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A.Content Standard:
The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
1.The influence of biodiversity on the stability of ecosystem
2.An ecosystem as being capable of supporting limited number of organisms

B.Performance Standards:
The learners shall be able to: Write an essay on the importance of adaptation
as a mechanism for the survival of a species.

C.Learning Competency:
The learners shall be able to:
1.Explain how species diversity increase the probability of adaptation and
survival Of organisms in changing environment.
2.Investigate the relationship between population growth and carrying
3.Demonstrate ways to minimize human impact on the environment.

D.Specific Objectives:
At the end of the lesson,the students should be able to:
a.explain how species diversity increase the probability of adaptation and
survival Of organisms in changing environment;
b.investigate the relationship between population growth and carrying
c.demonstrate ways to minimize human impact on the environment.

II.Subject Matter
A.Topic: Ecosystem
B.Materials:. PowerPoint presentation,Color Paper,small board,Marker
C.Strategy: 4A's Strategic Plan
D.Theory: Constructive Theory

Activity 1: Motivation

•The class will be divided into two groups,the teacher is the facilitator and the grade
8 students should act the scenario that the teacher will give.
•The teacher will count 5 seconds and the group will stop moving,the teacher will
now decide and declare the winner of the best picture of the scenario.


2.Classroom Setting
4.Happy Family
5.Fiesta Celebration.
Prepared by: Tariao, Catherine V. BSED
Activity 2: Review

•The class will be divided into 2 groups
•Each group will form a circle and the teacher will provide a chalk and small board
where the students will write there answer.
•The teacher will now paste a number in the board which corresponds to a word related
to ecosystem.
•The first group that can decode the number will be declare as the winner.

Numbers that need to decode:






Prepared by:Tariao, Catherine,V. BSED-3B

Activity 3:Activity

•The teacher will divide the class into 3 groups
•Each group will be given an envelope,inside the envelope are manila paper,and
stripes of paper.
• All you need to do is to arrange the strips of paper to form a different scenario in an
•After you finish fixing and forming the picture,paste it on the board and answer the
following questions.

Group 1:

Group 2:

Group 3:

Prepared by: Tariao, Catherine BSED-3B

Activity 4: Analysis
Answer the following questions.

1.Based on the picture that you have formed a while ago how can you define

2.What is the picture all about?

3.What is an ecosystem made of?

4.What is the importance of ecosystem to us humans?

5.How can we protect our ecosystem?

6.Did humans depends on ecosystem?

7.Give at least 5 benefits that the ecosystem give to us.

8.How can we balance our ecosystem?

9.What is the contribution of different animals in balancing our ecosystem?

10.How can you imagine 10 years from now if we continue to destroy our ecosystem?

Prepared by: Tariao, Catherine V. BSED-3B

. Activity 5: Abstraction
Answer the following.

1 What is ecosystem contain of?

2.What is being conserved in ecosystem?

3.What is the function of ecosystem?

4.What kind of pollution is worst for our health?

5.What kind of pollution personally bothers you?

6.What are the biggest problems facing our environment?

7.What would you do to save our environment?

8.Why is ecosystem so important in life?

9.What is the most important part of an ecosystem?

10.What is the living part of an ecosystem called?

Prepared by: Tariao, Catherine BSED3B

Activity 6: Application
•You will be group into 3 groups and each group,must present a scenario or role play
about species diversity,and survival of organism in changing environment.
•I will give you 10 minutes to prepare and after that you will present it to the class.


Prepared by: Tariao, Catherine V BSED-3B

Activity 7:Generalization
•In this activity,everyone will dance as the music play,
• when the music stop each of you must freeze and hold on that position until the
music begins to play again
•If the student does not freeze immediately or caught moving while the music
stop,he/she has to answer the questions that are provided.

1.Give atleast 5 ways to promote a clean and green environment.

2.In your own words what is ecosystem?

3.How interested are you about preservation of the environment?

4.What are the 5 examples of environment?

5.How to protect our environment?

6.Compare and contrast food chain and food web.

7.Are nonliving components of an ecosystem important?Why?

8.How is an ecosystem an example of a system?

9.Why do organisms interact with their environment?

10.Ecosystems are complex.What features must an ecosystem have to be


Prepared by: Tariao, Catherine V. BSED-3B

Activity 8:Evaluation

•I will devide the class into 5 groups
•Each group will present a 2 minutes jingle about the relationship between population
growth and carrying capacity
•I will give you 10 minutes to finish the task and after that you’ll present it to the class.


Prepared by: Tariao Catherine V. BSED-3

Activity 9:Assignment

•I will group you into 3 groups
•Each group will make a 5 minutes video presentation about the different ways to
minimize the negative impact of humans to the environment.

Prepared by: Tariao, Catherine V. BSED-3


Activity 2.
Activity 3.
Group 1-

Group 2.

Group 3.

Prepared by: Tariao, Catherine V. BSED-3B

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