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The Structure of the Spanish State – Student Presentations

In groups prepare and deliver a 5 minute presentation that clearly explains how the Spanish state is
structured and organised.
This should include but is not limited to information about:
▪ What type of government Spain has.
▪ The constitution.
▪ The different branches of government (executive, legislative, judicial).
▪ How the country is run (national, regional, provisional, local government).
▪ How the government is chosen.
▪ How elections work.
▪ How laws are passed.

A good presentation should:

1. Have a clear structure
2. Well planned and rehearsed
3. Be clear and easy to understand
4. Presented with confidence and full knowledge.
5. Focused on topic and convey required information
6. Engages with audience (e.g. eye contact)
7. Correct time length

If PowerPoint is used, do not put too much info on each slide and do not read everything to the

Presentations – Peer marking activity
For each category give a verdict of; excellent, good, ok, poor, very poor. Give some reasons to justify decision.
Group A clear Well planned Clear and easy to Confidence Focused, Engages with Correct Other
structure and rehearsed understand and correct audience time
knowledge information length


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