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Ans 1.
Introduction to Human Resources Management:
A Mix of an organisation`s people and material resources make up most
of it. Human resources ,on the other hand ,refer to the members of the
of the organization`s knowledge ,education ,skills and capacities .
contrarily,material refers to money and equipment that has been
prearranged for use in production or trade by organisations .An
organization`s employees are its most important and distinguishing
asset. Being successful at managing an organization`s human resources
is a dynamic ,challenging task,especially in today`s world where
economies are changing and the world has become a global village.due
to a lack of qualified resources and the increased expectations of the
modern worker ,the human resources role has grown more complex.

Objectives of HR Department in mirage investments Ltd.

HR Planning: According to Terry,human resources planning is an
activity that looks forward and tries to predict the future requirement
for human resources while keeping market changes , demand
projections ,the availability of competent candidates ,etc. in the order to ensure that individual supply and demand are
balanced at the appropriate time in future , human resouces planning
involves a number of tasks ,including estimating the numbers of
qualified individuals who will be available ,and what ,if anything ,needs
to be done . A job analysis can be used to assess how many personnel
are needed to complete certain tasks . this helps to foresee a
company`s need for human resources . in order to locate the best
candidates for the 250 positions that the HR department planned to fill,
between 300 and 400 people would be interviewed .organisational
planning ,which also comprises managerial efforts to set the company`s
future goals and choose the most effective ways to reach
them,incorporates .HRP as a subsystem . for example,if the business
intends to open 10 additional branches and 20 people are required at
each location ,HR staff would anticipate hiring 250 individuals.

Training and Development : Effective training and development efforts

enhance the growth of employee`s knowledge and skills and encourage
the generation of fresh,original ideas. To assist them perform as
expected and contribute to the success of the whole ,new hires should
receive training in certain areas when they join the organization.the
consequences is an improvement in overall quality , customer service
productivity ,organisational effectiveness ,and other aspects
.additionaly ,training and development foster a culture inside an
organisation that values dynamism ,teamwork ,and a strong working
realtionship. The task of creating the training modules and materials as
well as running the training sessions for new hires falls under the
preview of HR department .By comparing employees present abilities
and knowledge to job requirements ,job analysis helps identify
individuals who need more training and gives information for
structuring training programmes . for instance ,it would be necessary to
go through an induction procedure for new employees because they
would not be familiar with the company`s culture ,clients ,founders`
history ,or business practises .once they start working ,people training
would help them comprehend their tasks and execute as needed.

Recruitment and selection: Any organization`s recruiting strategy is

development from its personal policy ,or to put it another way,personal
policy serves as a roadmap for developing recruitment strategies . a
company needs to implement a recruitment strategy so they can hire
effectively and gather a pool of candidates .numerous factors have an
impact on the recruitment programme . organisational or internal and
environmental or external aspects can be used to categorise these
components . A realistic perspective of the position is provided by job
analysis ,which helps an organisation attract candidates and choose
those who best meet the requirements of specific job openings .for
instance,in the recruitement process HR professionals anticipate finding
quality personnel internally and choosing them for various positions.

Compensations and benefits : A good pay philosophy aims to recruit

,retain,and encourage high –caliber employees by including all the
benefits that an employee receives during the course of employment
for their contributions to the business .based on job
appraisal,remuneration consists of base salary ,incentives bonuses ,and
benefits .although compensation systems vary depending on the type
of job , they are generally similar for most positions within an
organisation. Compensation strategies are crucial to the success or
failure of a company because they are the only factor in creating a
competitive ,effective organisation.job analysis also aids in determining
employee compensation based on the nature of the job ,skills and
abilities needed ,associated risks , etc. For instance,since no two
employees are eligible for the same compensation ,HR personnel will
evaluate job positions and responsibilities before deciding on
compensation in accordance with the nature of the position .

Good industrial relations: For preserving positive workplace

connections nowadays,the human resources manager is primarily
accountable . He or she can support collective bargaining ,joint
,consultation ,and dispute resolution if necessary because they are fully
informed about perosnnel issues and have first-hand knowledge or
several labour and enactments . because of his intimate connections to
several committees that discipline , labour ,welfare ,safety,and
grievances ,the human resources manager has a big impact on
preserving workplace peace. He aids in setting up the grievance process
to handle employee complaints . for instance,when at work ,employees
may run into conflicts or concerns with coworkers or employers ;in
these situations ,HR personnel intervene and attempt to find effective
solutions ,which is how they preserve good workplace relations .

Final thoughts :

Finally ,it can be claimed that the HR department ensures the effective
and successful execution of all key HR functions and is crucial to the
operations of a business . The HR section has many positions open
,including those of specialist ,facilitator ,change agent,and controller.

Ans 2.
Details given in the question :
In the scenario at hand ,the luxe group of premium hotel chain wants to
restructure the HR department structure ,and I need to provide them
with advice in order to do so. Currently , a number of activities are to
be suggested that would fall under new subdivisions in the HR
department . I`ll talk about those activities ,but first ,let`s discuss the
evolving role of human resources in india .

Changing role of human resources in india

In india ,the role of HR has changed significantly .rather than being seen
as a compliance –checking body,human resources managers are now
viewed as strategic partners to the organisations .they participate in all
of the important business decisions made by the company,and their
role extends beyond designing the organisational structure to meet
changing market demand and attracting and retaining top talent ,as
well as insurance employment benefits . The responsibilities of HR in
india have expanded ;they are now change agents ,counsellors
,motivators ,trainers ,and also the employees` spokespeople.

Structure of the human resources department: The success of any

organisation is ultimately determined by the people who work there.
Organisations that have established a niche in the market by
developing high-quality products attribute their success to more than
just new tehcnology and processes ; rather ,it is result of their devoted
staff.As a result of the fact that all activities for the effective utilisation
of resources are carried out by the people in the organisation ,we can
say that among all the resources in an organisation ,human resources
are its most valuable asset. As a result, effective management of these
resources is the manager`s most important duty or task.

When deciding on the HR department structure,it`s crucial to consider

things like:
 Prior to developing the HR structure ,you should first identify all
the crucial concerns that could have an impact on the
development of your have already started
establishing the foundation for a future HR structure by
identifying the key areas of focus.
 Define the HR processes as well. To do this,list all important tasks
and responsibilities for the current HR procedures ,as well as how
you wish to collaborate with outside service providers.
 To properly plan this staffing ,management should be consulted .

Activities under the new sub divisions in the HR department :

Personnel transaction management: The sub division`s tasks include:

 Centralised time keeping

 Benefit administation
 Hr metrics analysis
 Payroll management

Example : Most firms engage in a practise known as “centralised time

keeping “ where the responsible team makes use of top talent to
streamline time and attendance data input ,lower payroll errors ,and
consistently deliver high levels of service.many large corporations ,like
amazon ,infosys have a dedicated central time keeping team to support
and manage time and attendance matters for all the employees .

Benefits administration is the management of the many benefits that

all businesses offer to their employees .this normally falls under the
purview of human resources and includes handling health insurance
and retirement plans,paid time off ,holidays ,and parental leave.
Payroll management is the fundamental practise that all businesses
,regardless of size,follow.In many organisations,performance may be
evaluated using a variety of HR metrics ,and these Metrics concentrate
on diverse areas such turnover,training ,return on human capital ,cost
of labour ,and expenses per employees .

Staffing management: The following are the personnel management

activities :

 Selection
 Hiring
 Transfers
 Promotions.

Example :Although every company has a unique hiring process,the

overall objective is always the same.promotions and transfer
opportunities ,for instance ,could be made available to an employee
who perform well .The aforementioned tasks are essential HR tasks
that are present in all businesses .wipro has a schedule hiring
procedure that requires candidates to go through three rounds of
interviews and takes 15 days in total . Employees performance is a
determining factor in promotions.

Organisational development : The activities under this sub division are

listed as follows:

 Talent management
 Employee assistance and referral
 Employee performance and discipline
 Equal employment opportunity
Example: organisations invest a lot of effort and resources into creating
career planning programmes to make sure that workers have ample
chances to succeed in their careers. corporates entities commonly
engage in talent management activities including appreciating all talent
and allowing employees the freedom to develop their skills.

Ethics and labour :This sub-division is responsible for the following


 Labour relations
 Labour contract administration
 Ethical conduct
 Regulatory and statutory requirements.

Example : Employer –related concerns like collective bargaining ,trade

unions , labour regulations,and labor-management relations are the
main topics of industrial relations,which is also sometimes reffered to
as employees relations or labour relations. Trade unions were
established because employers should value their workers and have
excellent ties with them. Employees are expected to adhere to all
policies and act morally.

Training and development: This sub division performs the following

activities :

 Corporate learning
 Mandatory certification training
 Leadership conference

Example : Every business holds the mandatory training sessions for its
employees ,and some businesses also demand certification traning . for
instance , infosys mandate that every regular employee attend at least
five training sessions annually to guarantee that they are all equipped
with the most recent skills and information and can contribute to the
company more efficiently and assist in achieving its objective .

Finally,it can be said that there are a lot of HR –related tasks and
subactivities ,thus every business should design its organisational
structure in a way that will make it possible for all of these activities to
be carried out successfully.

Ans 3 a.)
Demand forecasting : The practise of estimating the numbers and
calibre of workers that will be required in the future is known as HR
demand forecasting.These predictions are converted into activity levels
for each function and department based on long-term corporate
strategies .many factors ,including as competition ,the legal ,economic
,and political envoirnment ,budgetary contraints ,the rate of
production of new goods and services ,and organisational structure
,have an impact on demand forecasting.

Qualitative methods for human resources demand forecasting:

Delphi method: This is one of the finest ways to forsee the requirement
for human resources since a group of well chosen specialist forecasts
demand and offers their assessment of the needs for human resources.
A report is then made after summarising the responses these exports
delivered . The delphi techniques are suitable for firms where frequent
technical advancements have a large impact on workforce
requirements and attempt to reduce subjectivity in predicting .until all
outputs are in predicting .until all outputs are in agreement regarding
the anticipated need for human resources ,this process is repeated .this
approach considers the demands imposed on human resources by a
group of managers .the human resources specialist complies the labour
need ,the summarises the many comments ,and produces a report .

Managerial judgement- Based on their knowledge and the guidance

they give to present employees ,the departmental head reviews and
approves these forecasts .they determine the necessary number at the
end of the meeting ,which will let HR know what they can expect in
terms of future labour demand . one of two methodologies ,top down
or bottom –up ,may be used to create these forecasts .In the top –
down approach,the line managers receive the supervisor`s estimate
first,examine it,and then submit it.

Expert forecasts- A company`s future workforce requirements may

require advice from qualified HR specialist . These professionals are
consulted for caste and organisational human resource requirements
,including the skills and knowledge required to meet business
objectives .the fact that specialist nowadays may work for a company
internally or externally should be underlined .

Time series – past staffing levels are used to estimate future human
resources needs.identifying cyclical fluctuations will be made easier by
looking at historical staffing levels .long term agreements and
unpredictable behaviour long term trends are then extended or
predicted using a moving average exponential smoothing or regression
approach .In the actual world ,the ,majority of firms use this tactic.

Ans 3.b.)

According to terry,the job of human resources planning entails looking

forward and making an effort to assess future human resources needs
while keeping factors like market changes ,demand forecasts,the
availability of competent individuals etc.In mind estimating the number
of capable people needed to carry out the designated activities is a
necessary step in the planning of human resources .how many
individuals will be able to access it, and what –if anything –needs to be
done to ensure that ,at the appropriate moment in the future ,the
supply of individualised courses matches the demand for them?

HRP is only the process of foreseeing future demand for and supply of
the appropriate types of workers in the proper numbers inside an
organisation.The HR division can then begin the hiring and selecting
process .HRP is a part of organisational planning overall .Organisational
planning refers to managerial initiatives that identify the most effective
paths to achieve future organisational goals.

Demand forecasting – The process of estimating the future quantity

and quality of workers needed is known as human resources demand
forecasting is derived from long term corporates plans and translated
into activity levels for each function and department.human resources
demand forecasting is dependent on a number of factors including
competition ,the legal ,economic ,and financial enviornment ,the
production level of new goods and services ,organisational structure
,and so on.

Trend analysis method of demand forecasting- The anticipated

demand for human resources for a specific business component in
trend analysis is based on previous business trends.if sales volume has
increased during the previous five years ,the business might
overestimate it this year and recruit more staff as a result.alternately
,if the trend shows that there is a decline in the demand for the
company`s products ,the business may hire fewer individuals or not fill
any open positions .

The index analysis involves the following steps-

1. Select the appropriate business- choose a business index selling

level that is known to have a direct impact on the need for
workers inside the firm.
2. Track the index over time- It is important to go back at least four
or five years in time once the index had been chosen .
3. Track the workforce size over time- Keep track of the historical
data for the overall number of employees .
4. Calculate the average ratio – business index to the size of the
workforce ;in this stage .the number of employees needed to
generate $1000 in sales is calculated by dividing the number of
employees by the level of sales for each year.
5. Calculate the forecasted HR demand- To calculate the
anticipated annual demand for labour ,multiply the business index
annual forecasting by the ratio of average staff requirements for
the next years.

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