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It is common knowledge that daily life is very taxing and straining, and it has

been like that for many generations of society. Naturally, humans have sought after
many different ways to cope with such stress, with the most common being finding a
leisure activity to relax after a long day of work.
The act of falling back on leisure activities is still a common habit to this day,
and I can confidently say that I rely on it often to keep my mental health in
check. Apart from it being a necessity, I also find such activities quite
enjoyable, and here is why:

One of the leisure activities I do most often would be playing online games with
some of my friends. Such an activity appeals to me dearly as I enjoy the idea of
being able to bond more with people I know in my daily life, but through the screen
instead of being face to face like usual. Through participating in online games
together, we also often get the chance to talk to each other in a more light-
hearted environment, outside of the walls of our learning venues and schools.
Through these games, I am also able to strengthen friendships with those I play
with as these games often require teamwork in order to succeed, thus forcing us to
work together. Additionally, the games I usually play require a lot of focus and
attention, which allows me to escape from reality and forget about my real world
problems while I play such games. In summary, I feel that this hobby benefits me in
many different ways, and it is why I love it so much.

Another leisure activity I often do after a long day is to indulge myself in music.
There are two ways I usually do this, with one being listening to music and the
other being playing music on my instrument. When it comes to listening to music, It
appeals to me much as it is something I can do on the fly, being easily accessible
with just a few clicks on my mobile phone. A reason why I love indulging myself in
nice music is that It helps distract me from my train of thought, and it is a
method I often use when something stressful or bad is stuck in my mind. On the
contrary, I find music just nice to listen to and is also something I have playing
in the background at most times of the day while I engage myself in other
activities like doing homework, in which case the music can occasionally make me
feel more energetic and motivated to complete my tasks. On the other hand, I also
enjoy making music when I am not listening to it. Making music instead of listening
allows me to play a more active part in my music entertainment, with me being able
to manipulate the music in ways I feel best. Playing an instrument also allows me
to express myself through music, something which I feel, is explicably unique to
making music.

There are many more hobbies I love and enjoy, but most of them are similar in the
way that I have a keen interest in them, and that they help me escape the grasp of
reality and they can free me from the burden of real life responsibilities while I
am partaking in such activities. Every person on earth would have different
interests and hobbies they use to relax after a long day of work, but ultimately, I
think that everyone has such an activity in order to relax.

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