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• Child labour is the practice of having children

engage in economic activity on the part or full
time basis. The practice deprives children of their
childhood and is harmful for their physical and
mental development. Poverty lack of good
schools and growth of informal economy are
considered as the important causes of child
labour in India.
• According to the Census, 2001 figures, there
are 1.26 crore working children in the age
group of 5 to 14, as compared to the total
child population of 25.2 core. There are
approximately 12 lakhchildren working in
the occupations or process which are
Child labour covered under the Child labour, Prohibition
and regulation act that is 18 occupations
in India and 65 process. However as per survey
conducted by national sample survey
Organisation in 2004-05, the number of
working children is estimated at 90.75 lakh
it shows that the efforts of the government
have borne the desired fruits.

Primary causes Cultural causes Macro economic causes

Prohibits the employment of children below the age of 14
years and occupations and processes. Currently, 18
occupations, and 65 processes where in child labour is
The child labour prohibited.

Prohibition and Few places were not supposed to work like employment
regulation act, of children as dominant domestic workers and in roadside
eating eating dhabas hotels etc. Subsequently, caring for
1986 elephants and working in Circus is also banned

Child labour is an offence and there can be an

imprisonment of three months to one year or a fine of
Rs.10,000 to Rs.20,000 or both sometimes.
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