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I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. city B. special C. musician D. ocean
2. A. singer B. bringing C. belongings (đồ dùng cá nhân) D. finger
3. A. music B. compose C. famous D. reason

II. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others.
4. A. integral B. solemn C. entertain D. lullaby
5. A. express B. joyful C. emotion D. delight
6. A. musician B. classical C. lyrical D. gentle

III. Choose the best answer (A, B, C, or D).

7. She usually had a smile on her face, but now she looks + adj. .
A. cheerful B. joyful C. solemn D. delightful
8. She spoke with great of the hardships (giai đoạn khó khăn) she had
endured (chịu đựng).
A. more serious B. seriousness C. serious D. seriously
9. I'll sing the verses and I'd like you all to join in the .
A. guitarist B. chorus C. solo D. duet
10.Her reply showed that she was very to criticism.
A. Sensor (bộ cảm biến) B. sense C. sensitive D. senseless (vô
ích, bất tỉnh)
11.Greg’s bass guitar was . He should practise more.
A. out of tune (lạc tông, lâc giọng) B. out of control C. out of order (hư hỏng nói về
máy móc) D. out of reach (ngoài tầm tay với)
12. The band is going to release its new next week.
A. double B. couple
C. single (đĩa đơn) D. unique (adj) đặc sắc
13. The governor's speech set the tone the whole conference.
A. to B. off C. for D. in
14.This drug can be safely used in combination with other medicines.
A. for B. on
C. with D. between
15. He resigned as manager he was tired of all the things he had to face every
A. because of the fact that B. so
C. due to the fact that D. due to
16.The problems are not serious. , we shall need to tackle (giải quyết) them
A. Moreover (Hơn nữa) B. Therefore C. In addition (Thêm vào đó) D.
Nonetheless = However = Nevertheless = Tuy nhiên
17.I couldn't possibly afford in that restaurant.
A. to be eaten B. to eat C. eating D. to eating
18.He came home early see the kids before they went to bed.
A. in order that B. so that C. so as not to D. in order to
19.His written French is very good, but he needs to practise + Ving it.
A. to speaking B. spoken C. speaking D. to speak
21.Have you broken the mirror? , we can buy another one.
A. Never mind B. Of course C. Break a leg D. Not at all
22. litres of fuel does a coach hold?
A. Whichever B. How much
C. How many D. Whatever
23. is the price of a dish of five-coloured sticky rice?
A. How many B. What C. Where D. When
24. does this iPod belong to?
Whose iPod is this?
A. Which B. What
C. Whose D. Who
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSET in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
25. He was dancing around and singing at the top of his voice.
A. very mournfully B. very elegantly (duyên dáng, trang nhã)
C. very loudly D. very beautifully
26.She bought the painting for a song.
A. very cheaply B. at reasonable prices (giá cả phải chăng)
C. very expensive D. very smoothly

IV. Choose the suitable word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) to fill the blanks in the following
Happy, sad, angry, triumphant, and everything in between – there is music to express (27)
type of human emotions. Whether you are listening to someone else’s music, singing
along, or creating your own, music provides a healthy outlet (giải pháp) for your emotions. At
the same time, listening to or creating music can also directly (28) your mood (tâm
trạng) and emotions.

Studies have shown that listening to upbeat music can make people happier. Similarly,
listening to sad music can help people who are feeling sad to feel better. Through words,
rhythms (nhịp điệu), and melodies, music can engage (combine) both the mind and the body,
altering (đổi mới) or enhancing (củng cố) your perception (nhận thức) of a situation. (29)
tempo of the music can affect the brain directly, causing a state of alertness with faster
tempos, and relaxation or meditation (thiền tịnh) with slower tempos.

Music therapy (liệu pháp chữa bệnh) (30) use of these physical effects of music to
bring the benefits to patients of all ages and diagnoses (chẩn đoán) to reduce stress and pain,
while improving mood and outlook (quan điểm sống). Music therapists help patients choose
music to listen to, and engage (lôi kéo) them in singing and playing music of their own. This
practice dramatically ( 1 cách đáng kể) enriches (làm phong phú) the lives of people living (31)
illness or injury.

27.A. every B. all C. some D. most

28.A. affects B. affect C. effect D. effectively
29.A. None B. A C. The D. Few
30.A. does B. gets C. takes D. makes
31.A. in B. on C. with D. at

V. Error identification.
32. (A) The house was (B) enough comfortable but (C) not (D) luxurious. comfortable
33.The doctor (A) called to confirm (xác nhận) (B) about the appointment (C) this morning
while you (D) were sleeping. Omit "about"
Confirm something
Survive something (He survived the battle.) [k có after sau survive]
34.I (A) would rather (B) to stay home (C) than (D) go out tonight with him. stay
35.(A) That he cheated (B) in the exam (C) were (D) unforgivable. Was
That you don’t love me is not important to me.
Heavy subject – Singular Subject

VI. Supply the correct forms of the words in brackets.

1. She was still in for her husband. (mourn) mourning (n)
2. In my opinion, no other even begin to approach (sánh kịp) Mozart.
(compose) composers
3. speaking, their latest album is nothing special. (music) musically
4. He was acclaimed (khen ngợi) for his powerful, voice and the ease with
which he could sing high pitch notes. (melody) melodious
5. The equator (đường xích đạo) is an line around the middle of the earth.
(imagine) imaginary (adj)
Imaginative (adj) phong phú về trí tưởng tượng

VII. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning.

1. They began/ started to use running water after the epidemic broke out.
Running water
Running water began/started to be used after the epidemic broke out.
2. ‘My father built this house in 1993,’ he said to me.
He told
He told me (that) his father built that house in 1993.
3. If we raise and resurface the roads, they will not be muddy and flooded.
Unless we raise and resurface the roads, they will be muddy and flooded.
4. What is the height of this tower?
How high is this tower?
5. What is the price of your MacBook Air? (COST)
How much does your MacBook Air cost?

I. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answers to the questions that follow.
People listen to classical music all over the world. One reason for its popularity can be the
different meanings it may bring to different people at different time. Some famous classical
composers were Bach, Vivaldi, Haydn, and Mozart. In their music, they did not tell a story or
show strong emotions. They wanted to make a beautiful, interesting design. They wanted to
write lovely sounds.
Then composers started to interpret ideas. They told stories about wars, armies and
soldiers. They wrote about religions. Sometimes they composed music for holidays. They told
love stories and showed strong emotions. Some of these composers were Beethoven, Schumann
Chopin, Mendelssohn, Wagner, and Tchaikovsky.
Classical music has stayed with us for a long time. Bach wrote about 300 years ago,
Beethoven wrote about 200 years ago, and Tchaikovsky wrote over 100 years ago. With closing
eyes while listening to classical music, we can see the design. We can listen to the same piece
of classical music many times and enjoy it in different ways. Classical music can be difficult to
understand sometimes because some pieces require us to think really hard in order to interpret
their messages. Still, it is a wonderful music category which is absolutely worth listening to.
1. Classical music is famous
A. in the Western B. in Europe
C. in the United States D. all over the world
2. The first classical composers wanted to
A. tell stories about religion B. write lovely sounds
C. show strong emotion D. B and C
3. According to the text, some stories not mentioned in the works by the composers are
A. love B. wars C. religions D. racial discrimination (phân biệt chủng tộc)
4. According to the text, all of the following statements are false, EXCEPT
A. Beethoven composed music more than 5 centuries ago.
B. Bach didn’t want to make an interesting design.
C. Tchaikovsky told stories in his works.
D. Schumann always wrote music that was difficult to understand.
5. One special thing about classical music mentioned in the text is that
A. people can listen to classical music all the time without getting bored of it.
B. one piece of music can mean differently if people listen to it at different time.
C. only rich and wealthy people enjoy classical music.
D. classical music is good for babies.

II. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. No, I saw it with my own eyes. You broke her vase ________ purpose. On (1 cách cố tình)
>< by accident (vô tình, lỡ tay)
2. Don’t worry! They are ________ the way (đang trên đường đi). They’ll be here in 5 minutes.
By the way: nhân tiện
In a way: theo 1 cách thức nào đó
3. She was born ________ December 12th, 1998, ________ Texas. on/ in
4. Conservationists are trying to save these kinds of plants ________ extinction. from
5. The old woman warned them _________ going out after midnight. against (not to...)
Fight against >< fight for

III. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets.

1. The house (decorate) by the designers before we moved in. had been
2. I will get some students (plant) a few young trees along the pavement. to
3. This meeting is not worth (listen) anymore. listening
4. This guy risked + Ving (kill) by putting a pen into an electrical socket.
being killed
5. Hardly/ Scarcely had I opened the door when he (come) in. came

No sooner had I opened the door than he came in. (Vừa khi thì)

As soon as + Clause 1 (Simple Past), Clause 2 (Simple Past)

As soon as I opened the door, he came in.

IV. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning.

1. He missed the train because he forgot to set the alarm. (Make a question for the underlined

Why did he miss the train?

2. No one has seen John ever since his wife died in the accident.
John hasn’t been seen ever since his wife died in the accident.
3. How deep is the swimming pool?
What is the depth of the swimming pool?
4. ‘Was he in agreement with the solution (which was) offered last week?’ she said to me.
She asked
She asked me if/whether he had been in agreement with the solution offered the
previous week/the week before.
5. Lisa is my colleague. We saw her on TV last night.
Lisa, whom/who we saw on TV last night, is my colleague.

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