to be fed up of
sin techo = homeless barba = beard
cantar = to sing teclado = keyboard
cocinero = cook traducir = to translate
bbbb a pie = by foot bbbb ventana = window
nuevo = new duro = hard
había = there used to be morir = to die
casado = married guapo = good looking
equipaje = luggage extranjero = foreign
enfermero = nurse entrevista = interview
bbbb flor = flower bbbb compartir = to share

miércoles = Wednesday feo = ugly

comprender = to understand hablar = to speak
corto = short novio = boyfriend
llegada = arrival enviar = to send
jefe = boss periodista = journalist
bbbb atasco = traffic jam bbbb basura = rubbish/junk

raro = strange semana = week

me gustaba = I used to like me gustaría = I would like
jubilado = retired vecino = neighbour
libre = free postre = dessert
estar en huelga = to be on strike en paro = unemployed
bbbb contaminación = pollution bbbb desastre = disaster

caliente = hot lugar = place

viajar = to travel sería = it would be
sida = AIDS antipático = unpleasant
país = country coche = car
azafata = air hostess escritor = writer
bbbb grave = serious bbbb medio ambiente = environment
azúl = blue bajo = short
tengo = I have me chifla = I like
bigote = moustache edad = age
cuenta = bill Escocia = Scotland
explicar = to explain peluquero = hairdresser
bbbb peligro = danger bbbb tierra = earth

delgado = thin gordo = fat

cocinar = to cook abrir = to open
gente = people mascota = pet
maleta = suitcase vuelo = flight
empresa = company horario = timetable
bbbb aumento = increase bbbb malgastar = to waste

lleno = full pequeño = small

llamar = to call oler = to smell
nacimiento = birth pelo = hair
propina = tip viaje = trip
traductor = translator carnicero = butcher
bbbb matar = to kill bbbb culpa = blame

frío = cold viento = wind

usar = to use proteger = to protect
perezoso = lazy pobre = poor
Navidad = Christmas queja = complaint
pintor = painter correo = mail
bbbb selva = jungle/forest bbbb envase = packaging
abierto = open cerrado = closed
ayudar = to help fumar = to smoke
rubio = blonde soltero = single
media pensión = half board recuerdo = souvenir
rellenar = to fill in dependiente = shop assistant
bbbb inquietante = worrying bbbb gases de escape = exhaust fumes

mentira = lie cristal = glass

iba = I went fui = I went
travieso = naughty triste = sad
vista = view tomar el sol = to sunbathe
olvidar = to forget empezar = to start
bbbb tirar = to throw bbbb inundación = flood

amarillo = yellow viernes = Friday

ver = to see/watch bailar = to dance
pelea = fight jubilarse = to retire
quejarse = to complain alojarse = to stay
respuesta = answer aprender = to learn
bbbb dañar = to damage bbbb construir = to build

falta = lack aburrido = boring

iré = I will go dar = to give
destruir = to destroy voz = voice
salir = to leave/go out recibir = to receive
descansar = to rest derechos = rights
bbbb biblioteca = library bbbb ciudad = city
para = for tonto = stupid
bajar = to go down llenar = to fill
dejar de = to stop cuidar = to look after
al aire libre = outdoors salida = exit
taller = workshop cajero = cashier
bbbb puerta = door bbbb desaparecer = to disappear

casi = almost entretenido = entertaining

comprar = to buy creer = to believe
aviso = warning drogarse = to take drugs
estrella = star tocar = to play (instrument)
tarea = task amo de casa = housewife
bbbb mostrar = to show bbbb ladrón = thief

lo siento = sorry peso = weight

tenía = I had comer = to eat
amor = love romper = to break
hacer cola = to queue autopista = motorway
mirar = to look terminar = to finish
bbbb espacio = space bbbb cartón = cardboard

mes = month desde = since

saber = to know tomar = to take
atrevido = daring boda = wedding
tebeo = comic barco = boat
contable = accountant estresante = stressful
bbbb ayuntamiento = town hall bbbb pasillo = corridor
el año pasado = last year afortunado = lucky
se puede = you can tener suerte = to be lucky
cortés = polite caballo = horse
parada = stop telenovela = TV soap
cartero = postman aula = classroom
bbbb calle = street bbbb bolera = bowling alley

contra = against demasiado = too (much)

llegar = to arrive dormir = to sleep
guerra = war lavar = to wash
llevar = to wear quedarse = to stay
arroba = @ sello = stamp
bbbb comedor = dining room bbbb desperdicio = waste

primavera = spring llover = to rain

conocer = to know despertarse = to wake up
hombre = man esfuerzo = effort
seguir = to follow vista = view
comerciante = dealer estudiar = to study
bbbb lluvia ácida = acid rain bbbb aldea = village

lunes = Monday el fin de semana = the weekend

vivo = I live enamorarse = to fall in love
amable = friendly liso = straight
contraseña = password pasajero = passenger
camionero = lorry driver solicitud = application
bbbb castillo = castle bbbb concierto = concert

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