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Advance database system for this learning Outcome

Use different recovery methods when there is a database failure

1. Which of the following statements accurately describes database recovery?

a) It involves creating a backup of the entire database.

b) It ensures the system remains operational during a failure.

c) It restores the database to a consistent and usable state after a failure.

d) It prevents failures from occurring in the first place.

2. Which recovery method focuses on restoring the database to a known previous state using a

a) Log-based recovery

b) Checkpoint-based recovery

c) Deferred database modification

d) Immediate database modification

3. Which recovery method involves replaying logged actions to bring the database to a consistent

a) Shadow paging

b) ARIES recovery algorithm

c) Transaction log replay

d) Multi-database recovery

4. In the context of recovery methods, what is the purpose of checkpoints?

a) To perform incremental backups of the database.

b) To provide a recovery point in the event of a failure.

c) To replicate data across multiple nodes for fault tolerance.

d) To distribute data fragments across different servers.

5. Which recovery method allows for updates to be applied immediately and directly to the

a) Log-based recovery

b) Deferred database modification

c) Immediate database modification

d) Checkpoint-based recovery

6. Which recovery method is most suitable for a distributed database system?

a) Immediate database modification

b) Transaction log replay

c) Multi-database recovery

d) Shadow paging

7. Which recovery method is focused on minimizing the impact of failures by deferring

modifications until a committed state?

a) Checkpoint-based recovery

b) Immediate database modification

c) Deferred database modification

d) Log-based recovery

8. Which recovery method is known for its efficiency and speed but requires additional storage

a) ARIES recovery algorithm

b) Shadow paging

c) Transaction log replay

d) Deferred database modification

9. Which recovery method ensures atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID)
properties of database transactions?
a) Shadow paging

b) Immediate database modification

c) ARIES recovery algorithm

d) Multi-database recovery

10. Which recovery method focuses on minimizing the loss of committed transactions during a

a) Log-based recovery

b) Deferred database modification

c) Checkpoint-based recovery

d) Immediate database modification

11. Which recovery method involves dividing a database into smaller fragments and storing them
on different nodes?

a) Data replication

b) Data allocation

c) Horizontal fragmentation

d) Vertical fragmentation

12. Which recovery method is known for its ability to recover the database to a consistent state
even after a crash during recovery?

a) Shadow paging

b) ARIES recovery algorithm

c) Checkpoint-based recovery

d) Transaction log replay

13. Which recovery method relies on maintaining a transaction log that records all database

a) Multi-database recovery

b) Immediate database modification

c) Log-based recovery

d) Deferred database modification

14. Which recovery method involves rolling back uncommitted transactions and redoing committed
transactions based on the transaction log?

a) Checkpoint-based recovery

b) Transaction log replay

c) Shadow paging

d) Immediate database modification

15. Which recovery method is best suited for a system that requires high availability and minimal

a) Deferred database modification

b) ARIES recovery algorithm

c) Immediate database modification

d) Log-based recovery

16. Which recovery method involves creating incremental backups of only the changes made since
the last full backup?

a) Differential backup

b) Shadow paging

c) Log-based recovery

d) Checkpoint-based recovery

1. c) It restores the database to a consistent and usable state after a failure.

2. b) Checkpoint-based recovery
3. c) Transaction log replay
4. b) To provide a recovery point in the event of a failure.
5. c) Immediate database modification
6. b) Transaction log replay
7. c) Deferred database modification
8. b) Shadow paging
9. c) ARIES recovery algorithm
10. c) Checkpoint-based recovery
11. c) Horizontal fragmentation
12. b) ARIES recovery algorithm
13. c) Log-based recovery
14. b) Transaction log replay
15. c) Immediate database modification
16. a) Differential backup

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