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By – Sathviki.Dasari
• Technology refers to the collection of tools, techniques,
and methods used to create, develop, and improve
products, services, and processes. It encompasses a broad
What is
range of fields, including information technology, technology
engineering, communication, and medicine. Technology
has had a profound impact on our world, shaping the
way we live, work, and interact with each other.
Improved Communication

Decreased Privacy

• Ways Accessible Shopping

Impacts Better Information Access

Our Lives:
Virtual Social Lives

Flexible Working

Smarter Health Tracking

1. Added Efficiency - automated processes, repetitive and redundant operations take
minimal time or labor while ensuring expected output.

Benefits of 2. Faster Decision Making - technological resources add accuracy to the decision - making
process as they reduce the scope of errors from manual operations.
in recent 3. Cost and Time-Saving - Since machines are way faster than humans, certain tasks that
times may require an incredible amount of manual work and attention to detail can be easily
accomplished with the help of technology.

4. Increased Innovation - Technology has proven to be the most useful resource for almost
any industry to move forward and make progress. Upgrades not only help organizations
step up but they also ease the operations for employees as well as people in general.
• Data security:
In the present world, some technologically savvy people have become hackers.
Therefore, our data is not at all safe. With the help of the latest technologies,
Disadvantages hacking into computers, bank accounts , personal details has become much
easier and much more comfortable sitting from their homes. Data is more likely
of technology to end up in the hands of terrorists, hackers, criminals, and other foreign
adversaries even when a single piece of information is shared online.
• People get distracted easily:
People are easily distracted by using various gadgets instead of reading anything
worthwhile. Children, adults, and young people are all active on social media,
which keeps them from doing their daily responsibilities. It can be challenging
for today's youth to concentrate on their education because most of them own a
phone or laptop.
• People become involved in seeing undesirable things:
The internet exposes people, particularly students and young people, to unsuitable apps.
They are using illicit apps which are suitable for their developing minds. Simply because
of the internet and technology, some people find humor in things that are not amusing.

• Addiction:
Some people are addicted to their daily movie-watching, internet gaming, and dating
of technology services. Some are addicted to playing online slots, which can have a variety of negative
impacts. Everything, including technology, is bad.
• Influenced nature:
One of the worst effects of technology on people is this. All of the water, land, and air
were severely polluted by factories and modern technology. Even though factories
produce goods that are helpful to humans, they greatly harm the earth and its
ecosystem in the process.
What is technology
• Technology addiction can be defined as frequent and obsessive technology-related
behavior increasingly practiced despite negative consequences to the user of the
technology. An over-dependence on tech can significantly impact students' lives.
While we need technology to survive in a modern social world, a severe
overreliance on technology—or an addiction to certain facets of its use—can also be
socially devastating. Tech dependence can lead to teen consequences that span from
mild annoyance when away from technology to feelings of isolation, extreme
anxiety, and depression.

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC.

Types of Internet and Technology


Effects of technology addiction

Mental Effects Physical effects

• Depression • Back Pain
• Anxiety • Headaches
• Inability to determine priorities or to postpone plans • Insomnia
• Isolation from one’s social environment • Unhealthy nutrition
• Losing the concept of time • Poor personal care and hygiene
• Avoiding work; poor performance at work or school • Neck pain
• Feeling of loneliness • Eye dryness and other vision problems
• Bored while performing routine work • Excessive weight loss or obesity
• Turn off Notifications

How to Turning off notifications is one of the most effective ways of managing internet addiction.
• Connect With Others

Overcome When we are addicted to technology, the time and energy we spare on technology and the internet ruin our relationships.
Focus on repairing your poor relations. Having real-life connections may make technology and the internet more

Internet dispensable.
• Reduce the Number of Devices

Addiction ? If you have fewer technology devices you will less likely develop a technology addiction.
• Designate Tech-Free Hours
One has to control the usage in order to beat addiction.
• Workout
A healthy body means a healthy mind. Physical exercises will relieve you of boredom and help you boost your energy. It
will also keep your mind off your devices, which will help with managing internet addiction.
Technology has both beneficial and
negative impacts. Many people use
technology to further their development,
while others use it to destroy the
environment and society.

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