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Q:How do you think you can learn to function independently

in English?

Ans: No, you can’t learn to functional English independently because it is very difficult to learn independently
without any guider or teacher.

Q:What kinds of conversation can you easily take part in?

Ans: I would like to take part in conversation about computer languages because I like to get new and interesting
information about languages.

Q:Which of the four language skills do you find easiest:

listening, speaking, reading, or writing? Which do you

find difficult?

AnS: Languages like English, Urdu , Html and C are easy to me while Chinese , Python, Java script are very difficult
to me.

Q:What roles do family, culture, and environment play in

using English for communication?

Ans: They didn’t play any role because our national language is urdu so there is a lack of english language.

Q: What are your strength and weakness ?

Ans: The strength is that I am hardworking and don’t quickly give up and the weakness is that I didn’t have too
much skills.

Q:What is the strongest aspect of your personality?

Ans:The strongest aspect of my personality is I am helpful and kind to others. I love to care those who are needy.

Q:Why did you decide to apply for this position?

Ans: I have keen desire to become a programmer and have interest in programming that’s why I choose BSCS to be
a successful in life.

Q: What do you know about this organization ?

Ans : I’m the student of first semester iand its my first week and I knew very little about this institute. It’s a friendly
organization and peaceful environment.

Q:Tell me something about yourself?

Ans: I have done my intermediate rencently with excellent grades and also have some skills of web development
and currently I am student of CS In ncbae.

Q:What is the professional achievement you are most proud


Ans:As a first semester student of computer science and I have some skill about HTML or CSS.

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